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What's Really in the USMCA ?

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posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 03:55 AM
Their are a few things in the USMCA agreement that I have come across that are troubling to me.

Economic Integration
Principally, the USMCA promotes the “economic integration” of North America. The USMCA’s competitiveness chapter (Chapter 26) establishes the creation of the North American Competitiveness Committee (NACC). According to Article 26.1, Section 5 of Chapter 26, the NACC is tasked with making sure that it “promotes economic integration and development within the free trade area” and “to further enhance the competitiveness of the North American economy.” In other words, it seeks to merge the economies of North America into one, akin to a North American Union, much like the European Union.

that sounds like another European union type agreement IMO while sacrificing sovereignty.. Once again being run by a committee of unelected officials.

For decades globalists have sought to replace the modern international system comprised of sovereign nation-states with a “new world order,” comprised of interlocking (and in some cases overlapping) regional supranational blocs. The economic blocs are in turn to be further merged into one single bloc or world union, governed by the United Nations or some other future one-world government body.

I think many of us already know the long term goal is a one world government.. Won't it be wonderful to have the Mid-East Muslim block put incharge of women's rights ! (sarc)

The USMCA also promotes the United Nation’s concept of “sustainable development,” which is the cornerstone of the UN’s Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 program to address the purported problem of anthropogenic climate change. Agenda 2030 calls for the redistribution of wealth from richer developed nations to underdeveloped countries in the global south. It also advocates for numerous controls over people’s lives and daily actions; and imposes onerous regulations that would prevent developing nations from industrializing, in turn stagnating their economies.

Why am I not surprised ? They want to have control by making rules that govern air, land, water, and basically all living things..Probably mirror some super EPA that says you can not even collect the rain water that falls from your roof however this time everything will be dictated by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation ...Oh but it is for the good of mother earth ! Is that the same mother that has contributed to or directly caused 98% of every species that has ever lived to go extinct ? Sounds like she needs to go to a Chinese reeducation camp IMO..

The USMCA’s labor chapter (Chapter 23), as The New American has also previously reported, could serve as a beachhead for a cross-border migration invasion similar to that experienced in the European Union. In language that is virtually identical to that found in the TPP, Article 17.5 of Chapter 17 of the USMCA states: “No party shall adopt or maintain ... a measure that ... imposes a limitation on ... the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular financial service sector or that a financial institution or cross-border service supplier may employ ... in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test.” This opens the door for Mexico and the current radical socialist government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador or for a Mexican, a Canadian, or even a U.S.-based company to sue the U.S. government for restricting the number of employees that such a company would want to bring across the border into the United States.

Here we go again back to the socialist dream of open borders... It is a long article and I just hit a few point that caught my eye. Others may see something totally different or even beneficial as the spin put out on the USMCA is right up there with heavenly delights !

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Yup, it's a disaster in the making and worse, apparently Trump supports it. Pretty sure anti American Democrats support it as well. You know that if they win POTUS and control Congress, it will get done. Truly, the end is near for the late, great, US.

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 06:13 PM
The obvious ultimate goal is to reduce the global population. With the level of technology man has achieved the elite don't need the masses any longer. They would be better off limiting global population to 100,000,000.
edit on 8-11-2019 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2019 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: CharlesT
The obvious ultimate goal is to reduce the global population. With the level of technology man has achieved the elite don't need the masses any longer. They would be better off limiting global population to 100,000,000.

From what I have read only Africa and the Mid-East are supposed to increase their population 2 billion by 2100.. Most of the other geographic regions are not breeding enough to make their populations stable at current numbers. Africa can not feed what they have already so the projected numbers are very suspect IMO.

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 09:28 AM
Interesteing, and worth discussing in more detail, but I don't buy the outright comparisons to Agenda 21 or other nonsense.

There is nothing wrong with actual, true, sustainable development. Farmers have been practicing this for many thousands of years. The Bible refers to it as 'letting the land lie fallow every 7 years'.

I do see some actual quotes from the actual USMCA that deserve a little scrutiny, but the article author takes a huge amount of liberty with the way they characterize things.

For example, it is a huge leap to go from "“promotes economic integration and development within the free trade area” and “to further enhance the competitiveness of the North American economy.”, and the authors immediate conclusion that:

"In other words, it seeks to merge the economies of North America into one, akin to a North American Union, much like the European Union."

Sorry, that is just an absurd leap.

I will likely try to find some time to do a little research into this, but for the time being, I am not too worried about it.

For one thing, if what you were saying is true, I think many, many others would have already sounded the alarm. It isn't like the full text of the agreement hasn't been out there long enough for some really good investigative journalists to learn of this kind of treachery.

That said - if it turned out to be factually correct, then I'd have to say the claims that Trump is a trojan horse could turn out to be true.

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