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UK just cant do fear like US

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posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: fotsyfots

I couldn't read another one of your pathetic statements without responding & this one is ripe for pointing out your spineless & ignorant to reality mindset. Every single restriction imposed thus far can never be blamed on " p*ss head revellers nor the educated non mask wearers.
Equally absurd is the gullible repeating of nonsense that this is all the fault of this alleged Covid-19 or any other ailment as it knows nothing of a democratic society.
The sole " culprits " for turning the world population's normal lives upside down lays at the feet of the elected Governments coming out with these batsh*t crazy demands time & time again.
Wake up dude & attempt to think & act for yourself instead of lazily expecting beauracrats to pave the way for your daily existence because I got a surprise for you. Whilst you've been staring through your rose coloured glasses at whatever version of reality brings you quasi contentment that your serving your Government & peoples admirably you've been lulled into a way of thinking that I dare say your ancestors from generations gone would be ashamed of for you & at you.
Think man ! Have you never encountered a risk assessment of any given action in your life thus far ? Your 'caring' Government as well as others fall over themselves usually to introduce the damn things before handballing responsibility for eventuating outcomes to Mr. & Mrs. Citizen.
So why no such necessity for face masks to name but one " demand " handed out ?
Write to your local MP & ask as the rule abiding Government lacky that you seem to pride yourself in being & let us know how you get on, will you ?
** Newsflash ** One of yours, Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries coined the phrase "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely". I don't think this reality went out of favour at turn of century or start of 2020, so I'm obliged to inform you that is actually you & those like you with same programmed mental state that are doing more harm to yourself your family your community & country by lamely going along with whatever you are told regardless of how ass about backwards & lacking of concrete proof each stupid encroachment of self is.


posted on Sep, 28 2020 @ 07:36 AM

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