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New York and New Jersey have half our Covid19 cases and deaths

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posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:18 PM
New York and New Jersey — two extremely Democratic states — account for just over half of all known covid19 cases in the nation, and 48 percent of all covid19 deaths. I find that interesting considering their combined population is only 8.6 percent of our total population.
edit on 30-3-2020 by Scapegrace because: Typos

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: Scapegrace

The more population density, the faster the spread.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:26 PM
It's population density, international airports, and daily commutes by a work force that each commutes into the other state. I really doubt it's anything but that. Have you ever been there? Probably not, or what I said would have already occurred to you. Not trying to be an azz, but that pretty much explains it.
How's western Connecticut doing? I'd think it would have started to pop up there as well.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:27 PM
Density, + lots of people take transit there..lots of mingling.
edit on 30-3-2020 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Scapegrace

For this, New York leadership is to blame.

Thread on that subject:

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: Scapegrace
New York and New Jersey — two extremely Democratic states — account for just over half of all known covid19 cases in the nation, and 48 percent of all covid19 deaths. I find that interesting considering their combined population is only 8.6 percent of our total population.

Have you ever been to Manhattan?

NYC is unlike any city in the US. 8 million people crammed on an island that is around 300 square miles. It is 13 miles long and 2.3 miles wide at it's widest point. People literally living on top of each other.

By comparison, Los Angeles has 4 million people in about 500 square miles, not including all the outlying burbs, etc. Half the people in twice the size of land....

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: odd1out
It's population density, international airports, and daily commutes by a work force that each commutes into the other state. I really doubt it's anything but that. Have you ever been there? Probably not, or what I said would have already occurred to you. Not trying to be an azz, but that pretty much explains it.
How's western Connecticut doing? I'd think it would have started to pop up there as well.
I had a contract job in NYC for three weeks, commuting daily from a small town in New Jersey to Queens. It’s certainly a densely populated place — the densest in America — and most people use public transportation. So, yeah, I can see why it’s a hotbed for communicable diseases.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

I drove through Manhattan 2 Summers ago. No paint on the pavement defining the lanes, on one of the North South streets running next to the Empire State Building. Very unnerving.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: Scapegrace
New York and New Jersey — two extremely Democratic states — account for just over half of all known covid19 cases in the nation, and 48 percent of all covid19 deaths. I find that interesting considering their combined population is only 8.6 percent of our total population.

And what is your conclusion?

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Large urban cities are populated with a higher percentage of college educated voters then is the rural south the heartland of the Republican Party. College educated voters tend to overwhelmingly vote for the Democrat candidates.

Why do the large urban cities always vote democratic?

This link goes into more detail BTW...

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: Scapegrace

Just wait, Florida & Illinois are going to get ugly

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Scapegrace

Just wait, Florida & Illinois are going to get ugly

Yep, lots of real smart people there too!

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:28 AM
It could just be that liberals are more apt to ask to be tested for Coronavirus. I don't want anyone sticking up a q tip way into my nose unless I am really sick.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: Scapegrace
New York and New Jersey — two extremely Democratic states — account for just over half of all known covid19 cases in the nation, and 48 percent of all covid19 deaths. I find that interesting considering their combined population is only 8.6 percent of our total population.

Why is that interesting to you? Have you made it to the third grade? Either shill or non thinking person. Why?

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
Density, + lots of people take transit there..lots of mingling.

I take the bus to and from work but my city has 179,000 people and 18 cases. My license is suspended and although it's just $150 the DMV is closed. I doubt you can pay that on their website.

About the bus, it's not so bad. You can't sit in the front within like 10ft of the driver (the handicap seats are pushed up) and you have to exit through the side door, not the front where you get on. About half of the bus drivers wear face masks as if someone paying bus fare a few feet away when entering will give them the virus.

Everyone sits as far away from each other as possible and it's never full enough to sit side by side anymore. I don't touch the rails, the seats, or the poles to sturdy yourself when exiting/ride standing up for when every seat is taken. Remember those days? Well, you probably don't ride busses because you don't need to but you can imagine. All of the airborne illnesses, bacterias and viruses were never a concern for anyone, even in NYC but especially not here. Now everyone is feeling and acting like it's the pale horseman of the apocalypse.

It really feels rather dystopian sci-fi. A plot in a movie, game, or story. Considering that I interact with customers, shop, and take public transit most days of the week, I'm pretty high risk for catching it, right? Good thing I smoke a pack a day.
edit on 31-3-2020 by FlyingSquirrel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 01:43 AM
New York officials are using the Empire State Building to generate additional hysteria.

Seems like they're saying, "Get out of this state! And please carry the Corona Virus with you, to help fulfill governor Cuomo's promise of major flareups all across America."
edit on 3/31/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 02:12 AM
New York and NJ are very close and from northern NJ 20 minutes away, and some parts of NJ only a few minutes away to NYC. The traffic between them is hundreds of thousands a day go from the GWB, Lincoln Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Tappan Zee Bridge, Verrazano Bridge, from NJ to NY and back to NY to NJ millions of people commute across those bridges and tunnels.

“Over 1.6 million people commute into the city daily, with 320,000 coming from New Jersey…”

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 05:39 AM
WHY so serious people? He said it was INTERESTING for crying out loud...

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: Scapegrace

That's because we practice assholcial distancing better than anyone else in the country.

Until it's your turn.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 07:07 AM
A reply to: Scapegrace

Not seeing the reason for mentioning democrats other than to stir up crap.
Do you?

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