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Multiple deaths in Chile as people riot over income inequality

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posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 12:51 AM

These are the worst protests in decades in Chile - more than 70 subway stations have been damaged, buses were set on fire and stores were looted. The state of emergency, first in Santiago and now in six cities including Concepcion, the second biggest in the country, with more than 9000 soldiers being deployed on the streets.

It sounds like it's going to devolve into a civil war in Chile. The 30 peso train fare increase appears to have been the final straw for many Chileans as vast amounts of wealth have failed to be appropriately spread to the masses.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 12:58 AM
Wow... looks like they had enough.

Makes one wonder if there will be riots all over this globe at some point, for one reason or another.
edit on 21-10-2019 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 12:59 AM

Here's the "problem" .... The "Welcoming Party" is Activated 😀

Santiago is set to host US President Donald Trump and other leaders of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in less than a month.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: links234

This will happen anywhere in the world when income equality reaches a tipping point, when the masses have nothing to lose violence and mayhem ensue.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 01:28 AM

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: Patto es-en-chile.shtml

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: links234

I was reading about it and looks like the left is behind all that. The president already suspended the increase on train fares but the protest continues.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: links234

I always wondered about that...income inequality. What does it mean really ?

vast amounts of wealth have failed to be appropriately spread to the masses.

So, reasoning is...just because you're should be getting some money. From somebody who has more. They call that redistribution of wealth I think. We used to have something like that back in communism. The state would just confiscate your wealth...because you're successful.

Anyway...I'm predicting a glorious future for this scheme of redistributing wealth. That'll motivate the masses.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: MarioOnTheFly
a reply to: links234

I always wondered about that...income inequality. What does it mean really ?

vast amounts of wealth have failed to be appropriately spread to the masses.

So, reasoning is...just because you're should be getting some money. From somebody who has more. They call that redistribution of wealth I think. We used to have something like that back in communism. The state would just confiscate your wealth...because you're successful.

Anyway...I'm predicting a glorious future for this scheme of redistributing wealth. That'll motivate the masses.

Oh behave with all the 'poor folk want empty my pockets and leave me naked in the streets with nothing', it's just irrational paranoid thinking that only greedy gluttonous people suffer from. That's what greed does to people, it makes them fearful and hysterical. They equate being fair with being destitute and threadbare lol.

If wealthy people weren't so selfish and consumed with greed they would have nothing to fear from poor folk. Nobody wants to take anything from rich people, they just want rich people to quit taking everything for themselves leaving virtually nothing for the poor to sustain themselves on.

Wealthy people know they are greedy and they know they take too much for themselves, and that to continue doing so will cause the poor to become angry and rise up against them. Rich folk know all this, they fear it. But greed has them in such a tight grip it renders them unable to change their ways and be fair.

It's rich people's fault there are so many angry poor folk. They take way too much and always looking to take yet more. And if that means others are left with nothing well that's just tough, their fault for not being a ruthless grab-the-lot greedy bastard.

But it's all going to change. Soon.

edit on 21-10-2019 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

yeah greedy folks like myself and my father, we worked 45-50 years, and we saved 50% of our pay and invested it.

we are so greedy we have never owned a new car, or suit, or went on vacations to Hawaii.

and you want to take our millions because what??

becuase you don't want to work 45-50 years and save 50% of what you make and invest it to make a million dollars.

but that is somehow my fault???

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: thedigirati
a reply to: doobydoll

yeah greedy folks like myself and my father, we worked 45-50 years, and we saved 50% of our pay and invested it.

we are so greedy we have never owned a new car, or suit, or went on vacations to Hawaii.

and you want to take our millions because what??

becuase you don't want to work 45-50 years and save 50% of what you make and invest it to make a million dollars.

but that is somehow my fault???

Well, there's a finite amount of money in the world so when rich folk are getting richer it results in poor folk getting poorer.

And if you're a member of the super-wealthy class then yes you and your old man are part of the problem.

You know, rich folk can still be rich and still have way more than everyone else and the lesser-off be better-off, all at the same time. It is possible if the wealthy weren't so gluttonous and greedy.

You talk as if poor people don't work their fingers to the bone for all their lives. They do. While you work all your life for £millions, they work all their life for poverty. But you're alright aren't you Jack so carry on pulling that ladder up.

One person's greed causes poverty for countless others.

But carry on trying to justify why one man's sweat is worth £millions more than another man's. It isn't. But your greed makes you think it is (not you personally).

So you invested and saved, which is not the same as robbing the poor to fill your own already full pockets. Well done.

edit on 21-10-2019 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

so you admit you are lazy and have little to no self control.

why should I support your poor habits??

Guess how much money My father gave me when I started working???

0.00$ guess how much I have now a bit over a million, guess how I did it

working, I never went to College I did go into the Military, evberyone gets rich in the military don't ya know??

Oh I was not an officer I was enlisted

esplain why I can do this, and you cannot??

please, do, finite money so if you have some someone else must be poor??

so nothing a person can do in the USA to make Money.

well you might as well quit now right cause you will never save enough because of lack of self control

Self control, meaning YOU control your future

well maybe not YOU, you seem to think you are "owed" something.

How many years have you been working?? how much have you saved??

I save 50% of my money, I didn't buy an xbox until I retired, how many games do you play ??

do you have an Iphone?? I don't even have a cell phone, I have a landline

do you know how to get rich, it's a big secret, but I'll tell you how.

work and save money, thats the big secret.

now, you can be rich too.

unless you are lazy and feel entitled, it sounds like that is you.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 10:44 AM
When people can't afford their basic living expenses for themselves and their family don't be surprised when they take what they want from those who have everything.

King Louie XVI and Tsar Nicholas II ignored the plight of the masses because everyone in their courts was doing just fine. And we all know how that worked out for them.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 09:55 PM

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: links234

I was reading about it and looks like the left is behind all that. The president already suspended the increase on train fares but the protest continues.

What a horrible response. The left?

What a low IQ response

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
When people can't afford their basic living expenses for themselves and their family don't be surprised when they take what they want from those who have everything.

King Louie XVI and Tsar Nicholas II ignored the plight of the masses because everyone in their courts was doing just fine. And we all know how that worked out for them.

Why didnt they just pick themselves up by their bootstraps?

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: thedigirati

thedigirati You don't understand anything that happens here, you live in a world of fantasies

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Nope. It means half the world wealth can't stay concentrated in six peoples bank accounts and still lubricate a functional economy.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: 0zzymand0s
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Nope. It means half the world wealth can't stay concentrated in six peoples bank accounts and still lubricate a functional economy.

Its funny how conservatives here talk about other peoples low iq and don't understand that simple concept.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 01:31 AM
Has anyone figured out how a subway fare hike relates to income inequality and death riots ? 😃

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