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How to prepare for quarantine ?

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posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 10:29 AM
There have been many posts about Corona virus. There is little doubt that it is spreading and the chance of some ATS members being stuck in a quarantine situation seems likely.

So, my question is what supplies should you stock up on to be prepared for a 2-6 week self isolation in your home?

I'll start the list with things that seem obvious to me. First, I'd like to say that I don't think water will be on the list because I don't see utilities being shut off.

The list

Food - You need a sufficient quantity of food for your household. Much of this should be canned or dry food to make storage easier. If you have a freezer, it's time to stock it up.

Batteries - You don't need to go wild buying batteries but should have a supply on hand to cover your needs for a couple of months.

Soap, detergent, wipes, sponges, paper towels, toilet paper, etc. Try to figure out quantities you'll need. Don't fill your garage with things that you'll never be able to use up

Meds- If you're on prescription meds try to get at least a months supply

First aid kit for minor emergencies

Lets see what our community can add to this list.
edit on 5-3-2020 by Wildbob77 because: spelling

edit on 5-3-2020 by Wildbob77 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Wildbob77

if it is a medical quarrantine - while the " rest of civilisation rolls along "

then almost nothing is the answer

yup - unless there is a break down of service - then all utilities will still be running

meds - your pharmacist can deliver

food - can be delivered

finances can be done by online banking

people who are requied to quarrantine - will not have a prep period

it will be " boom - the test result says - quarrantine "

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 10:42 AM
Obsession is a scary thing to watch.

From an observer point of view, this whole thing is bizarre.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 10:47 AM
Lard oil salt

I once had to survive a month on only eggs wasent that bad untell I ran out of oil and salt

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 10:49 AM
As long as delivery services are available I guess you don't need to prep

I forgot to add to my list

Pet food
Beer and wind

a reply to: ignorant_ape

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 10:55 AM
This should probably be in the preppy forum.

First, you need a philosophy of nutrition.

Are you going to be on the move? then you'll be ok to pay $5 each for MREs
Or maybe you think you won't be able to cook, without the neighbors smelling your grill smoke. Better go with cans in that case.

The single most overlooked think for actually cooking meals is fats.
Butter will run out quickly once you start eating at home 21 meals a week . You use fats to cook. sauté, braising, frying, all of it. Bottles of cooking oil go rancid quickly if you are opening the lid several times a day.

Id secure a supply of flours (self rising, whole wheat too), granulated sugar, salt, and oils.

If the power goes out, your only way to preserve food will be smoke, salt, sugar or vinnegar.

The best long-term strategy for a quarantine is to have chickens or domestic rabbits already in place. 6 rabbits + their offspring will feed a nuclear family all year long. Chickens and rabbits can be pastured behind a fence and the neighbors may not even be aware. Or in a basement or garage.

Wild rabbit must be eaten sparingly, lest you get "rabbit starvation." Wild rabbit is extremely low in fat, and actually uses up more fat that it gives you to digest. after 2 days of no protein but wild rabbit, you'll get the shakes and controlled but urgent diarrhea that will use up the rest of the fat in your GI tract. So use wild rabbit to supplement domestic meat. I prefer "chicken-rabbit stew"

You can probably forget about big game, as the game laws quit being enforced. In the silence of no car traffic in a quarantine, you can hear a gunshot for miles....

edit on 5-3-2020 by Graysen because: This is the end..., beautiful friend, the end.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 10:59 AM
This is a good topic 10 or 15 years ago tho. Everything can be delivered, like the other guy said. Uber eats, grub hub, prescription delivery, on-line shopping with same day/next day delivery. Never have to leave the house ever if ya didn't want to. But if it was some sort of apocalyptic event ya sure you're going to need all the things you listed. I'll add to the list -

Guns and ammo.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:02 AM
Don't forget your entertainment for when Internet goes down.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Wildbob77


many preven merchants will deliver too

but your point - raises an interesting issue

pets - as quarrantine busters // infection spreaders

i focus hear mostly on cats and dogs [ unless you have a huge private estate ]

if you are in quarrantine - your cat will still need to roam - and your dog need walking

maybe a contingency plan for someone to temporary take in your dog // cat for the duration - or commercial kennel // cattery " holiday "

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:05 AM
to get a little in depth of the food stuffs - Powdered milk, powdered eggs, canned meat and veggies and bags of rice are a good start. Anything with a long shelf life or is non perishable. Freeze dried goods have a very long shelf life and are lightweight.

I would suggest having enough supplies of everything to last a minimum of 2 months. This whole 14 day quarantine is irresponsible as the virus has shown that it can and has taken 28 days to even show signs of symptoms not to mention that even people that have fully recovered still show the virus in their system and are contagious for a month afterwards.

Here in Vancouver there is a few people that have set up a system to drop off groceries, supplies etc to people in quarantine. They drop the order off just outside their doors as to avoid any contamination themselves.

a few other things to add

-kids meds (if you have children). Also powdered pedialyte is a good idea to have on hand
-pet food (if you have pets)
-soaps, toothpaste, personal hygiene items etc
-disinfectant (wipes, sprays etc) once you've recovered, you're going to have to do a complete sterilization of your home and bedding/clothes
-multi vitamins
-paper towel
-sanitary napkins
-bottled water

Any way you look at it, try to have at least 2 months supply of everything.

I worry about those who do not have in suite laundry. They will have to hand wash everything in their bathtubs.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: BoxerBrawler
Don't let them touch your doorknob when delivering.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: BoxerBrawler
This is a good topic 10 or 15 years ago tho. Everything can be delivered, like the other guy said. Uber eats, grub hub, prescription delivery, on-line shopping with same day/next day delivery. Never have to leave the house ever if ya didn't want to. But if it was some sort of apocalyptic event ya sure you're going to need all the things you listed. I'll add to the list -

Guns and ammo.

Dude that's a whole different list.

Seriously. Is the pizza guy gonna deliver to your house if you look like you have the sniffles? Is he going to want your grubby, crusty 5 dollar tip?

Or is he going to go home, lock the door, and tell the boss he delivered your pizza. Only it was to his own face instead of your doorstep.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: Graysen

Well hold on a second, we weren't specific here. Am I home alone or is someone living with me who can answer the door? I'm pretty sure all food delivery can be prepaid, in 2020, and can be left at the door or at least handed to me in some kind of packaging and for real? where do you live? delivery guys wear gloves, at least around here if they're handling food and money at the same time. And who said I'm giving him a tip? I'm a cheap #!

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Dumbass
Don't forget your entertainment for when Internet goes down.

This is an important and often overlooked topic,

Keeping moral up is extremely important, I would add to entertainment; Comfort food.

My Missus has stocked-up on Jaffa Cakes and Kinder Bueno's, me? Grabbing a bottle of Jacks and stashing it, 👌

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Wildbob77

Just a little tip on the toilet paper.

don't go nuts like everyone else. Get a bidet. They are very cheap (on Amazon) and can replace 90% of toilet paper.

From the looks of it, all the places that had quarantines all utilities were still working. So water should still be on.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 12:06 PM
Vodka! You can’t have a proper, civilized martini without vodka, vermouth, and a big jar of olives. Ha ha.

Just kidding, powdered milk. It keeps for months and you can use it to make bread and to cook with. I really don’t expect to see much here in the US.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: MerkabaTribeEntity

originally posted by: Dumbass
Don't forget your entertainment for when Internet goes down.

This is an important and often overlooked topic,

Keeping moral up is extremely important, I would add to entertainment; Comfort food.

My Missus has stocked-up on Jaffa Cakes and Kinder Bueno's, me? Grabbing a bottle of Jacks and stashing it, 👌


A laugh and half a bread takes your further than a grumphy whole one.

And if it doesn't at least you laughed till the end.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: BoxerBrawler
a reply to: Graysen

Well hold on a second, we weren't specific here. Am I home alone or is someone living with me who can answer the door? I'm pretty sure all food delivery can be prepaid, in 2020, and can be left at the door or at least handed to me in some kind of packaging and for real? where do you live? delivery guys wear gloves, at least around here if they're handling food and money at the same time. And who said I'm giving him a tip? I'm a cheap #!

I live off the paved road. We have no deliveries except USPS, ups/Amazon, and propane

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 01:41 PM
Cookiing fats, check......fifteen pounds of butter in the freezer, and twenty five pounds of bacon.....the blind cat does not like bacon grease, the bacon is mostly his though.

If there is a disruption in electricity and water, having paper plates results in lots less washing of dishes, and plastic forks help too. Toilet paper stocking seems to be the new fad, people think of it as hoarding, but it is used on a regular basis and everyone should have a minimum of twelve rolls in stock at all times.

Paper towel is another thing that is good to have in stock, at least six to eight rolls minimum. No electricity or water can mean you cannot wash towels to dry dishes, dishwashers don't work if neither of those is not working either.

One of those kerosene heaters is a good investment, you always see them at rummage sales. You can buy the kerosine for them in five gallon cans for about fifty bucks. Kerosene does not go bad in a sealed can. It also can be used in a Salamander in the garage but beware of fumes in the garage.

If your furnace goes out, you can always use one of those milk house radiator heaters to heat the apartment, two for a small house unless it is real cold. Remember, if there is a quarantine, the furnace repair men might not be able to come over right away. I do not know how a quarantine will effect their business.

Stocking up on food is a major part, making sure to have enough to eat is important. Thirty frozen pizzas in the freezer is not stocking up correctly either. Highly processed food is ok but if you start living off of that it will lower your ability to fight off some diseases.

Remember, if there is a quarantine, do not start posting on Facebook how your allergies are bothering you from your cat and your having a problem breathing because you don't have cat litter, they will haul you away to the hospital and quarantine you for two weeks and nobody is going to bring cat litter to your house.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Nickn3
Vodka! You can’t have a proper, civilized martini without vodka, vermouth, and a big jar of olives. Ha ha.

Just kidding, powdered milk. It keeps for months and you can use it to make bread and to cook with. I really don’t expect to see much here in the US.

You kid, I prepare.

Vodka, Tequila, magic cookies and a kickazz backlog of games on Steam I haven't gotten around to playing yet.

Plus no one knocking on my door trying to sell me siding or convince me to vote for their favorite nutbar?

Heaven on earth.

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