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remember the days in the old school yard?

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:58 AM
We used to laugh a lot.

For me high school was a form of escapism; to get away from my foster parents mental and physical abuse, so my buddies and I used to get up all kinds of shenanigans (I believe that's russian for pizza) but we were naughty boys, and i'd thought i'd share a few stories of my own and you are free to join in.

We had a science teacher who used to occasionally wear a star trek uniform, she looked just like Deanna Troi from the next generation, yeah when she walked around she incited puberty. then the was a sports teacher exposed himself to another teachers partner and got a shiner from him. We had a teacher who obviously under the influence of purple haze, and another who literally gambled with the students.

And that's just the teachers.
Ie had American exchange students hobbling off the field, they bragged, they didn't know our game, that's hubris for you. we didn't TP teachers cars inside of school-we threw batteries at their cars, battery without the assault. My buddies and I got kicked out of the library for gambling-and this was in the first five minutes of the new school year. in my time my friend and I refused to wear uniforms-we literally lead the charge, he is the most demeanors, I was second because screw conformity.

If you want to add a story, it would be welcome just to lighten to mood, just don't play irish poker in the school library, but if are a high school student i must issue a statement, the joker can be any card you want.

Have fun reminiscing.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

I member, once we stole the teachers car and crashed it,

Exiting times.

Laughed my ass off..

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Our science teacher could not smell and we lit the trash can on fire while he was writing on the chalkboard. He only turned around because of smoke filling the room up and found his large wooden desk on fire.

Took the FD to put it out......

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:42 AM
Our science teacher decided to give a demonstration on a chemical reaction...
Sulfuric Acid (diluted of course) and sugar .
Teach started pouring the acid on the sugar , but nothing was happening.
Teach kept pouring.
Then sh__ happened.
Stuff came up out of the beaker about 6" high .
Ran(oozed?) all over the table , down to and across the floor.
The entire High School building had to be evacuated...

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:51 AM
A few of us picked up another students car and turned it sideways in its parking spot, he was one of those that left early to go to a vocational school, so he was wedged in there pretty good.

I pilfered a test tube full of nitric acid from the chem lab, later in the day in drafting class i noticed a cotton ball that was in the top was floating in the acid, so i used the pointy end of a fancy german drafting compass to dig it out, the acid ate the chrome off it instantly and left it a brass color halfway down.
It was very noticable hanging on the board with the rest of the compasses. I bet that had the teacher scratching his head for a while lol

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:54 AM
Back in the 70s we put senna pod liquid into the teachers tea urn.

That was fun to watch... 😱😱😱

The 6th formers also put the school up for sale as well.


edit on 4-4-2020 by Lagomorphe because: Phrase added

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

We once staged a sponsored stay awake (how quaint) when in the 6th form. Funnily enough we were locked down in the School with appointed Teachers taking shifts to "watch us."
Science teach saw this as easy OT and got pissed with us dancing the conga around the staff office as he selpt.
The weird crowd hunkered down playing mammoth sessions of dicks and dildoes (D and D.)
The rest of us saw fit to play death hockey in the gym, lights off and only minimal moonlight to avoid injury.
Bored about 3am so fured up the VHS palyer and projector telly for Terminator, Evil Dead and porn marathon. Girls sat at the front took offence but watched the enitire film.
Some wags managed to get older brothers to smuggle beer in through a half opened window so we saw that off by 5am.
Relief staff arrived at 7, we'd cleared up and sat about looking studious before heading out into the sunlight, tired, bruised and hungover but having made a load of cash for local charities.
As we sloped off, the DnD crowd were still arguing over whose Orc had the most power points or some sh1t.
Ahhh we had some fun. And I still have the Evil Dead VHS.
Learned one lesson though. Don't do that midweek and have an Electronics project to build the following day.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:58 AM
Basically drugs fighting and sex. Everyone was banging everyone, even some of the teachers. I didn't think it was possible that many scumbags to live in one area.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:58 AM
My high school was known for senior pranks.

One year, kids put grease on the floors of the entire school. The principal came in that morning and slipped and bust his azz. School had to be let out for the day since no one could walk in the hallways without slipping.

Another year, we had a cold snap. Some kids left a water hose running over the doors to the school over night. By the morning there was a 2 foot thick block of ice covering the main doors to the school.

They spread nails all over the parking lot.

Broke into principals office and filled it to the ceiling with wads of balled up paper.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:53 AM
Gun racks in pickup trucks in the parking lot.
Carrying pocket knives.
Smoking weed in the second floor bathroom.
Making out in the stairwells.

We even we to class.

Science teacher sleeping with a junior.
We were pissed at him not because he was sleeping with her but because we were not.
Even named his daughter after her... wife didn’t like that when she found out.

Drivers ed teacher nailed for dui...haha

Kids screwing in the back rooms of the show choir.
Teacher finally got fired for letting that happen,,, only took 30 years...
It took the parents of two boys to push that one,,,I guess heterosexual sex was fine..

I guess we learned something in class occasionally.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 09:10 AM
Oh man.

I have a ton of stories but most of them are felonies. My high school actually had a smoking area for the students where people could smoke cigarettes in between classes, even though no one was old enough to buy them. Cigarettes weren’t the only thing getting smoked out there.

Me and my brother had a running game of pranks. One time he stole everything out of my locker and hid it in another. So what did I do? I took his algebra book out of his locker, took it in the bathroom and took a dump right in the middle of it and squeezed it shut.

He gets to class, opens it up, looks at what’s in it, screams and throws it across the room. Raining turds on half the class. He got suspended for 3 days and didn’t talk to me for two weeks. Hahaha.

When I was 16 my parents went on vacation for a week and left me alone at home. So what did I do? Threw a week long raging party with hundreds of people. My room was stacked up waist high with empty beer boxes and liquor bottles. It was an amazing time, until they came back a day early and the house was completely trashed. I didn’t have time to clean anything up and there were people sleeping everywhere. I’m surprised my step dad didn’t literally kill me. There were standing puddles of alcohol all around the house and someone had stolen the playground equipment from a nearby elementary school and set it up in my back yard.

Man I can keep going...

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

I was part of the senior prank for the class above mine. All my friends were older and I left high school a year early and went to college so I didn’t get to do one with my grade.

Anyway, it started out as us just writing the names of the entire graduating class on the football field with roundup. And spray painting over the names so if they washed away the paint it would still be there in dead grass. But I had one friend that no matter what we did he would always turn it into a felony.

We get almost done painting the names on the field and we hear glass breaking. Dude has done thrown a trash can through the big plate glass windows on the announcers box. After that, it just turned into pandemonium. People breaking everything in sight, setting things on fire, we got chased by the cops and had to hide in the woods. Luckily we got away.

Funny thing is, the senior prank was so bad they covered it up and didn’t tell anyone and just moved a stage over the parts of the field that had the names on it. Some nerds put up a “for sale” sign in front of the school and that ended up being the official senior prank for that year. Lame.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 09:25 AM
I have to take the 5th.
Most of the things we did would today cause us massive grief or get us arrested.

The Rainbow destroyed naturally catalysed group learning and fun....once politicking and law suits for Rainbow kids(in the old days Drama Class was full of adventurous kids wanting to self-express creatively----today you have to be gay or queer to find that comfort zone expressing yourself) who represent the small special interest groups that cause nothing but friction and trouble while manipulating policy and laws... became a tool for manipulating Administrations all bets were off and Schools went to hell.

As you can see by membership stories Free Thinkers have been squeezed out of the process....almost everything described in this thread would either get you punished administratively or arrested or put on some kind of weird meds for kids. So what do the Free Thinking Kids of today do besides feel ostracised and picked on?

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: one4all

Truthfully I probably should have been arrested for a lot of the things I did in High School.

What kids are lacking these days is the skill set to get away with it.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:34 AM
We stole some love letters out of the desk of one of the female teachers. It was a laugh at the time, but looking back it was actually shameful and I regret some things I did.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: one4all

Truthfully I probably should have been arrested for a lot of the things I did in High School.

What kids are lacking these days is the skill set to get away with it.

True, and it was just a different time. My Wood shop teacher in 7th grade had enough of a problem student and literally told us to push the desks back against the wall and they wrestled. Im not kidding. Larry, the big foul mouthed kid who was the school bully was in tears after being pinned by the teacher and his standing amongst the kids took a hit.

No one thought it was strange. We all thought it was great.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

My high school was boring as hell and I couldn't wait to get out. I'd been out for a year and had to sneak back in because Black Flag came for lunch.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

My high school was boring as hell and I couldn't wait to get out. I'd been out for a year and had to sneak back in because Black Flag came for lunch.

Now you are just making things up and photoshopping pics infront of your school. Are you kidding???? Thats is so cool - the persons who organized that deserve 5 bags of popcorn and an amplifier.

The best line in the yearbook is "the concert was plagued with technical difficulties - sounds like a regular old Black Flag show!

edit on 4-4-2020 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: ColoradoJens

Nope -all true. Bass player Chuck Dukowski was an alumni (class of '72 I think). Yeah they sounded horrible, if the power wasn't cutting out the feedback was screaming. Still fun though!

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: ColoradoJens

Nope -all true. Bass player Chuck Dukowski was an alumni (class of '72 I think). Yeah they sounded horrible, if the power wasn't cutting out the feedback was screaming. Still fun though!

Classic. When did they ever sound good lol?

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