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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: misfit312

People are losing their minds is what's happening.

Testing hysteria is the next TP Apocalypse. Don't you know that now everyone will be convinced that every little burp or fart they have is coronavirus?

Meanwhile, while everyone who has a hangnail thinks it's coronavirus, all it takes is one person in the mix who actually *does* have it to create an outbreak.

Chances are that one person will be someone who hasn't taken this seriously too

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: elitegamer23

Is that why so many are currently sidelined or working from home?

What do you mean exactly ? Working from home is to prevent the spread of course and if people are sidelined they are probably ill.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Chance321
Not a good start to the morning. Seems NY is up to 1708.

New York, US Confirmed: 1,708 Deaths: 16 Recovered: 0 Active: 1,692

We've got our first case of the virus here in my county, Oneida.

UTICA, N.Y. – Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente has confirmed one person in Oneida County has tested positive for coronavirus. Picente says the person recently traveled internationally and has been quarantined at home since March 13, after returning from abroad on March 12, at which time they were symptomatic. They have not required hospitalization. The county is not releasing the name, age, gender or location of the individual at this time, nor the country from which they had just returned. While in quarantine, they are working to help the county health department identify people with whom they've come into contact since arriving back in the county. The county executive says this is the beginning. "We're gonna have more cases," says Oneida County Executive, Anthony Picente, Jr. "You're looking at the next three months being the most severe." Still, Picente says he does not foresee any further restrictions to daily life in the near future. "I don't have any intent on my state of emergeny to do that at this time or have not received any other orders or direction from the state," says Picente. "Unless something else changes in the guidelines, I don't see any of that in the immediate future." At a 3pm briefing Tuesday, Picente said he's suspending all county early intervention and pre-school-related services effective Friday, March 20th, at 5pm. The county is restricting visitors, requiring a sign-in and only allowing those with emergency or essential needs to enter the county building. Realizing that many might feel helpless, overwhelmed and really want to help, the county has set up a volunteer website, at [email protected]. Help is needed, with things like bringing food and medicine to seniors, and answering helpline phones. According to the New York Department of Health, there are 1374 positive coronavirus cases across the state. The highest concentration is in New York City, with 644 cases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are 3,487 cases in the country, and 68 reported deaths.

No confirmed cases here in Steuben county, but I am sure it is here by now. There still seems to be a lack of proper testing. I don't think the local hospitals even have any tests.

Stay safe, and stay in if you can.
Just went to the supermarket this morning to top up so we can manage for 3 months. Used mask and rubber gloves. Thought better go now and rather in a months time when so many more infections.

As we arrived at the supermarket car park the Civil Guardia where checking people. Was told that only 1 person can travel in a car and go to the supermarket which was news to me. He said that if caught tomorrow out with 2 people in car then 600 euros fine.

Only the wife was allowed in the store. She managed to stock up good getting somethings we did not already have and extra. There was no rice or pasta and many other things were low. We stocked up on cereals like weatabix.

Spain numbers rising here now like Italy. 13910+ infected and 623 dead. Could be 30000 here in the next week or two.

Hopefully not be out again now for a long while.

Be safe.

edit on 18-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: Deadscreameyes
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Lord, this is getting more and more scary to me. I don’t know if they will still extend an exemption from the ban to immediate family members or not... I am an American married to a Canadian. I currently split my time between the two countries. I am not a permanent resident here yet, we are working on that still. I was planning to go back to the US this weekend after being here since the holidays but... I don’t want to leave my husband now.. I also don’t know when I will see him again, not only because of the border bans themselves, but he already was told he can’t leave the country as he’s military.

But then I’m also torn because of my family, my pets, my friends back home.. will I be able to get back home? I can legally stay here until July. Is that enough time? Who knows... I am so unbelievably stressed, not even at all about the virus itself with regards to me, but just with regards to life in general. Or my father getting it back home and I’m not there.

It’s still hard to wrap my head around the fact that this is all really happening in the world right now, even after seeing it coming two months ago.

Trump is closing the border to Canada. Just saw it on the news.

I really hope you have made your decision and acted by now...

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:51 AM
posted this link in another thread as well, but posting it again since lot of ppl on here call bs on it. I can assure everyone that it isn't! This is very real and happening all over Europe...
Lot's of younger, healthy ppl are getting very sick and doctors have no idea why this is suddenly happening so fast.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:51 AM

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Chance321
Not a good start to the morning. Seems NY is up to 1708.

New York, US Confirmed: 1,708 Deaths: 16 Recovered: 0 Active: 1,692

We've got our first case of the virus here in my county, Oneida.

UTICA, N.Y. – Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente has confirmed one person in Oneida County has tested positive for coronavirus. Picente says the person recently traveled internationally and has been quarantined at home since March 13, after returning from abroad on March 12, at which time they were symptomatic. They have not required hospitalization. The county is not releasing the name, age, gender or location of the individual at this time, nor the country from which they had just returned. While in quarantine, they are working to help the county health department identify people with whom they've come into contact since arriving back in the county. The county executive says this is the beginning. "We're gonna have more cases," says Oneida County Executive, Anthony Picente, Jr. "You're looking at the next three months being the most severe." Still, Picente says he does not foresee any further restrictions to daily life in the near future. "I don't have any intent on my state of emergeny to do that at this time or have not received any other orders or direction from the state," says Picente. "Unless something else changes in the guidelines, I don't see any of that in the immediate future." At a 3pm briefing Tuesday, Picente said he's suspending all county early intervention and pre-school-related services effective Friday, March 20th, at 5pm. The county is restricting visitors, requiring a sign-in and only allowing those with emergency or essential needs to enter the county building. Realizing that many might feel helpless, overwhelmed and really want to help, the county has set up a volunteer website, at [email protected]. Help is needed, with things like bringing food and medicine to seniors, and answering helpline phones. According to the New York Department of Health, there are 1374 positive coronavirus cases across the state. The highest concentration is in New York City, with 644 cases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are 3,487 cases in the country, and 68 reported deaths.

No confirmed cases here in Steuben county, but I am sure it is here by now. There still seems to be a lack of proper testing. I don't think the local hospitals even have any tests.

Stay safe, and stay in if you can.
Just went to the supermarket this morning to top up so we can manage for 3 months. Used mask and rubber gloves. Thought better go now and rather in a months time when so many more infections.

As we arrived at the supermarket car park the Civil Guardia where checking people. Was told that only 1 person can travel in a car and go to the supermarket which was news to me. He said that if caught tomorrow out with 2 people in car then 600 euros fine.

Only the wife was allowed in the store. She managed to stock up good getting somethings we did not already have and extra. There was no rice or pasta and many other things were low. We stocked up on cereals like weatabix.

Numbers rising here now like Italy. 12000+ infected and 500 dead. Could be 30000 here in the next week or two.

Hopefully not be out again now for a long while.

Be safe.

Wow!!! One person per car. Things are getting REAL...

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: elitegamer23

People who have been laid off, whose work places have told them they are no longer needed because their just isn't the business to support this, people whose workplaces have been closed?

You talk like this is an either/or situation as if there are no degrees in between.
edit on 18-3-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: ShortBus

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Bicent

Husband may be getting a call then. He's a regular donation person with a rarer blood type. They'd have to be able to test him though I would think.

My blood type is the type I can use everyone else’s blood, but only a few people can use my blood type. I forget what it is.

The fortunate thing though is your plasma is universal for recipients

But I can only use AB+ plasma I guess. Fun.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:04 AM
update: Tokyo Wednesday 11 pm

not looking good here
please do not come to japan

Of 899 people infected in Japan and travelers from China
154 in Hokkaido
128 in Aichi
112 in Osaka
111 in Tokyo, in Tokyo the numbers are to climb like in China and Korea ( please don not come to japan)
91 in Hyogo ,
60 people in Kanagawa Prefecture,
35 people in Saitama Prefecture
, 33 people in Chiba Prefecture
, 22 people in Niigata Prefecture
, 21 people in Kyoto Prefecture
, 15 people in Wakayama Prefecture
, 12 people in Kochi Prefecture, 12 people in Kochi Prefecture,
▽ Gunma Prefecture 10 people,
▽ Mie Prefecture 8 people,
▽ Nara Prefecture 8 people,
▽ Ishikawa Prefecture 7 people,
▽ Kumamoto Prefecture 6 people,
▽ Nagano Prefecture 4 people,
▽ Shiga Prefecture 4 people,
▽ 4 people in Fukuoka prefecture,
3 people in Shizuoka prefecture, 3 people in
Tochigi prefecture, 3 people in
Gifu prefecture, 3 people in
Yamaguchi prefecture, 3 people in
Ehime prefecture, 3 people in
Miyazaki prefecture, 3 people in
Okinawa 3
prefectures, 2 Akita prefectures, 2
Fukushima prefectures, 2
Ibaraki prefectures, 2
Yamanashi prefectures, 2
Miyagi prefectures, 1
Hiroshima prefecture, 1
Tokushima prefecture Is one,
Kagawa is one,
▽ One person in Nagasaki Prefecture, one person in
Oita Prefecture, one person in
Saga Prefecture,
and 17 employees and quarantine officers of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and a total of 17 people who were confirmed to be infected by airport quarantine.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as of the 18th, there were a total of 60 people, including 46 people infected in Japan and 14 cruise ships.

On the other hand, among the people who have been confirmed to be infected in Japan, the number of those who have been discharged after improving their symptoms by the 18th is 718 including the passengers and occupants of cruise ships.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

How have you managed to stay well?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: elitegamer23

People who have been laid off, whose work places have told them they are no longer needed because their just isn't the business to support this, people whose workplaces have been closed?

You talk like this is an either/or situation as if there are no degrees in between.

I was talking about the people who still have a job but cannot work because they have Coronavirus mostly.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:06 AM
UK confirmed now at 2626 up from 1950 yesterday. Deaths to be announced later.

edit on 18-3-2020 by Tracele because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:08 AM
Rather damning video from China circa 2018 bragging about their novel CoronaVirus research, trans-animal bat studies at the Wuhan lab, recommended viewing, subtitled...

Jennifer Zeng Twitter

That aired on national TV in China, think about why CCP trying to now project blame onto US.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: ValentineWiggin
a reply to: musicismagic

How have you managed to stay well?

We closed our business so no income now.
Fried rice going to look good for breakfast

Its not so bad though
NO PANIC at all
food can be bought every where

but I do worry about being quarantine in the future

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Maker22
The airways are being jammed. pictures are being pixelated again and voices garbled. I wanted to be ready to hear but someone has other plans. China?
I have checked across the range from CNN to Fox. All the same.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:13 AM
Great updates by one of the best in the field:

Yale Expert Answers Your Coronavirus Questions

How is coronavirus transmitted? DR. ALBERT KO: "It's passed through what we call respiratory droplets. So if I sneeze or I cough and you're within 6 to 10 feet of me, you're at risk of catching the virus. The other way it happens is through direct contact. For example I touch my nose or my mouth I have my secretions that are filled with virus and then I shake your hand and then you touch your nose and mouth, that's the other method. The third is that if the virus is on a frequently touched doorknob and people come by there that's another mechanism."

How dangerous is coronavirus compared to the seasonal flu? DR. ALBERT KO: "This is a concerning epidemic it's now called a pandemic by the WHO. We're concerned because it's transmissible. It's probably more transmissible than the typical seasonal flu that we have. And the other thing that we're worried about is the death rate….we're still getting more evidence, on how that, what that exact number is, but it does seem higher than what we see for the seasonal flu. And that really kind of concerns us, because you can imagine how many Americans that will get infected, and among those, how many get sick, and of those, if a significant proportion, whether it's one to two percent , you know, die from the disease. That's a major public health problem."

Who is most at risk from the threat of coronavirus? DR. ALBERT KO: "The good news is that children, and young adults you know they're actually, have very few. So the risk of dying from this is very small. And actually the risk of being hospitalized or having severe pneumonia having to go to the intensive care unit is actually quite low in that age group. What we particularly worry about are the elderly, people over 60 years of age, 70 or 80 years of age where the death rates are actually quite high among those. And those are the most vulnerable. When we're thinking about this epidemic, right? Impending epidemic in our communities."

This man is one of the significant leaders of this disease, he’s the one who has always pushed the few week delay on actual numbers and numbers being far higher than they actually are. Brilliant man and I recommend you watch the entire interview.

edit on 18-3-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: confiden
That is a really big deal.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:17 AM
My Lord!!! New York State just added 772!!!

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
favipiravir drug clearly effective for covid-19 if the disease has not progress to too severe condition

Japanese flu drug 'clearly effective' in treating coronavirus, says China

Japanese flu drug appears ‘effective’ in coronavirus treatment in Chinese clinical trials

we heard about this about 2 weeks ago

not sure why the world does not know about it

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