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Adam Schiff Sued by Physicians for Censoring Vaccine Debate

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+15 more 
posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 08:11 PM
Rep. Adam Schiff Sued by Physicians for Censoring Vaccine Debate

On Jan 15, 2020, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, along with Katarina Verrelli, on behalf of herself and others who seek access to vaccine information, filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Plaintiffs allege that Defendant Adam Schiff has abused government power and infringed on their free-speech rights.

“Who appointed Congressman Adam Schiff as Censor-in-Chief?” asks AAPS General Counsel. “No one did, and he should not be misusing his position to censor speech on the internet.”

In February and March 2019, Rep. Schiff contacted Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to encourage them to de-platform or discredit what Schiff asserted to be inaccurate information on vaccines. He then posted the letters and press release on the website.

Within 24 hours of Schiff’s letter to Amazon dated Mar 1, 2019, Amazon removed the popular videos Vaxxed and Shoot ’Em Up: the Truth About Vaccines from its platform for streaming videos, depriving members of the public of convenient access.



Schiff needs to just resign. He has proven, time and time again, to be incapable of properly functioning as an U.S. Representative. This is just icing on the cake. This man is a disgrace to America.
edit on 1/23/2020 by M4ngo because: (no reason given)

edit on Thu Jan 23 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed long quote IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

+13 more 
posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: M4ngo

He's actually doing exactly what he was put in place to do by the Democratic party.

Undermine and eventually destroy the Bill of Rights.

You can't fault him for that... he's actually doing a pretty good job at what he does.


You can realize as an American citizen what the Democratic party stands for now and change it at the ballot box.

Get involved, talk to friends and family, get this party to go away.

Before they make you go away.

Vote for your own self-preservation.

While you still have a vote that counts.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 08:37 PM
I'll honestly be surprised if the Democrats even get 25% of all the votes in November. Between the impeachment nonsense, the unconstitutional bills in Virginia and Washington, the absolute disregard for human life with late term abortions(also Virginia), the blatant and disgusting support for terrorists. I will have lost what little faith in humanity I have left, if the American people don't vote in record numbers to stop their insanity. I have no opinion on the vaccine debate but censorship and unconstitutional laws have no place in this country. The tree of liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants!

PS: Schiff has the most punchable face I've ever had the displeasure of seeing.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: M4ngo

oh joy - this crap again - the AAPS - a group that make mr schiff look like the sane one

(post by Irishhaf removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

You can't fault him for that... he's actually doing a pretty good job at what he does.

my azz, i usually like and agree with what you say. and other than this part of your post i agree with the rest.
i can fault him because if you look at his eyes while he's spewing his garbage, with that permanent half azz smirk on his face you can't miss the plotting evil mind he has.

which makes me wonder, how many innocent people along his way to becoming a representative for both the state and federal government he put in prison as a Assistant United States Attorney with that smirk on his face.

damn right i can fault him and do.

edit on 23-1-2020 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: M4ngo

oh joy - this crap again - the AAPS - a group that make mr schiff look like the sane one

Schiff encouraged Google, Facebook, and Amazon to censor information. That is not sane.

Despite your personal feelings about vaccines, this has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with censorship of information—lobbied by a corrupt U.S. Representative.
edit on 1/23/2020 by M4ngo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: M4ngo

I don't buy into the whole anti vaccination program. I've looked at all the evidence I can find and still can't side with them. But with that being said, with shifty shif out there censoring these people how is one to make an informed decision? That's the crux of this all.

Basically, I disagree with what they say, but will defend t death their right to do so.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: PorteurDeMort

PS: Schiff has the most punchable face I've ever had the displeasure of seeing.

Without a doubt..

I threw up in my mouth when I saw the way CNN and msnbc covered his diatribe at the peach mint hearing. I mean, get a room for gods sake. Or get drugged by his buddy and raped, either way they'll say it was spectacular!

P. S. - Prepare to be shocked, there are a lot of people who fall for their woke BS propaganda.
edit on 23-1-2020 by Oppositeoftruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: Lumenari

You can't fault him for that... he's actually doing a pretty good job at what he does.

my azz, i usually like and agree with what you say. and other than this part of your post i agree with the rest.
i can fault him because if you look at his eyes while he's spewing his garbage, with that permanent half azz smirk on his face you can't miss the plotting evil mind he has.

which makes me wonder, how many innocent people along his way to becoming a representative for both the state and federal government he put in prison as a Assistant United States Attorney with that smirk on his face.

damn right i can fault him and do.

Fault the people that continually vote him in.

He has no power without them.

So take the time to change that... one person at a time.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

i do but, he went in with what he's done and doing well in in mind.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: M4ngo

Vaccines contain Mercury . Mercury can Poison the Body . The People who are Vaccinated for ANY Alleged Risk in contacting a Possibly Fatal Disease are being Duped into Slowly Killing Themselves without their Knowledge . PROVE That WRONG ATS . Adam Schiff is Responsible for Denying the Public the Facts about that in the Paperwork that comes with the Vaccines .......!

edit on 23-1-2020 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: M4ngo

Schiff contacted Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to encourage them to de-platform

So he asked, he didn't make them do this.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 10:32 PM
I don’t like or agree with the antivaxers . I think they put other peoples children at risk of sicness/death between boosters . The people pushing it have zero concern for anyone but theirselves .

The big argument is measles mumps rubella causes autism . Despite the big increase of ailments being classified as autism which are adding to the numbers . Japan quit using that MMR vaccine in 1993 . Now they have one of the highest autism rates in the world .

There is a small risk with the vaccine.

But is there is also a risk with the flu shot .

That being said .

The anti-vaxers still have the right to be fear mongers and the gullible still have the right to believe it .

* Watch for California to ban hypodermic needle‘s .

edit on 23-1-2020 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2020 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 10:36 PM
People need to see all the evidence to determine if vaccines are right for them. Not just the propaganda from the ones pushing vaccines.

I am not an antivaxer. I know that some people need certain vaccines and I cannot tell you who needs them and who doesn't. I do think that too many vaccines are being given though, most people do not need a vaccine if there is little threat of them contacting the disease. It steers a person's immune system to fight things they might not need to fight while lessening it's power to fight other diseases they may come in contact with. That is my take on it.

I had a severe reaction to the flu vaccine both times I had received it and was told the second time not to take it anymore. I also had a reaction to the DTAP, the reaction was like the reaction you get when you get whooping cough, so next time I need a tetnus shot, I will get just the tetnus or the DT vaccine. I had whooping cough many years ago, my body must know what it is and injecting it resulted in a bad cytokine storm.

Now other people can take vaccines without cytokine storms, so it may help them. It could kill me from what the doctor told me.

Let people look at the evidence and investigate themselves, we have the right to deny treatment if we think it will harm us. Many people have had severe reactions to vaccines so do not want their kids to go through that. Some of us have strong innate immunity, others don't. Some of the people use the religion card to get out of having to have their kids go through hell from a vaccine since they had the reaction themselves. But my daughter from my first marriage gets a severe reaction while my daughter from my present wife can take the flu shot with just a little side effects, meaning it is stimulating a reaction but not going cytokine. She might benefit from the vaccine. I do not know, I just know it is bad for me and my oldest daughter and her kids.

I just like to inform others that if they get a severe reaction similar to the flu from two days to three weeks after the vaccine, that they may be having a cytokine storm and have their doctor check it out and note it in their records that they have had a bad reaction. That way there is evidence that they should not get a vaccine, and remember, just because one of your kids got a reaction does not mean the others will get a reaction. It does not get better the second time, that is fake propaganda. If your innate system identifies it as a pathogen in the blood and throws a fit, it will most likely keep happening. You have natural immunity. But talk to your doctor, hopefully your doctor is not a vaccine pusher and blows you off, I know lots of doctors who are brainwashed and they get a bonus if most of their patients are vaccinated, a big bonus. So it is beneficial for them to push vaccinations. And they will drop patients that do not get vaccinations because they jeopardize their bonuses.

posted on Jan, 23 2020 @ 11:44 PM
I am not surprised to hear Schiff is behind this one as well. It will be a good day when he is finally out of here.

Secret Court Issuing Website “Takedown” Orders in America, Targeting “Vaccine Truth” Sites

A Natural News investigation has discovered the existence of a “secret court” in America which is run by the vaccine industry and is currently issuing takedown orders to tech companies and hosting infrastructure companies to cause targeted disruptions (sabotage) of independent media websites that question any official vaccine narrative.

Mike Adams did get hit with this court order and is currently fighting against it. He was locked out of his website for a couple of days and has managed to get back some control of it.

Some medical professionals that dare question the medical establishment include:

Dr. Suzanne Humphries Lecture on vaccines and health FULL PART ONE

Dr. Suzanne Humphries has done a lot of work studying immunology. Personally considers it safer to treat the disease than contend with the side effects of vaccinations.

Vaccine injuries, Dr. Andrew Moulden, Conférence Liberté de Choix en Santé, Montréal, 12 sept. 2009

Dr. Andrew Moulden has done a lot of work with neurology and provides signs to look for with nerve damage caused by vaccinations.

Personally I am against mandatory vaccinations and do not want to receive any further vaccinations myself. Resorting to censorship to win a debate is a clear sign something is wrong. The conflicts of interest from financial incentives rather than clear and open fact based data is another clear sign something is wrong.

I am unfortunately not surprised that a vaccination has already been patented for this current flu outbreak.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 12:33 AM
Isnt this a first amendment violation? Government censoring.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Oppositeoftruth

What I don’t like about the vaccine market is billon dollar corporations can lobby state government to make their products mandatory for access to public services. That’s not going to be abused.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: M4ngo

Wonder what he leveraged for them to take that position so suddenly. Sounds like potential Squid pro quo

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: scraedtosleep
How do we know, maybe there was a quid pro quo?

LOL Great minds

edit on 24-1-2020 by chiefsmom because: addition

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