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Jesus tells of angelic city to land and be refuge shortly before the end of Great Tribulation

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posted on Dec, 22 2019 @ 11:24 PM
Jesus repeatedly tells me that there will be Angelic city landing, where many of the elect ones will find refuge before the end of the Great Tribulation. The location will be Northeast from the German coast in the narrow sea between Germany and Denmark. See below why the location is chosen to be there.

We are currently in the era of the Great Trib, although we do not realize it. I am not permitted or not told all details about it. The mark of the beast will be allowed for a very short period of time at the end, maybe only weeks or even days, and not for the entire Trib that we are already in, thanks to the overwhelming mercy of God.

There will be partial raptures of elected people with special mission, mostly young ones but not only, who will be transformed and then returned to earth to help the rest of people. (the 144,000 who go wherever the Lamb goes).

Jesus looks so beautiful. I see Him in awaken dream state or when I am in the church adoring the Eucharist in the Tabernacle. He appears as a youth 18-20 years old, with long hair up to His shoulders, no beard, with blue eyes and wonderful smile. He wears a long robe with different colors each time, in dark blue, dark red, dark green, or golden, that has an opening on the chest with golden edges. He likes to wear it open and to show His chest and Heart, but it is different from the paintings of the Sacred Heart that are good for the idea anyway.

Jesus is very angry at His Church. He wanted a much more open Church as in the beginning.

Those are my comments based on the overall information I have received:

Time is short, and the worst is the fanatics never want to change, regardless of how much time and graces they have received. They must act quickly and swiftly and reject anything that is contrary to the Love, no matter what costs that to them and their egoism. It is maybe strange for most readers here who are rather secular. However, let me say that the fanatics from all churches have already spiritually embraced the beast and his rule even if they do not know who and what it means, because it is very deceiving and cunningly hidden.

And they will flatly reject any salvation offered by God, claiming they are "already saved" and thus render ineffective any rescue plan from the beast, even if it wouldn't be a heavenly city but other.

And I do not pretend that I know the entire plan of God, there might be other ways of salvation. I just say what was relayed to me personally. if someone else has other information, please post it and I will listen to it as something relayed to him and not to me.

The fanatics and those who reject God's grace will have to face the worst that is coming, unless they repent now. They still have a little time for repentance and changing their ways, their views, become open to the Love. They also MUST stop pretending they know what God's will is because it happened they received the grace of the Sacraments as a gift that they did not deserve. While despite that gift they continue to be very, very, very far from God's Love because of their stubbornness, pride, selfishness and lack of real conversion.

Only that part of the Church that is open to the Divine Love, that loves the people in a simple but true way, will enter into His Refuge. He loves everyone the same, including the fanatics, but they are called to rediscover God's Love and to do it very soon...

That is pretty much all what I am told to say (please do not ask me questions because I cannot and will not answer them). And let me admit that I resisted to post it for long, and only after repeated insistence by Jesus and Mother Mary that it is absolutely necessary to post it before Christmas, I decided to write it down.

Here is the place where the heavenly city will be located in the sea.

The location is chosen because the people can access it easier through the infrastructure of Germany: railroads, highways, ships to Hamburg one of the biggest ports. Notice that when hundreds of millions of people decide to travel at the same time, the air transportation will become ineffective. The final part of the way a short strip thru the sea will be made by shuttles from the city itself. There will be angelic shuttles for the home-bound elderly wherever they are on earth, but all who can travel by normal means will be required to do so in order to testify for the rest of the people. There will be much opposition to the heavenly city and the angels, they will be "demonized" by those same people who have always been closed to God's Love, and who will try to stop their children to go in the refuge with the angels, but with God's grace that will be overcome too.

It is a beautiful place, calm and full of peace and love

edit on 23-12-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2019 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Interesting location for the angelic city to touch down / appear.


posted on Dec, 22 2019 @ 11:56 PM
That is really close to the land for such a large spaceship. It’s square base is said to be 375 miles in length on each side. That would squish Berlin along with almost all if not all of Denmark.

Having looked at the google map image you provided, that is way less then half the size of the base. All that and much much more would be wiped off the face of the earth.
edit on 12 23 2019 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

edit on 12 23 2019 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2019 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Yet, another JW on this sight. Please get a grip before posting. I used to be one. Be prepared to be blasted. And rightly so. 🍻

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 12:08 AM
So you post and I cant ask questions?


Oh btw, jesus told me the other night he hates block writing and likes concise paragraphs. Now you are on his naughty list. Tsk tsk tsk.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Did I say it is a spaceship? Did I say it is the heavenly Jerusalem? No and no. I said what I was shown of a temporal refuge city during the final part of the great trib that will be the worst. How long it will take or when,I do not know. The city is no more than 10 km diameter so it fits perfectly in 20-30 km sea strip. I am not here to defend what I have been shown and told explicitly to post before Christmas. , as I did already. Some of the comments about the fanatic Christians are mine based on what I've been told to understand, I do not and cannot quote exact words because it is received over time.

And before "blasting rightfully", consider where you stand yourselves and what is your plan for salvation from the beast on earth. All the rest is precious loss of time and effort. Waiting to be raptured? good, if you are worthy. I also said words about the rapture of those who have special mission. Maybe you are of them? Good for you.

And besides, if the forum is called dreams and predictions, I really do not understand why that hatred minutes after posting. Did you guys already reflect on what you have read at all? And decided it cannot be because it cannot be? Well, post your dreams and predictions then and be happy with them. But you are not here for that, yes? I was told to post the above, something I already did, and not to have endless quarrels with people who are here for that.

Thanks to all sincere people who will read, and I know why and for whom I'm posting it. Time is literally running out every next month and week.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
edit on 23-12-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 12:16 AM
You will know when the tribulation arrives

Jesus warned of many false prophets in the end times

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
Jesus repeatedly tells me that there will be Angelic city landing, where all the elect ones will find refuge before the end of the Great Tribulation. The location will be Northeast from the German coast in the narrow sea between Germany and Denmark.

Your angelic city landing is the false gods, the fallen ones, alien agenda. Lucifer takes his elect (sinners) and places them into safety whilst he allows his subordinates (daemons) to reign hell on Earth during the Great Tribulation.
Then they rise to power as a pheonix in the form of the New World Religion.

Jesus Christ mentions nothing concerning a location on this planet only that He will remove His followers from this world before all hell breaks lose. Mat 25:10

His barn is a spiritual one, not a geographical one. Not everyone in His Barn will be removed. Many (luke warm believers) will remain and be persecuted during the 7 Year Tribulation.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Ok, it will squish Wallnau-Fehmarn and the surrounding area. Someone doesn’t like bird sanctuaries, horse stables, hotels, etc.

It has to be some type of ship, otherwise it can't land.

edit on 12 23 2019 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

edit on 12 23 2019 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

edit on 12 23 2019 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

edit on 12 23 2019 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: 2012newstart

Ok, it will squish Wallnau-Fehmarn and the surrounding area. Someone doesn’t like bird sanctuaries, horse stables, hotels, etc.

It has to be some type of ship, otherwise it can't land.

take the ruler on google earth and measure it. The city is NOT the heavenly Jerusalem that is continent wide according to the measurements of Revelation. Rather, it is intended for temporal refuge of maybe just months or so, I do not know exactly.

Exactly because there are sanctuaries and preserved nature, it is one of the best places. There are many other good places on Earth, but they lack the infrastructure needed for hundreds of millions people to just move through. It has to be be in Northern Europe also for reasons that I will not discuss.

And with that, I stop commenting. If you are well minded, something that I hope you are, you will understand the delicate situation I am in.
If you disagree, just post your own dreams and predictions. It is so simple. if it is what you want. I posted it because I was told to do so by Jesus and Our Lady. I do not say there aren't others with true revelations given to them.
And I fulfilled mine, despite much later than first being told.

Thanks so much.
edit on 23-12-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I went to the latitude and longitude you specified on Google maps. I then measured 5 km form there, you said 10 km in diameter. At least ¼ of this ship is on land. Squishing a bird sanctuary, some horse stables, several hotels, etc.

I see my doubting of your prophecy as stopping soles from being turned away from salvation. I am trying to use terms you can better understand.

Who is doing more harm here?

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

However, let me say that the fanatics from all churches have already spiritually embraced the beast and his rule even if they do not know who and what it means, because it is very deceiving and cunningly hidden.

Well said.

Now then, please apply this to yourself!

You have been deceived by the Beast!

Throw away those church shackles and leave the den of evil that has seduced you.

Come away from those ones and come into the Truthful Light.


edit on 23/12/2019 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

I wasn't given exact coordinates, didn't give exact coordinates, and if I make some visualization with google it is only for better understanding, nothing more. 10 km is my understanding, being told the city will fit in that narrow sea gulf. Jesus really does not speak in that metric way but gives the general idea that you then figure out.

I didn't say Wallnau-Fehmarn either. I gave a larger map of the area. It is obvious that the city will need enough water around not to smash any bird nests and flowers that God loves so much, as we read in Matthew 6. If you are the one to land the city, would you land it on Wallnau-Fehmarn? Haha, I don't think so. Please do not change my words. I said in the sea between Germany and Denmark.

maybe we misunderstood each other. Here is my measurement and drawing. And if the city doesn't land here but 100-150 km to the East where the sea is larger, please do not blame me! It is just laughable
It is not me who will land the angelic city haha.

I believe you are well minded, but please believe that I am well minded too. Harm? no, I do not intend any harm. If you think it is harmful for you, please believe someone else's predictions, or your own.

And to the other poster who says of fallen demons or so, demonization started less than an hour since it was posted. it will continue be sure. And it is up to everyone to decide whether he or she wants God's salvation plan for himself (maybe not thru this city but another) or whether he will fight on his own, be martyred or submit to the beast. That's why I wrote so much of the fanatics of all churches, because in the name of God they reject God's love in first place and the plan of God to save them as well. Maybe they will save their souls as martyrs. Thanks, but no thanks.

And I am not JW, I am Catholic.
I wrote more about the Church, but later deleted it. The Churches must decide for God's Love, and if not, .... But I have other thread on that.
Thank you for your interest about the location, and it would be even better if your interest is as much or more about the essence of God's plan. What if there are 5 such cities, or other kind of refuges, or... I just don't know! I write what was repeatedly told that I MUST write. And I am sorry I cannot say more, even deleted part of the stronger words I initially posted. Exactly because of your comments, guys.

Merry Christmas to all!
edit on 23-12-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

What is a "JW" ?


ETA. Do you mean a Jehovah's Witness? I am not a Jehovah's Witness. My comment was about the geographical location mentioned by the OP.

edit on 23-12-2019 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Did I say it is a spaceship? Did I say it is the heavenly Jerusalem? No and no. I said what I was shown of a temporal refuge city during the final part of the great trib that will be the worst. How long it when,I do not know. The city is no more than 10 km diameter so it fits perfectly in 20-30 km sea strip. I am not here to defend what I have been shown and told explicitly to post before Christmas. , as I did already. Some of the comments about the fanatic Christians are mine based on what I've been told to understand, I do not and cannot quote exact words because it is received over time.
And before blasting rightfully, consider where you are yourselves and what is your plan for salvation from the obvious beast on earth. All the rest is precious loss of time and effort.

And besides, if the forum is called dreams and predictions, I really do not understand why that hatred minutes after posting. Did you guys already reflect on what you have read at all? And decided it cannot be because it cannot be? Well, post your dreams and predictions then and be happy with them. But you are not here for that, yes? I was told to post the above, something I already did, and not to have endless quarrels with people who are here for that.

Thanks to all sincere people who will read, and I know why and for whom I'm posting it. Time is literally running out every next month and week.
God bless!

Are you a practicing JW and if you are is it in your heart or in your life?

Would you be comforted to know that you are correct...about the 144,000 being taken and returned......have you ever heard of what some People call Alien Abductions and others would call a Miracle of God?

The location of the New Jerusalem is to be found in the hearts and minds of the Elect.

Only those who righteously question with fervent urgency shall receive the Gift of direction.

To discover the answers to the Bible Code one must bring together all Major Doctrinal writings...together in righteous discussions....asking righteous questions....for all Doctrinal Codes must be discovered TOGETHER....All For One and One4All.

There is some confusion as to where the New Jerusalem WAS and where it is GOING TO BE.

Were you not religious how would you define parse and embrace your experiences and as a religious person how do rationalise such intimate contact between yourself and your Creator?
Why you?

Just so you are aware another "Refuge" will be landing in Canada near Calgary,Alberta….around the World there will be multiple paths for Pilgrims.

The scenario will break down as such...Pilgrims shall receive the Call and respond to the Message...they shall seek Refuge....when they arrive and are Standing in front of the doors to Salvation the Key they require to enter freely and of their own free will shall be found within their hearts and intentions....each shall judge themselves …. quite literally not as a scripture type parable.... if you are not of righteous good intentions you will not be able to seek refuge with those who shall deny yourself.....none shall know if they are righteous or not until they stand before the door to their Salvation and Judgement shall come from within .

Within each Doctrinal Group many shall by proxy of their intentions deny themselves Refuge from the short a lot of people have been DECIEVED a lot of people who believe themselves to be RIGHTEOUS have been DECIEVED into expressing their intentions in non-righteous mannerisms and ways....these MASSES shall rapture they shall not allow themselves Refuge from the Storm.

The Pilgrimages shall happen and the judgement of self shall happen...there will be many Millions who hear and heed the call but who shall in the moment of Judgement deny themselves Refuge...and Billions who shall not hear nor heed the Call.

Keep the JWs in perspective...they are a Group designed to have a higher chance of Survival than others and their purpose and history runs exactly parallel to the LDS Group....for they are of the same origin.


This is funnier than hades to me right now....because if the Elders or any Religious controllers from differing Doctrines who unknowingly and unwittingly AND intentionally in some cases basterdise the Words of the Bible knew who the 144,000 really were they would not allow them to express their truths.

When you see hear or read the word Bible think of Bibliography not religion doctrine nor dogma....this will help you understand how doctrinal births the word of God is the word of Man....and the word of Man is the word of God.All for one and One4all.

My suggestions are to give serious consideration to your actions...because to completely understand the BIGGER PICTURE of what will be happening … one must understand how the words of Man and God can possibly be the same in all ways possible.

One must accept their own doctrine based upon its truths and by proxy one then accepts and endorses ALL DOCTRINES based upon said truths...all Doctrinal teachings originate from one Bibliography one mother source....All for one and One4all.

Only when one has this clear understanding can Pilgrimages of any type or intention be considered.
edit on 23-12-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I agree that some of what this discussion is about is a misunderstanding.
Your original coordinates were about 7 km east and 1 km south of that marked location.

I see no harm to me but if you are wrong, you are hurting yourself by telling others the wrong thing. There have been predictions of the end of times for as long as the written word has existed, probably before but there is no proof. None have come true. We are still here.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: KKLOCO

What is a "JW" ?


ETA. Do you mean a Jehovah's Witness? I am not a Jehovah's Witness. My comment was about the geographical location mentioned by the OP.

You ask a very cool question.

What is a JW?

Answer..... a Jehovahs a member of a SELECT Doctrinal Group which is pre-destined to have a greater chance of surviving the Storm than the MASSES within all other doctrinal Groups.



Be aware that the JWs have been poisoned to the core as have all Major will require a rebellion and a robust effort to free the people who have trusted those who have bastardised the words and methods of the Bibliography from the unknowing bonds they have inflicted upon themselves.

The great deception will not come from the devil deceiving gods children it will come from Earths children deceiving each other.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

If members don't like what they are reading here just move on
to something else. Be courteous to those who are interested.

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: 2012newstart

I agree that some of what this discussion is about is a misunderstanding.
Your original coordinates were about 7 km east and 1 km south of that marked location.

I see no harm to me but if you are wrong, you are hurting yourself by telling others the wrong thing. There have been predictions of the end of times for as long as the written word has existed, probably before but there is no proof. None have come true. We are still here.

No one is getting hurt by anything...we are talking about Physical Craft so big you will not believe one shall be able to miss them nor ignore can be many many KMs off in your predictions and not be things can and will change as per the moments as always...nothing is written in stone but everything is recorded in stone...ironic isn't it?

posted on Dec, 23 2019 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Yet, another JW on this sight. Please get a grip before posting. I used to be one. Be prepared to be blasted. And rightly so. 🍻

Pay note to my words then some may resonate with you....glad you "used to be one"....its dangerous ground now like all major Doctrines happen to be.

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