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Thanks to Rand Paul, Russian Media Are Naming the Alleged Whistleblower, Trump Saved Assad

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posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 08:52 PM
Oh No! thanks to the Evil Russian Media and Rand Paul Putin puppet are about to the Alleged Whistleblower. Yahoo/Washington Post Liberal news outlet quickly try in the defense of the democrats while attacking,criticizing Rand Paul for his threats to name the Whistleblower.

Whats more comical about this artlice is how they are suggesting and claiming that Syria's Assad regime was saved by Trump. The News Media outlets demanded for regime change because you know, Syria Assad was evil as gaddafi.

Thanks to Rand Paul, Russian Media Are Naming the Alleged Whistleblower

American news organizations resisted the pressure, but—in a 2019 re-play of “Russia, if you’re listening”—Kremlin-controlled state media promptly jumped on it.

As if on cue, the Kremlin-controlled heavy hitters—TASS, RT, Rossiya-1—disseminated the same information. But unlike Rand Paul, one of the Russian state media outlets didn’t seem to find the source—Real Clear Investigations—to be particularly impressive, and claimed falsely that the material was published originally by The Washington Post.

Trump Saved because he was not pushing for regime change or intervention. Therefore Trump is now Russian Puupet because of not wanting to push for a military intervention in Syria to remove Assad and help Jihadists.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Russian client whose regime teetered on the brink of collapse only to be saved definitively by Trump’s chaotic approach to the Middle East, recently said that “President Trump is the best type of president for a foe.” The Russians heartily agree. The Trump presidency has been wildly successful for Russia, which is eagerly stepping into every vacuum created by the retreat of the United States on the world stage.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Russian client whose regime teetered on the brink of collapse only to be saved definitively by Trump’s chaotic approach to the Middle EastSyrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Russian client whose regime teetered on the brink of collapse only to be saved definitively by Trump’s chaotic approach to the Middle East

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 08:53 PM
The Mainstream News Media outlets still must think that many Americans and their audiences are so stupid when it comes to the middle east and that they still view the so called rebels as real moderate fighters when in general they had being nothing more then Jihadist fighters from the start.

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:06 PM
What ever they are smoking in those newsrooms needs to be added to the controlled substances lists.

It can't be healthy.

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: dubiousatworst

These are the MSM outlets whom in CNN once called Trump presidential for bombing Syria with tomahawk cruise missiles mostly destroying a empty building.

Either it clearly shows that the Globalists are the ones leading the charge at the News Media Outlets and News Rooms. Whom are still upset the loss of their regime change and intervention in Syria not happening.

MSM outlets are ignoring that many Americans no matter the party line. Want troops out of Afghanistan and Syria. But the News Media is clearly showing why they are the fake news.

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

Now that the Russian media has released the name Trump will now release the aid package to Russia.

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: ChefFox
I think a lot of it has to do with the nature of The Wizard of Oz's curtain as an allegory. As long as their is bickering going on around the kingdom, nobody has any attention to pay towards finding out who it really is behind the curtain. Due to being distracted by more immediately important things. Then when those things are taken care of, it's time to create a big scary distraction that inspires fear.

Those flying monkeys have to come from somewhere don't they?

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: ChefFox

The only problem with calling it fake is the testimonies of people under oath are not fake.

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Ah you liberals are so quick to defend the media arent you.

testimonies of people under oath are not fake.

testimonies of people under oath without any evidence in a court of law means nothing. Same thing with the eye witness.

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

And your liberals would absolutely cant wait to send aid packages to the Jihadists in Syria. If the name of the Whistleblower is released we would at least understand that this whole nonsense with the impeachment was nothing more then one sided.

By the way on the whole claims of testimonies of people under oath. Your comment on that reminds me on the whole so called survivors of Assad Alleged torture prison which the MSM was brushing its audiences for two years and half. The only evidence so called evidence they had were drawings or sketches of it.

But again sketches and their testimonies weren't enough as evidence.
Just so you know.
edit on 6-11-2019 by ChefFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: dubiousatworst
a reply to: ChefFox
I think a lot of it has to do with the nature of The Wizard of Oz's curtain as an allegory. As long as their is bickering going on around the kingdom, nobody has any attention to pay towards finding out who it really is behind the curtain. Due to being distracted by more immediately important things. Then when those things are taken care of, it's time to create a big scary distraction that inspires fear.

Those flying monkeys have to come from somewhere don't they?

I think your starting to figure out the facade....

posted on Nov, 6 2019 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: ChefFox

The only problem with calling it fake is the testimonies of people under oath are not fake.

I agree it is not fake testimony. They are clearly testifying.

The correct term is false testimony.

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: dubiousatworst
What ever they are smoking in those newsrooms needs to be added to the controlled substances lists.

It can't be healthy.

Each other, most of the time I think...

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: ChefFox

The only problem with calling it fake is the testimonies of people under oath are not fake.

I heard something from someone about a guy who heard a guy listen to the presidents motive.

Yea reliable testimony

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: ChefFox

The only problem with calling it fake is the testimonies of people under oath are not fake.

They are. In his transcript, Bill Taylor admits his source is NYT. Page 299

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 08:19 PM
Of that's funny. Saved Assad?? Assad had gotten about half his country back already when Trump won the election. Not to mention, the base at al-tanf was not taken until after Trump was sworn in. I posted the first video I recall on here of our operators in Syria after crossing over from Jordan. How is that saving Assad??

Whatever, Silly global engagement center news scripts will say what they will.

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: ChefFox

The only problem with calling it fake is the testimonies of people under oath are not fake.

They are. In his transcript, Bill Taylor admits his source is NYT. Page 299

I heard that. The Dems' star witness is, by his own admission, just regurgitating a hit piece from the Times.

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454
Fox news says schiff is guilty I am going to blow the whistle on him.
Thats how this works now right?

edit on 7/11/2019 by shooterbrody because: Spelling is hard

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Wardaddy454
Fox news says schiff is guilty I am going to blow the whistle on him.
Thats how this works now right?

Get a women to say that Schiff inappropriately touched her, 20 years ago. Because apparently you can make crap up to smear and ruin someones life, and then disappear afterwords without repercussion.

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: ChefFox

The only problem with calling it fake is the testimonies of people under oath are not fake.

They are. In his transcript, Bill Taylor admits his source is NYT. Page 299

I heard that. The Dems' star witness is, by his own admission, just regurgitating a hit piece from the Times.

In normal times, aka 10-15 years ago, both sides would have equally laugh the guy out of the room, and all of us would equally agree he had no credibility as a witness.

But, these are not normal times.

posted on Dec, 12 2019 @ 09:41 AM


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