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Trevor Phillips suspended from Labour over Islamophobia allegations

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posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 06:02 AM
It seems The Labour Party is determined to continue on its road to self-destruction.

Trevor Phillips has been suspended from The Labour Party over allegations of Islamophobia 'dating back years'.

Trevor Phillips is a well respected public figure who has worked tirelessly for Equality over the years.
This has always been supported by a pragmatic, common sense and honest approach that has increasingly alienated and offended the more politically correct and snowflake minded people.

Phillips became head of the Commission for Racial Equality in 2003, and on its abolition in 2006 was appointed full-time chairman of its successor, the EHRC (initially called the Commission for Equality and Human Rights), which had a broader remit of combating discrimination and promoting equality across other grounds (age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and gender reassignment).[2] The EHRC also had the role of promoting and defending human rights, and secured recognition as the national human rights institution for England and Wales (alongside separate commissions in Northern Ireland and Scotland).

Phillips was one of a number of noted people who wrote to The Labour Party criticising it on its handling of anti-Semitism allegations.
Indeed its quite telling that The Labour Party has acted as they have over allegations of Islamophobia yet have been constantly accused of dragging their heels, turning a blind eye and even condoning anti-Semitism within certain sections of the party.

The Labour Party - or maybe more accurately Momentum, the group that now controls The Labour Party - is becoming increasingly intolerant of anyone that voices opinions that veers even slightly from the party line.

Along with several 'old school' Labour heavyweights Phillips has spoken out about the hugely disproportionate number of Muslim grooming gangs in the UK and the blatant refusal to recognise that there is a problem within a specific section of the Muslim community.

Phillips has now become a fierce advocate and campaigner against all forms of censorship, totally at odds with Momentum and its authoritarian approach to politics.

The Labour Party that strove so hard to look after and improve the lives of ordinary, everyday British people regardless of race, creed and locality has been usurped and taken over by a bunch or arrogant, pompous, self-serving, predominantly Southern based champagne socialist, middle-class suburban tossers whose sole purpose is to promote the interests of every minority and special interest group.

Trevor Phillips speaks as he see's things and never pulls his punches.
People may not agree with everything he says but he definitely provokes and stimulates open and frank discussions....and that is exactly what this country needs if we are to get on track and start moving forward in a strong yet positive and progressive manner.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Aww, I was hoping to see a video of Trevor Phillips from GTA V, losing his mind.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 07:28 AM
Suspended for alleged Islamophobia but not for being anti white. Which is apparently okay.

This is the problem with Lefties.

As long as they continue on their crusade of being against all forms of discrimination, but making a special exemption when it comes to white people, nobody is going to take them seriously. And rightly so.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: Freeborn

Aww, I was hoping to see a video of Trevor Phillips from GTA V, losing his mind.

Dammit you beat me to it, i'm gonna go blow up a chopper with an easily available bazooka and and go on a killing spree, just like the politicians do.
edit on 9-3-2020 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 08:03 AM
See after page 22 for the evidence and relevant rule references. The same process has been used in the immediate suspension of a number of NEC candidates over recent weeks (and not for alleged islamophobia) so the double standards theory doesn't hold water. Have a look at the evidence and the rules and judge for yourself. ct5aBAko1zd88cP8w

Yours sincerely an authoritarian, snowflake, working class, Northern Momentum thug

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: CJCrawley

Who is anti-white?

Labour were/are left wing.
The thing is, they've turned their back on a lot of the leftist policies that appealed to its core traditional voters and now seeks to represent the wishes of anyone but their old voting block who they view and treat with derision and contempt.

As Trevor Phillips himself has said Labour are scared to discuss anything with the openness and frankness serious issues both deserve and require.
A prime example of this is the recent spate of stabbings in certain areas of the UK; this is by and large a race issue.
Its not every black teenager trying to stab each other but most people involved are Black.
Phillips - who is black himself - was demonised and labelled 'racist' for pointing this out.

Same as Muslim grooming gangs.
Not all Muslims are involved in grooming gangs, far from it. Anyone with any understanding of the issues knows this.
But there is definitely a problem within a specific section of the Muslim community.
Some Muslims themselves readily acknowledge this.
But again, Phillips and some others within The Labour Party were persecuted for pointing this is anyone else who does the same.

These are leftist leaning people who are being condemned, ostracised and banned for having opinions that differs from the party line and trying to stimulate public debate on these important issues.

The Labour Party I admired for so many years - I've never blindly followed them or agreed with all their policies - has disappeared.
What is left is an absolute bloody disgrace and will only help condemn this nation to even more years of Tory rule.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Scouse100

Yours sincerely an authoritarian, snowflake, working class, Northern Momentum thug

Never said Momentum are 'thugs'....they are dictatorial and are trying to rule The Labour Party with an iron fist and thus transform it into something that bears no resemblance whatsoever to what it was and still should be.

By the way, I'm as working class as you can get and come from North East England......and most definitely NOT a snowflake.
Your point is?

Its Momentum and their drive to change Labour that offered up Downing Street to Boris Johnson on a plate.
Its not just me who thinks this, millions agreed with me in the last election.
But as expected Momentum condescendingly thinks it knows best and has blamed anyone and anything else for Labour's failings rather than itself and its politically correct pandering to hyper sensitivities of any and every special interest group under the sun rather than trying to represent their core traditional supporters who they have turned their back on.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

There's nothing like an early morning rampage to get the police of Los Santos on their toes.

It really sets the tone for the day!
edit on 9-3-2020 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 08:34 AM

Yours sincerely an authoritarian, snowflake, working class, Northern Momentum thug

This is me not you (OK I added thug in for good measure).

I just found your description of Momentum in the OP inaccurate and amusing.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 08:38 AM
The modern labour party seems fanatically dedicated to ensuring this country is ruled by the Tories for decades to come.

Pandering to special interest groups is a recipe for electoral disaster. The Party either needs to purge itself of Momentum, or it will die.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Who is anti-white?

Well, how long have you got? Seriously?

Don't ask me to trawl through Mr Phillip's anti-white rhetoric to give you a specific example.

The anti-racist movement is constructed upon the idea that the white race is the bugbear of the world.

The British Empire is always referenced as a great evil from which nothing good came which we should all feel shame about.

I actually think that the antisemitism which is rife in Labour at the moment is only possible because the vast majority of British Jews are conveniently white. Have a think about that.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: CJCrawley

I agree with a lot of what you said....I just don't think Phillips is particularly anti-white, especially compared to many who are virulently anti-white, some of whom are white themselves.

A large part of the anti-Semetism is due to the close nature between some sections of the Muslim community and The Labour Party.
They are a huge block vote for them and as such they can not be seen to be in any way shape or form pro-Israel.
This then develops into anything Jewish.

Quite bizarre really considering the role Jews have played in the development of The Labour movement and Party.

As head of The Commission for Racial Equality and then the Equality and Human Rights Commission he naturally found himself commenting on real examples of racist behaviour.
Lets not kid ourselves, it does exist.....unfortunately.
But to be honest I'm not aware of examples of him being openly anti-white.....I'm more than aware that some people are.

But this deflects away a little bit from my points about Momentum and The Labour Party.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: Scouse100

I know its you, its blatantly obvious.

I was just letting you know that I too am from 'the north' and am very much working class.

Yet millions of people agree with my description of Momentum and voted accordingly in the last election thus gifting the Tories control of The House of Commons......but of course they refuse to acknowledge this and arrogantly continue with their operation self-destruct.

It seems the election of a new leader probably won't change things.
The only candidate that seems to me to have any credibility and an acknowledgement of the problems that face both The Labour Party and this country as a whole is Lisa Nandy, the rank outsider who appears to have no chance of winning.

But that is for The Labour Party membership to decide....I'm sure the electorate will let them know what they think when it comes round to vote again.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Scouse100

I know its you, its blatantly obvious.

I was just letting you know that I too am from 'the north' and am very much working class.

Yet millions of people agree with my description of Momentum and voted accordingly in the last election thus gifting the Tories control of The House of Commons......but of course they refuse to acknowledge this and arrogantly continue with their operation self-destruct.

It seems the election of a new leader probably won't change things.
The only candidate that seems to me to have any credibility and an acknowledgement of the problems that face both The Labour Party and this country as a whole is Lisa Nandy, the rank outsider who appears to have no chance of winning.

But that is for The Labour Party membership to decide....I'm sure the electorate will let them know what they think when it comes round to vote again.

And I was just letting you know I'm not a 'Southern champagne socialist, middle-class suburban tosser' that was my point

I knocked on hundreds of doors during the election and prior to that and never once heard anyone give that as a reason. Many mentioned our Brexit policy though or mistrust Corbyn as relentlessly peddled by the establishment media.

Nandy led the coup amongst the Labour hierarchy to try to overturn the democratic choice of the membership (both new and old) and break the leader doing untold damage to the party in a very public way. Credible leaders of democratic organisations don't do that.

Who did you vote for?

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

The Labour Party - or maybe more accurately Momentum, the group that now controls The Labour Party

It seems like a re-run of " Militant Tendency " and their activities in The Labour Party in the early 1980's

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:50 AM

The thing is, they've turned their back on a lot of the leftist policies that appealed to its core traditional voters

Which policies?

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: alldaylong

Very similar, just spun differently and a bit more polished.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: Freeborn

The Labour Party - or maybe more accurately Momentum, the group that now controls The Labour Party

It seems like a re-run of " Militant Tendency " and their activities in The Labour Party in the early 1980's

I'm not sure if you know how the party works? Members vote for the leader and NEC reps. Policy is set a conference by members. Members go to meetings and vote for their role holders. It's not some hostile takeover, the party has become more open, meetings better attended and debate opened up.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: Scouse100

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: Freeborn

The Labour Party - or maybe more accurately Momentum, the group that now controls The Labour Party

It seems like a re-run of " Militant Tendency " and their activities in The Labour Party in the early 1980's

I'm not sure if you know how the party works? Members vote for the leader and NEC reps. Policy is set a conference by members. Members go to meetings and vote for their role holders. It's not some hostile takeover, the party has become more open, meetings better attended and debate opened up.

This Party bureaucracy led the party to an absolutely humiliating defeat.

A glass of water could've defeated Boris Johnson. Very easily.

1. Abandon the anti-democratic remain stance, since labour voters in traditional labour seats voted to leave overwhelmingly.

2. Point out the disastrous state of the NHS after a decade of Tory rule.

3. Mention the rising use of food banks and other examples of poverty amongst the working class.

4. Make light of the countless violations of labour rights allowed under the Tory Government leading to lower pay, less employee benefits and other general exploitation.

5. Make policy that would address these issues.

Instead the Party decided to badger on about overturning a democratic referendum, moaning about a fictional gender wage gap that only exists in the mind of Guardian writers, and free broadband for all. Amazing.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Scouse100

I'm not sure if you know how the party works?

What i do know is that " Momentum " is a seperate orginisation that works within The Labour Party. Much the same as Militant Tendency did back in the 1980's.

Momentum is a British left-wing[4] political organisation,[5] founded in 2015 by Jon Lansman, Adam Klug, Emma Rees and James Schneider. It has been described as a grassroots movement supportive of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party.[6][7][8] The current officers of Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd are:[9] Lansman, Sam Tarry MP, Mossley Hill Councillor Elizabeth Hayden,[10] solicitor Anthony Kearns,[11] and Professor Cecile Wright of the University of Nottingham

Momentum needs to be thrown out of The Labour Party and quickly.

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