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Ammon Bundy Wants National Effort to Buck Coronavirus Rules

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posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 08:30 PM
A little civil disobedience anyone? And who better than to bring it than the infamous Bundys??? Tee hee hee!!! I'm only surprised at myself for not seeing this coming -- d'oh!

(Note: The article is from the 3rd, so references to "last night" refer to the night of Wednesday, April 2nd.)

Ammon Bundy wants national effort to buck coronavirus rules

Idaho resident Ammon Bundy last night predicted a national movement could emerge to counter stay-at-home orders that have become prevalent during the coronavirus pandemic.

"It really doesn't matter what numbers there are when it comes to the coronavirus. It really doesn't matter if it's real or not, if it's rampant or not, whether it's a pandemic or not," Bundy said last night at a meeting he organized in Emmett, Idaho. "Because it still does not give government officials the right to infringe upon on our rights. And that's what matters."

Bundy is right. It does not give government -- or anyone -- the right to infringe on our rights. And that's what matters.

I give Bundy much credit for walking his talk. Especially after the hell he and his family have already been subjected to by out-of-control Federal agents and agencies. And one might say that the Bundys got off lucky... the Finicum family probably thinks so anyway. And I wouldn't blame them.

I also give him credit for trying to take an honorable and principled stand, albeit not ruling out armed defense:

"If it gets bad enough and our rights are infringed upon enough that we physically stand in defense in whatever way we need to — but we hope we don't have to get there," Bundy said.

Still, he encouraged fellow Idahoans to use restraint and not "instigate" situations.

"You have to make sure that every effort has been taken to try to resolve it in a peaceful manner, in a prudent manner. That is what we have to do to be right with God and to be right with our fellow man," Bundy said.

It's impossible to say where this will go. Has his name been shamed enough that he won't get any traction? Or have the authorities overstepped their bounds so much that previous detractors will think again? Bundy might have some clout behind him:

Bundy told attendees he has received interest in his efforts from unnamed "elected reps," as well as other individuals around the Gem State.

"I think people are very interested," Bundy said in response to whether he envisions a national effort pushing back against restrictions on businesses and large gatherings or other efforts intended to protect public health.

"I think we have to think about if we were successful here, spreading it, at least the knowledge and things we learn, way beyond even the state of Idaho," he added.

There is more about his local efforts here: Ammon Bundy, who led Malheur occupation, pledges to defend Idahoans’ rights under stay-home order

I'm not making any predictions. At this point, anything could happen -- good, bad and fugly.

What say ATS?

This thread is dedicated to DiginDirt. She would no doubt join us if she could

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

As many have already stated, freedom is something they are willing to cede to government.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Boadicea

As many have already stated, freedom is something they are willing to cede to government.

Yes. Indeed. That falls under the "fugly."

But I think there's one reason for hope, and that is that some of those same people are being bitten in the arse by the same beast they fed. People have a way of seeing the virtues of freedom and free will when they're on the losing end.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 09:14 PM
Those willing to take action will just do it. Most of us here will draw our pens from their sheathes and insist we are the heroes.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: sputniksteve

Sick burn!

I guess your definition of a hero is hiding behind 50 rolls of Charmin though so, *shrug*

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: Boadicea
My opinion about the violations of the constitution aside, I'll say this.

Ammon Bundy is looking out for Ammon Bundy. When Ammon Bundy champions something he's doing it for himself.

Anybody following that clown will end up co-opted into his ongoing publicity campaign.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: sputniksteve
Those willing to take action will just do it.

Yup, and that's what Bundy is doing. He's given this some thought, has taken practical action on his own behalf, such as writing to the Governor (petition for redress of grievances), and is organizing others with practical talking points and specific actions. He already knows better than to ask for permission LOL!

Most of us here will draw our pens from their sheathes and insist we are the heroes.

Never underestimate the power of the pen. Indeed, the pen is the greatest source of information, preparation and collaboration in any successful public campaign. It is not everything, but it is a powerful tool.

There would be no censorship nor any need for the 1st amendment if it were impotent.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: Boadicea
My opinion about the violations of the constitution aside, I'll say this.

Ammon Bundy is looking out for Ammon Bundy. When Ammon Bundy champions something he's doing it for himself.

I honestly don't see it. "We shall know them by the fruits of their labor." Bundy isn't acting on his personal interests, but for the community -- and society's -- best interests. Bundy knows just how much he has to lose here. Personally. But he also knows how much the community and society has to lose as well.

Anybody following that clown will end up co-opted into his ongoing publicity campaign.

We're in more danger from political critters and the media than Bundy. It's their publicity campaign propaganda shoved down our throats. Not Bundy's.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: sputniksteve
Those willing to take action will just do it. Most of us here will draw our pens from their sheathes and insist we are the heroes.

I used to know a man everyone thought was a worthless drunk, and treated him bad. When he died some folks found out he was a decorated war hero and risked his life and sanity to save others. The point is, you don't know what others on this forum might be doing in their daily life that may impact yours, directly or indirectly. Best not to judge a whole group of folks you've never known personally, even if you end up partially correct in your assessment.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 11:23 PM
I think Bundy's a total attention hog tool, but when it comes to high profile attention for drumming up protest support, beggars can't exactly be choosers. He's as good as anyone to get the ball rolling, considering his public reach.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 11:25 PM
Whatever he feels his reasons are, these fools are going to be the end of us all. No wonder we have as many cases as the next few countries combined.

It's becoming painfully evident that us being ~40th in the world in education has an unfortunate side effect of a massive collective IQ loss.

In other words - we're screwed.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 04:54 AM
Im glad I have the freedom to protect myself and my family by self isolating. I dont feel like Im giving up my constitutional rights at this point.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
I think Bundy's a total attention hog tool...

I don't know about that, but I know he's got the media's attention... and he's got the Feds' attention... whether he wants it or not.

...but when it comes to high profile attention for drumming up protest support, beggars can't exactly be choosers. He's as good as anyone to get the ball rolling, considering his public reach.

Kind of a "no publicity is bad publicity" thing? That's what I'm wondering. I guess we won't know until we see if this attention gets him more supporters or not.

He made a good point in one of the articles, that this is the first time in our history non-symptomatic people and people with no known exposure have been put in isolation by authorities. And it certainly can't be argued that the Founding Fathers were not familiar with plagues and epidemics.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: Kharron
Whatever he feels his reasons are...

Freedom, liberty, protecting Constitutional rights...

...these fools are going to be the end of us all.

You think this virus is going to kill us all under normal circumstances? Really??? And you call him the fool...

No wonder we have as many cases as the next few countries combined.

That's all Bundy, eh? Can't possibly be because New York officials foolishly encouraged participation at the largest Chinese New Year celebration? Or the Mardi Gra celebrations that were so foolishly not cancelled? And couldn't have anything to do with the kids on spring break in Florida passing it around like a doobie?

It's all about Bundy? Oh dear.

It's becoming painfully evident that us being ~40th in the world in education has an unfortunate side effect of a massive collective IQ loss.

Indeed. We've reached the point where so many are afraid of their own bodies, and so ignorant in how to nurse and nurture our own bodies, that too many want to hide behind the government and their government guns. The same folks who cannot even promise you healthcare, much less effective health care, because they don't know. And they will let people die for lack of resources. The same folks they will let die alone and scared, because they were unable to help themselves and unable to attain help.

We didn't just lose our collective IQ... we've lost our integrity... and we've lost our HUMANITY. But I get it, you're so damn askeered of your own shadow that you don't care what Draconian measures are taken, and who gets hurt in the process, as long as YOU are protected. Gotcha. Loud and clear.

In other words - we're screwed.

Bullies and cowards generally are. But that's redundant. Bullies are cowards.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: misskat1
Im glad I have the freedom to protect myself and my family by self isolating.

Everyone should have the freedom to self-isolate. No one has the right to force self-isolation on anyone.

I dont feel like Im giving up my constitutional rights at this point.

Perhaps because you haven't. You made a choice you are happy with. And that's a perfectly fine choice for those who consider it necessary and proper. Others did not make the choice. That choice was imposed upon them. And that choice is destroying lives and livelihoods.

So the simple fact is that whether you feel it or not, the enforced orders are in fact and in deed a violation of Constitutional rights. And these are not being "given up," but taken. Increasingly at the barrel of a government gun.

That's not freedom any way you look at it.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: misskat1
Im glad I have the freedom to protect myself and my family by self isolating. I dont feel like Im giving up my constitutional rights at this point.

I'm not trying to pile on -- I promise! -- but I just saw this, and wondered if it changes your perspective at all:

Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme: In most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at family level.

In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.

Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.

Tucker Carlson: There has to be a more balanced course on coronavirus than the one we're on now

Isn't it a little too late to "remove and isolate" just the sick when an entire family has been self-isolating together? What purpose would it serve to just remove that one sick person, when chances are the entire family has it. So is this really their purpose?

Do you see no abuse there? Do you see no room for abuse there?

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:10 AM
Ammon is doubling down:
'The virus is killing our Constitution!' Idaho militia leader vows to use 'physical force' to hold a service for 1,000 people on Easter Sunday as state's residents rebel over stay-at-home orders - despite a huge surge in cases

A militia leader is rallying people to attend a mass gathering in Idaho on Easter Sunday in defiance of the governor's orders to stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic.

According to a report in The New York Times Tuesday, Aamon Bundy says he and his allies are willing to 'physically defend' the event, which is scheduled to take place in the city of Boise and could attract upwards of 1,000 people.

'I will be there, and I will bring as many people as I can,' Bundy reportedly told a group of supporters on March 26, a day after the state's stay-at-home order was issued.

'We will form a legal defense for you. We will perform an active political defense for you. And we will also, if necessary, provide a physical defense for you, so that you can continue in your rights.'

Apparently these comments were made at the end of March. And Ammon's is not an isolated opinion (pun intended):

Meanwhile, other public figures in Idaho have also expressed skepticism about the virus, and disdain for the new stay-at-home orders, which they believe is drastic government overreach.

Bonner County Sheriff Darryl Wheeler recently posted an open letter urging people to continue with business as normal if they feel healthy enough....

Republican Representative Heather Scott, has allegedly encouraged locals to push back against the government order.

Rep. Scott reportedly sent a newsletter to constituents which called COVID-19 'The Virus That Tried to Kill the Constitution', before claiming that they had 'a God-given constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble.'

I'll definitely be watching Sunday to see what happens.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Whilst i don't necessarily disagree, as ever things aren't as simple as Mr Bundy is making out.

The right to life is the number one human right - it supercedes all others both morally and, more importantly, legally. So, say Mr Bundy is mildly infected but doesn't really know it's Covid 19 (as many don't). He then ignores lockdown and unwittingly infects someone who later dies - what would stop murder charges being brought? Even if dropped to manslaughter, he would still be facing the maximum sentence possible because he will have willfully ignored all advice.

Is 20 plus years worth another month of lockdown? For me no but others may think otherwise.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:41 AM
ok - just for amusement .

let us assume that an "american patriot " [ lets call him " dick " ] is N19COVID positive and knows it

does dick have a civic duty to self issolate - or should he just carry on " as normal " - and go about whatever business he wants , where ever he wants - claiming his " freedom " to roam

cry havoc and let slip the mental gymnasts

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Flavian
a reply to: Boadicea

Whilst i don't necessarily disagree, as ever things aren't as simple as Mr Bundy is making out.

The right to life is the number one human right - it supercedes all others both morally and, more importantly, legally. So, say Mr Bundy is mildly infected but doesn't really know it's Covid 19 (as many don't). He then ignores lockdown and unwittingly infects someone who later dies - what would stop murder charges being brought? Even if dropped to manslaughter, he would still be facing the maximum sentence possible because he will have willfully ignored all advice.

Is 20 plus years worth another month of lockdown? For me no but others may think otherwise.

Let's define terms here. Our rights, as declared in the Declaration of Independence, are "self-evident." That means that anything we can do for ourselves and by ourselves is our Natural and Inalienable right. Therefore, we all have every right to do what we can for ourselves and by ourselves to protect our life and limb.

You, me and everyone have every right to take whatever precautions we so choose to protect our life and limb. If you want to social distance, go for it. If you want to self-isolate, go for it. If you want to wear masks in public, go for it. Do anything and everything within your power for yourself and by yourself, and good luck.

BUT you/we do NOT have any right to impose our will on others, and/or force others to take precautions to protect our life and limb.

Ask yourself this: Why stop at the coronavirus? There are plenty of viruses and bacterias and fungi everywhere that we are susceptible to. Every time someone gets sick and dies, are we going to put our resources into tracking down the source of that infection so we can charge that person with murder? And how far does that go? If I catch something from you and die, and they find you and charge you, are they also going to find the person who infected you and charge that person, and the person who infected that person to charge them, and so on and so forth... just how far do we take this???

Natural laws are completely dependent upon nature and the laws of physics. Man did not make the coronavirus. Even if all the rumors are true that the Chinese tweaked and twerked and created a Frankenvirus, the virus already existed. So who is the real danger here? Mother Nature. Are you going to throw Mother Nature in jail too for endangering your life???

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