posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:59 PM
I quite often come across posts which include images within them that are enormous, and result in the page being misshaped , and the need to scroll
the screen from left to right to read the posts in them.
It would be really helpful if people could be aware of this before adding images to posts.
There is however a really simple solution to the problem, which is to add a little code to resize your image.
I'll use a picture of my friendly kitty to show you how.
if you right click the image and then click on properties, you can tell how many pixels high and wide the image is.
Now to make my image smaller.
To reduce the size by half, I need to halve the values of my dimensions to 155x 220 pixels, which I can do by simply adding the values into the code
used to insert an image. You can see where it is added in the image below.
The first line would be for my full sized image, and the second which includes the added code (=155x220) will produce my half sized picture.
hey presto, here is my half sized kitty
external image
pretty easy right? You just have to be sure to keep the height x width ratio correct when you reduce your image so that you don't end up with
something like this
external image
and it's also a good idea to use the preview post option before adding your post to the board to see the results of your resizing.
[edit on 16-3-2005 by pantha]