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Orthodox vs Roman Catholic

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posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 08:58 AM
The east and the west had a huge dust up over the free will of Mary . The west holds that Mary was unable to sin , because of divine intervention . The east contends that Mary was selected to hold Christ , because she was perfect by choice outside of gods tampering . So under these two egregores were the 1400 men including Constatine and his court jester Eusibius allowed free will or were they all controlled by God perfectly to create our bible ? Remember they were given 30 days to come up with one Book to rule them all . I believe that man is free in his/her choices and thus all products of man are fallible. The bible is a mess and I find it hard to believe that it is Gods word . The Sinai Contaticus is one of the first 50 bibles that Eusibius had made in agreement of the Roman State and the Nicaea creed and it is very different from our bibles of today ! I smell rats !
edit on 19-11-2019 by SulfurMercurySalt because: Word

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
The east and the west had a huge dust up over the free will of Mary .

The conflict between the eastern church and the western church covers many disputes, but the claim to papal authority is one of the key areas. That, and whether the Holy Spirit "proceeds" form both the Father and the Son.

Constatine and his court jester Eusibius allowed free will or were they all controlled by God perfectly to create our bible ? Remember they were given 30 days to come up with one Book to rule them all .

They did not create the Bible. That's an internet myth. Drop the internet and read some books.

The Sinai Contaticus is ... very different from our bibles of today ! I smell rats !

Can you justify that statement, showing examples of the differences? I suspect you can't.
One of the books you need to read is something explaining "textual criticsism", and how easy it is for tired scribes to make slips when copying manuscripts (you try it, and see how you get on).

edit on 19-11-2019 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Doesnt the bible say we are all born into sin? Other than jesus that is. I'm pretty sure she was just like the rest of us a sinner. She may have been favored by god sure but all people are sinners.

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Western “society” was not Rome, Rome ruled Europe in the Dark Ages
The reformation ushered in Western society
I don’t want people to confuse the west (Roman Catholicism) with Western Society

Italy is still a developing country isn’t it?
Most Italian, Roman Catholic controlled nations are not Western today, still third world or developing

As for your knowledge of the bible, well it’s obviously clouded by what you want not what it was meant to be
Your knowledge of its creation, well that’s dubious as well, pop culture referencing is lacking, can’t imagine why??
Yes I can

Maybe the bible was never meant to be a “pretty” book
Maybe it’s not meant to make you feel all warm and happy
Maybe it’s not the fairytale storybook you crave

Maybe that’s deliberate

Just so you know, I don’t think the bible is perfect, no problem for me

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
The east and the west had a huge dust up over the free will of Mary .

The conflict between the eastern church and the western church covers many disputes, but the claim to papal authority is one of the key areas. That, and whether the Holy Spirit "proceeds" form both the Father and the Son.

Constatine and his court jester Eusibius allowed free will or were they all controlled by God perfectly to create our bible ? Remember they were given 30 days to come up with one Book to rule them all .

They did not create the Bible. That's an internet myth. Drop the internet and read some books.

The Sinai Contaticus is ... very different from our bibles of today ! I smell rats !

Can you justify that statement, showing examples of the differences? I suspect you can't.
One of the books you need to read is something explaining "textual criticsism", and how easy it is for tired scribes to make slips when copying manuscripts (you try it, and see how you get on).
I was eastern orthodox for years ! I lived at St Tikons and studied until I had enough ! I have degrees in patristics !

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Western “society” was not Rome, Rome ruled Europe in the Dark Ages
The reformation ushered in Western society
I don’t want people to confuse the west (Roman Catholicism) with Western Society

Italy is still a developing country isn’t it?
Most Italian, Roman Catholic controlled nations are not Western today, still third world or developing

As for your knowledge of the bible, well it’s obviously clouded by what you want not what it was meant to be
Your knowledge of its creation, well that’s dubious as well, pop culture referencing is lacking, can’t imagine why??
Yes I can

Maybe the bible was never meant to be a “pretty” book
Maybe it’s not meant to make you feel all warm and happy
Maybe it’s not the fairytale storybook you crave

Maybe that’s deliberate

Just so you know, I don’t think the bible is perfect, no problem for me
Christianity was Helanized from its start and Romes leanings are apparent by the apostate Paul whom hyjacked the NT from Peter ! Paul imo was a Roman sapper !

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Western “society” was not Rome, Rome ruled Europe in the Dark Ages
The reformation ushered in Western society
I don’t want people to confuse the west (Roman Catholicism) with Western Society

Italy is still a developing country isn’t it?
Most Italian, Roman Catholic controlled nations are not Western today, still third world or developing

As for your knowledge of the bible, well it’s obviously clouded by what you want not what it was meant to be
Your knowledge of its creation, well that’s dubious as well, pop culture referencing is lacking, can’t imagine why??
Yes I can

Maybe the bible was never meant to be a “pretty” book
Maybe it’s not meant to make you feel all warm and happy
Maybe it’s not the fairytale storybook you crave

Maybe that’s deliberate

Just so you know, I don’t think the bible is perfect, no problem for me
Christianity was Helanized from its start and Romes leanings are apparent by the apostate Paul whom hyjacked the NT from Peter ! Paul imo was a Roman sapper !

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Western “society” was not Rome, Rome ruled Europe in the Dark Ages
The reformation ushered in Western society
I don’t want people to confuse the west (Roman Catholicism) with Western Society

Italy is still a developing country isn’t it?
Most Italian, Roman Catholic controlled nations are not Western today, still third world or developing

As for your knowledge of the bible, well it’s obviously clouded by what you want not what it was meant to be
Your knowledge of its creation, well that’s dubious as well, pop culture referencing is lacking, can’t imagine why??
Yes I can

Maybe the bible was never meant to be a “pretty” book
Maybe it’s not meant to make you feel all warm and happy
Maybe it’s not the fairytale storybook you crave

Maybe that’s deliberate

Just so you know, I don’t think the bible is perfect, no problem for me
Christianity was Helanized from its start and Romes leanings are apparent by the apostate Paul whom hyjacked the NT from Peter ! Paul imo was a Roman sapper

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

So your theology
Gnosticism, atheism ?

Believe what you want, think Paul opened, clarified christianity to gentiles
Grateful for that

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
The east and the west had a huge dust up over the free will of Mary .

The conflict between the eastern church and the western church covers many disputes, but the claim to papal authority is one of the key areas. That, and whether the Holy Spirit "proceeds" form both the Father and the Son.

Constatine and his court jester Eusibius allowed free will or were they all controlled by God perfectly to create our bible ? Remember they were given 30 days to come up with one Book to rule them all .

They did not create the Bible. That's an internet myth. Drop the internet and read some books.

The Sinai Contaticus is ... very different from our bibles of today ! I smell rats !

Can you justify that statement, showing examples of the differences? I suspect you can't.
One of the books you need to read is something explaining "textual criticsism", and how easy it is for tired scribes to make slips when copying manuscripts (you try it, and see how you get on).
the Contaticus is free to read online ! Why are there no virgin birth or resurrection found in one of two of the oldest bibles known to man ! Ive been to St Catherines in egypt , ive seen the pyramids and Ive spent a week with Dogon . I know this pales to your requirements , but it is the best I can do lol ! ps Ive been a hermeticist for over 35 yrs ! Do you understand the formation of our eastern mystic religion centred on Christ ?

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

So your theology
Gnosticism, atheism ?

Believe what you want, think Paul opened, clarified christianity to gentiles
Grateful for that
Christ was King of the Jews ! That is what Christ and Messiah mean ! Now Christos in the greek takes on a way diffrent meaning ! Im a free man and a adept of Light with Christ as my teacher and The Ancient of Days as the creator God ! We are God by our soul and not our animal body !

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 10:43 AM
My question is this : Why do millions of Christians accept that Mary was not divine or immaculate , yet they accept the bible as being the perfect word of God put together by 1400 goofs who by default of that logic were controlled by God so the Bible contained Gods will and not mans infallible ways ! Remember the bible was put together in 30 days under Rome’s close steering .

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

It says in the bible several times we inherited sin from adam. That should tell you all you need there. Mary is born of mankind into sin.

Also the old testament was around long before the Roman's wasnt it? When you say the bible was written in 30 days are you referring to the new testament? Those books used were around for more than 30 days before some were discarded and the ones left made it into the bible.
edit on 19-11-2019 by cognizant420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: cognizant420
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

It says in the bible several times we inherited sin from adam. That should tell you all you need there. Mary is born of mankind into sin.

Also the old testament was around long before the Roman's wasnt it? When you say the bible was written in 30 days are you referring to the new testament? Those books used were around for more than 30 days before some were discarded and the ones left made it into the bible.
You still have not answered my question . The bible was agreed upon both old and new testament as to what was canon and what was deemed apochrapha ! If you believe we are born with sin ! We have zero to communicate on ! I left sunday school yrs ago my friend .

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

I have no doubts about being a sinner, although I'm much better than I was in my younger days, but I have been redeemed thru jesus. There is still time for you!

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 11:55 AM
The catholic bible is not the changed.....get this ....changed....the 10 commandments.

Got rid of the no idols oh my....not the followers....the catholic machine is going to hail....

2 chapters in Jeremiah and two chapters in Isaiah and two chapters in Rev.....thet are Her 50, 51.....Izzy 13 and 14....Revelation 17, 18.....all tell the story of someone who has the blood of the Saints and martyrs.....and Devine wrath.

Did you know? I didnt

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 03:26 PM
Basically Mary, gets impregnated by god or the holy spirit/ghost/host without physical contact, and gave birth to Jesus.

All the while everyone still get the same holidays off, when Sunday should be the only day we get off according to them.

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: Specimen88
Basically Mary, gets impregnated by god or the holy spirit/ghost/host without physical contact, and gave birth to Jesus.

All the while everyone still get the same holidays off, when Sunday should be the only day we get off according to them.
True lol

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: cognizant420
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

I have no doubts about being a sinner, although I'm much better than I was in my younger days, but I have been redeemed thru jesus. There is still time for you!
It scares me that you think only Jesus can save you ! Always remember this : When we talk with authority over others we make them the enemy ! No one gets to lay claim to a spiritual crown ! Have we not killed enough men , women and children ? Do you have an answer to my question ? Thanks for your input ! I do appreciate your care , but the myopic view of salvation tied to one story is no good for mankind . Jesus wanted to kick the money grubbers and blood crazed debt god Yahweh to the curb ! He was more like Martin Luther than God of the universe ! The Ancient of Days is unknown and known both by being and not being ! Like a mirror ! Its you , but not you ! Jesus like you and I was a man who had a family and was created by man who was created ! The church fathers were mystics and owed all their knowledge to the Potlolemaic and eastern mystery schools ! When I asked the greatest partistic doctorate minds to have ever grace the halls of Oxford they all agreed that Egypt was the birth of the Christ story ! They just cant say how many Christs there were or how the Jesus one ended up winning in the end ! Rome made Jesus into the God he is today !

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

So your theology
Gnosticism, atheism ?

Believe what you want, think Paul opened, clarified christianity to gentiles
Grateful for that
No one including Peter enjoyed Pauls movement ! Jesus was a free man that learned the Kabbalah from the Essenes ! Jesus and who he was and what family he came from are simple ! Paul created Jesus to be way more than Jesus ever said himself ! History is on my side ! Go to college and learn the formation of religions and most all you know or have been taught is from a church and not from Christ, Peter ( christs brother ) or Mary Magdalen . Remember you cant be saved unless some blood oath was paid ! That is barbaric jewish laws at work and Paul, Rome and the Yahweh cult allowed the Jesus story as long as their is original sin , unpayable blood debt that can only be paid by submission to state rule and hope in faith that you dont burn in hell ! Lol grow up ! Christians accept torture and despot rulers , because after all Jesus suffered and more so his Father ( jesus himself ) had to commit infanticide to appease the god of blood sacrifice

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