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Fresh Doomporn For the Fearful

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posted on May, 8 2020 @ 02:51 PM
The Next Nine Coming Disasters To Keep You Up at Night

You might feel blindsided by the coronavirus, but warnings about a looming pandemic have been there for decades. Government briefings, science journals and even popular fiction projected the spread of a novel virus and the economic impacts it would bring, complete often with details about the specific challenges the U.S. is now facing.

It makes you wonder: What else are we missing? What other catastrophes are coming that we aren’t planning for, but that could disrupt our lives, homes, jobs or our broader society in the next few years or decades?

This is an interesting list that doesn't really contain anything we've not heard about before... but the simple fact is that now, thanks to COVID, we have a good indication of just how dystopic and fascist society and society's leaders will get if/when one of these come to pass.

First, some good news—there are a handful of catastrophic events bandied about online that you don’t have to worry about. The world made it through the “Mayan Apocalypse” in 2012 just fine, for instance. If you’ve never heard of the pole shift hypothesis or Planet X, don’t fret—you probably needn’t worry about either of those theories either.

And what about “supervolcanoes”—historic, world-altering volcanoes bubbling ominously under places like Yellowstone and Indonesia’s Lake Toba? Don’t worry; explosions of that scale are rare enough that they appear to occur tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years apart. “Yellowstone has such a low probability of erupting, you're better off playing Powerball,” says volcanologist Jess Phoenix. Such events will almost certainly occur at some point, but it would be indescribable bad luck to experience one in your lifetime. Ditto for the idea of a killer comet or extinction-level asteroid hitting Earth—yes, it’ll happen at some point in the future, but you probably should still contribute to your 401(k) and plan for a happy retirement.

I find this to be a bit cute and quaint... the difference between supervolcanoes or a comet strike "the no need to worry about these" list and everything on their "worry about this list" isn't the probability, but the response and ability to respond. Let's be honest, Yellowstone IS going to pop again someday and Earth IS going to get hit by a large astronomical body at some point. Those are guarantees... so to talk probability in regards to timeframe is purely a coin flip... the real difference is that if we get hit by an asteroid or if a supervolcano rips, the world's governments colapse along with their authority and power almost instantly. The world's most powerful will find themselves suddenly powerless... can't have the pleebs thinking about that, so they remove the fears of those events right off the bat. Let's look at the actual list.

The Globalization of White Supremacy

“Terrorism” today conjures images of ISIS fighters and suicide bombers. But if you ask national security officials about the top near-term terrorism threat on their radar, they almost universally point to the rising problem of white nationalist violence and the insidious way that groups that formerly existed locally have been knitting themselves together into a global web of white supremacism.

Uhm... yeah, right. When your article comes right out the gate reeking of BS it sort of sets the tone for the rest of the crap your article spouts. So this is the #1 worry because one white supremacy group has been identified by the State Department as a terrorist organization for the first time? Really? In the face of how many dozens of Islamofascist terrorist groups identified for decades, we're going to fear monger white supremacists and even throw nationalism under the same bus now? Needless to say this is intended to push a narrative and little else.

Attacks on Trust and Truth: Deepfakes, Manufactured Election Results or Other Data Manipulation Attacks

Yeah, this is a greater threat than the propagandized mainstream media is... suuuuure. Fascinating how they are trying to drive fear based on the fact that something which counters the media's lies (albeit often countering lies with other lies) is their #2 threat while the continued erosion of independent media and the continued distillation of narrative control to 5 multinational conglomerates continues to go unfettered and the People who question it are widely mocked.

Biosecurity: Terrorists, Mad Scientists, Lab Accidents and Biological Warfare

Well, considering how much effort the media and globalists have put into running block for any investigation into just how much culpability China had in COVID tells us that they only want us to view this in the context of "rogue states" and not concern ourselves with the fact that it is major global governments who will likely unleash the next poxes onto the globe. Hell, they run block in the actual article...

Natural events (like the Covid-19 pandemic)

Massive Technological Disruption: Downed Power Grids, GPS Outages and Solar Flares

OK, I'll give them this one entirely. This will happen at some point and it won't be pretty.


Nuclear weapons always end up at the top of government risk lists, but it’s easy for the public to forget. “The persistent risk of nuclear war is something that we have anxiety fatigue from,” Matheny says. “We grow tired of talking about nuclear war.”

MAD has kept us from this for the past 70 years and, IMO, will continue to do so as long as we prevent zealot #holes like Iran and North Korea from obtaining nukes. To do that we must never lift our boot from the necks of those nations. If we end up with an international nuclear attack incident, it will come about thanks to letting our guard down.

Climate Change

YAWN... Once COVID is done I see we'll jump right back onto this old broken record and the nonsense fear mongering we had toned out recently. Sad.

Covid-19’s Next-Level Impact

The mounting human death toll and unfolding financial calamity of the current pandemic is one thing. But the ripple effects will last for years—and given the country’s bumbled handling of the virus itself, it seems an open question whether we’re in a strong position to respond and confront what comes after it.

Correct, but in 180-degree different direction than the author intended it. The country shouldn't have ever destroyed its own Constitution or economy to combat an overblown series of fears. The damage from that bumbling, reactionary blunder will persist for many years. We need national protectionist policies put in place ASAP and then maybe we can actively recover from the sins of our leaders.

Catastrophic Earthquakes

Interesting super volcanoes don't warrant worry, but megaquakes do. Look, I experienced a large quake a year and half ago... it happens, but the recovery is quite fast.

The Unknowns

Always remember, no matter how good things appear to be going, FEAR THE UNKNOWN!!! Basically they're saying we should be in constant fear and, of course, the government has a pill or a plan for that, just leave your expectation of Rights and freedoms at the door.

Eff this article and eff anyone who lives cowering in fear over this nonsense.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:08 PM
LOL! Your last line of the post.... yep, thats Burd.

Im not "scared" of anything much not any of these scenarios, not even the zombies you neglected to add... except for pandemics. I just had the ONE thing I truly dread realized. Getting sick isnt good for me... I worked in the healthcare industry for a long time and Drs horrify me. What horrifies me even more than Drs are non-Drs playing Drs and making sweeping decisions surrounding me. Even WORSE trhan that are dumbfounded dip#s who hoard toilet paper and paper towels. Theyre dangerous. Theyre stupid. Theyre incredibly RUDE.

The other side of that is that I have several people and things that/who depend on me.. family and non.. that IF I get sick or detained in an ICU somewhere.. everything will go straight to crap and if I survive my vacation then I have to pick up the disaster that Id come back to. Basically I cant get sick and I cant get put out of commission for any amount of time or it all goes to hell.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Quality !

Nice post Man.

It was the closing line that clinched it

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:24 PM
What's the point? We're going to die anyway...eventually.

So: Live without fear and enjoy life while you have it.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

All of these have been ongoing threats for a very long time. I'm nearly 30. Some people should just get some sleep!

So no, non of these should keep you up at night, personally though I'd say a nuclear terrorist attack is the biggest global fear today. White supremacists would actually make that list but honestly what are the chances of any nuclear power losing dangerous materials or weapons.

That's never happened before...

Face reality on it's terms I guess, we're just meat sacks anyways. Heck dying in a nuclear explosion might be fun! Super volcanoes would be beautiful and during an earthquake you can surf car roofs for real.

I mean it's all fun and games till someone gets killed anyways.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Who knows what the elite will throw at us next.

But i know what has been keeping me up for the last week, my piece of poop car, finally got it fixed today so maybe i can get some sleep.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:31 PM
LOL of course white supremacy is number one.
Haven't you seen all those protesters on the news with guns, and swastikas and the confederate flags?


posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:37 PM
They didn't list the biggest, scariest disaster:

The rise of a techno-fascist regime.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Cool rant Burdman, I agree with most of your post.

Just one correction: North Korea already has nuclear weapons.
edit on 8/5/2020 by deltaalphanovember because: Byrd and Burd

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

The Government will protect us!

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Damn, that is some "amateur hour" disaster stuff there. Must be a leftest who wrote it screaming about white supremacy.

Here are the real good ones.

New EMP warning: US will ‘cease to exist,’ 90 percent of population will die

A Yellowstone supervolcano eruption could ‘lead to human extinction’

Apocalyptic asteroid strike that could wipe out humanity is ‘only a matter of time’, top scientist warns

'Enormous' MEGA-TSUNAMIS could DROWN UK and US coasts when Canary Islands volcano erupts

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 04:30 PM
Yes, all those disasters could happen; I could also get hit by a car when I check my mail. I refuse to live in fear. Bad things happen and the only certain thing in life is change. I take appropriate precautions and live.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

My new reply to anyone who starts playing Polly Panic-Pants over people going back to work is, “Okay, Doomer”.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 04:33 PM
Hmmm. Nothing in there about the Murder Hornets. I think we should worry about the Murder Hornets, they were supposed to be Locusts with human faces when I released them from Hell....they wound up being orangeman Trump in sunglasses.

Have no clue how to fix the problem, my link to hell...Alexa... is not answering me anymore.

I think demon Hellexa is mad at me for cutting down her creation the MI governor

Oh wait, I have been calling her Alexa, no wonder she does not answer.
edit on 8-5-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Hmmm. Nothing in there about the Murder Hornets. I think we should worry about the Murder Hornets, they were supposed to be Locusts with human faces when I released them from Hell....they wound up being orangeman Trump in sunglasses.

Have no clue how to fix the problem, my link to hell...Alexa is not answering me anymore.

If a black car with blacked out windows with plates from Virginia pull up... DONT ANSWER THE DOOR!

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 04:37 PM
“The fearful” have been running around screeching that they are “the resistance” for the last four years

Now they’re locked inside their moms house cowering in fear and calling for the government to infringe on their rights

“White supremacy”, pfffft. Gotta be terrified of a make believe boogey man.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 05:05 PM
I’m just waiting for all the Panicdemic proselytizers to pop in here.

Millions dead.....


Nah, they can’t be dumb enough to show up. Oh wait.....

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Most would likely wait until the crisis began, then after it starts and the government issues edicts under the bogus rationale of saving people from themselves they'll fall at the government's feet while vigorously attacking any who question Dear Leaders' fascist actions.

We've sadly seen it in action, so it's easy to presume that gameplan will be the norm.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

We've sadly seen it in action, so it's easy to presume that gameplan will be the norm.

If it’s the norm — will you conform?

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: burdman30ott6

We've sadly seen it in action, so it's easy to presume that gameplan will be the norm.

If it’s the norm — will you conform?

Modern norm compliance has never been my forte. I adhere to laws and standards that make sense to me, ones that don't or which I openly disagree with... not so much. (and yeah, I do so with full expectation of attempted consequences at some point, but administering those consequences likely come with some significant consequences of their own.)

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