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YouTube Deleting,Removing YT Users and their Content Without Warning.

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posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:35 PM
YouTube is Deleting,Removing YT Users and their Content Without Warning.

I am bringing this story onto US Political Madness because it is important. It seems there had being several known and some what known YT Content Creators who had their accounts completely gone and removed by YouTube without warning or notice.

YT now has now removed a well known YT content creator now known as Ivan the Mexican for no reason at all. According to Ivan he has spend at least two years on YT to make a living off from YT and now that is gone. He says that the last few money he had left he would use it to get a lawyer to get to the bottom onto why YT had done this.

The corporate news media outlets started and demanded Alex Jones gone first, now they targeting others on YT for no reason at all, heck even the Animation, 3D modeling stuff content creators are finding the new YT harder to earn then they before.

-The EU censorship new policy could also be a factor. The EU politician MPs who voted for it had no idea what they were voting for.
-The New YT censorship policy is also suspicious.

edit on 10-11-2019 by ChefFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

He should have had a backup plan.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

I'm gonna guess it has to do with him admitting re-editing last Jedi and probably putting it up on his now gone youtube channel. Copyright infringement is a bad thing.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

Welcome to the real world they own it, they control it, they can shut anyone down. Now if someone would start a truly open video forum with all the comment sections open so anyone an give feedback that would be awesome. Like when the internet was young and you could get get all the information to sort through the disinfo and the truth.

They have turned the wildwest into a safe little kiddyland where nothing offends and nothing goes against their filter algorithms. IMHO

edit on 10-11-2019 by PhilbertDezineck because: spellen

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: 1Angrylightbulb

If your Pro Star Wars and Pro Disney your content channel doesn't seem to be affected. These some of these many accounts are being deleted and removed simply because they different views on Disney and Star Wars as well. "SJWs"

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

He makes money off his channel. He used someone else's work, changed it up and gets paid for it. Doesn't seem right.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

As others have and will say, he was uploading copyrighted material changed enough to call it a fan edit and as we know even a few seconds of copyrighted songs let alone an entire film being uploaded sees those channels dropped. I do wonder though if he is being honest or whether he was given any strikes, I guess we will find that out later. And also as someone else said he should've had a backup plan.

I know its harsh but it wasn't his IP and he was using someone elses IP to make money.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: 1Angrylightbulb
a reply to: ChefFox

I'm gonna guess it has to do with him admitting re-editing last Jedi and probably putting it up on his now gone youtube channel. Copyright infringement is a bad thing.

You do know there are a number of YT channels that use alot of Star Wars footages from the movies right? how are YT content creators supposed to talk about if and when they cant used content that they probably bought and own in terms of movies?
edit on 10-11-2019 by ChefFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., etc....

When you choose to use a website owned and/or controlled by someone else you are at their mercy. They get to choose who they do and do not host on their websites. Usually the T&Cs have clauses in them that basically say they can delete a user for just about any reason- most people just don't take the time to read them. Break a rule- they may or may not delete your account.

Just because someone has managed to make money on a website does not mean they are entitled to stay there. That's a big problem today: people feel entitled to things that don't belong to them just because they've been allowed to use them for a time. If someone lets you stay in their spare bedroom for a few months that doesn't mean you now own their house- you can be evicted whether you like it or not.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

Why can’t Secureteam be one of those selected...

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 07:59 PM
Tom Fitton: YouTube CENSORED JW Video on Alleged "Whistleblower" Visiting Obama White House!

Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch has a short video where he talks about one video that was censored. There was no copyright issues with this video that was deleted.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

Let me stop you right there.

they may or may not delete your account.

As of right now, YouTube has being deleting, and removing any YT accounts is a right winger or a Trump supporter, debating issues like immigration is a red line for YT new policy as well.

Even naming whistleblower will have your video locked and your account suspended. This only had happened so far to Tim Pool or Tim Cast as a Journalist.

Just because someone has managed to make money on a website does not mean they are entitled to stay there. That's a big problem today: people feel entitled to things that don't belong to them just because they've been allowed to use them for a time. If someone lets you stay in their spare bedroom for a few months that doesn't mean you now own their house- you can be evicted whether you like it or not.

YouTube was created in order to share things and to enjoy. If some user wants to put out a 2 hour music video from a video game that is their choice and free speech.

Some of these channels weren't even making money from these videos that i had mentioned.

Usually the T&Cs have clauses in them that basically say they can delete a user for just about any reason- most people just don't take the time to read them. Break a rule- they may or may not delete your account.

I am sure CNN would love to hire you with that kind of Liberal mindset.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

They get to choose who they do and do not host on their websites.

Now like i said your thinking just like those Liberals that wanted Alex Jones gone for no reason at all.

Break a rule

Sure you mean like YT, Facebook suspending and blocking journalists for just doing their jobs to right liberal? when you have YT,Facebook not allowing independent journalists report things from media's own problems you know very well we then have a problem and conflict of interest.

edit on 10-11-2019 by ChefFox because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-11-2019 by ChefFox because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

Youtube is a free service. If you don't like it that they can censor whoever they want create your own free service to host those that they delete.

When you own a website you can choose who you do or do not host- end of story. If someone wants to make sure they cannot be deleted from a website maybe they should actually pay to be hosted and have a contract spelling out the details of what they can and cannot be ousted for.

Free speech is a right, but websites do not have to provide you with a platform. ATS allows you to post here but break the T&Cs one time too many and just watch how fast you can get banned. Why? Because it's their website and they can choose who can or cannot post here.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: ChefFox

Youtube is a free service. If you don't like it that they can censor whoever they want create your own free service to host those that they delete.

When you own a website you can choose who you do or do not host- end of story. If someone wants to make sure they cannot be deleted from a website maybe they should actually pay to be hosted and have a contract spelling out the details of what they can and cannot be ousted for.

Free speech is a right, but websites do not have to provide you with a platform. ATS allows you to post here but break the T&Cs one time too many and just watch how fast you can get banned. Why? Because it's their website and they can choose who can or cannot post here.

Well put, for all. Thanks!

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

Youtube is a free service.

Only if your a Radical Liberal like the Young Turks or other Liberals on YT for them its a service. But if your a minded neutral on the issues whatever your a independent or conservative that service is not "Free"

Free speech is a right, but websites do not have to provide you with a platform. ATS allows you to post here but break the T&Cs

Wishful thinking and save that nonsense narrative ok? because what your post is doing what those Liberals on YT are doing you are defending YT.

This not the first time that YT has done this. In fact YT has banned and not allowed contents that don't align or adjust lean to their potical side and agenda.

YT has being known to ban and delete YT accounts whom are just conservative. This whole but YT has a right to ban or block you as a platform is the same nonsense you leftists have being using since the start of the banning that YT started.
edit on 10-11-2019 by ChefFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

So according to you two libealrs. YT has a free right as platform whatever they want and limit free speech right? because if YT keeps banning and blocking videos because it doesnt share their potical narrtive it just further their whole narrtive on Free Speech.

Its only Free Speech if your a Clinton supporter and Liberal. No independent opinions.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 09:58 PM


I am not surprised that there few people in here who are defending YT and their actions with the notion that YT is a platform and they have their TC nonsense. Some of you Liberals had even stated that if you dont like the platform make your own well.
Alternative already exists i wont surprised if eventually at some point it takes over because the way YT had being banning, suspending users without given notice.

Facebook and YouTube Purge All Mentions of Alleged Whistleblower’s Name

If YT is a website where Free Speech so why are they so desperate on purging the names of the alleged whistleblower if there are jornlists on YT trying to make a news story out of it? without breaking any rules? or copyright?

Conflict of Interest.
edit on 10-11-2019 by ChefFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

Not a liberal, but a registered copyright holder, and a YouTube owner-remover...and they do.

You have zero right to any private forum like them or ATS...other than follow the rules. Or leave.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 10:08 PM
Let my evil marketing knowledge come forth here -people impulse buy more when they are in a state of stress,we all all being kept in a state of stress for this reason you-tubes left right kabuki theatre is just a part of it.

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