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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: crankyoldman

Afternoon all

Seeing reports that the National Guard has been activated and reports for duty by end of business today across all 50 states. Trump to declare a National Emergency in about 50 minutes.

I think it's about to go down. It's Friday and we are waiting for "the storm is upon us" on Twitter.

Godspeed all.

Confirmed. National Guard activated in all 50 states.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:33 PM
- no reason to freak unless you’re over 70 and not in good health. Then, buying green bananas is the norm with or without Tecate

- the Tecate was either accidentally released in China or on purpose. Either way, China used it to squash the Hong Kong protests. China’s buddy Iran, who had the same protest problems, did the same. Possibly even using it as cover to snuff out a few non committed folks.

- 1958 (known) currently infected in US
- 1948 (99%) of them with mild symptoms

- The Tecate is real... just not deadly to more than 99% of the people who catch it. Sure, we don’t want the mildly infected to pass it on to more of the 1% folks, so measures taken now will minimize that. We 99%’ers can be inconvenienced for a few weeks.

- don’t sweat your 401k unless you’re retiring before Nov. in that case you should have already moved the $$ out of 401k or at least diversified to safer holdings.

- mass arrests; I’m err’ing on not expecting that to happen. If it does, awesome. I’m only concerned about the T4 coup boys; Brennan, Clapper, Corney, and Stryck.

- I went to the barber today. Shop packed. Walmart was humming like normal. Nobody calling in sick at work. Appropriate planning and prevention steps already in place.

- When temps start climbing, this fades quickly. The trick is to get vaccine (preventive) and cure (treatment) before November when this cycle could repeat. Everyone’s up in arms for “testing”. By the time we get 300m+ tested, the season will have ended. We don’t test for the seriously deadly “flu”. We just get annual flu shots. If you get sick, you go to the doctor.

- let’s use this as a benchmark. If in 60 days there are more NBA players dead from Tecate than # of NBA stars dying in helicopter crashes in 2020, we can revisit the “pandemic”. Pandemic doesn’t mean mass death. It means outbreak in multiple countries. In fact, there’s a pandemic of fear as well as Tecate.

Wash your hands a lot. Minimize exposure to large groups. If you’re sick, stay home & see a doctor.
edit on 13-3-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: toolgal462

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: toolgal462
Are you people still believing this is all related to Q and the mass arrests and that horse puckey?

eta: not trying to be disrespectful to anyone I wish Q was real but I've had my doubts all along and this virus thing is bad enough without getting ones hopes up on this Q business only to realize we are just really F'd because of a f'ng virus.

TG, go back and read the last 25 pages or so, there is A LOT of evidence this corona-beer + was included in the drops, including my decode of the NCAA being [cancel]ed. There is a lot, or just enjoy the show and wait for the big DJT Tweet

I do try and read all pages because I am interested if not convinced. But could you or someone else possibly give me the Readers Digest version of what I'm missing?

I'm freaked out enough as it is at what is going on I can't really sort it all out on my own.

Sure TG. One, DO NOT FREAK OUT - zero reason.

There are a lot of POV's on this. I've said often POV matters, each one has their own, but Q works to gives us a broader POV by tapping into our collective awareness with teamwork. As opposed to a limited enemedia POV.

Corona-beer is not a thing for the average person to be concerned about, but the "virus" reactions have various POV's which are all valid, but not all apply to everyone.

So China has a POV on this, Iran one, Italy and so on. China, Italy and Iran have some super bad beings present, the closing down of things in those areas can represent a purge of the baddies and keeping folks inside helps them do the job. Equally, in China and France the bad guys use the panic to stop protests. Both POV's are valid.

The consensus is that corona-beer panic is being used by White Hats to root out the bad guys, break financial control systems and also to be used as justification for prominent bad guy deaths. In the case of the US, it shows medical connections to China and supply chain problems on important stuff.

It also "justifies" other measures like killing payroll tax, destroying regulations that harm and help front line folks do their jobs easier - think National Guard and other Emergency Powers stuff.

DJT and company are using it to out the Dems true agenda, break the FED and work to remove a lot of human trafficking, drug trafficking and other bad stuff.

People are hoarding TP because.... I have no idea.

Decodes in the drops reveal all of this and more being planned for. Hence "Trust The Plan" and the notion that all is not what it seems. Truthfully, this is exactly why Q in the first place. While some Anons waver a bit, the collective Q Team appears rock solid World Wide.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:41 PM
I like Trump but that wasn't good. He was just rambling and said nothing that hasn't already been said.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Just stay focused on the statistics and ignore 90% of what the mainstream media broadcasts.

The statistics:

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Just stay focused on the statistics and ignore 90% of what the mainstream media broadcasts.

The statistics:

Yep. Quoted my #s from that link you provided yesterday.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Thank you very much, I hope this has some other purpose other than to scare the crap out of everyone and kill off the old!

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:44 PM
Stafford Act:


The thing is a beast at 192 pages.

Dig: I'm guessing one of the odd Qdrop "numbers" like 3.11 or something might be a clue contained in this doc.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: toolgal462

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: toolgal462
Are you people still believing this is all related to Q and the mass arrests and that horse puckey?

eta: not trying to be disrespectful to anyone I wish Q was real but I've had my doubts all along and this virus thing is bad enough without getting ones hopes up on this Q business only to realize we are just really F'd because of a f'ng virus.

TG, go back and read the last 25 pages or so, there is A LOT of evidence this corona-beer + was included in the drops, including my decode of the NCAA being [cancel]ed. There is a lot, or just enjoy the show and wait for the big DJT Tweet

I do try and read all pages because I am interested if not convinced. But could you or someone else possibly give me the Readers Digest version of what I'm missing?

I'm freaked out enough as it is at what is going on I can't really sort it all out on my own.

The consensus is that corona-beer panic is being used by White Hats to root out the bad guys, break financial control systems and also to be used as justification for prominent bad guy deaths. In the case of the US, it shows medical connections to China and supply chain problems on important stuff.

It also "justifies" other measures like killing payroll tax, destroying regulations that harm and help front line folks do their jobs easier - think National Guard and other Emergency Powers stuff.

DJT and company are using it to out the Dems true agenda, break the FED and work to remove a lot of human trafficking, drug trafficking and other bad stuff.

I like the idea that President Trump is using this crisis to the benefit of his plan, opportunistically.
I thought that this would be a great time to start handing out indictments, the MSM would not be able to spin it and the wheels of justice would finally take it's course.
Something big is going down.
Like toolgal I do follow this thread but am unable to keep up with the decoding and math used.
Regardless, I appreciate the insight and am looking forward to seeing this MSM hysteria around the Wuhu Virus turned into an opportunity to unleash the storm I have been waiting for.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:49 PM
Ugggghhhh I just want confirmation already!!!

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:50 PM
Wow, like I said a few days ago, Stafford Act, hello FEMA; Trump declares National Emergency on the day when number of states declare emergency is 33 on Corona making this the 33rd ACTIVE National Emergency. What a # show. I somehow got time warped to a different parallel world and stuck in this multi-layered psyop.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: crankyoldman

Afternoon all

Seeing reports that the National Guard has been activated and reports for duty by end of business today across all 50 states. Trump to declare a National Emergency in about 50 minutes.

I think it's about to go down. It's Friday and we are waiting for "the storm is upon us" on Twitter.

Godspeed all.

Confirmed. National Guard activated in all 50 states.

I am reading only 33 States total

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

I'm 40 minutes into this, and so far they're doing a very good job of evaluating Austin's videos.

You know how, sometimes, you meet someone who is EXTREMLY intelligent but they also seem to be EXTREMLY gullible..?

This is what I feel when I watch Austin's videos. Like someone has convinced him that he will be the future leader of the "SPACE FORCE".


The Quantum computing angle does have merit (as to how it is actually supposed to work).

I Posted this last December:

I am thinking more along the lines of Quantum computing. There was few articles I read about quantum computers linking with other quantum computers in the past.
So if someone in the future connected to one of our first Q computers it would explain some of the coincidences we have seen.

A few years ago, a researcher found that a (time traveling) quantum computer can be used to solve a number of problems, such as, the NP-Complete problem. The theory of relativity also gave us the concept of closed timeline curves which can also be understood as paths between space time. If we chase the closed timeline curves, then a traveler is able to interact with his/her past. Coordinating these closed timeline curves with quantum mechanics is a big issue which has been continuously attempted.

Quantum computing promotes various phenomena, irrespective of the presence and absence of the closed timeline curve in spacetime.

Time traveling can be described as a communication channel (with respect to quantum) to the backward direction of spacetime. One of the best examples of a communication channel is ‘Quantum Teleportation’. Quantum measurement, on combining with shared entanglement and communication, allows the sending and receiving of quantum states. And, on combining quantum teleportation with post-selection, a way to the past is made via a communication channel. Entanglement arises on both the forward and backward parts of the curve due to which the quantum measurement is replaced by the post-selection, thus, precluding the need for a communication channel which gives birth to the time travel.

Give the article a read.... it is rather interesting.
edit on 13-3-2020 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-3-2020 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:55 PM
Well, barber shop didn’t empty out when National Emergency declared.

Hope someone is keeping track of the $$$ as it blows around the Country.

I’m getting Chinese food for dinner. Going downtown to listen to live music. Enjoying a beautiful day/evening in the American Southwest.

Q related - this faux Q fills a void. When Q is cryptic and has gaps in posting, there becomes a void. Faux Q steps in. Daily visible and seemingly accessible to the masses, he gets to tickle the ears of those wanting to constantly being told something.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

well if you "mirror" it to 113, this section pops up:

Regional Office strike teams
(1) In general—In coordination
with other relevant Federal agencies, each Regional Administrator
shall oversee multi-agency strike
teams authorized under section 5144
of title 42 that shall consist of—
(A) a designated Federal coordinating officer;
(B) personnel trained in incident
(C) public affairs, response and
recovery, and communications
support personnel;
(D) a defense coordinating
(E) liaisons to other Federal
(F) such other personnel as the
Administrator or Regional Administrator determines appropriate; and
(G) individuals from the agencies with primary responsibility
for each of the emergency support functions in the National Response Plan.
(2) Other duties—The duties of an
individual assigned to a Regional
Office strike team from another relevant agency when such individual is
not functioning as a member of the
strike team shall be consistent with
the emergency preparedness activities of the agency that employs such
(3) Location of members—The
members of each Regional Office
strike team, including representatives from agencies other than the
Department, shall be based primarily within the region that corresponds
to that strike team.
(4) Coordination—Each Regional
Office strike team shall coordinate
the training and exercises of that
strike team with the State, local, and
tribal governments and private sector and nongovernmental entities
which the strike team shall support
when a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster
(5) Preparedness—Each Regional
Office strike team shall be trained
as a unit on a regular basis and
equipped and staffed to be well
prepared to respond to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other
man-made disasters, including catastrophic incidents.
(6) Authorities—If the Administrator determines that statutory authority is inadequate for the preparedness and deployment of individuals
in strike teams under this subsection, the Administrator shall report
to Congress regarding the additional
statutory authorities that the Administrator determines are necessary

So who knows.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:01 PM
The US is up to 3.8 Tecate deaths per day (using 5 day avg). At this pace it will take 36 years to match one year of seasonal flu deaths.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:04 PM
The Use of Federal Troops for Disaster Assistance

Natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, raise questions concerning the President’s legal authority to send active duty military forces into a disaster area and the permissible functions the military can perform to protect life and property and maintain order. The Stafford Act authorizes the use of the military for disaster relief operations at the request of the state governor, but it does not authorize the use of the military to perform law enforcement functions, which is ordinarily
prohibited by the Posse Comitatus Act.

However, the President may invoke other authorities to use federal troops to aid in the execution of the law, including the Insurrection Act. This report summarizes the possible constitutional and statutory authorities and constraints relevant to the use of armed forces, including National Guard units in federal service, to provide assistance to states when a natural disaster impedes the operation of state and local police.


Insurrection Act Law and Legal Definition

The Insurrection Act is the set of laws passed in 1807 that govern the U.S. President's ability to deploy troops within the U.S. to put down lawlessness, insurrection and rebellion.

The Act aims to limit Presidential power as much as possible, relying on state and local governments for initial response in the event of insurrection. The Act, with the Posse Comitatus Act limited and delayed Presidential powers for law enforcement.

edit on 13-3-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Congratulations on your new PeeJetite PJ!

One of the first to experience only a FREE world?

edit on 13-3-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:07 PM
They've tracked Corona back to Nov. 17. I know I made some posts on this forum where I thought this whole mess had to have started back in November possibly even as far back as late October.

Turns out I was close in my estimates.

They think it was November 17. So I don't know if you date folks have any relevance from that at all.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:08 PM
NG would augment local LE. In most cases, weapons with no ammo. You can’t have Joey the pharmacist running around town popping off his M16 every time someone throws a rock at a humvee. At the same time you don’t want 5 tour Afghanistan Johnny with a itchy trigger finger and lingering PTSD going Rambo on the locals.

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