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Maybe I'm wrong but I think the T word may apply.

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posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
How does ATS still call itself a conspiracy site?

The Trump presidency is a literal goldmine of corruption and deception. It is 1984 being played out right in front of you naked shaking its tail feathers.

Gold mine for the media to run 24/7 stories about trump for the anti Trump people to eat up every day. It perfectly fine to hate Trump but the whole impeachment process is weak and its obvious.

Really need to ask yourself if the silent majority of this county is on board with a weak impeachment process for a fairly elected president.

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
How does ATS still call itself a conspiracy site?

The Trump presidency is a literal goldmine of corruption and deception. It is 1984 being played out right in front of you naked shaking its tail feathers.

Do you really think that?
He is a manipulative mofo, no question.

But if killary won the story would be the same wouldn't it?

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: RalagaNarHallas
so i think treason is a non sell but some charges may pop up but not too likely least in my opinion

Treason-Shmeason ... grab the Seditious bastads ... and lynch them. See if I bat an eye.

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
How does ATS still call itself a conspiracy site?

The Trump presidency is a literal goldmine of corruption and deception. It is 1984 being played out right in front of you naked shaking its tail feathers.

Because everybody's too busy paying attention to trump and the other talking heads instead of the fact that corporations now essentially run the american government.

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: tetra50
Hey flyingclaydisc.

Had it not been for the now infamous Ukraine phone call, would the world know about the Biden corruption? Had it not been for Trump screaming "FAKE NEWS", would the world know about the extreme left bias in the US MSM? Had it not been for Trump standing up and actively fighting the "Russians did it" mantra chants from the left, would the world know it was really Hillary and the DOJ, not Trump, who was behind it all? (btw...what a cataclysmic fail for the dems that deal was!). And the hits just keep on coming...because of whom? Trump.

You allege Trump failed the Ukraine by not meeting with their president, but you fail

It really isn't about me failing. LOL. But yeah, let's all be Trumps and make it personal. Dude, they're ALL corrupt, they're ALL on the same public dole side. They are simply distracting us with theater so nothing really gets done, and we don't notice what's really going on. You've been here a while. OF COURSE, we all knew long before Trump about the Clintons, the Bidens, and once the Soviet Union disintegrated, the separate statist parcels of lands being contested constantly.....because that's really what Ukraine is about.

Trump isn't even on my radar for this. We were talking about "fake news" on this site ten years or more before Trump came along. That's the inherent meaning of FALSE FLAG. But now, he's the HERO? Give me a break. I've said it before and I'll say it again: he is deep state, paid opposition, simply bringing "common guyspeak," which thank God, really ISN'T and outing what had already been realized by most awake folks long ago. That's a commercially marketed APPEAL. I hope you realize that. It's a simple marketing equation of what people longed for and giving them that.

Speaking only for myself, I didn't need Donald Trump to tell me about Bidens, Clintons, Burisma, Crowdstrike, etc. We've all been writing about that on this site, and reading it, long before Donald Trump was anything more than a real estate developer in New York city, and even that "history" is a little questionable.

I don't truly understand why he gets a pass most don't get.....
They ALL went for rides on the Lolita Express, Epstein's plane. He was there, too, until, suddenly....voila....he just wasn't, and he's all you dude's American hero now.

You know why there is a "decorum" format for true leaders and representatives, monarchy and heads of state? Because your attitude, your words, your conduct, your TREATMENT of others, MATTERS....a very great deal. When you are in that position, what you do, say, endorse or refuse to, sends real people to WAR, to DIE, to sacrifice. This is a HUGE deal.

However, you are welcome to your opinion and to disparage mine. I stand by what I've always written: that this is what makes this country special. And I have no less respect for you that you do not agree with me. However, I would hope you see how we are all being currently manipulated to lose that particular grasp of our humanity, representative republic, etc. THIS is what this particular presidency has done to this ideal of Americanism. If you can no longer adequately serve, without doing harm, because you are so divisive in and of yourself, then if you don't let go, it's simply your ego, then.

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: CynConcepts

Hey there. Thanks for that cogent information. Unfortunately, though, I think facts or the perception of what fact even is, matters less and less. You're either a Trump supporter or not. From there, validations and rationalization in the form of "fact" ensue.

LOL. I hope not, but truthful discourse may have ended with all our technological advancements and attempts to create whatever reality we supposedly want. That's the dark side of technological advancement. JMHO, but that's what is currently on display, and few realize this.

However, what you've provided here in the form of real information that informs is important. Keep doing your best to do that.

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 05:27 PM
again, hey flyingclaydisc:

You allege Trump failed the Ukraine by not meeting with their president, but you fail to mention he released half a billion dollars in aid to them! Oh, and screw Syria. Period. Just screw 'em. Syria has never been a friend of the US, and fighting a proxy war there with the Kurds against Ass-wad and the Russians is futile. We should have never been there in the first place! Syria has never been a US ally, and they never will be...ever.

He released the aid, which he had been withholding, only in September, when it became evident there would be impeachment hearings and further investigation.

As for your opinion on Syria, it's a multi faceted issue. I read a thread recently about why do we even have these dimplomatic corps people, charges, etc. LOL. It isn't about being the world police force. It's a complex situation, and frought with DEATH and DESTRUCTION, and torture and genocide. It is a world stage, and surely we must count for something, and back up what we promise and USE people for, to protect ourselves.

In that context, Syria is in the middle of a long ongoing civil war. It is and was a piece of land important in the Arabic nations and in the oil trade. It's particular oligarchial ruling class has bombed and quashed its own people violently for 50+ years. It isn't that about Syria to which I am speaking. The Arabic states are largely small tribal sects. Most Americans don't even care enough to have a geographical much less cultural understanding of this. You are displaying that here, right now, in your commentary. There are Kurds in Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia. There are also Bathists, of which was a very small minority in Iraq, at one time, and that's where the Iraqui leader WE put in place came from. This is a stabilization, cultural exercise, always, and requires understanding to navigate protect OUR way of life, necessarily. That's what is at stake here. THAT is why we had an ISIS, a Muslim brotherhood attempt at a caliphate, etc. The Kurds were gassed with mustard gas in the nineties, and we are the only country that produced it and had it for sale, and the Iraqi leader that did that, at that time, was put in place by this country.

So, years later, we sent special forces in, and used the Kurds and aligned with them to fight this threat, in many countries. It was in their best interest to protect themselves, and we needed them to navigate and understand the environment, and fight the ISIS threat. On a REAL level, what that means, is you have men and women, special forces, from our very own neighborhoods, putting themselves out there, risking their lives, to protect yours and my right to even talk about this right now, and making human connections with Kurdish people to get that accomplished.

And in ONE FELL SWOOP, whoops, pres says we gotta abandon these guys now. Sort of like what happened with the S. Vietnamese when Siagon fell, and the helicopters were evacuating the Americans from the embassy rooftop, and ALL the Vietnamese who had HELPED us were left behind to be killed, tragically, while we who used them LEFT.

It's one thing to talk about within our borders what we want and expect from leaders, and our expectations for the country. It's a whole other thing on the WORLD STAGE as to what we do, how we react, how we back up what we promise, and how we use other people to accomplish our goals. In other words, the enslavement of the populous in this country, promising much while taking a part of everything you earn, and then calling it an "entitlement" when you need it back and it was promised by law, is taking shape in the very same way, globally.

Wrapping it all up with a nice bow, I would say your argument seems to be, in regards to "class," that we have a choice of lesser evils, in Trump. I supppose this is my most important point.....are we really willing to conitinue to settle for lesser evils, or really change a system that has continually failed and enslaved us?
edit on 21-11-2019 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 05:34 PM
They are all lawyers and know what the rules are.
Dirty tricksters that know the parliamentary rules. It is not a pretty sight at all, however the good news is the storm is here. Bundle up!

originally posted by: Helious
I think after the conclusions of today. There is obviously some serious problems with the Democrats attack on our president Donald Trump. I think these actions go beyond just due diligence and I think it has been a very directed, false attack based on political bias and easily provable lies, misdirection and manipulation.

The question is, where do we go from here? When this is won out completely which it already has been, what do we do with the people that wasted hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to try and overturn a seated, elected US POTUS on fabricated nonsense with absolutely no real proof of any wrongdoing?

What should be the charges for those that perpetrated this coup?

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
How does ATS still call itself a conspiracy site?

The Trump presidency is a literal goldmine of corruption and deception. It is 1984 being played out right in front of you naked shaking its tail feathers.

It is pretty pathetic actually. You are spot on here. The number of Trump sycophants on here blow my mind.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: richapau
a reply to: Helious

There is no coup. If there is a T word its for Trump the tyrannical Traitor.

What? Do you not know what a traitor is?

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: operation mindcrime

Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Your illustration moved the boss from the back to the front.

But tell me this, the country is booming and jobs are booming and employment is booming (setting records) and the economy is booming (setting records) and almost every promise made from Trump has been pushed and kept in just 3 years. What makes you think Trump isn't the boss who is leading this charge?

America first.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: DoubleDNH

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
How does ATS still call itself a conspiracy site?

The Trump presidency is a literal goldmine of corruption and deception. It is 1984 being played out right in front of you naked shaking its tail feathers.

It is pretty pathetic actually. You are spot on here. The number of Trump sycophants on here blow my mind.

What would really blow your mind is the number of people who didn't support Trump until they paid attention and saw what all he's been doing for this country, and had the guts to start supporting him.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 08:41 AM
This thread is way off topic. The question treason implied.

In law, treason is criminal disloyalty to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign. ... As jurisdictions around the world abolished petty treason, "treason" came to refer to what was historically known as high treason.



The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
"they were convicted of treason"

I believe there was a plot to overturn the results of the last election. I believe the FBI and the DOJ were weaponized to take out DJT. I also believe this is clearly Treason and those that perpetrated this crime should face the penalty for treason.

Over the next year things that you thought unimaginable will be revealed. This is the tip of the Iceberg. What's been hidden is massive and constitutes a organized criminal enterprise. Its gonna all come out.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
How does ATS still call itself a conspiracy site?

The Trump presidency is a literal goldmine of corruption and deception. It is 1984 being played out right in front of you naked shaking its tail feathers.
1984 has been going on for some time... we just use teens like TPTB and Deep
State, Shadow Government, and New World Order. Trump is trying to bring back prosperity minus the NWO, and they are trying to tie his hands as much as possible.
They Shall Not Pass! You don’t have to understand that final statement.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

Yes you are correct. Bush Sr made a comment about the New World Order. He said “and we will be successful”. You can still find that on YouTube I believe. People in the Order of Skull and Bones at Yale go on to
Join CFR and get positions of power in finance and industry and of course government even the media. They are called globalists but the fact is that they have no loyalty to any country and this is why they pursue Open Borders policies and why they continually decry nationalism.
Antony Sutton wrote extensively about it.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

I applaud your efforts, but it's kind of like showing card tricks to a dog at this point.


posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: richapau
a reply to: Helious

There is no coup. If there is a T word its for Trump the tyrannical Traitor.

What? Do you not know what a traitor is?
Evidently not! Not to mention the individual does not understand who the real traitors are. But I would give such people more to be figure it out, though really the Time is Now.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

It's funny how every leftist on TV, in the media, in Congress, and on social media uses words like racist, misogynist, sexist, traitor, treason, homophobic, etc. etc. etc., out of context so much so, that most of the words hold no more powerful meaning behind them.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: Helious

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
How does ATS still call itself a conspiracy site?

The Trump presidency is a literal goldmine of corruption and deception. It is 1984 being played out right in front of you naked shaking its tail feathers.

It's incredible to me that posts like this can still be typed. Honestly. Trump is the furthest thing from "1984" I have ever seen and believe me my friend, I am a very close student of history and am acquainted with the litterateur intimately.

I will concede that Trump is the worst President when it comes to public speech and using social media, which is quite new by the way but what I will say, without any doubt and can defend on any merit is that he has been a rebirth to this country. He has bypassed the ordinary political nonsense and made choices that actually benefited our country ...... Not a little bit, a lot.

Those that oppose him do so because they have a problem with the things he says, you get triggered, it's not within your safe zone of speech, I get it. Sadly, you being in your safe zone isn't what makes America great, wasn't 50 years ago and isn't now.

What makes America great is a very strong and influential foreign policy on trade and GDP and making deals that benefit our nation instead of cow tailing to foreign lobbyists.

When you really learn about the world and understand it, you can appreciate why Trump is one in a million.

Applause for you Helious

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Helious

Well the Democrats are not impeaching him because he says stuff that triggers people. It may be considered crude or inappropriate, but not impeachable. They are impeaching him to stop him from overturning their agenda and exposing them. These Deep State operatives who have been testifying are knee deep in it. Dr Hill in her own handwriting declared she worked for the Open Society Ins.
Oh yah did I mention she is a member of the CFR and also associated with thee Brookings Institute, another globalist think tank.
edit on 22-11-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

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