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Debate Night YO, get some

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posted on Oct, 15 2019 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Hillary is better than all of them. Why she doesn't jump in is a mystery. The nomination is hers for the taking!

That statement makes me question your credibility whether I agree with you or not.....

Could you see how awesome that primary would have been though?

Hillary having her spasms, coughing monster loogies and fainting while Joe shakes and gets eye bleeds?

The only thing better would have been two zombies crawling across the stage shedding body parts.

posted on Oct, 15 2019 @ 11:06 PM
Winner? Does it really matter.

Loser? The Democrat voters. This was the fourth debate, two more to go this year. Then one each month in January, February, March and April with two more before the convention. The first two debates has 20 candidates each. The third was down to 10. Okay. This one had 12. Why? Because all 10 from the third automatically qualified and two more were picked up. The fifth debate already has 8 qualified as of right now.

The DNC is not weeding out the weaker candidates and is going to put the top ones on screen month after month for the first four months until everyone is burnt out on them.

Right now, you could say Bernie, Biden, Warren, Harris and Mayor Pete are the top five that have any shot of surviving Super Tuesday. So why not go with that and try to get it to the top three before then? Which would be Bernie, Biden and Warren hands down.

Then you can decide whether you want a Communist, a Socialist or a Criminal suffering from dementia running against Trump.

posted on Oct, 15 2019 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock
Nobody started a thread for the debate tonight?

That's weird.

Don't know if I'll watch it but I have it on right now. The real reason I started this(looked for a thread) was to ask if that's patton oswald or some other chubby unfunny guy?

What an embarrassment these contenders are...And the lies...75% of Americans do not support abortion...And 75% of Americans certainly do not support gun confiscation...And those weren't the only ones...

posted on Oct, 15 2019 @ 11:47 PM

OCASIO-CORTEZ, Ilhan OMAR, Rashida TLIAB (aka "The Squad") endorse....drumroll.....



It's going to be TRUMP vs SANDERS in 2020!

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:11 AM
I didn't even bother to watch.

Didn't want to watch the scary clown show when I have plenty of those to watch that are far more entertaining.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I think he would have the best chance to beat Trump. He would absolutely crush Trump in a debate.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: proximo

What's the matter don't like it when someone makes fun of Trump's goofy looks? He makes fun of people's looks daily, what's good for the goose is good for the gander!

I don’t care if you make fun of his looks, he does look weird with the fake spray tan.

All I care about is if he is doing a good job, and he is doing a great job.

I judge people by their actions.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: proximo

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: proximo

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Hillary is better than all of them. Why she doesn't jump in is a mystery. The nomination is hers for the taking!

I have to disagree, I don’t think Hillary is better than assad.

Hillary was strong against Trump in November 2016. But NONE of the clowns on the stage tonight would get 100 Electoral College votes...even with the Media and Hollywood backing them.

Hillary has made herself look far worse with the way she has handled her defeat. Some of the crap she said would be devasting commercials. Macedonian troll farms for example.

Do you think Hillary would NOT be the Dim nominee to face Trump, if she were to enter the race?

Depends on if she can still control the DNC. She was financing them last time to rig it for her.

If it’s a fair election, no I don’t think she would win.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

Bernie would let loose on President Trump. No doubt about that!

But knowing President Trump, he would calmly ask the sweaty, huffing Sanders, "How are you going to pay for that Bernie?"

Sanders: "By soaking the top 1%!"

Trump: "So you're planning on soaking yourself Bernie? Why don't you lead by example? I know good Real Estate people and lawyers who will help you divest of most of your assets, and move into a reasonably priced home, before the election."
edit on 10/16/2019 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: proximo

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: proximo

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: proximo

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Hillary is better than all of them. Why she doesn't jump in is a mystery. The nomination is hers for the taking!

I have to disagree, I don’t think Hillary is better than assad.

Hillary was strong against Trump in November 2016. But NONE of the clowns on the stage tonight would get 100 Electoral College votes...even with the Media and Hollywood backing them.

Hillary has made herself look far worse with the way she has handled her defeat. Some of the crap she said would be devasting commercials. Macedonian troll farms for example.

Do you think Hillary would NOT be the Dim nominee to face Trump, if she were to enter the race?

If it’s a fair election, no I don’t think she would win.

That's interesting. You're saying that someone in the current field of Democrats would win the nomination, even if Hillary were in the mix. One day when you get a chance, please tell us why you feel that way.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: proximo

Yea great job raising the deficit and making his billionaire buddies richer.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: carewemust

And then Bernie would say here are my taxes for the last 50 years where are yours?

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: proximo

Yea great job raising the deficit and making his billionaire buddies richer.

This is such an ignorant statement.

Every president for the last 100 years has increased the deficit. You may think you want to pay down the deficit, but you really don’t. Over half of spending goes towards Medicare, social security, and Medicaid. 25 percent of our spending is paid for with deficit spending. About 5 percent is interest on the debt.

You could cut defense spending to zero and we would still be increasing the debt by a couple hundred billion a year. That would not be very wise with China trying to surpass us militarily.

The only way we will ever run a balanced budget is significantly cutting medical care costs.

Now if we were the only country with a massive debt to gdp ratio I would agree we have a big problem, but we aren’t, every 1st world country has major debt. We are in A kind of mutually assured destruction, if any nation goes down because of their debt they all do. It’s screwed up, but that is the world we are living in.

As far as making billionares richer, yeah so, everyone is richer. The economy is screaming, unemployment at 50 year lows, wages are actually slightly increasing for the first time in decades. A rising tide floats all boats.

If you really think jealousy is a productive emotion for the country or life in general you have big issues. All anyone should be concerned about is, is my life getting better.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 04:33 AM
Plenty (and I do mean plenty) of BS to analyze and criticize in this debate ... but what happens in the analysis thread?

MIndless ad hom. Pointless strawman arguments. More incessant rah-rah for President Trump.

This is a waste of time.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: carewemust

And then Bernie would say here are my taxes for the last 50 years where are yours?

To a non trump hater those are not remotely equivalent.

How exactly does trumps tax returns affect your life? They don’t.

Bernie wants to tax the rich at insane levels, but he is rich and gives almost none of his money back. That is the mark of a dishonest power crazed ahole.

How does anyone support someone who clearly does not believe what they preach by their own actions.
It must be you value his words over his actions. That is a very bad way to make decisions about anyone.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: proximo

It's your hero that promised to lower the deficit.

I see plenty of poor, homeless and drug addicts living in utter poverty. Rich get richer, poor stop looking for jobs and are living on welfare and in tent cities. Keep drinking the orange Kool aid.

I'm all for everyone making more money but when money hungry corporate welfare giants like Amazon are allowed to take in billions of dollars in profits and then take away employees health insurance all while keeping them at poverty wages that is when I have a problem.

I'm lucky enough to work for a company that gives us full insurance, tuition reimbursement, pension, paid vacations and industry leading pay but they wouldn't be giving us any of that out of the goodness of their hearts. If it wasn't for our union and collective bargaining they would be paying us peanuts just like Amazon. This country needs to step up to the greedy corporations and demand that they pay their employees a fair wage. Left to their own volition these greedy employers would be paying us all peanuts and telling us we're lucky to have a job.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

Where is it written that companies are under any obligation to offer healthcare benefits?

I know most do now, but I'm old enough to remember when it was a perk and not a mandate.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

It isn't written anywhere but if a company like Amazon can afford it and they can, instead they cut whole foods employees benefits. Thanks to Trump's tax bill companies like Amazon are receiving corporate welfare and pay what amounts to 0 in taxes, making out like bandits all while people like me and you are at each other's throats. Jeff bezos is the richest man on Earth and could sneeze enough money to take care of his employees. Meanwhile Trump and his buddies are laughing all the way to the bank.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: carewemust

And then Bernie would say here are my taxes for the last 50 years where are yours?

Not much tax info to show when you've never had a job.

posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

So some rich guy got richer.

Is that what upsets you?

I actually made more money this year.


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