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UK just cant do fear like US

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posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 03:43 AM
asking for clarity

should I continue to wear a respirator when I paint graffiti murals since apparently masks don't do anything ?

I just want to make sure I don't get toxic chemicals in my lungs when I spray paint

I mean i've been using them since i was 17 and so far I haven't had any lung damage or back infections from wearing them every day breathing in all that CO2 in my mask and all the bacteria I breathe back in from my mouth, which was already in my mouth to begin with , sometimes I forget my mask and I end up with an extremely sore head and a dry itchy throat after painting all day with aerosols and I have paint up my nose and coated over the inside of my mouth
takes a couple days to get it all out

so should I just ditch them because clearly they aren't working I mean replace the filters every few months depending on how much Ive been painting , I guess its a waste of money then
the whole time I thought the mask and filters were physically protecting my lungs from breathing in harmful substances

Oh well

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: carsforkids

Can you actually remember what you said ? Let me remind you.

I'm a full
grown adult and I'll decide for myself what I'm gonna wear

No, society determines what you wear. Unless you want to go out into the streets naked and get arrested. Which i already stated. In fact why don't you try it and let us know how you get on.

You really have got that much intelligence have you.

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: alldaylong

Are you capable of a post that is logical and not
ignorant? Please prove that much with your next post?

Wow you are completely irrational. Nope failed again.

Lets try on topic shall we? Got anything or just more ad hominem attacks?

In fact why am I try'n to have this conversation? It's clearly impossible.
i won't forget that I'm a gentleman darling take your last shot.

edit on 23-9-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I just want to make sure I don't get toxic chemicals in my lungs when I spray paint

This is so perfect. If you don't know the difference between a mask and
respirator I wouldn't let you paint an out house. What the hell is wrong
with you people? What a bunch of goners! lol
I think you been do'n something else with that spray paint pal
edit on 23-9-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: carsforkids
if you didnt get that I was joking , then that's cool but I was totally taking the piss ,

I do know the difference , because an n95 mask is still considered a respirator even though its single use aka the common dust mask
as is the 3m half mask respirator 6000 series which I have , the only difference is that the 3m half mask respirator 6000 series is reusable and has filters to increase the length of its usage and protection for the user by offering different levels of protective filtration from fumes , vapors , gases and particulates

edit on 23-9-2020 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: sapien82

F#@$&^% Sarc meter was off I cant depend on anything anymore.
The graffiti should've told me.

Damn! What do I do now? I know!

Okay you can paint i'm sorry ova herea!

edit on 23-9-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: carsforkids

I was just pointing out that Ive been using masks nearly every other day since I was 17 and im now 37 and ive never experienced anything apart from protected lungs
and no sore heads and stuff

sure Ill get a runny nose from using it all day long , but that goes away by the next morning .

Watch this video it should clear things up for us all

edit on 23-9-2020 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Amigo aren't you worried about that runny nose turning into a runny

Take your time and suit up this graffiti's important sh#T.

Was that Zach Galifianakis?

edit on 23-9-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: carsforkids


there isnt much brain to run out !

yeh I always make sure im not getting covered in paint and also make sure my lungs are good
should probably give up smoking eh !

graffiti is important # , how else would you know that jaoni loves chachi
or fred was here

graffiti is pretty much how we got to here

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: carsforkids

Despite the scientific evidence to suggest that masks work provided by people who know what they are talking about?

Clearly your not up for believing them.

Anyhoo i will wear my mask ta much.

Whats going on in Victoria that will bring about check out time, im just up?

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: Midnite247
a reply to: ufoorbhunter
yeah, u know what, i cant argue with that logic tbh, and i get the blsht reasoning behind it... but at the end of the day its just trying to appease both camps.... but been there/done that, if ur shutting a pub at 10 instead of 11, guess what... im just swallin more quicker....and they know that.

and they didn't close down Tesco's so you can still pop in there at 10.15 get 48 cans and go partying all night.

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

You wanna see where your obedience is taking us?
This isn't some joke.

I got kids that are trying to make a go of it in this world.
edit on 23-9-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: carsforkids

Link don't work.

Just post the URL.

2 kids of my own mate hence prudence is of the utmost concern.
edit on 23-9-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Then you should know what's going on? Or should I ask what
you do for a living?

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

although not in Scotland due to minimum pricing

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: carsforkids

Say what now? LoL

You can ask what ever you please, im not exactly a closed book.

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 06:25 AM
The Mask thing/controversy is nothing new in human history and neither are the attitudes - - And there is a History .....

So after all the hand wringing the simple fact of the matter is Times change and People don't ... and sometimes the script gets flipped

....., cities around the world passed mandatory masking orders. Historian Nancy Tomes argues that mask-wearing was embraced by the American public as “an emblem of public spiritedness and discipline.”......(In Canada) masks were “widely unpopular” and that even in places with mandatory masking orders in place, people often failed to wear them or just pulled them on when police appeared.....

The above was talking about 1918

A brief history of masks from the 17th-century plague to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic

Carry on

edit on 9232020 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

although not in Scotland due to minimum pricing

Total disgrace how they are fleecing you up there. It might be time to get rid of your local Parliament and let the Westmister possee save you from yourselves

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Alright are you afraid to step up for kids against tyranny?
Are you afraid to die for them for their freedom?
because right now you're hiding from the obvious.
And that just looks like real fear to me.

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: UKTruth

This 10pm crap sounds like Cinderella story if ever there was one. LoL

I mean whats the deal does COVID 19 break out the brass knuckles past 10 oclock???

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