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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
Reality check:

Italy was on 115 cases 2 weeks ago and is now on 7375.

UK's daily increase in cases over the past 10 days from yesterday is 32.9% increase daily. Italy's is 29.6% average for same period.

I'm not sending my son to school this week. I don't think schools will be closed by the end of this week.

I won't be sending him to school the following week. I hope schools will be closed by the end of that week.

I won't be sending him to school week after next. I am almost certain schools will be closed by then.

They should be closed now.

Where are you located?

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:35 PM
Rumours abound/theories that schools may close the week or two before Easter holidays which gives a solid block of time off - making it easier for parents and also schools. Although a lot happens in a day at the moment so who knows.

a reply to: Oppenheimer67

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:36 PM
Keep in mind "all schools are closed now in Japan" this should tell you something. Of course we will soon find out when they re-open after spring break.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Tukota
a reply to: NxNWest

Thank you all for your service. I hope your best friend and your fiance's brother are all okay.

I can understand where your friend is coming from. In the military they have to go rescue the people who choose to do things like take a cruise putting their own safety at risk.

My colleague is leaving on cruise in 8 days out of Miami to the Caribbean. She wont' cancel because it is her son's senior class trip, and I suspect, because she doesn't want to be the first parent to cancel. We've all tried to talk her out of it. She even met with me about things I will need to do at the office if she gets quarantined. SMH!

Thank you, Tukota.

As for my colleague, he booked the cruise in the middle of watching the situation with the Diamond Princess. Madness. I can understand someone maybe taking a chance on a trip they booked months ago that they can’t cancel (I wouldn’t as I am recovering from Cancer), but to willingly book a trip now in a boat is just reckless, in my opinion. Our BC health minister is saying to not get on a cruise right now.

I hope your colleague stays safe and that neither one of us ends up doing two jobs for months as they are quarantined at every step along the way. Ha!

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: ValentineWiggin

I guess i didn't do the link right. I tried to redo it..... I'm new here. Yeah, I'm in Camden, so this is pretty scary. My daughter is in one of the high schools they have a quarantined student. I'm not so excited about sending her to school tomorrow. I just had a serious talk with her about washing her hands and such. I don't know what else to do.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:42 PM
Three days ago, MusicIsMagic was warning that US was "three days behind Japan."

Three days later, US has more cases than Japan. 5-MAR (US 159, JP 331) vs 8-MAR(529, 461).
web.archive of

US "confirmed" has already passed Japan. US POP: 331M, Japan POP: 127M ~38%.

Think this is going to be a very interesting week in US.
edit on 8-3-2020 by Oleman because: web.archive of bnonews link doesn't display correctly

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: RMFX1

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
Reality check:

Italy was on 115 cases 2 weeks ago and is now on 7375.

UK's daily increase in cases over the past 10 days from yesterday is 32.9% increase daily. Italy's is 29.6% average for same period.

I'm not sending my son to school this week. I don't think schools will be closed by the end of this week.

I won't be sending him to school the following week. I hope schools will be closed by the end of that week.

I won't be sending him to school week after next. I am almost certain schools will be closed by then.

They should be closed now.

I agree with you. I don't want to send my kids to school here in the Netherlands. I'm certain that they will close soon like you, just not soon enough.

Northern California:
Sacramento School district opt to move up easter break to next week as sort of school closure due to concerns about Coronavirus. Coronavirus update: Gov. Newsom warns of more California school closings, leaders call for calm

edit on 8-3-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2020 by Observationalist because: Fixing

edit on 8-3-2020 by Observationalist because: Added more info on location

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: cirrus12

If that article about Italy tracking the source of their outbreak back to German car manufacturer is a bit worrying! How long did it take for those parts to get to Italy I wonder? Would be very significant on how long this thing sticks on surfaces!


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
Reality check:

Italy was on 115 cases 2 weeks ago and is now on 7375.

UK's daily increase in cases over the past 10 days from yesterday is 32.9% increase daily. Italy's is 29.6% average for same period.

I'm not sending my son to school this week. I don't think schools will be closed by the end of this week.

I won't be sending him to school the following week. I hope schools will be closed by the end of that week.

I won't be sending him to school week after next. I am almost certain schools will be closed by then.

They should be closed now.

My son is in his last year of high school... if he wasn't I'd do the same thing you're planning. Luckily he goes to a very small charter school so he's around less people each day than most. He also attends the community college though so he's around more people. I just can't pull him out at this critical time in his education. Close to graduation. Uggg.... I hope they close both his HS and the college he attends in 2 weeks. At least he's low risk for his age but I"m 50 and so is my husband (his step dad) so we are higher risk. I've been saying school closures would really do a lot to slow this down

I understand your dilemma. My apologies if I have caused you any stress. Actually I would probably be doing the same as you in your position. I'm in good health, but my better half has a chest infection after having flu/fever/weakness for past 3 weeks (I hope that's all it is), but her mother lives with us and is fine so I'm assuming it's not nCoV. My son is 5 so he'd probably be fine, but my better half is already a wreck, I cannot risk her getting infected. Grandma is obviously at risk, and I have a 2 year old daughter who now has a cough who would also be at risk.

My son being 5 I am not worried about him missing anything crucial at school, so I am lucky in that respect but appreciate your position.

On a positive note, some schools will close next week, and the chances of it being because of a case at your son's is very low. Even the following week, and so on until all are closed. The risk is minimal, but in this case I have chosen not to take the chance so thought I would share and give my reasons. Good luck to us all.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:46 PM

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Officials in Memphis and Shelby County on Sunday morning confirmed the area’s first case of novel coronavirus.

And another in Nashville.
edit on 8-3-2020 by lostsock because: added more info

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: Oleman
Three days ago, MusicIsMagic was warning that US was "three days behind Japan."

Three days later, US has more cases than Japan. 5-MAR (US 159, JP 331) vs 8-MAR(529, 461)." target="_blank" class="postlink">Web.Archive

US "confirmed" has already passed Japan. US POP: 331M, Japan POP: 127M ~38%.

Think this is going to be a very interesting week in US.

Keep in mind how small Japan is compared to the US. I think we're a little more than 3 days behind. More like a month. We are 2 months behind China so I'm expecting things to get real weird by the end of March heading into April. We'll see what happens when more states declare a state of emergency

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: ValentineWiggin

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
Reality check:

Italy was on 115 cases 2 weeks ago and is now on 7375.

UK's daily increase in cases over the past 10 days from yesterday is 32.9% increase daily. Italy's is 29.6% average for same period.

I'm not sending my son to school this week. I don't think schools will be closed by the end of this week.

I won't be sending him to school the following week. I hope schools will be closed by the end of that week.

I won't be sending him to school week after next. I am almost certain schools will be closed by then.

They should be closed now.

Where are you located?

I'm in South Yorkshire, UK.

Just found out that I am surrounded by schools which have had suspected cases from Italy trips which tipped my balance. Strangely couldn't find them on google. Only when searching on Tor browser did I find them.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
a reply to: musicismagic

Thanks for your updates. The US president has not rolled out any plan from what I can tell. The centers for disease control have been limiting testing. Don't want to get political but I'm rather terrified about how this has been handled in the US

I think it is quite obvious what this administration's plans are.

Ignore it, say were doing everything possible, tell the CDC to quit testing as much, ignore it some more, wave and say it's all overblown and keep the old machine running.


Sorry not yelling at you, just yelling in general.

The amount of BS being thrown around from this administration is completely unbelievable.

For a recap:

Ah, never mind. I had a huge deal typed out and I deleted it because it doesn't really matter anyways.

This administration is doing a great job(sarc)

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: pasiphae
Excellent point! Japan 334.62 /sqkm, US 33.67 /sqkm.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: liejunkie01

just because the president hasnt announced plans, doesnt mean they dont have them. the govt has contingency plans for every thing. or do you think that cause orange man bad?

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:56 PM
It was a man that worked at the manufacturing company - he travelled back to the Lombardy region and it spread from there. The Germans thought they had contained their cluster in the company but obviously didn't.
That started when a woman visited their company from China.

More on this here

According to the virologists’ findings, the Webasto outbreak was not as well-contained as it immediately appeared. They say that a person infected at Webasto then traveled to Italy’s northern Lombardy region, home to Milan, the country’s financial capital, spreading the coronavirus there, according to the Washington Post report.

The genetic compositions of the German virus and the Italian strain are so similar that “it’s very probable that at least a large part of the epidemic happening in Italy” came from the Webasto outbreak, Galli said.


a reply to: angelchemuel

edit on 8-3-2020 by cirrus12 because: source

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: malektaus
a reply to: liejunkie01

just because the president hasnt announced plans, doesnt mean they dont have them. the govt has contingency plans for every thing. or do you think that cause orange man bad?

This is a public announcement...
Don't worry citizen, your goverment is here to protect you and keep you safe...

edit on 8-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
It was a man that worked at the manufacturing company - he travelled back to the Lombardy region and it spread from there. The Germans thought they had contained their cluster in the company but obviously didn't.
That started when a woman visited their company from China.

More on this here

According to the virologists’ findings, the Webasto outbreak was not as well-contained as it immediately appeared. They say that a person infected at Webasto then traveled to Italy’s northern Lombardy region, home to Milan, the country’s financial capital, spreading the coronavirus there, according to the Washington Post report.

The genetic compositions of the German virus and the Italian strain are so similar that “it’s very probable that at least a large part of the epidemic happening in Italy” came from the Webasto outbreak, Galli said.


a reply to: angelchemuel

Good theory, that doesnt explain why there aren't any reported deaths in Germany if in fact it spread from Germany to Italy, almost 400 dead in Italy now....

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 06:01 PM
Strange times..

Explosion at Iranian Judiciary

March 8 - Tehran, #Iran
Explosion reported at a judiciary branch in the Iranian capital.
This is a significant security breach & regime officials are concerned about such measures as public anger is escalating across the country.

North Korea firing off missiles

#BREAKING North Korea fires unidentified projectile: Yonhap via AFP

Saudi Arabia declaring an oil war

Saudi Arabia slashed its export oil prices over the weekend in what is likely to be the start of a price war aimed at Russia but with potentially devastating repercussions for Russia’s ally Venezuela, Saudi Arabia’s enemy Iran and even American oil companies.

The effects were quickly felt, as the Brent global oil benchmark price collapsed by about $10 a barrel, or over 20 percent

Turkey opens its border to Greece and assists thousands of refugee's while also driving military convoys into Idlib.

Big week ahead!

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: malektaus
a reply to: liejunkie01

just because the president hasnt announced plans, doesnt mean they dont have them. the govt has contingency plans for every thing. or do you think that cause orange man bad?

I can read. I can line up the dots. I can extrapolate on how the CDC is handling the problem along with how the administration is scrubbing the information.

I can also see beyond any party politics unlike most here.

I can freely criticize every party, every president, of any administration because my allegiance isn't devoted to any of them.

If people would leave the partisan politics out of it you would see that he has already announced his plans. It is quite obvious.

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