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Juno Probe Sends First Home Movies Ever Of Jupiter's Moons Orbiting!

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posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 01:10 AM
These time lapse films are the first ever taken of Jupiter's Moons orbiting the planet by Junocam.

Well done Juno Probe!!

edit on 16-10-2019 by A51Watcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: A51Watcher

Nice videos

They need to cut the contrast down a little though. It looks like comets orbiting a sun.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 01:40 AM
This is precious insight!

The universe and all its mechanics are completely fascinating.. how everything just 'works' in harmony and balance.

Thanks for the videos

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: LookingAtMars
a reply to: A51Watcher

Nice videos

They need to cut the contrast down a little though. It looks like comets orbiting a sun.

Agreed. Must be a new hire at NASA.

The tracer effect was nice though to be able see the orbits clearly.

edit on 16-10-2019 by A51Watcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: Elementalist
This is precious insight!

The universe and all its mechanics are completely fascinating.. how everything just 'works' in harmony and balance.

Thanks for the videos

Have to agree on all points!

My pleasure surely.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: Elementalist

how everything just 'works' in harmony and balance

The dinosaurs might disagree with you on that one.

The universe and all its mechanics are completely fascinating

Can't argue with you there.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 02:27 AM
Interesting thing about Junocam.
NASA just dumps all of the information onto the net, and does not process the information themselves. They let citizen scientists deal with the decoding/compiling/rendering using the data while not doing any of it themselves for the camera on Juno.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: LookingAtMars
a reply to: Elementalist

how everything just 'works' in harmony and balance

The dinosaurs might disagree with you on that one.

The universe and all its mechanics are completely fascinating

Can't argue with you there.

Cataclysms happen, and they may just be part of the harmonious balance.

Yin and yang and all that philosophical stuffs. But I could agree to disagree with the dinosaurs.

Apparently their brains were small

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 02:55 AM
Good to see NASA releasing some of the stranger things going on. Looks like a complex orchestra of events going on around Saturn.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 05:24 AM
A couple of those moons look like they are on a wobbly path through space-kind of like stones skipping across a pond.
The one at the top of the screen is the most obvious.
I wonder if that is due to the camera,or maybe its the shape and weight balance of the moons that results in this wobbly looking orbit.
Interesting stuff

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: dubiousatworst
Interesting thing about Junocam.
NASA just dumps all of the information onto the net, and does not process the information themselves. They let citizen scientists deal with the decoding/compiling/rendering using the data while not doing any of it themselves for the camera on Juno.

That is pretty interesting. Is it the only project for which they do that? Any ideas why?

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: A51Watcher

Where is Juno now? Was it ever on the other side of Jupiter? What is the time frame of the clips showing the orbits of those four moons?

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

The time frame of the clips showing the orbits of those four moons is shown at 4:06 in the video.

Yes it has been on the other side of Jupiter.

Juno now

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: A51Watcher

Best post I've read today. Seriously gives me chills/goosebumps to witness the wonder/majesty of the universe made manifest in images like that.

My only regret is I have but 1 star to give you.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 03:27 PM
When looking at it like that it sure reminds me of Atoms, electrons and stuff.
Or the dot race at the ballpark...

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

They have other projects in which they ask for the public's participation, but this one is the more "interactive", with NASA asking people to do their own processing and uploading the results.


posted on Oct, 17 2019 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: TexasTruth

When looking at it like that it sure reminds me of Atoms, electrons and stuff.

It's sort of hard to see electrons. Never mind atoms.

posted on Oct, 17 2019 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: Wayfarer

Best post I've read today. Seriously gives me chills/goosebumps to witness the wonder/majesty of the universe made manifest in images like that.

You should get to your local planetarium and/or university and get a look at Saturn through an actual telescope.

posted on Oct, 17 2019 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Wayfarer

Best post I've read today. Seriously gives me chills/goosebumps to witness the wonder/majesty of the universe made manifest in images like that.

You should get to your local planetarium and/or university and get a look at Saturn through an actual telescope.

I hadn't considered that something like that would be made available/accessible to the public. I'll definitely check that out!

When I was a kid my father spent some time introducing us to astronomy via his big (about 18" dia. I think) Maksutov-Cassegrain Meade telescope out in the mountains of CO where there was almost no light pollution. One of the most magical times of my youth and I saw some spectacular images. To see video timelapse of those bodies orbiting though is a whole other level.

posted on Oct, 17 2019 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Good to see NASA releasing some of the stranger things going on. Looks like a complex orchestra of events going on around Saturn.

Yes it does. Quite complex.

I have not seen many good theories yet on what is driving these various events.

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