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My opinion on the recent soft disclosure

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posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 10:42 PM
Things got weird with that NY times article. I've looked at a great number of UFO cases. Modern, ancient and in between. There has always been one thing, and only one thing, that is the same for all of them: the media, be it newspapers, radio, or whatever, almost always treats the topic as a joke.

For example: Kelly-Hopkinsville goblins 1955, a classic case. Lots of media outlets claim the event was caused by alcohol, despite Chief Greenwell, who was on scene that night, specifically noting that there was no evidence of alcohol consumption. As a side note, since alcohol is a common explanation for sightings, if anyone knows which type works please let me know because no matter how drunk I get I never see the UFOs.

There are many examples. But the weird thing is that the media did a total 180 starting with that NY times article. I assume everyone knows what I am talking about. If not Google "tic tac UFO" and try reading these forums.

I have been seeing the topic treated seriously, on all outlets. And there seems to be a pattern. One story says they found life on Mars. The next day, maybe they were wrong. They found an interstellar object. One seemingly credible astronomer from a prominent University thinks it could be an alien probe. Pretty much everyone else disagrees. Next year they find another, but it's a comet. But when news stories about the comet start to pop up, I see other stories about life on Enceladus, intergalactic probes, etc. JRE, the 800 lb gorilla of podcasting: Mr. Rogan claims to be a hard core skeptic on every episode I listen to. But all of a sudden, he has Bob Lazar and that other guy on the show, and now he (Rogan) is a true believer. He has Dan Akroid on the show and despite Mr. Akroid sounding unhinged, Rogan goes with it (more or less). There are examples like this everywhere you look. And it all started after that NY Times article.

I'm usually pretty skeptical but the timing of these news stories can't be a coincidence.

So what gives? Is the government finally doing the whole disclosure thing? Well...

Rember Roswell? How they had that press release from the Air Force? I don't believe for a second that the government feels the need to share the truth with the populace. In fact I think that they will always muddy the waters as much as possible. Truth is irrelevant; they will always meddle to keep the argument going.

So what? Why the disclosure? I mean, maybe it isn't. But it looks 100% like soft disclosure. I think it's true that if aliens landed on the White House lawn, people would flip right out. Not everyone. Maybe only 5-10%. But enough to seriously disrupt society, at least short term.

If the Government lies 100% of the time then why? Why go ahead with soft disclosure if they can just lie about stuff like they always have? The only explanation is their hand is being forced.

Astronomers are detecting a great number of exoplanets. I read one method uses the Doppler shift of planets on their host star. Do you realize how incredibly subtle that is?

I think that someone has detected an advanced civilization on one of these exoplanets. Civilization's signature would stick out like a sore thumb.

It's only a matter of time until the announcement of advanced life. If NASA for example found it using a common method, then they know others will find it too. Even amateur astronomers, who are sometimes impressively capable, could do it. But well funded (government) entities are most likely to find it first. Therefore their hand is forced.

It requires soft disclosure. Many people's world view will be completely disrupted, as strange as that may seem to us here on ATS. And they will flip out.

Anyway, this is just an idea I had, but I am curious to see what everyone else thinks.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: AgentAnderson

Nearest reported exo planet is a few light years away so if they are capable of travelling such distances without dying of old age then we are just their bitches anyway 😂
If we were useful for food or our resources they'd have taken it by now in human history, so meh, still all just bitches to some group higher up the chain of command 👽👽👽
edit on 22-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Stupid typo 🤣

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Whether or not they are here (I think they are), we will soon have hard scientific proof of some "other". By advanced I didn't mean they could get here, only that they are advanced enough to leave a finger print, such as changing their atmosphere with industry.

Also I think that if they have the tech to get here, they will be far to advanced to want or care about our resources.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:30 PM
You only have to look at people's reaction to things like letting gay people get married, or Trump being elected president to see how fragile the human psyche is in some people.

I believe there was a government study carried out in the early 1960's that concluded people would not deal with with the reality that we are not alone.

I think that is still the simplest answer. Either that, or the US Military is benefiting massively from the Alien Tech and doesn't want to share

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: AgentAnderson

I'm with you, I just always keep in mind that looking at light from stars is looking into the past...the civilisation detected could be long gone. I wouldn't be surprised if there was lots of life in the universe aside from us, hope I live long enough to find out ☺️

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 01:01 AM
I think a newspaper wants to be relevant, sell more copies, appeal to the lowest/most profitable common denominator and be relevant again
Why not post conspiracies about aliens, people love that

Newspapers selling click bait, that’s the reality of msm
Look at the Trump battles. That is money to the media, that’s why they perpetuate the war, money

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

the civilisation detected could be long gone.

Or maybe we're the first, in this galaxy.
Maybe we'll be long gone before we have a chance to hear from others.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Ever hear of Alternative 3?

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 02:53 AM
Im still not sure what all the releases really mean ,i still have a strong feeling it could be some sort of disinformation campaign.
And all the releases ,testimonies, etc would be faked.

But still...thats a lot of work for what ? troll a few people ? Scam people into investing in you?
People really wanna risk going to prison doing that ?

The other possibility is that is all real , but who is flying them then ?

If it is humans then its a pretty huge quantum leap in development
You go from jet engines to something like those tic tacs.
But then you gotta ask yourself how did they do it seems like we are missing steps.
How do they power them??

If they got a sick power reactor why aren't these in Submarines , Carriers , heck even used to have Nuclear payloads "delivered"
Naah , they trow all the quantum leap breakthough tech in flying eggs and have them mess around with jet fighter pilots off the US coast.

It doesn't make sense that these are "black projects"
Why they would not apply it to other projects then again : some eggs messing around off coast.

Other option is ofcourse something unknown to us "peasants" the ET , other dimension , ancient earth race etc etc

the thought about it is pretty scare , since they obviously outmatch us with a snap of the finger.

Instant realisation your species is bottom of the foodchain on a galactic level
Hope they don't decide to build a interstellar highway round these parts.

Honestly i still have not made up my mind what these things really are or if it is fake or not.

Too much fake stuff and false prophets have came out over the years to almost stop caring about the subject.

But still super interesting that ultimate question if we are alone or not.

edit on 23-10-2019 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2019 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2019 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: AgentAnderson

Disclosure started decades ago.

Many of the top brass investigated UFO's, so they are acknowledging the existence of the phenomenon.

I am one of millions who have seen a UFO, but until we have bonafide, tangible evidence we can only speculate.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie


I saw something that I didn't know what it was, one time.

Other times, I sort of figured it out.

edit on 10/23/2019 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:17 AM
Perhaps they rely on Subspace Communication and are simply not listening.

Our signals have only been propagating for the past 100 years at best.

It is not a long time and also our signals do not propagate in a sphere. The sun gets in the way of a sizeable chunk of the sky as we go round and round.


posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: AgentAnderson
Things got weird with that NY times article. I've looked at a great number of UFO cases. Modern, ancient and in between. There has always been one thing, and only one thing, that is the same for all of them: the media, be it newspapers, radio, or whatever, almost always treats the topic as a joke.

For example: Kelly-Hopkinsville goblins 1955, a classic case. Lots of media outlets claim the event was caused by alcohol, despite Chief Greenwell, who was on scene that night, specifically noting that there was no evidence of alcohol consumption. As a side note, since alcohol is a common explanation for sightings, if anyone knows which type works please let me know because no matter how drunk I get I never see the UFOs.

There are many examples. But the weird thing is that the media did a total 180 starting with that NY times article. I assume everyone knows what I am talking about. If not Google "tic tac UFO" and try reading these forums.

I have been seeing the topic treated seriously, on all outlets. And there seems to be a pattern. One story says they found life on Mars. The next day, maybe they were wrong. They found an interstellar object. One seemingly credible astronomer from a prominent University thinks it could be an alien probe. Pretty much everyone else disagrees. Next year they find another, but it's a comet. But when news stories about the comet start to pop up, I see other stories about life on Enceladus, intergalactic probes, etc. JRE, the 800 lb gorilla of podcasting: Mr. Rogan claims to be a hard core skeptic on every episode I listen to. But all of a sudden, he has Bob Lazar and that other guy on the show, and now he (Rogan) is a true believer. He has Dan Akroid on the show and despite Mr. Akroid sounding unhinged, Rogan goes with it (more or less). There are examples like this everywhere you look. And it all started after that NY Times article.

I'm usually pretty skeptical but the timing of these news stories can't be a coincidence.

So what gives? Is the government finally doing the whole disclosure thing? Well...

Rember Roswell? How they had that press release from the Air Force? I don't believe for a second that the government feels the need to share the truth with the populace. In fact I think that they will always muddy the waters as much as possible. Truth is irrelevant; they will always meddle to keep the argument going.

So what? Why the disclosure? I mean, maybe it isn't. But it looks 100% like soft disclosure. I think it's true that if aliens landed on the White House lawn, people would flip right out. Not everyone. Maybe only 5-10%. But enough to seriously disrupt society, at least short term.

If the Government lies 100% of the time then why? Why go ahead with soft disclosure if they can just lie about stuff like they always have? The only explanation is their hand is being forced.

Astronomers are detecting a great number of exoplanets. I read one method uses the Doppler shift of planets on their host star. Do you realize how incredibly subtle that is?

I think that someone has detected an advanced civilization on one of these exoplanets. Civilization's signature would stick out like a sore thumb.

It's only a matter of time until the announcement of advanced life. If NASA for example found it using a common method, then they know others will find it too. Even amateur astronomers, who are sometimes impressively capable, could do it. But well funded (government) entities are most likely to find it first. Therefore their hand is forced.

It requires soft disclosure. Many people's world view will be completely disrupted, as strange as that may seem to us here on ATS. And they will flip out.

Anyway, this is just an idea I had, but I am curious to see what everyone else thinks.

Excellent post!

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:39 AM
Maybe our collective drive to know is what is powering disclosure in incrementally bigger (truer) ways. More people looking up. More people willing to consider believing. More people willing to communicate without the truckload of judgements that typically follow.

Sure, maybe in a physical sense we are collectively having a hard time finding/demanding/believing in disclosure and the reality that lies within disclosure, but we don't just work in the physical. Most of our "stuff" starts on the inside, directly piles up with everyone else's "stuff", and then goes out to affect reality. Us KNOWING things (such as the things under the umbrella of disclosure) are not exceptions, but just as much a PART of our collective creation/learning as anything else.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: AgentAnderson

That's about the colour of the day, as unfortunately, we can't handle the lies nevermind the truth.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Phage

Or maybe we're the first, in this galaxy. Maybe we'll be long gone before we have a chance to hear from others.

Phage, What's your take on the Travis Walton case?. Have you watched the interviews with the others who were there that evening?.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: AgentAnderson
*Deleted by me

edit on 23-10-2019 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: AgentAnderson

We need to strictly ban and outlaw the use of weather balloons and then see if people are still experiencing UFO phenomena.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
I think a newspaper wants to be relevant, sell more copies, appeal to the lowest/most profitable common denominator and be relevant again
Why not post conspiracies about aliens, people love that

Newspapers selling click bait, that’s the reality of msm
Look at the Trump battles. That is money to the media, that’s why they perpetuate the war, money

MSM uses click bait but Fox News is real news. Got it.

posted on Oct, 23 2019 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Are you telling me or asking me
I am not sure what fox has to do with me and why?

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