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Nothing has been more important: Your favourite moments

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posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 06:08 PM
A valuable member, as we all are, has recently posted how you can save your favourite posts/threads as a PDF. That is great, and you should do that And as the future is uncertain, and we all have our hopes, I would still like to hear your opinion on the best thread(s)/moments you've ever read/experienced on this site.

I still remember being a newbie and arguing about UFO vids posted from YouTube. It was silly. Without the input from the excellent members on this site; I would probably still be an idiot on that subject today. But I was schooled, and thaugt better than that. I was thaught to be critical through critial thought by intelligent people. It was awesome.

My favourite and most memorable moments would probably be the one where a member (that should not be namned according to T&C) revealed enormous knowlegde about secret space programs and aircraft, and reportedly travelled off-world. It was pretty cool. But considering the rule about 80 percent truth, and 20% bull#, who would ever know if what he said was true? Let me be clear; a lot of the information was verified. It was still an aweseome time to be a member on this site.

Whats your defining moment? When did you truly think that this was the most awesome time to be a member?

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 06:20 PM
Astro .... whatever it was that went on in those threads I still don’t know but it blew my mind!
edit on 20-6-2020 by Neal13 because: changed “I’m” to “in”

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 07:36 PM
I agree that we Need more posts like that! Those are the things that drew me in to ATS.....I miss him..
There is one Titled.....,.Weird California Sighting......I think by Zaphod..
That is another great read..
Keep a check on the Aircraft Forum especially from back in the day
edit on 05/07/18 by FreeFalling because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: FreeFalling
I agree that we Need more posts like that! Those are the things that drew me in to ATS.....I miss him..
There is one Titled.....,.Weird California Sighting......I think by Zaphod..
That is another great read..
Keep a check on the Aircraft Forum especially from back in the day

Yup I remember that one , another that made me question a lot, didn’t those threads end up intertwined ? Zaphod became my ats hero from them !

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 03:13 AM
Astr 0 and The Weird Texas Sighting threads were both great.

The follow up thread to the former was awesome as well.

I loved all the Titor and Serpo stuff.

I believe the entire Mandela effect theory started right here many years ago with a thread called "Dead Celebrities that are now alive".

There was also a pretty intense "live action" mystery thread about a website that was called like 8-20-23 or something like that.

Ended up with the site owners being tracked down and them apologizing, they were high school students I believe, lol.

Also, RIP, Bernard Schnitzel.

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: Droogie

“All Roads Lead to Rome” thread. Period.

Came for Bigfoot, stayed for ufos and lost civilizations,
endured the political tribalism right up until our bitter end

edit on 21-6-2020 by slatesteam because: Pho Cough

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