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Missing 411: The Hunted

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posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: one4all

Not implants?
I heard they used implants.

And frequencies.

I can’t tell if you folks are serious or not ¯_(ツ)_/¯

.....any sources on this stuff please?
edit on 12-7-2020 by washy76 because: Because

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 03:53 PM

I wondered what the general consensus on ATS is of David and his works?

First off, thanks for the heads up, I'll be watching that.

I've been listening to David Paulides from his first book release years ago. I like his style of presenting facts rather than just his opinion.

However, I'm lead to believes that he clearly thinks a big foot/shapeshifter is taking people and this is a super natural phenomenon. But he simply does not want to discredit himself. And his opinion has probably changed throughout time. Infact he says this himself.

I thought his first documentary was dull, I also think his books are dull. However his interviews can be outstanding.

I think he is legit. And one of the very few in the field of paranormal research who are.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: drussell41

I have heard the "samurai" chatter once in deep forest but up on some high logging trails.

I've had an experience with a (perhaps) conversation between two "something's" and it was a mixture of Samurai with about 7-10% occasional English words tossed in.

The vocalization was so guttural between both and I got the feeling that one was upset about something.

I guesstimated the sounds to be within several hundred feet from me.

I also seemed to be polarized (at the time it was happening) to the point of not being able to move. I had several cameras within arms length and yet couldn't reach over to grab any of them.

The area was outside of Mariposa on the way up towards Yosemite' National Park in a very rural and wild spot. Nearest residence was about a mile away.

I tried to reconcile that what I was hearing was perhaps some hikers, but why the Samurai chatter? To this day I have no conclusive truth of what it is I heard, but have since then heard a few audio recordings including those of Ron Morehead that closely resemble what I heard.


edit on 7/12/2020 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

Hi Johnny!

That is pretty scary stuff for sure. Being far enough away from any help and then experiencing a thing like this tends to shock the psyche a bit for sure. Hearing any English tossed in would really add to the strange factor! Up on the logging trails When I heard the sounds and yells mostly, but sounded like it could be language, plus not happy language
made me and my brother feel like it was directed at us and we got out of there fast.

I already believed they existed because of an incident my Uncle had near Packwood Washington in the '70's, but never expected to hear one. That vocal range in frequency just can't be human, plus the volume being really strong.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: washy76
There are some very interesting interviews on youtube of Aussie Encounters in recent times you could check out.

Just type in Yowie in youtube, there are some good ones.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

....made me and my brother feel like it was directed at us and we got out of there fast.

Very well could've been, don't know.

In my case I had no choice but to stand like an idiot for quite awhile .. I was very discombobulated (is that still a word?).

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: washy76

originally posted by: filthyphilanthropist
a reply to: washy76

I'm ever cautious about forming an opinion one way or the other about Bigfoot. The subject is so very fascinating that I've gone to Bigfoot conventions, read books, and done a fair share of research.

It has definitely been a fence sitting kind of subject.

This documentary is one that I have not yet seen. At least not that I recall by the title, but I must admit that a huge amount of skepticism will dominate my viewpoint as to the connection of the "Missing 411".

Fellow fence sitter here - how do those conventions feel? Crackpots or ever see anything compelling?
There are fewer crackpots than I expected, bird the arres definitely some.

Some of the more compelling things are from witness testimony presented by various speakers. Some of them are obviously full of it, but they're are some who seem very straight laced, non-hyperbolic, and very down to Earth. When you speak to them one on one you can usually get a pretty good feel for whether or not they're the type to make stories.

A lot of the footprint casts are fairly convincing. I won't rule out hoaxes, but a lot of people are pulling off elaborate hoaxes if that's the case. There are occasionally some that are obvious hoaxes.

However, nothing at these conventions were compelling enough to sway me.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 02:55 AM
Some people in this thread have lost touch with reality. The wilderness is there for us to enjoy and I've spent plenty of time in remote areas of the US. Yes, be sure to be armed for your own protection, but these stories of missing individuals being tied to criminal mischief is just asinine.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 03:33 AM

originally posted by: KTemplar

If you need help, call upon Jesus: it works against these things.

I think there's more than one enemy out there, and some are definitely the Ted Bundy's of the world, cults, criminals and their networks. However, I thought this was an interesting read because when I listened to the Ron Morehead tapes, it definitely struck me as demonic. Everyone is free to come to their own conclusions.

I'm sorry you went through what you did in that childhood experience; very glad you're here and okay.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 03:42 AM
Bigfoot needs to be kept seperate from 411 work.....yes they overlap and intertwine but there are logical evidenciary based reasons for that.

Bigfoot is used and victimised same as we are.

Just because something looks Human doesnt mean it is and same with Bigfoot.

National and State/Provincial Parks are clearly defined No-Mans Land for MULTIPLE EVIL INFLUENCES....its a free-for-all where there is nothing even close to Law Enforcement or normal levels of safety for anyone...nefarious types are pretty much free to do as they please with zero Overwatch.

Being behind those Park Boundaries means a different type of Law seems to be applied...once you cross the rubicon and go into a Park everything changes.

The secrets hidden in these deadly zones are much much bigger than 411 storylines go.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: one4all

I have always felt this way about these areas. But at the same time; has anyone ever wondered the real reason why these places were deemed National Parks? It's crazy to think that our Government could have known all along that the North American continent contained many different forces; unknown to man. The National Parks service was established in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson. He may have been the first one to realize that there were certain areas in our country that people were not safe in. So establish this agency called the National Parks Service and say that we want to to protect our countries natural preserves. Many different corporations have tried to get politicians to rezone land for commercial use; and a lot of times it gets shot down. It is very possible that bad things could occur if something was built over top of an area that is literally the location of a dimensional rift.

If these secrets are bigger than the Missing 411 stories; what could it be? Are there cryptid creatures dwelling in the deep wilderness? If so; where did they come from and how do they remain hidden from modern day technology? At times, I would assume that people have searched different areas of the woods when hunting, fishing and camping. Someone would have came across a Sasquatch dwelling or Moth Man cave. But for some reason, we never find these things. The only other logical explanation for a cryptid; is that it's always mobile. People have spotted Sasquatch; but the sightings are never seen by the masses. Nobody has ever found a dead Sasquatch body in the woods. Why is this?

So when you consider that; it makes you wonder what is really occurring. I really found David's granite rock theory interesting. The only thing that I can comprehend is that the granite rock does something weird under certain conditions. Whatever it does; permits dimensional portals to open which in turn could open the door for something to come through or for you to accidentally slip in. Why some people return dead or alive; I don't know. Why others don't return at all; I don't know. The feeling is scary.

The inner earth theory is rather interesting. Some people have said that there are massive cave systems that connect a lot of the National Parks. I won't blame my government for being involved with this. However; if there are beings/creatures that have access to these cave systems; it wouldn't surprise. If Sasquatch are as smart as hunters, say they are; it would make sense that they have access to these cave systems. It could easily be the reason why, they are able to remain undetected when fleeing from hunters or fishermen. For those who have seen the M Cave video of the mysterious observer behind the hole; you know what I'm talking about. Who would expect there to be holes in these big rocks; for observation. The Hills Have Eyes 2 depicted this in a rather unique way. Many of these caves could be natural and have probably been there since the early dawning of North American continent. The native Americans spoke about these places and the people they encountered. My guess is that there is more to the lore than people are being told.

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 12:08 AM

originally posted by: Martian1127
a reply to: one4all

I have always felt this way about these areas. But at the same time; has anyone ever wondered the real reason why these places were deemed National Parks? It's crazy to think that our Government could have known all along that the North American continent contained many different forces; unknown to man. The National Parks service was established in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson. He may have been the first one to realize that there were certain areas in our country that people were not safe in. So establish this agency called the National Parks Service and say that we want to to protect our countries natural preserves. Many different corporations have tried to get politicians to rezone land for commercial use; and a lot of times it gets shot down. It is very possible that bad things could occur if something was built over top of an area that is literally the location of a dimensional rift.

If these secrets are bigger than the Missing 411 stories; what could it be? Are there cryptid creatures dwelling in the deep wilderness? If so; where did they come from and how do they remain hidden from modern day technology? At times, I would assume that people have searched different areas of the woods when hunting, fishing and camping. Someone would have came across a Sasquatch dwelling or Moth Man cave. But for some reason, we never find these things. The only other logical explanation for a cryptid; is that it's always mobile. People have spotted Sasquatch; but the sightings are never seen by the masses. Nobody has ever found a dead Sasquatch body in the woods. Why is this?

So when you consider that; it makes you wonder what is really occurring. I really found David's granite rock theory interesting. The only thing that I can comprehend is that the granite rock does something weird under certain conditions. Whatever it does; permits dimensional portals to open which in turn could open the door for something to come through or for you to accidentally slip in. Why some people return dead or alive; I don't know. Why others don't return at all; I don't know. The feeling is scary.

The inner earth theory is rather interesting. Some people have said that there are massive cave systems that connect a lot of the National Parks. I won't blame my government for being involved with this. However; if there are beings/creatures that have access to these cave systems; it wouldn't surprise. If Sasquatch are as smart as hunters, say they are; it would make sense that they have access to these cave systems. It could easily be the reason why, they are able to remain undetected when fleeing from hunters or fishermen. For those who have seen the M Cave video of the mysterious observer behind the hole; you know what I'm talking about. Who would expect there to be holes in these big rocks; for observation. The Hills Have Eyes 2 depicted this in a rather unique way. Many of these caves could be natural and have probably been there since the early dawning of North American continent. The native Americans spoke about these places and the people they encountered. My guess is that there is more to the lore than people are being told.

They sequestered people away from National/State/Provincial Parks to keep them away from the resources in some cases in quantities so vast revealing them would influence Global markets immediatly... and the hidden archeology in some cases that would finally disenfranchise the weaponized word "Indiginous"and all religous doctrines in one fell swoop...the Bigfoot and other un-recognised living things in some cases and the Cave Systems in some places..and some places are Sanctuaries during Global Calaclysms. Pay closer attention to places flooded for Dams and other building Projects as well these thieves like to hide things for later.

We often find these things and history is rife with reports and accounts....but these real reports and account have been driven down to the level of Tabloid Paper BS stories...these things are reported thousands and thousands of times through history and today.Bodies have been found and then suppressed.Military Hit Teams have been used to kill Clans for decades...Recognition and validation are what is missing.

Granite is piezoelectric.....certainly plays a part.... its also easy for a Bigfoot to roll a huge boulder up and walk into a tunnel then just drop it down again...there have been cases of witnesses and searchers hearing lost victims voices beneath and below one of these Granite Boulder fields.

I am looking at a small fist sized round piece of pink Quartz I found where i left a trade item...not a gift a trade.

Heres some food for thought....Bigfoot live in Clans for a reason....I wonder what that reason LOOKS LIKE?

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 08:18 AM
So, after watching Missing 411: The Hunted, towards the end, one of the last stories involved a woman who stated that in a high hide, she saw what looked like a "Saran Wrap", this "mass" was moving from a tree to another tree and then all remained still, she could no longer see it.

It's things like this that makes me believe that deep rural forest are like deep sea biomes, there are probably, just a few, things we probably missed as a result of clever hiding by whatever there is out there.

They probably exist only as long as the forest endures, you cut away the forest, they too recede.

Maybe there is some sort of giant "trapdoor" bug or creature that pull unsuspecting victims to their deaths, or an empty hole they fall through, wall along and end up in the otherside of the mountain at a high elevation.

Maybe that "mass" that lady saw is some sort of land bases jelly fish (not a fish obviously) but something like one, but for land, that lives in the trees under dark canopies, you would never see its tendrils, its poison could induce symptoms similar to heat exhaustion or hypothermia, it consumes them, much like a jelly fish, leaving only the bones behind, it may be just intelligent enough to drop off the random things it can't consume, like cloths and shoes. Maybe some people aren't eaten as a result of something about them not desired, like cancer and disease.

I honestly believe, that a small, dwindling population of intelligent hominids, who's lifes are literally based on evading humans at all cost and utilizing the forest in such a degree that they continued to evolve in those regards. Infra sound, camo, a number of tools by beings who eat, live, hunt and hide.
Maybe they way carry themselves in "religious" in nature, in that they understand their actions and anything left behind could lead humans back to them.
Think about that, a tribe of people would stalk others to gouge who they are, we've seen this in movies and media, we'vw heard stories, I know Native Americans always had eyes on others and you would never know and these are humans.
So the fact that an intelligent hominid, who's smart and evades, watching us, can be reality and a bit unnerving. Because it also implies sub hierchies and maybe a few of them, "eat people".
Probably another group don't and try to stop it if they can, which is why some are found unscathed and in some safe log or dead tree.

Until we have drones and cams setup in a manner to see ALL, not just eye level or general human height, but the trees and surround areas.
Just my thoughts.

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: carsforkids
a reply to: washy76

There have been some lengthy threads cast here on
the phenomena. Going into the woods unarmed is just lame.
Since Paulides I won;t go even with an AK!

After listening to these disappearances I came to the conclusion that when this entity have you in its crosshairs you are done matter how many guns you carry.

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 01:05 PM
I've read all of Mr. Paulides books and have watched both his documentaries . I've actually participated in a BFRO sponsored event in the pacific northwest (Mount Adams) where we spent 4 days going out each night from 10 pm to 1-2 a.m. We were in teams and used night vision, did tree knocks and calls. We wrote all that in a detailed notebook and also recorded what we heard or saw. The next morning of each day we compared notes around a campfire. On the Saturday, Bob Gimlin showed up (He lives in Yakima) and we did indian chants around the campfire and he told of his experience with "Patti". That was a fun weekend.

But that's not why I'm here. It was a year after that trip (2016) where my wife and I went on the old goat trail off of US 2 in Washington cascades. We got a late start and din't arrive until 2:30 or so. Honestly we didn't think about the time. We hiked the 5 miles on the flat trail until we reached the switchback. It was a very difficult switchback as it was a 500 foot elevation over a mile. When we got to the top it was starting to get dark. Now we were a little worried. Luckily I had a flashlight as we were going to look in the old train tunnels.

It was around 5:45 p.m when the light faded quickly behind the cascades and it became very dark and cold. It was at this time that my wife and I, quite honestly started to panic.

As a side note, when I hike in Washington, I carry a first aid kit, couple bottles of water, Garmin satellite SOS device, a little propane torch, our cell phones, a Glock 20 with extra mags and a couple protein bars. We also had our little dog (a Cairn terrier) with us.

We had about a 5.2 mile hike ahead of us, luckily on flat and then declining terrain to reach my Tacoma.

About a mile in to this hike back, it became eerily quiet. I mean there was absolutely no noise what so ever. My wife and I discussed this at the time because it was as if someone flicked a switch. We had a feeling of being watched. My fear was that we were being stalked by a mountain lion which are pretty prevalent here.

I took the Glock 20 out of it's holster.

As we progressed it became increasingly windy and colder. Until... we were about a mile or so from my truck. Then, the air around us warmed up. It stayed this way until we reached our truck. When we did reach the truck, it became chilly again and we heard all kinds of noises around us. Such as tree limbs rubbing and moving, birds, etc.

I don't know what happened exactly but something seemed off. We never again hiked at night.

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: ArcAngel
Freeing up your weapon likely saved both of your lives not because the bullets could have stopped a pending attack but because fire-steel is a major league deterrent....noise brings more cannot quietly dispatch someone with a gun.....stealth is more important than just reaching out and grabbing a Human Jelly bag for a snack.

I used to hunt when I was a kid.

My method was to become the prey before I hunted the prey.

I would hike out for a day then I would go into Deer zone and think Deer....from the exact moment I began I went into Deer mode....exactly where I was @ that time was where I began things always evolved differently depending on the time of day or evening that I started see Deer arent "everywhere" arent "everywhere".... the bush is like a Shopping need to know what you are looking for before you get there or you can wander around all day and night and find

So what does think Deer actually mean you ask?...exactly how it sounds.....if its the middle of the Afternoon and thats when I begin tuning in to the Deer then I immediatly panic and asses where I am and my vulnerability .....its the middle of the day and I am extremely vulnerable....I need to find a place to hide to bed down......NOW.....get it?......soooooo....if I look around and there are no good places to do this @ that moment....well I stroll around the Mall until I see such places.

I did this with Bigfoot.....the last few I dont go in the bush much anymore....because ..... well because strange things can happen.

I sat 25 feet off a major hiking Trail in a blind spot on a elevating corner.....and watched a constant flow of oblivious People till I got bored.....not even one saw me....30-40 People .....not one.

Just the intelligence to use trees to hide sillouettes behind is enough to make it extremely difficult for us to find a BF that wishes to remain hidden.

Ive chased a small BF after getting between a Juvenile who was People-Watching and its Mother...and have been led into a dead-end canyon-like area where unless I had the physical capabilities to ascend extremely steep terrain I was out of I was and with ease.

But now when I am out hiking I am ultra aware of these types of egress areas....and have since found several more such areas being used enough that the trail is totally BF.

I have had a Male Bigfoot shadow me in broad daylight and make a trade with me....I left my goods and was given a fresh dead mouse in I was egressing an area I had been recieving wood-knock and Woop replies to...something out-flanked me and got ahead of me on the Trail and placed several freshly plucked green leaves in a row leading to a freshly squeezed mouse....literally warm.

I made 3 mistakes that day...#1 screwing with BF to begin with....#2 not taking the Mouse....#3 not noting the species of leaf used and as we speak I am planning to go over my pictures and vids to see if I can identify it.....clearly BF chose it for a reason and now I need to know what species it was.I havent gone back to that area as I have quite offended certain BF and I know it because the very next time I hiked there I got the "stank" and a good dose of it.....then I got the "fore-boding feeling" of helpless confusion intermingeling together...which I RECOGNIZED and reacted to by bootlegging it out of the area @3x.

If you ARE a hunter...if you ARE a know that on an isolated Trail with no human being is going to be able to quickly pluck 4-5 fresh big pointy leaves off a tree or plant and then line them up dead middle of the Footpath leading directly to a still-warm freshly squeezed response to communication and a TRADE....and who the hell can catch a mouse in Jungle thick North American Bush that fast anyways?

Noooo....I am OUT of the Bigfoot issue now.....its emotionally can dismember you with ease but you end up wanting to protect it...but the very idea of Freedom is so screwy that one must consider that Bigfoot has been fighting for its Freedom since their beginning.....fighting to remain free like the Indiginous Peoples of North America once tried to do....but BF has no assimilation option....see the real problem?...once something communicates with you its human in your doubts.....been there done that.....from there things get strange....once something "trades" with you all bets are off and its definately human in some way. skipping Berry Season and going to a kidding...Mushrooms to I am skippping my Harvest....Im not going to compete with the buggers anymore...nor am I going to communicate....its to conflicting and I cannot help them which is what I always inevitably want to do.

I have felt that "foreboding feeling" more than once...its beyond terrifying or un-nerving....its primeval.

See here I go again.

Bigfoot is captures your heart and imagination....its dangerous.

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 08:41 PM
One of the more interesting cases from the Missing 411: Hunted; where the group if senior men that went hunting. As we all know, one of them went missing. The thing I found the most interesting was the unusual sound that one of the men heard. He described the sound of something like a trap closing shut. This sound had to be loud enough for him to have heard it from a distance. When talking about Sasquatch; we are picture them as intelligent humanoids. Hunting is probably something they can do very well. Would something as big and strong as a Sasquatch, need to set a conventional trap? Depending on the experience level; I'd say no. They are probably strong enough to strong arm a person and just carry them away if they need to. Setting a trap could take time, be spotted and would leave a mess depending on what it does to the person. But there is one thing that comes to mind. For those who have read the long internet story about "Secrets of the Mojave; you might no of this information. In one part of the readings; it speaks of Eskimo inhabitants. These inhabitants carried around a conventional style of weapon to defend themselves. It was described as being some sort of long nose pistol type of weapon. Similar to the Star-Trek phaser; it had a setting to stun and to kill. When fired; it was described as having a loud crack sound. If fired to stun; the person would be out cold for at least a couple of hours. Which would leave plenty of time for them to get away, before you realized you had been out cold for 2 hours. If fired to kill; then your pretty much a goner. If cave inhabitants have these types of weapons; it wouldn't surprise me if they are forced to use them from time to time. Do I think, this was used on the group of senior hunters? Maybe.

When speaking about the cave systems; I'm still on the hunch that these caves are inhabited by people who don't want you to find them. Again; that all depends on where you enter. If you've read the Mt. Shasta stories; you'd think that the encounters are a bit more humble. If you found an entrance around there, it probably would be because you'd encounter the Lemurians. If you entered some where in the Oregon area; it might be a totally different story. But I don't use the cave theory for every disappearance. That doesn't explain the people who are literally 30 yards or so behind you and go missing within seconds. That's more on the paranormal side. One would think that there are cloaked UFO's that sit in certain areas of the national parks. Older UFO accounts would lean you to believe that aliens could just focus that fancy light on you and "BYE BYE YOU GO". If they were doing this 50 years ago; imagine what there technology is doing now. How would anyone know that there is a craft cloaked above the trees just slowly stalking them. They could even have a probe sitting near by that is just watching the group. Once the right moment presents itself; "SWOOP, GOES THE TELEPORT; AND NOBODY CAN FIND JACK".

Whoever it was that stated that Sasquatch can lift up a boulder and enter a cave; give yourself a pat on the back. I totally overlooked that theory. One thing for certain, they have enhanced stamina. Those massive leaps send them out of sight in a matter of seconds. By the time you get a good foot in the ground to run; they have probably cleared at least 50 to 100 yards. They lift up the boulder, and you have no idea which direction they ever ran from. But has anyone ever considered this particular theory that I am about to state. We've all pushed on rocks and boulders to see if they move. Some of them are nudged so tight; it would take machinery to move them. But maybe it's not the boulder that needs to move.

Sasquatch are definitely stronger than people. I'm willing to bargain that there are certain spots of solid rocks walls that open. If they are pressure sensitive; it would take a team of people to create enough force to trip the pressure point. A Sasquatch can obviously do this without help. The objective would be locating where the Sasquatch goes. They obviously leave tracks. Dogs won't always follow the scent for whatever reason. So the only thing left would be heat. But who in the world is going to spend half a day, installing thermal surveillance cameras in god knows what spot of the woods.

posted on Jul, 15 2020 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Martian1127

"One would think that there are cloaked UFO's that sit in certain areas of the national parks. Older UFO accounts would lean you to believe that aliens could just focus that fancy light on you and "BYE BYE YOU GO". "

I have heared that when a car hits a person with great speed it can literary bump someone out of his shoes.. At that millisecond all muscles relax and you say.."BYE BYE YOU GO". That is maybe why people are found without shoes are found. The UFO ..or taking these people so fast that their shoes stay some cases.

Who knows..

posted on Jul, 15 2020 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: zatara

That is a very good point. Why would someone leave the shoes. If it were a Sasquatch, the shoes are left behind for the simple reason of scent. There is a lot of scent that the feet carry. When shoes are left standing straight up; then it could in fact mean that someone was literally yanked out of their shoes. It sounds painful, but maybe our UFO occupants don't care. If anyone has seen "The Forgotten" you know what I mean. Those who spoke of the mysterious beings, were literally yanked into the sky. But how would this occur at such close distance, without the party ahead of you seeing it?

I'm going to stick with probe theory. Let's say a decent sized medicine ball drops down from the air and vacuum sucks you through a portal. Next thing you know; your in a dark room with strange beings standing around you. But I connect this to my cave system theory. This does not mean that people are being sucked into UFO crafts. These probes could easily be sucking people through small portals that spit them out inside these cave systems. Who knows why other's get to return and other's don't. I'd assume that most people are either greeted by people or beings. This would mean that the probes are actually sent out by these inhabitants in real time. Another thought involves, the probes being on an automatic cycle. And it is only by chance whether or not it brings people back. Therefore, if someone is transported down inside the cave system; there is a slight chance that if nobody is there at the time; the probe may open the portal and transport them back. There is a also a good chance that people are able run and hide, before captors return. These cave systems are probably big and you could be running for miles until someone else down there spots you and subdues you.

Another theory about escape would be referenced from the Mt. Lassen story that is online. Long story short a group of people found a cave entrance and were taken captive by the people down there. By the grace of god, another group of travelers spotted the captors and saved the group. They were warned by the saviors to never return to this place; or they would end up like their captors. If this is the case; I'd say that the people who return are saved by other people down there. To protect the secrets of these caves; they are knocked out cold with whatever drug; and placed back in the general area of where they went missing.

edit on 15-7-2020 by Martian1127 because: additional information

posted on Jul, 15 2020 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Martian1127

Bigfoot takes shoes so you cannot run away.Try running through the forest in barefeet and see how far you get.

Satanists like Tom Hanks take shoes from victims as Trophies.

Some UFO abductions are not as you postulate...been there done dont lose your shoes....might get someone elses clothes put back on you but generally you dont lose shoes.
edit on 16-7-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

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