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Will the statue of Albert Pike be taken down in Washington DC?

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posted on Jun, 11 2020 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Demonstration video in 2017 regarding Albert Pike statue below:-
List of African American statues in Washington DC below, but not many:-

edit on 11-6-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

posted on Jun, 11 2020 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
we know who Hitler is, and we don't have his statues about

People really need to stop falsely equating world war 2, the war to end all wars over in internal American political war that went hot.

posted on Jun, 11 2020 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Will the statue of ______ be taken down in _______?


posted on Jun, 11 2020 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: odzeandennz
we know who Hitler is, and we don't have his statues about

People really need to stop falsely equating world war 2, the war to end all wars over in internal American political war that went hot.

There is one small statue of Hitler i love on link below, perhaps we could make a big one to sit there instead of Albert Pike?

posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Thanks. Just do honest research and come to your own decision. That was a classy reply.

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62
I'd think that the statue would be moved to the House of the Temple.

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: Astronomer62
In the light of recent demonstrations, will the Albert Pike Memorial Temple in Little Rock, Arkansas, change the name of the Lodge?

Probably not.

a reply to: ManFromEurope
Except the KKK was a Democrat creation.

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman
Pike was baptized in the Episcopal church.

So if we weren't part of the "occult", we wouldn't be "protected species in DC"? LOL

Pike was convicted for being a General in the CSA, but later pardoned though left penniless. And I've seen nothing to say he fled to Canada.

Albert Pike: Sovereign Grand Commander of the Masonic Lodge

He was SGC of one of the Supreme Council's of the Scottish Rite, not of a Masonic Lodge. You're mixing terminology.

And this office is not the "top Mason in America" as the Scottish Rite is not the end-all authority over all Freemasonry. Plus, there are two Supreme Council's in America and two SGCs, but, again, the Scottish Rite has no authority outside of itself and degree doesn't equate to rank in Freemasonry.

Also, he was elected as SGC before the Civil War started.

And the Scottish Rite rituals have been changed several times since Pike's time.

Morals & Dogma is only a book. It doesn't carry the weight of law, cannon, doctrine, or policy in Freemasonry. Pike remains the favorite "whipping boy" of the anti-Masonic movement who often exaggerates his importance and misquote Morals & Dogma. It seems to me that most anti-Masons gloss over most of the book to include the Preface of the book where Pike states:

"Everyone is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound."

This doesn't seem like a way to start a book that is supposedly the standard of knowledge by which all Masons must believe. Members of the Supreme Council for the SJ-USA states this about Pike:

"Just because Albert Pike was a brilliant ritualist, an able administrator, and a well-respected Mason doesn't mean all of his opinions are right."

This again falls in line with most anti-Masons lack of understanding or denial of what constitutes authority in Freemasonry. I have found that most quoting Pike have never actually read Morals & Dogma, but just copy and paste from some anti-Mason website.

Since the 18th century, many Masons have published works concerning Freemasonry, writing on various theories and subjects within Freemasonry. Anti-Masons would have others believe that everything a Mason writes is inherently accepted by all of Freemasonry. The problem here is that not everything written by a Mason has been factual, but as Freemasonry is a society dedicated to knowledge and free thought, Grand Lodges have not interfered with what an individual Mason writes. A Grand Lodge is the only entity within Freemasonry that has authority to speak on the symbols, rituals, history, and so on. Without receiving an endorsement from a Grand Lodge, a Masonic author is merely giving his opinion, he does not speak for all Freemasonry. Freemasonry is much more than just the writings of a single Masonic author.

There is nothing Satanic about Freemasonry as nowhere does Pike state that Masons should obey or follow Satan. Nice try though

You seem to be falling for the Taxil Hoax: and

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62
Pike also stated:

"Masonry is not a religion. He who makes of it a religious belief, falsifies and denaturalizes it."

a reply to: GBP/JPY
No, he didn't particularly since he wasn't born until 1809 (after the 1700s):

a reply to: Astronomer62
Why wouldn't the bust stay in the House of the Temple?

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 02:40 PM
Why is London protecting their statues but we are not?

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Why is London protecting their statues but we are not?

Because they don't have the nefarious ilk of Pelosi, Shumer, Finestein, Shift.....

posted on Jun, 13 2020 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: Violater1

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Why is London protecting their statues but we are not?

Because they don't have the nefarious ilk of Pelosi, Shumer, Finestein, Shift.....

This whole thing is depressing

posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Stormdancer777
I thought some statues had been taken down.

posted on Jun, 14 2020 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: KSigMason
a reply to: Astronomer62
Pike also stated:

"Masonry is not a religion. He who makes of it a religious belief, falsifies and denaturalizes it."

a reply to: GBP/JPY
No, he didn't particularly since he wasn't born until 1809 (after the 1700s):

a reply to: Astronomer62
Why wouldn't the bust stay in the House of the Temple?

I don't think the House of the Temple wants the statue, therefore perhaps don't feel the bust should stay?

posted on Jun, 15 2020 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62
I was talking about the bust already at the House of the Temple, not the statue at 3rd and D.

As for the statue, if they don't want it, I'd ask around to the Valleys if they wanted it.
edit on 15-6-2020 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2020 @ 08:36 AM
Hi KSigMason,
I thought i would give a quote from a masonic source:-
" 1861 Albert Pike travelled to Indian Territory and negotiated an alliance with Cherokee Chief Stand Watie. Prior to the beginning of hostilities, Pike helped Watie to become a Thirty-second Degree Scottish Rite Mason. Watie was also in the K.G.C., and he was later commissioned a colonel in command of the First Regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles. In May 1864 Chief Watie was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the Confederate States Army making him the only Native American of this rank in the Confederate Army. Watie’s command was to serve under CSA officers Albert Pike, Benjamin McCulloch, Thomas Hindman, and Sterling Price. They fought in engagements in Indian Territory, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri."
It is thought likely that Albert Pike was a member of "The Knights of the Golden Circle", but obviously i can't prove it, link below:-
There are many people who are highly suspicious of his links with the Knights of the Golden Circle, as expressed by link below:-
William Wilkes Booth was a member who assassinated President Lincoln, so if Albert Pike was also a high up member, he is also indirectly responsible, alleged astrology magic at actual time of the murder has Sirius on the horizon at location, a star that Albert Pike mentions!
The only battle that really mentions Albert Pike, is The Battle of Pea Ridge that was near a town called Leetown, that no longer exists but the Latitude and Longitude was 36*N26. 94*W02', however Bentonville is 36*N22' 94W12' so is near enough for an astronomy fix, i mention this because i will be showing an astronomy chart at the end of thread.
The Battle started on 7th March 1862, and Pike had his own troops made up of indigenous Americans, that he had trouble controlling, they scalped Union Soldiers, however it was Pikes responsibility, which ended his military career.
No doubt during the Civil War atrocities happened on both sides, however Union Soldiers were trying to stop slavery!
I thought a Newspaper article of the time would show the bigotry and passion of the time:-
To have statues of those who promoted slavery in the Civil War can't go on!
As the Sun rose on 7th March 1862, being ancient Egyptian day marker, Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star, clicked into place on the Nadir, at location, it looks likely that an alleged astrology ritual took place before the battle, if Albert Pike was involved, i can't say, whatever was happening it didn't work.
The passions in America are still as strong today, i don't like Jimmy Dore's reporting style, however he does have a point, be advised there is swearing on video below:-

edit on 15-6-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 03:20 AM
A mob has torn down and burned the Albert Pike statue:

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: KSigMason
There are many statues of King Leopold II of Belgium, hopefully they will be taken down to be put up in museums with proper history attached to empire building on the backs of slavery.

posted on Aug, 5 2020 @ 07:20 PM
Looks like the one of the ring leaders who destroyed the Albert Pike and Andrew Jackson statues has now been arrested.

posted on Aug, 5 2020 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: nancyliedersdeaddog

Do you have a source for this?

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