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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: elitegamer23

Yeah covid live has the U.S at 380 deaths in the last 24 hours, the numbers if correct are looking scary as they progress.

Yup, another 92 deaths in New York which haven't been added to Worldometer yet. That's 404 today when yesterday was 268. Jesus.

Shows up on Worldometer now. They have 5 fewer deaths in NY vs 1point3acres.

edit on 27-3-2020 by Aptom90 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: Aptom90

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: elitegamer23

Yeah covid live has the U.S at 380 deaths in the last 24 hours, the numbers if correct are looking scary as they progress.

Yup, another 92 deaths in New York which haven't been added to Worldometer yet. That's 404 today when yesterday was 268. Jesus.

Shows up on Worldometer now. They have 5 fewer deaths in NY vs 1point3acres.

The hospitals aren’t even to the point yet where they aren’t trying to save people .

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:09 PM
A good friend of mine who lives in Houston, Texas sent this email.. Has anyone else heard this is going on ?

Rumor has it Harris county is pulling people over and giving them a $1000 fine if they’re not going to the grocery store or the pharmacy this is pretty much martial law, It’s crazy

My response was

How can they know if you are going to either ? Cops now have psychic abilities ?

Still waiting on a reply.......

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

At this Point , Death becomes Redundant for those who Gleefully just Except it ..............

edit on 27-3-2020 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: Aptom90

its concerning, it will be up to a thousand a day soon enough.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Aptom90

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: elitegamer23

Yeah covid live has the U.S at 380 deaths in the last 24 hours, the numbers if correct are looking scary as they progress.

Yup, another 92 deaths in New York which haven't been added to Worldometer yet. That's 404 today when yesterday was 268. Jesus.

Shows up on Worldometer now. They have 5 fewer deaths in NY vs 1point3acres.

Just getting worse and worse.

A lot of us have been expecting it. We have done the numbers, discussed what would happen, and were well aware of possibilities.

But actually seeing it happen is... surreal...

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Aptom90

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: elitegamer23

Yeah covid live has the U.S at 380 deaths in the last 24 hours, the numbers if correct are looking scary as they progress.

Yup, another 92 deaths in New York which haven't been added to Worldometer yet. That's 404 today when yesterday was 268. Jesus.

Shows up on Worldometer now. They have 5 fewer deaths in NY vs 1point3acres.

Just getting worse and worse.

A lot of us have been expecting it. We have done the numbers, discussed what would happen, and were well aware of possibilities.

But actually seeing it happen is... surreal...

I think NYC is going to calm down over the next two weeks. The last week, the streets have just been empty here in Manhattan and people are more and more masked up. Between observing my neighborhood and local news I think we have gotten into the swing of just staying home or maintaining space and precaution when out to shop.

If nyc could settle this down, perhaps what equipment has been sent such as ventilators could be sent elsewhere as hot spots pop up.

Again, just very local observation but it seems more responsible.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: SixDemonBag

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Aptom90

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: elitegamer23

Yeah covid live has the U.S at 380 deaths in the last 24 hours, the numbers if correct are looking scary as they progress.

Yup, another 92 deaths in New York which haven't been added to Worldometer yet. That's 404 today when yesterday was 268. Jesus.

Shows up on Worldometer now. They have 5 fewer deaths in NY vs 1point3acres.

Just getting worse and worse.

A lot of us have been expecting it. We have done the numbers, discussed what would happen, and were well aware of possibilities.

But actually seeing it happen is... surreal...

I think NYC is going to calm down over the next two weeks. The last week, the streets have just been empty here in Manhattan and people are more and more masked up. Between observing my neighborhood and local news I think we have gotten into the swing of just staying home or maintaining space and precaution when out to shop.

If nyc could settle this down, perhaps what equipment has been sent such as ventilators could be sent elsewhere as hot spots pop up.

Again, just very local observation but it seems more responsible.

First off... Stay safe. I am in upstate NY, and people here are not taking it seriously yet. I am afraid it will ramp up in our smaller communities soon.

Not sure if you have been listing to Cuomo's updates every day or not. He is saying his experts are saying 21 days till the peak. It is going to be really bad for you downstate if that is the case.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: SixDemonBag

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Aptom90

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: elitegamer23

Yeah covid live has the U.S at 380 deaths in the last 24 hours, the numbers if correct are looking scary as they progress.

Yup, another 92 deaths in New York which haven't been added to Worldometer yet. That's 404 today when yesterday was 268. Jesus.

Shows up on Worldometer now. They have 5 fewer deaths in NY vs 1point3acres.

Just getting worse and worse.

A lot of us have been expecting it. We have done the numbers, discussed what would happen, and were well aware of possibilities.

But actually seeing it happen is... surreal...

I think NYC is going to calm down over the next two weeks. The last week, the streets have just been empty here in Manhattan and people are more and more masked up. Between observing my neighborhood and local news I think we have gotten into the swing of just staying home or maintaining space and precaution when out to shop.

If nyc could settle this down, perhaps what equipment has been sent such as ventilators could be sent elsewhere as hot spots pop up.

Again, just very local observation but it seems more responsible.

First off... Stay safe. I am in upstate NY, and people here are not taking it seriously yet. I am afraid it will ramp up in our smaller communities soon.

Not sure if you have been listing to Cuomo's updates every day or not. He is saying his experts are saying 21 days till the peak. It is going to be really bad for you downstate if that is the case.

Thanks for the good wishes. Stay safe upstate. Hoping by August I can take a trip up to Saratoga and Cooperstown in safety!

I’ve been listening to the governor every day. He sums up the info really well. I think the hospital situation is gonna continue to get worse for a couple of weeks, scarily. But I am taking some heart from the drop in rate of new cases for the city the last two days. If that continues as the benefits of this soft quarantine start getting baked in, I’m hopeful that we can muscle through that peak period with the promise of less hospitalizations on its heels.

Quite a nervous time. But neighbors are being good to each other and it least it feels like we are in this together.

Hang in there!

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
I'm sorry, but if I own a piece of property you damned well better believe I have a right to go there. I can understand prohibited from renting a cabin or something, but if you OWN that property?

Fannin County is one of many that made an emergency declaration this week amid the coronavirus pandemic.

County sheriff’s officials are now clarifying that this means people from Atlanta with cabins in the area cannot go to their cabins at this time. The Fannin Sheriff’s Administration posted this on Facebook Thursday:

“I have received multiple inquiries wanting to know if people from Atlanta can come to their cabins. The answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Atlanta is under a “Shelter in Place” order. Our ordinance specifically prohibits this.”

North Georgia officials: You are not allowed to come to mountains this weekend

I'm sitting in my cabin in Fannin County right now. I've been here since Sunday and I'm planning to go home to Cherokee County tomorrow and come back up again later in the week. I don't believe anywhere in Georgia is under a mandatory lockdown.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Aptom90

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: elitegamer23

Yeah covid live has the U.S at 380 deaths in the last 24 hours, the numbers if correct are looking scary as they progress.

Yup, another 92 deaths in New York which haven't been added to Worldometer yet. That's 404 today when yesterday was 268. Jesus.

Shows up on Worldometer now. They have 5 fewer deaths in NY vs 1point3acres.

Just getting worse and worse.

A lot of us have been expecting it. We have done the numbers, discussed what would happen, and were well aware of possibilities.

But actually seeing it happen is... surreal...

Yeah, the numbers are shocking. I remember how big a deal it was when Italy hit 250 daily deaths. That was only 2 weeks ago and seemingly every western country is following suit.

The worldwide death total today was 3,270 and it went above 1,000 (daily deaths) just 8 days ago, 2,000 just 3 days ago. The number of deaths in 12 months at this rate is almost unimaginable.

Oh, and the mortality rate of deaths / cases is not going down like it was supposed to. Now it's 4.58%. The US is at 1.63% also just going up despite adding tens of thousands of cases.
edit on 27-3-2020 by Aptom90 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky
A good friend of mine who lives in Houston, Texas sent this email.. Has anyone else heard this is going on ?

Rumor has it Harris county is pulling people over and giving them a $1000 fine if they’re not going to the grocery store or the pharmacy this is pretty much martial law, It’s crazy

My response was

How can they know if you are going to either ? Cops now have psychic abilities ?

Still waiting on a reply.......

I know Governor Abbott says there will be more restrictions tomorrow so I guess we will have to wait and see. Something about hotspots...

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:43 PM
Hawaii is up 14 to 120.

The good news is that I got PRESIDENT TRUMP'S CORONAVIRUS GUIDLINES FOR AMERICA in the mail today. Awesome.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: Phage

Careful it doesn't come with corona virus.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:49 PM
Anyone else getting emails selling life insurance, the vultures are circling.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: Phage
Hawaii is up 14 to 120.

The good news is that I got PRESIDENT TRUMP'S CORONAVIRUS GUIDLINES FOR AMERICA in the mail today. Awesome.

Does it tell you how to make a homemade ventilator?

I should check my mailbox and sanitize it while I’m there .

Crazy times !

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
I understand the rationale. But if I want to shelter at home/in place at my rural residence, that's my right, because it's property I own.

If you stay at your (rural) residence or cabin, you won't infect the town.

And I live in a small town/community.

The point is not in not being able to travel, it's not being able to access your own property, or fined while trying, if you desire.

Generally, people who go to places like that need to buy groceries and gas and toilet paper and so on and so forth. Remember, YOUR experience and behavior is not necessarily that of everyone else. You might be tremendously responsible and self-sufficient... but this doesn't mean that others wouldn't show up and need to buy groceries or diapers or gas or gardening supplies, etc.

They can't examine every single person and monitor them. They have to make blanket decisions for the safety of their town.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:04 PM
A personal update from a small town in East Tennessee, GreenEville!

For the past few days I've been busy sewing three ply masks for local nursing homes and friends who are still having to go to work every day. Yes we all know that they are not very effective but it is better than nothing and it's more of a "feel good" item than an actual "helpful item".

After dropping of a batch I stopped at Hobby Lobby to pick up more fabric and supplies. There were 3 cars in the parking lot so I figured Id be safe enough and could avoid people which I did. I saw 2 other shoppers both with home made masks and gloved. So I load up my cart and head to the counter and asked the nice sales lady when they were getting another shipment of notions in ie. thread, needles, zippers and elastic which they were completely out of. I was absolutely floored when she said "FIVE MONTHS"!!! I thought I miss heard and she says no that their ware house is shut down and basically empty and they will not be restocking the store for at least 5 months or until their warehouse is resupplied.

Now I can imagine that not many people are going to make a run on art supplies or any other of the strange stuff Hobby Lobby sells, but to have an empty warehouse for such a large chain store is disturbing to say the least. It makes me wonder how Walmart and all the various Dollar stores are going to resupply in the coming months.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:11 PM
From Dallas, Texas:

. . . . . . Confirmed cases -- deaths from coronavirus
Texas: ........... 1731...... 23
Dallas .............367 .......7

Coronavirus showed up at a home for the mentally disabled

Medstar gets 50 ki ts for in-home testing in Ft. Worth (population 900,000)

36% of patients needing hospitalization end up in the ICU. So if you have a serious infection, it gets REALLY serious.
edit on 27-3-2020 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:15 PM
Some notes on today's update: Tokyo .. March 28, 2020 Saturday morning

1. Approximately 70% of US Japanese companies fall in sales due to the spread of new corona infection. There are 905 Japanese companies operating in the US. (resulting in decrease of demand ) This decrease is alarming because it probably shows that non-essential items are not selling well.
2. Turkey is now stopping all international flights. Well I guess it's better late then never. Also they are reporting over 5000 cases of infection. I would assume this is mainly coming from the cities and not the rural areas.
3. France: French Prime Minister Philip has announced that he will extend his country-wide restrictions on outings following the spread of the new coronavirus until at least the 15th of next month. (interesting to find out what is the restrictions )
4. ( four in Japanese means death ) "It's the last minute that can control the infection explosion." So Japanese allow the fun under the sun and now comes clean. ( I mentioned my "street-talk" a few days ago about Tokyo, yes, it was hyped up ) So now you have it. Tokyo really is expecting this virus to hit and hit hard. Just , unfortunately like I mentioned. (we will see the disaster starting immediately and continue for at least the next 3 or more weeks. I saw the writings on the wall when people ignored "not to go cherry blossom " viewing in Tokyo. It reminded of me posting a month ago about the "Marti Gras" in New Orleans. (now see what is happening in New Orleans ) But Tokyo is affected by 3 or 4 other counties that are highly populated. I did mention earlier about the young people in Tokyo, they are very immature and don't give a flying fk, here is the Mayor: Governor Koike calls on young people to refrain from going out. Yeah, right, they don't even listen to their parents these days.
5. So we have a crises of maybe an ongoing unemployment situation and guess what: This May electricity rates will be raised by all 10 major power companies. Talk about insanity at its finest. Got to make the money from everyone. Crazy I tell ya.
6. Can you Australians fill us more on in concerning this: Australian BCG Vaccine Goes To Clinical Trial To Be Effective Against New Coronavirus
7. I've been saying this all along: The New York Times pointed out that the number of tests in Japan is small. That is why as of today our cases are NOT TRUE cases of infections at all.

Here's the update:

In Japan, the number of confirmed cases was 1,524, including those found during airport quarantine and those who returned home on charter aircraft.

In addition, the total number of passengers and crew of the cruise ship is 712, which is 2236.

Of those infected people is 52 people in the country have died (that news is encouraging due to the low death rate )

Out of the 1524 cases confirmed in Japan ( this number is changing, but its Saturday here and so it may just be not so busy with cases being reported )
299 in Tokyo ( this only means that those are probably in the hospital, not sure about any numbers being quarantine, maybe it includes them also )
169 in Hokkaido ( seems to be holding steady recently )
160 in Aichi
176 in Osaka
123 in Hyogo, and
Kanagawa 104 people,
73 people in Saitama prefecture ( we just can't keep track of this due to its location of Tokyo )
, 63 people in Chiba prefecture
, 35 people in Kyoto prefecture
, 30 people in Niigata prefecture
, 27 people in Oita prefecture
, 17 people in Wakayama prefecture, 17 people in
Gifu prefecture
16 people in Fukuoka prefecture (wow, this is also going to be a "cluster zone" , international airport there
14 people in Gunma prefecture
13 people in Kochi prefecture, 13 people in
Ibaraki prefecture ( we have a nuclear power plant there, yikes )
, 11 people in Tochigi prefecture
, 10 people in Kumamoto prefecture,
9 people in Mie prefecture ,
Nara Prefecture 9 people,
Fukui Prefecture 9 people,
Ishikawa Prefecture 8 people,
Aomori Prefecture 6 people,
Shiga Prefecture 6 people,
Yamaguchi Prefecture 6 people ( holding steady on the numbers, but for real, it can't stay low for much longer, once people start leaving the cities because of no work and they have family here, they can bring the virus with them )
Okinawa Prefecture 6 people, Okinawa can be a major problem if they don't stop flights coming in from mainland and other countries. Crazy I tell ya.
6 6 people in Nagano Prefecture,
people in Yamanashi Prefecture, 4 people in
Hiroshima Prefecture, 4 people in
Ehime Prefecture, 4 people in
Akita Prefecture
3 people in Shizuoka Prefecture, 3 people in
Miyazaki Prefecture,
2 people in Miyagi Prefecture, 2 people in
Fukushima Prefecture, 2 people in
Nagasaki Prefecture, 2 people in
Okayama Prefecture
1 person in Tokushima Prefecture, 1 person in
Kagawa Prefecture, 1 person in
Saga Prefecture,
Kagoshima Prefecture has one person, (this hasn't changed for a while )
14 people returned home from China by charter aircraft,
41 people including the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare staff and quarantine officers, and those who were confirmed to be infected by airport quarantine.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as of the 27th,
56 people were infected

Any one have news on China now closing its country? I can't find the link, but seems I read that China is no longer taking flights from Japan and other countries.

Here is a few pictures today of Tokyo
Notice lots of food in the stores
The other is Shibuya, normally thousands of people but today...

This picture is in Hokkaido, its an older picture, I have no ideal what the subway looks like today though

Stay safe every one.

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