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Moving to Kentucky Bigfoot Country

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posted on May, 25 2020 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: infolurker

It was close to Waddy on the back roads that we were almost hit and run by that huge turkey! It's close enough to Lawrenceburg to make Groot happy and deep enough in the woods to make me happy. The Rougaroo is a bonus!

Our retirement plans include moving away from the city to a woodsy area with lots of cryptid sightings and lots of game, preferably near a fresh water creek, that isn't so far out that I have to change doctors (within an hours drive) . The area fits all the bills.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: Groot
My wife and I have been discussing this for a few years as to where we want to settle. Lo and behold, there was some strange stuff going on in our virtual backyard, a mere 50 miles from were we have lived for 6 years. We live in Louisville, Kentucky and want to move to the country.

You would think places like the pacific northwest would be prime locations, but that place is to far from our families and a little to cold for my aging bones.

Today we took a little road trip to places that would be half way between the two cities I work in, Lexington and Louisville Kentucky. I have always been drawn to the little town, Lawrenceburg Kentucky. As we drove through that little town and the surrounding area, I felt like it was home. Driving through the country side on tiny , winding roads , we almost got hit by a wild turkey and saw a deer popping out of the heavily wooded area. What really made this experience more special was a song popped up on the radio from a radio station I listen to all the time.

I will leave the links below. Think I finally found my home.

And Lawrenceburg has a festival every year except this year, for bigfoot. LOL !

They might say You- Uns in E. Ky like Appalachians up and down, and y'all in W. Ky like southerners. A lot to do there if you like the outdoors.

Go see the Big South Fork National Park, that is Bigfoot Central. I had an adventure there in college with some boys from that part of the world. One buddy had family who gave the land to the US Gov and had us stay there before it was a National Park. A college boys type bad move. Think Deliverance light. No one was going to be squealing like a pig over something like that but a Moon shiner was a terrorist... well, yea he brought a lot. It was a deep river gorge area that was spectacular. A Grand Canyon like area with trees. It is not too far from Cumberland falls, home of the "Moon Bow" a rainbow on full moons. My buds were not hillbillies but their buds were...

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

They might say You- Uns in E. Ky like Appalachians up and down, and y'all in W. Ky like southerners. A lot to do there if you like the outdoors.

Go see the Big South Fork National Park, that is Bigfoot Central. I had an adventure there in college with some boys from that part of the world. One buddy had family who gave the land to the US Gov and had us stay there before it was a National Park. A college boys type bad move. Think Deliverance light. No one was going to be squealing like a pig over something like that but a Moon shiner was a terrorist... well, yea he brought a lot. It was a deep river gorge area that was spectacular. A Grand Canyon like area with trees. It is not too far from Cumberland falls, home of the "Moon Bow" a rainbow on full moons. My buds were not hillbillies but their buds were...

Sounds like Red River Gorge area.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: cre8chaos
Considering moving that direction from California. I'm only going off of what the internet is telling me at this point. I'm trying to find something affordable in a safe location. I'm a preschool which is why I need affordable. I'm also looking to go to college. I already have an associate's so I'm looking for a university. Can somebody point me in the right direction?

Plenty of colleges nearby. What are you studying? University of Kentucky is a big school here, but plenty of smaller, accredited colleges around where we were looking at.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: Groot

I want to know if you encounter bigfoot or anything strange.
Be careful out there.

We will let you know. Not worried at all. These are my people and besides I got a badass wife.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Groot
a reply to: Justoneman

They might say You- Uns in E. Ky like Appalachians up and down, and y'all in W. Ky like southerners. A lot to do there if you like the outdoors.

Go see the Big South Fork National Park, that is Bigfoot Central. I had an adventure there in college with some boys from that part of the world. One buddy had family who gave the land to the US Gov and had us stay there before it was a National Park. A college boys type bad move. Think Deliverance light. No one was going to be squealing like a pig over something like that but a Moon shiner was a terrorist... well, yea he brought a lot. It was a deep river gorge area that was spectacular. A Grand Canyon like area with trees. It is not too far from Cumberland falls, home of the "Moon Bow" a rainbow on full moons. My buds were not hillbillies but their buds were...

Sounds like Red River Gorge area.

That close to WVA and the TN rural area of the Cumberland Plateau that the Big South Fork of the Cumberland river cuts thru, it is all spectacular for hundreds of 1000's of sq miles around. What a wonderful thing to see and virtually no one lives in the entire region. Thus your bigfoot OP, you are moving where they could be, if they are. Black bears can be mistaken for them when they jump down into the trees to come off the cliffs. I have not seen that but heard there are claims the bears slide down by jumping from tree to tree like monkey's to come down. No doubt the Mtn Lions do that there.

edit on 27-5-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Groot

My husband and I have played with the idea of moving
to the Lexington area as well.

posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 09:01 PM
Kentucky has some wild areas definitely and wasn't it in Hopkinsville where the UFO/Silver alien was sighted in the 50's?

any way check out BIGFOOT FORUMS excellent site researchers and no BS lots of info and sightings

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: putnam6

It was one of the last episodes of Project Blue Books last season. Based on eye witness accounts even if fictional to many.

Edgar Cayce was from nearby if I recall...

lets see here I found something on where he is from
Christian Co Ky died in 1945.

I was thinking strange happenings in that part of the world was my point here.

posted on Dec, 9 2020 @ 03:55 PM
Just curious if you ended up moving to l-burg, Ive lived here most of my life and im very familiar with the sightings as well as the area. Also prior to wildman of Kentucky documentary no one ever called any area of Anderson county "the Frazier Land". Pretty sure Philip Spencer made that name up, most people who know of that area know it as panther rock or the gahberts farm.

I noticed a pattern in the sightings several years ago that shows a path of travel that a creature could easily go from taylorsville lake to the ky river without having to cross a major roadway or travel through populated areas. If you start at taylors ville lake where the salt river ( or short creek ) flows out of the lake it will wind you past glensboro and crooked creek . From there you can keep fallowing salt river to bond lane where 4 roses distillery, if you cut through the woods there to the location "SAM" listed in his sighting which backs up to a heavily wooded area referred to as the old sims farm, where Lynn Hutton and his son had their encounter.

From the sims farm you can cross under us127 where bonds mill and US127 meet there is a concrete spillway that over 7 feet tall and it comes out to woodcrest drive. Wood crest being the first road you need to cross and cant go under but it not heavily traveled. Once across woodcrest you can travel through the farm lands all the way to hairy wise rd with never being seen.

On harry wise rd there is a little fishing spot on a creek called baileys run which is no longer even shown on most maps. Baileys run is where the father and kids had their encounter, baileys run flows to wildcat rd ( 3 sightings there).If you keep fallowing baileys run past wildcat you eventually end up at the river in Tyrone.

As for farmer X's farm and panther rock both of those places are easily accessible through the fields off baileys run. Seems logical to me it follows water.

a reply to: Groot

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