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ELF Waves effect on the the brain

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posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 01:44 PM
As the frequency was lowered (below 8.6 Hertz), lock-on for most subjects occurred in bursts, rather than being continuous. For example, there might be immediate lock-on for two seconds; then the brain would "fight" the ELF frequency for a quarter of a second, and then lock-on again for another few seconds, etc.. I use the word "fight" because it looked like the brain was fighting the ELF to maintain its own frequency.

ELF research results of ELF waves.

This is good news for some of us, it appears some people have no reaction to ELF waves, hope i'm one of em.

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 11:22 PM
Only one slight problem in this article, it only addresses broadcasts in the 6-10 HZ range. Human central nervous systems is susceptible from 1-30 Hz, and most susceptible from 1-6 Hz.

Dr. Begich explained that the human brain has its own electrical frequencies (between 1-30 hertz) but it can easily be "entrained" to adopt other frequencies in the environment. Thus, select ELF frequencies beamed at the brain can disrupt normal brain patterns, cause seizures, paralyze the nervous system and create emotional instability. Dr. Begich said that Directed Energy weapons can actually flip human emotions on and off like a light switch. Select frequencies can also be used to implant into the brain subliminal instructions against which the conscious mind has no defense. The Air Force has readily admitted that these electromagnetic weapons are especially valuable because they attack silently, they can render individuals combat-ineffective and countermeasures would be difficult, if not impossible, to develop.

Now consider:

The HAARP HF Transmitter is limited to the frequency range 2.8 to 10 MHz.

Well, do you see a possible problem?

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 11:41 PM
I read some Privacy Act Info on this years (8) ago.

does it matter if a monitoring Freq is only used...not controling as such? I mean, subtle transfer of info.??

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 11:45 PM
I dont know about the legality of monitoring any kind of federal transmission, and would refer that to Astrocreep if he is reading this thread.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 12:10 AM
Note that this technology (as far as I am aware) is only dangerous in terms of transmission. They do not have the capacity to monitor our thoughts or anything like that.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 12:17 AM
Thank you.

The possibilities are frightening.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 08:47 AM
The US Navy first conducted experiments on ELF wave propagation and environmental effects in 1969, using two antennas each 14 miles long located at Clam Lake, Wisconsin. Experiments with this facility continued until 1976, when when actual ELF communications with submarines were demonstrated. Shortly thereafter, the Navy made plans for an operational ELF communications system using buried antennas so as to be hardened against nuclear attack. This system, code-named Sanguine, was cancelled after studies determined that the system would be vulnerable to nuclear attack.

A little history on haarp

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 09:07 AM
link /display.cgi?sitename=health-essentials&page=bioelectric-shields.htm

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to order some of these.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider
I dont know about the legality of monitoring any kind of federal transmission, and would refer that to Astrocreep if he is reading this thread.

In my view, if you can buy a receiver that can receive it, you can listen. The illegal part comes in when you act on what you've heard in a private conversation as pertaining to cell phone and cordless phone interceptions. There is also a restriction locally in most states which will not permit a receiver which is capable of picking up police or other official transmissions to be carried in a motor vehicle with a few exceptions. In KY, any amateur radio license holder is exempt from this statute. The FCC doesn't regulate what can be received as much as what can be transmitted. Most of the laws concerning receiving are largely locally enacted so I would suggest researching my state's statutes. Its relatively easy thanks to the internet. Most states have them online with search engines.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 10:17 PM
I concur with Dragon, ELF frequency's between .9 + 4 hertz affect the base primal instincts resulting in dramatic violent behavior, the pulse is continuous and low and range can be predetermined. Results are violent emotional behavior thereafter leaving subjects in a conscious daze of unawareness. Mission complete!
HAARP can project over a wide world wide area, CIA can project from a automobile to another one in congested area with small focus resulting in minimal catastrophe.
I am incapable of supplying a www. site, just pay attention to what is going on around you and it will beciome apparent

tut tut

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 10:46 PM
From one of my military contacts, I was told of an experiment in the 80s with HAARP.

A presentation was scheduled in an auditorium and several intelligence/military big hats arrived for what looked to be a slide show.

As they sat in the small auditorium, the lights went down. No one noticed a wire running up the center of the cieling, as it was made to look like part of the wiring for the lighting. It was actually an antenna broadcasting in the 1-6 Hz range.

Within 2 minutes, a number of verbal arguements erupted throughout the audience and the lights came back on and the experiment was terminated immediately when 2 individuals actually started slugging it out.

2 minutes from sitting peacefully waiting for a slide show in the dark to a fist fight for no apparent reason or stimulation.

The demonstration was quite shocking to those in attendance, and apparently resulted in the transfer of almost $100 billion for R&D.

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 04:28 PM
Our brain waves share and are attuned to certain frequencies of the Schumann's resonances, the ELF signals that pulsate between the Earth's crust and ionosphere.


Lewis B. Hainsworth of Western Australia seems to be the first researcher to recognise the relationship of brain-wave frequencies to the naturally circulating rhythmic signals, known as Schumann's resonances (SR), in the space between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. Hainsworth imparted this awareness to Dr Robert O. Becker, noted electromagnetics pollution expert, and to Harvard neurologists as early as 1975.

In 1977, this phenomenon--the relationship between brain-wave rhythms and the spectrum of the natural Earth ELF (extremely low frequency) signals--became the basis for Itzhak Bentov's Stalking the Wild Pendulum (Dutton, 1977). Later research confirmed a relationship to human health and well-being and even to ESP or psi phenomena.

Hainsworth sent up a clarion cry against hazardous EM (electromagnetic) pollution, whose dangers pale in comparison to the threat of technologies such as HAARP [High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program], which sends violent pulsations into the Earth's ionosphere, potentially disrupting the entire electromagnetic shield of the planet and certainly affecting the whole biosphere and thus human welfare in general.

Some research has suggested that the frequency of the basic Schumann's resonance has recently been rising in value, possibly threatening the whole biosphere, human welfare and our evolutionary future. All biological processes are a function of electromagnetic field interactions. EM fields are the connecting link between the world of form and resonant patterns. They store gestalts or patterns of information. The bridge connecting solar system resonances and brain frequencies resides in our human DNA helix, which co-evolved in the Earth's environment.

Electrical engineer Lewis B. Hainsworth, MA, was among the first to suggest that human health is linked with geophysical parameters by way of the naturally occurring Schumann's ELF. His hypothesis identified naturally occurring features which determine the frequency spectrum of human brain-wave rhythms:
The frequencies of naturally occurring electromagnetic signals, circulating in the electrically resonant cavity bounded by the Earth and the ionosphere, have governed or determined the 'evolution' or development of the frequencies of operation of the principal human brain-wave signals. In particular, the alpha rhythm is so placed that it can in no circumstances suffer an extensive interference from naturally occurring signals.

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 10:29 PM
hmm im still very curious about this whole topic.... I understand it all and understand that not everyone is effected by certain ELF..... im just wondering if there is any kind of element that could repel large amounts of EM? Or if certain things amplify or diminish all this EM pollution.... if there are such things... would they interfer with out own bodys brainwaves...

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Mesmerized
hmm im still very curious about this whole topic.... I understand it all and understand that not everyone is effected by certain ELF..... im just wondering if there is any kind of element that could repel large amounts of EM? Or if certain things amplify or diminish all this EM pollution.... if there are such things... would they interfer with out own bodys brainwaves...

You could build a giant Faraday Cage around your house...

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 10:47 PM
Faraday Cage ??? wat the???

By the way is normal sound any form of energy????


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