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Sisk and Tired of Being Called a Conspiracy Theorist. I am a Comprehensive Investigator!

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posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

You know by law it takes 3 people to make a conspiracy, so by that number, I would guess, there are so many conspiracy out there it must be Millions.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: one4all
That's what I'm talking about, open source, getting rid of the greed.

We have a long fight ahead, and unless we can get rid of the crooks in Washington, it will only get worse, in Washington crime for the most part goes unpunished.

The very first thing we need to do, is get rid of the Federal Reserve Banking system, the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's the one percents want it all. They call us Eaters, using up all the natural resources, why are they better, because they are crooks for the most part.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: OOOOOO
Really all of you get tired of, those know it alls any any time you say something, they say Oh, your just one of 'Those, Conspiracy Theory Peoples.

Another thing The twin towers were old and in disrepair, I read because of asbestos are something they were written up as condemned or repair, the cost was to much.

They certainly were full of asbestos..take it from there...if it's any help, asbestos was only ruled as totally April of this year 2019. the 1989 ban was partial...for instance, not that the port authority was obliged to comply in the case of the twin towers, so very loose there.

You could even argue that rust/damp played a part in the twin towers collapse, that the spandrel connections were rustballs and compromised...loads of stuff to get on with.
So get off your bum lad.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: smurfy

What do you mean by harder for me because I ranted.

My only real point is don't let people belittle you and say you just a CT.

I would like to go in front of Congress and rant, Like that one girl from Texas, that was in the Texas restaurant massacre, baack about 20, 25 years ago.

She stood right up there and told those turds, the reason we need the second amendment right's is to protect us from You, dang was that good.

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: OOOOOO

The art of conspiracy theory is never fully appreciated. To be good at writing conspiracy theories you have to be able to get lots of the strange facts and weave them into a possible narrative. The very best conspiracy theories are the ones that take the very strangest pairings of data points and comes up with an extremely off the wall narrative that seems crazy and outlandish but at the same time is supported by the starting data points in such a way the person reading it thinks maybe it's true!

edit on 10-11-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: OOOOOO

I think the problem is that you consider the term Conspiracy Theorist to be derogatory.

I tell people that I am a Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist with great pride. I believe that anyone above a certain age who thinks the world is as they are told on the news is either self delusional or an idiot.

If you are interested in convincing people that conspiracies are real, start with the one that convinced me. In the 80's (and probably the 70's) the CIA was bringing drugs into the US. That's a well documented fact. Nobody went to jail for that. Ask them why. If they think about it, there is only one reasonable conclusion: the United States Government is corrupt to the core from top to bottom. Once they understand that, a lot of other "conspiracy theories" make more sense.

But, if you're dealing with someone you feel you aren't likely to convince, you can just mess with their head. Point out that the official 9/11 story is a theory that a couple dozen Muslims conspired to fly planes into buildings. It is, by definition, a conspiracy theory. If they believe it, call them conspiracy theorists and say, "Welcome, brother!"

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 05:26 AM
I came across an alternative to conspiracy theorist a while back and I've been rolling with it ever since,

I'm an open-minded sceptic, đź‘Ť

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 09:28 AM
I'd consider myself a Conspiracy Terrorist

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 10:24 AM
I like to say that I am hyper aware of the world around me

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: kloejen

Good luck with that.

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: OOOOOO

Its not a theory when you can prove it is happening !

2nd line of my sig

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

To me it is, from what II understand is that the FBI, created that term for the, specific purpose to discredit a person that speaks about or questions, just what the Hell is going on.

I am not Paranoid as such, I love letting the cat out of the bag, and debating, the persons little knowledge of their awareness as to what is going on around them, and their belief in our government run by a bunch of deviant perverts, and money grubbers, that would sell their sole to the Devil for right amount.

Once the AI, singularity arrives,I think their time will end, I only hope it does not kill all the Humans. These thing are already talking to each other in language that we can't understand. When something that runs on facts, pure truth's, it will see the Lying, cheating Human scum for what most of them are. Like this does not compute, the data you have given to me is corrupt, then what, kill puss bag.

Yea the, CIA had the best crack you could buy, it looked like off white erasers, thing is who ever got it would just melt it do and throw crap in it. Man the CIAs stuff was machine made perfect each one, like 50s.

Yea, and it was reported Arab man learning to fly airliner, but does not, need or want learn how to land, it was reported. Our Government was in on it, then Bush on Air Farse One, could not even communicate with Washington D>C., or anyone, the greatest country in the world and could not even get cell phone to work. What morons.

Well I'm different I guess I'm a "Comprehensive Investigator", like I want to see Michelle's, dick not just lump in dress. Fact.
edit on 11-11-2019 by OOOOOO because: correct spelling

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Yea, but most people are so stupid they don't know, I know this guy and his old Mother, she worked at the Bank 40 years, she and her stupid son both said the Federal Reserve Bank, is owned by and part of the US government. I mean talking stupid, this is what;s wrong with the world, most people don't have enough sense to change their draws when they crap their self, much less comprehend anything else.

Just like the dude, just won't believe his wife is screwing everyone he knows, dumb ass. Don't tell him he'll get mad at you, want to kick your ass, but still won't have the balls to do it. That's how people are. They don't want to know.

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 08:19 PM
When people tell me I'm a conspiracy theorist I tell them I'm an Organized Crime Analyst. And that journalism used to be real but now they call them conspiracy theorists...

I like comprehensive investigator too.

Or you can flip it on them and say, "oh you're a coincidence theorists... so you believe everything is coincidence huh, I don't know seems kinda far fetched to me."

Then I'll have to explain to them the reason they have a negative connotation towards the term "conspiracy theory" and that the definition of a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

By that definition just about everything is a conspiracy. Then I tell them they are conspiracy theorists and they didn't even realize it. I just read a lot more.

Then we continue to have a great night and drink our beers and enjoy ourselves.

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: OOOOOO

It's because they are stupid and believe all the crap they are feed.


Your OP and this reply is a great example of this quoted above

I agree it would be idiotic to call you a conspiracy theorist.

a disjointed mind that parrots YouTube and conspiracy catch phrases better suits.

The poster you replied too was trying to help you come off as what you claim, a COMPREHENSIVE INVESTIGATOR or at least a critical thinker instead of the rambling madman persona you display.

anyway, nice comedic rant.

I seriously hope it was.

It reminded me of an episode of the Simpsons when Bart sold his soul and Chief Wiggam was driving around with his son Ralph and had to stop to see what a person on a street corner was rambling about.

Funny thing is quite a few posts over the years on ATS make me picture that scene.

I guess this crazy world gets to some more than others.

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: OOOOOO
You know by law it takes 3 people to make a conspiracy...

Some people posting here have that covered all by themselves.

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 05:35 AM
Its something the left do when they have no response.

They call people conspiracy theorists it's like equivalent of saying, that's racist.

When they have no logic or proper defense you will here these words.

posted on Nov, 17 2019 @ 07:26 PM

posted on Nov, 20 2019 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Well it said Rant.

Really I'm kind of a conservative, Comprehensive Investigator, as I usually sit back and just watch how stupid people are.

I guess I will just leave it at that, there are higher powers, controlling this planet, they plan, and know how the,masses will act and react, to certain things. This has been going on for very long time. Just like how Constantine, built the church, because the old one wasn't working, needed to have control of the people's.
No offence, but like God was walking around on Earth 6,000 years ago, it was the Aliens, and the Aliens believed in the Creator God themselves, not some false God that came from the sky, but the One that is ingrain in everything, and every person.

Don't get mad at me, but expand your mind, look at the real facts, not a book that deceives you. Look at like the "lost book of Enoch", there was to much information, so it was left out of the Bible. I believe in the Creator, how could I not, but not Aliens posing as Gods, Why do you think it said you will put no other God before me, because there was a bunch of them. They were coming 50 at a time on there space ship. The one called "The Devil" was named Enki, the one that removed Adam and Eve, from the garden was Enlill, his younger brother, but also the ruler of Earth.

Ever wonder why they can't find the missing link, between the primitive monkey man and humans. The missing Link?
Another one the fallen Angles were have sex with the women, and giants were born, red haired giants the Nefilim. Fallen Angles huh, more like horny Aliens, with some bad arse DNA.

OK, I quit, but think about it, fact most of you are part of the 95%, that don't have a clue as to what is really going on. Like the movie Zardos. Da!

I could tell yous things that would blow your mind, and prove everything I said, but do it yourself, open your eyes.

posted on Nov, 20 2019 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: booyakasha
When people tell me I'm a conspiracy theorist I tell them I'm an Organized Crime Analyst. And that journalism used to be real but now they call them conspiracy theorists...

I like comprehensive investigator too.

Or you can flip it on them and say, "oh you're a coincidence theorists... so you believe everything is coincidence huh, I don't know seems kinda far fetched to me."

Then I'll have to explain to them the reason they have a negative connotation towards the term "conspiracy theory" and that the definition of a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

By that definition just about everything is a conspiracy. Then I tell them they are conspiracy theorists and they didn't even realize it. I just read a lot more.

Then we continue to have a great night and drink our beers and enjoy ourselves.

Sorry I thought it was 3, only from personal experience, Feds got me on RICO, I thought they said 3, but 2 is correct sorry, now I'm really in trouble. I pled the 5th. That RICO was rough 25 years. Just remember you always denie everything, the dumb ones, say oK, I did it even if they didn't do the crime, they just get worn down. I beat it, got 30 days, no I want a jury trail. I am not guilty. OK 30 days. I was already doing 50yr. for murder and bank robbery. But it was a mistake, I tell you, honest.

Well I guess that is why you never say certain things to someone else,even joking around, if some else hears you or the NSA, or when the NSA records you joke you go to jail. But I was just kidding around.

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