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Corona Virus Updates Part 2

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posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:51 AM
I'm still seeing a lot of posts on this thread which aren't updating facts or what we see as facts. As i said before its very time consuming going through all the posts and seeing a fw people havin a long discussion about 'non-factual stuff and where they are going on holiday, should they go and other stuff non-related to 'virus updates'.

Please can you message eachother in private and continue your discussions and leave the thread for 'virus updates'


posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: logicsoda

Ok...just don't cough on me or mine when this thing takes off, would ya? Stay home and keep it to yourselves.

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: logicsoda

originally posted by: Necrose

originally posted by: logicsoda

originally posted by: missed_gear
a reply to: armakirais

Thanks for posting...

What is being overlooked (many posters here, perhaps intentionally) is governments do not respond this way historically and now become an international event.

Without true information, conjecture sets in place. Now there are so many eyes coming to bare, the dirt will come out of the carpet soon.


The reason that governments do not historically respond this way is because it is rare that a virus this contagious pops up. It's just a new strain that will have a vaccination developed, tested, and commercially produced within the year. It's like a new, less-harmful flu virus.

Finally someone who doesn’t talk nonsense.
Thanks for joining the debate.

I'm just not drinking the kool-aid that the fear-mongering media is serving...

Thank you for protecting the world from the evil media!!

I don’t have cable but it really doesn’t seem like the American media is hyping this at all.

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:54 AM
Maybe we should do a crowdfunding thing in the interests of science and fairness to all on ATS.

The croedfund is to send the 3 main antagonists who say this is nothing to one of the Chinese provinces for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

They should love it.

Free holiday and since they *know* there's nothing to worry about it's a win-win for all of us

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
I'm still seeing a lot of posts on this thread which aren't updating facts or what we see as facts. As i said before its very time consuming going through all the posts and seeing a fw people havin a long discussion about 'non-factual stuff and where they are going on holiday, should they go and other stuff non-related to 'virus updates'.

Please can you message eachother in private and continue your discussions and leave the thread for 'virus updates'


I have seen you post this numerous times, but the fact is we really only get 2 "official" updates on the reported numbers each day. How do you expect us to fill the downtime? I am grateful for all of the posts, even the ones I disagree with. This is way better than discussing Trump 24/7.

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

What do you mean? There's plenty of news on the virus if you look for it. I've found loads!

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

If you want to have a discussion like what you are doing, why not go to this thread?

or this one:
edit on 7-2-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: tennisdawg

I have seen you post this numerous times, but the fact is we really only get 2 "official" updates on the reported numbers each day. How do you expect us to fill the downtime? I am grateful for all of the posts, even the ones I disagree with. This is way better than discussing Trump 24/7.

Could you at least elaborate on why everything aside from the basic illness-prevention advice I provided in an earlier post is the worst advice in the thread instead of avoiding my request? Or are you just going to avoid it?
edit on 7-2-2020 by logicsoda because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2020 by logicsoda because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
a reply to: tennisdawg

What do you mean? There's plenty of news on the virus if you look for it. I've found loads!

If you look for it , yes it’s there. It isn’t a main headline on any of the major network websites .

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
a reply to: tennisdawg

What do you mean? There's plenty of news on the virus if you look for it. I've found loads!

If you look for it , yes it’s there. It isn’t a main headline on any of the major network websites .


posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Necrose
By the way its not harassment it is sarcasm. Wait here is some more.. If anyone wants to start a go fund me page for Necrose information fact finding trip to go and see first hand whats going on in China so she can supply us all with correct updated information I will happily donate

Is there any new news about the ships? Im confused is there 3 of them now or just 2?

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:01 AM
Hey folks

crashing out

enjoy the read

see ya all in the morning

someone find out if all the shipping container types of ships also will be banned from docking onto Japanese ports

I live in an international port city so hopefully I'll have some updated news. The crew members have always been able to get a pass to go shopping, usually at a pawnshop nearby the ports.

But now, I think no one other then Japanese will be permitted off the ships if they still can dock

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: logicsoda

originally posted by: tennisdawg

I have seen you post this numerous times, but the fact is we really only get 2 "official" updates on the reported numbers each day. How do you expect us to fill the downtime? I am grateful for all of the posts, even the ones I disagree with. This is way better than discussing Trump 24/7.

Could you at least elaborate on why everything aside from the basic illness-prevention advice I provided in an earlier post is the worst advice in the thread instead of avoiding my request?

***bangs head against wall***

I am not going to rehash dozens of my posts, and hundreds of other people's to get you up to speed. I don't even know where to start on the cliff's notes version. Read more before you post. We have covered thousands of angles and theories at this point.
edit on 2/7/2020 by tennisdawg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: tennisdawg

originally posted by: logicsoda

originally posted by: tennisdawg

I have seen you post this numerous times, but the fact is we really only get 2 "official" updates on the reported numbers each day. How do you expect us to fill the downtime? I am grateful for all of the posts, even the ones I disagree with. This is way better than discussing Trump 24/7.

Could you at least elaborate on why everything aside from the basic illness-prevention advice I provided in an earlier post is the worst advice in the thread instead of avoiding my request?

***bangs head against wall***

I am not going to rehash dozens of my posts, and hundreds of other people's to get you up to speed. I don;t even know where to start on the cliff's notes version. Read more before you post. We have covered thousands of angles and theories at this point.

And in the time you took to write that response you could have very easily crafted a better response than that. Instead you just dismissively point me in the direction of the "other theories/angles" that supposedly exist in this thread/other threads. Typical...
edit on 7-2-2020 by logicsoda because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Hey folks

crashing out

enjoy the read

see ya all in the morning

someone find out if all the shipping container types of ships also will be banned from docking onto Japanese ports

I live in an international port city so hopefully I'll have some updated news. The crew members have always been able to get a pass to go shopping, usually at a pawnshop nearby the ports.

But now, I think no one other then Japanese will be permitted off the ships if they still can dock

I have been following your posts, and just wanted to say thanks for all the information. Japan has quickly become the main situation worthy of our attention over the last 2 days.

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: tennisdawg

originally posted by: logicsoda

originally posted by: tennisdawg

I have seen you post this numerous times, but the fact is we really only get 2 "official" updates on the reported numbers each day. How do you expect us to fill the downtime? I am grateful for all of the posts, even the ones I disagree with. This is way better than discussing Trump 24/7.

Could you at least elaborate on why everything aside from the basic illness-prevention advice I provided in an earlier post is the worst advice in the thread instead of avoiding my request?

***bangs head against wall***

I am not going to rehash dozens of my posts, and hundreds of other people's to get you up to speed. I don't even know where to start on the cliff's notes version. Read more before you post. We have covered thousands of angles and theories at this point.

Just ignore the trolls - don't reply to them.

Starve them of oxygen they'll leave and bug someone else.

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: lostsock
a reply to: Necrose
By the way its not harassment it is sarcasm. Wait here is some more.. If anyone wants to start a go fund me page for Necrose information fact finding trip to go and see first hand whats going on in China so she can supply us all with correct updated information I will happily donate

Is there any new news about the ships? Im confused is there 3 of them now or just 2?

It's 3 with c.10,000 passengers and crew in total

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:10 AM
People in China scream in their homes. The Chinese government leaves them at home to die

This is a very troubling sound, lot of distress going on.

The tensions on this thread over words like exponential and lock down is somewhat representative of the stress that is building up. There is a long way to go.

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

My 63 year old dad starts a two week cruise this Sunday . For the first time I feel like this virus has a chance of touching my life . I’m sure he will be just fine and have an amazing time though.

Part of me feels like the people in this thread who downplay this virus simply feel very safe because there is no way it will reach them in their moms basement .

posted on Feb, 7 2020 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: lostsock

Some details about the situation are still unclear, but here's what we know about the three ships right now:

The one docked in Japan: The Diamond Princess is anchored off the coast of Yokohama, near Tokyo, with 1,045 crew and 2,666 passengers — including 428 Americans — on board. At least 61 people on board have been infected. The vessel has been quarantined since Tuesday, and passengers are expected to remain under quarantine for at least 14 days — so roughly 11 more days.

The one docked in Hong Kong: The World Dream, is docked at Hong Kong's Kai Tak Cruise Terminal with more than 3,600 passengers and crew members on board. A Hong Kong Department of Health official said 33 crew members had shown symptoms of illness at varying degrees, although most had tested negative for the coronavirus. All passengers will have to remain on board until "we complete the quarantine work," the official said — but it's unclear how long that could take.

The one without a port: In the middle of the East China Sea, the Westerdam is struggling to find a port to dock at after being turned away from both Taiwan and Japan over fears of passenger contamination. The company that operates the line said it has no reason to believe there are any cases of coronavirus on board. The cruise is in the middle of a 30-day voyage (it initially left Singapore on January 16), and it's not clear when or where it could dock.

And the 1 in New Jersey that has docked... So, I guess there's 4

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