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Prepare for the ultimate gaslighting

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posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:08 PM

I found this article at Very interesting read. It talks about how companies will go crazy in getting Americans to buy all kinds of things with those stimulus checks. It also talks about how we have the best chance to change the way things are. Our healthcare system is under siege, and things are a mess. We have a chance to make things better. Whenever it is when we get back to “normal”, this article hits home we can change our normal to something better than what it was. Or we can squander it. This applies to any other country too, not just the USA.

When I think of how clear and clean the air has been with many less cars, airplanes out there, this is one positive that has come out of this. In India, some cities can see the Himalayas more than 100 miles away. That hasn’t happened for a long time. Companies will be doing gaslighting. We have the opportunity to say no to this. I’m really curious as to what will happen in the coming months.

Yeah, I want things to return to normal very badly. But I think there is a good chance for a better normal than what we had.
edit on 4/11/2020 by ChiefD because: Grammar

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

so… you say the ecology of the planet mirrors what the New Green Deal will result in

and you prefer a return to 'Normal' with all the pollution & thugs everywhere ?

IDK, but a on-line goods/Services market place and Stay-at-Home/ social-distancing ain't all that bad, as long as there is the UBI of , say $1500-2000 monthly citizen checks paid out

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: St Udio

You have my thoughts backwards. I’d like a return to normal where the air could stay cleaner, less pollution. No thugs. Monthly checks would be nice, but where does the money come from to pay for that? Someone has to pay, and it’s usually the little guy. Our deficit is ridiculous now. Would be much worse with something like that.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:26 PM
I read that article and I concur. We are going to have mass consumption pushed down our throats like never before and because we all feel starved we will eat it up like the good little gluttons we are. Can't be any worse than the retail therapy I'm already putting my credit card through because what else am I gonna do but online shopping.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:32 PM
Whenever there is an opportunity for the big guy to take advantage of the little guy, he will, and in the worst possible way.
The only thing that gives these companies power is the ignorance and foolishness of the people.
We need to educate our masses--a person who can effectively use their brain is 1000x more powerful than all of these companies put together.
Get the majority of people to use their brains, and the companies become powerless.

Change starts with the people. Once again, so long as there is a chance to take advantage, the greedy companies will jump on it. It's up to us to stop them.

Great article, great post. S&F

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:45 PM
I suspect that a lot of people will be buying new expensive phones with their money. That twelve hundred bucks gets you a decent phone, one that was probably imported from china for thirty bucks.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

That's an interesting article but it's highly speculative
It primarily assumes that corporates and governments or the public will have any normality to go back to.
At the moment it's not looking that way. First and foremost the developing world particularly china , won't be sending goods anymore .
If you have contracts in china , you're dealing with the Chinese government , and they want your money rather than to tell you (or the world) that China is currently infested with coronavirus. They haven't gotten the caseload down at all . Don't kid yourself about it , that's the way it is. As for other countries with little to no healthcare , or food security , but where goods are manufactured or services provided ( like call centres) they'll be offline for years to come. Normality isn't likely to come back soon, forced , gaslit or otherwise.

The new normal for western states might involve full employment , as imported goods slow and factories are constructed . In which case , don't allow them to pay you peanuts like they used to.
edit on 11-4-2020 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

Kind of like we have been in a car wreck, and were killed, and havnt even realized that we are just a ghost of what we were only a month ago

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: St Udio
a reply to: ChiefD

so… you say the ecology of the planet mirrors what the New Green Deal will result in

and you prefer a return to 'Normal' with all the pollution & thugs everywhere ?

IDK, but a on-line goods/Services market place and Stay-at-Home/ social-distancing ain't all that bad, as long as there is the UBI of , say $1500-2000 monthly citizen checks paid out

UBI is the caveat is it not, I'm not a fan but in this situation it has it's advantages. Initially the more the better. For me personally gives me a reset button, if I can get my business back afloat I can mostly work at home except for a few trade markets. Which those in itself might not ever return in their full glory. But just a modest return of my life's training occupation and I could get my business completely out of debt, and build a nice start to a retirement savings fairly quickly.

UBI could have a real chance to kick start a new economy

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem
It's not as bad as that , don't panic. Globally the world s ' normal' trading system is in big trouble though . Trouble it will not recover from soon , short of an instant miracle.

Food will be the priority issue , begining shortly .

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: DoctorBluechip
a reply to: visitedbythem
It's not as bad as that , don't panic. Globally the world s ' normal' trading system is in big trouble though . Trouble it will not recover from soon , short of an instant miracle.
Food will be the priority issue , begining shortly .

A bit like the aftermath of a war>

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: eletheia

The days of cheap overseas labour , with things like the lax overseas environmental controls on manufacturers , lowering production costs and easy shipping have gone out the window. That will contribute to the irreversibility of things more than most people realise as yet . In the West we'd gotten used to cheap consumerism without a thought to how the goods arrived on shelves.

Isn't it a shame we swapped a no deal Brexit for this though . The conspiracy side of my brain says did the idu make this all up with the help the Eastern bloc and the un and the IMF of course , to stop the nationalist trump and Brexit from ruining the new world order . But that's dismissed , pandemics can and do happen .

At least Brexit happened and we re not bailing out anyone elses boat on their terms. And at least our country was prepped for something big , even if the planners overlooked getting enough PPE for a pandemic. I bet Boris is regretting sending any spare masks to China , at this point .

But yeah it's a war footing , it has to be . There's already rationing eh , it's no t the aftermath yet , see what the disease does to us first.

edit on 11-4-2020 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2020 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2020 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

I like the theory that we actually all died in a cataclysmic event in 2012 and the last 8 years have been our brain processing it. It explains how weird things are now and how time appears to be behaving differently. Like a long term Jacob's Ladder.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: DoctorBluechip
a reply to: eletheia

Isn't it a shame we swapped a no deal Brexit for this.
At least it happened and we re not bailing out their boat . And at least our country was prepped for something big , even if the planners overlooked getting enough PPE for a pandemic.

I see they are still squabbling........ Italy told them their attitude was only going to

make matters in the EU worse.

I believe Micheal Barnier caught the virus early on, Heard nothing since, wonder

how he's doing?

But yeah it's a war footing , it has to be . There's already rationing eh

Of what...... I'm not restricted, or short on anything, Hmmmn maybe

my needs are fairly simple.

edit on 11-4-2020 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: eletheia

The EU are in a right pickle , shut the borders against each other and held up a shed load of goods in transit through Poland . Free movement of goods capital and labour indeed , only when it suited them . Where's the EPP policy on pandemics ? Non existent , evidently . They were always the wrong people to be cow towing to , the useless greedy cheating sods.
Add molestering and malicious to that to stick a boot on their stupid faces.

They've managed to self congratulate again recently after agreeing they needed another bailout , after a month . Not being part of the first one in 08/09 was the best idea Cameron and /whatshisname , baldy ever came up with . They did this country a proper favour acting on our behalf and not theirs anymore.

Anyhow , try and buy more than three of something particular you like (well actually don't go out unless it's absolutely necessary ) . When you do you might get accused of having no right to do so , according to 'shop policy' or similar .

Rations in ww2 were strict and short measures , sugar and butter and meat as particulars . They grew a lot of veg and eggs at home which is how you get by , and they were healthy for it , too.

edit on 11-4-2020 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

They have had to limit how many of certain things people can buy because there were idiots hoarding stuff and buying 10 cases of toilet paper and that kind of thing. A few always ruin it for everyone else.

I think back to WWII times also. I remember my Grandma telling me that there was quite a lot rationed and that went on for years. People made do, and I think people were more resilient. There wasn’t all this 24 hour news, no internet, no cell phones. People actually had to know how to cook, sew, and repair things. It wasn’t that easy or cheap to just get something replaced. I think of the victory gardens. Most homes had some kind of gardens.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

Fascism will Arrive under the Guise of an Emergency . ..Hello !

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

Fauci: America Will Have 'Degree of Normality' by November

This Little Jesuit Prick is Working for Bill Gates , George Soros , the NWO , the Leftist Commie Democrats , and SATAN . He is just looking for a Bigger Bank Account than the One he has Now . A LYING Piece of Crap . Hey Lib"s , PROVE ME WRONG !

Medical Doctor and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul called for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci Thursday morning on his Liberty Report podcast, telling listeners that Fauci a “fraud.”
“Even the bad guys are admitting it, and that is they made these dire predictions so that they could go ahead and destroy peoples’ civil liberties and spend a lot of money and make up an excuse on why the stock market actually went down – all kinds of things by having this coronavirus event blown way out of proportion,” Dr. Paul told his co-host, Daniel McAdams.
edit on 11-4-2020 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

I don't get how your title and content relate... but I'm kind of slow.

I am with you about air pollution - wouldn't it be great to keep things this slow and quiet.

But, it would be naive to forget, that The President during this crises has suspended all EPA regulations. Only Temporary we are told but why - you had nothing better to do.

Yes there is a lot of good potential in this crises.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

I am Disturbed too . Dont Like Being Played for a Fool .........

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