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Free hardback book for people in Europe.....Quick review.....

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posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

You have a right to your beliefs and I have a right to disagree.

Here is some scripture regarding hell.

2 Thessalonians 1:9

These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,

Mathew 25:41
Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels

Mathew 25:46

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.

Mark 9:44-48

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame, than, having your two feet, to be cast into hell, "If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell

There are more Raggedyman. Do you not believe in the translations of the bible ? It’s fairly obvious the disciples preached hell, by reading scripture. What is it you don’t agree with the disciples about ?

edit on 10-10-2019 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Now don’t get upset with me for talking about my beliefs.. because that would be hypocritical on your part.
Oh gosh, I would never be upset with you for your beliefs, I'm a massive advocate of freedom of speech and expression 👍
Of course I think the claims of hell are absolutely unverifiable fantasy fiction, but I respect your right to tell others what you think, obviously.
Back on to my book review, perhaps should have mentioned the eternal damnation the God overload character seemed to threaten everyone with if they looked at him the wrong way.
The author captures his monstrosity and tyrannical way of governing humans perfectly, fear, torture, and death if lucky, but unlucky if the death then involves 20 years to life in a burning hell, lol Pol Pot must have read his book for inspiration, just treated it as fiction, not non fiction like you'd find in a reference library 😂
edit on 11-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Spelling autocorrect correction

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: Raggedyman

You have a right to your beliefs and I have a right to disagree.

Here is some scripture regarding hell.

2 Thessalonians 1:9

These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,

Mathew 25:41
Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels

Mathew 25:46

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.

Mark 9:44-48

If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame, than, having your two feet, to be cast into hell, "If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell

There are more Raggedyman. Do you not believe in the translations of the bible ? It’s fairly obvious the disciples preached hell, by reading scripture. What is it you don’t agree with the disciples about ?

Eternal destruction, destroyed, forever, not eternal torture

Eternal punishment, not eternal suffering .eternaly separated from God, burned up like chaff, completely gone

The fire is eternal. In the garden of eden there were two trees, tree of knowledge and tree of life. God removed humanity before we ate from the tree of life. The fire is eternal, suffering and humanity is not eternal away from Jesus

I appreciate you think you know but you have only proven hell is eternal and demons will suffer forever, demons are eternal creatures

What you believe is Catholic Greek teaching, the Jews didn’t even believe in an afterlife

If you have time and want an alternative view

But many Christians don’t believe in eternal torture, that God wants His creation to be punished forever

Study, don’t fall for the lie, he’ll is real, it’s not eternal for humanity, God is not a monster

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
God is not a monster

well continuing with my book review I would have to say the various script writers did a poor job of not portraying him as a monster. The God character killed so so many people, I'm talking about him murdering countless people in horrible ways simply because he's pissed off. Drowning every single person on the planet besides Noah and his family is pretty well known, but he also helped the Israelites murder everyone in Jericho, Heshbon, Bashan and many more, usually killing women, children and animals at the same time. Hell, God once helped some Israelites kill 500,000 other Israelites...and you say that is not monstrous?

I say the author's portrayed exactly as intended, some sociopath who demanded absolute respect and to be obeyed or it's a stoning, run through with a sword, or drowned in a flood, never mind all the minor acts of individual killing and violence.

The writers of the various books in the two part series did a fantastic job creating the villain overlords for their story in my opinion, if they made a movie out of it I wouldn't cast Morgan Freeman, it would have to be a British actor with a cockney gangster accent for sure 😂
edit on 11-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Spelling autocorrect correction

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

If God killed all the Nazis, monster?
All Stalins soviets, monster?
All Pol Pots...ISIS... should I go on?

What if God put an end to evil people, would God be a monster

Interesting isn’t it, you don’t know who, what or why it happened yet condemn God, almost as if you want to kill Him

It’s called justice, injustice.

But you don’t believe anyway, remember

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Dude, I'm doing a book review, not talking about recent history of human atrocities, solely the bad ass stuff the lead character of the book did to humans.
Now discuss that by all means, it is a book review, not a modern history discussion thread.
The God character is perfectly represented as a monster who must be obeyed or else in this extreme fantasy book 👍

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Imagine before those Old Testament laws were applied, it wasn’t pretty
Those laws had a reason, to bring a system of justice to an era no laws or justice existed

Are you genuinely trying to imply that before the Old Testament, there were no laws? That the bible is responsible for introducing a form of justice?

If so you have literally no leg to stand on. Laws / rules predate the bible quite considerably. For instance, Hammurabi's Code......

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Check out Numbers 16:41-49, God was a bad ass super villain, killed nearly 15,000 in a plague there, doesn't mention if he spared any children but based on his previous history one would assume not.
The writers clearly portray his character as malevolent if you didn't agree with him, like I said in the OP if your reading genre is horror and gore then I totally recommend this as a scary night time read 😂

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

Dude, I am just telling you what happened and why
No reason you should remain ignorant

Yes you are right, the lead character doesn’t have any issues crushing evil, completely and utterly, that’s blatantly obvious and in the book for a reason
Just in case you didn’t notice, wet behind the ears, it was recorded in the book so EVERYONE can read it, it’s not hidden
Never was hidden, it’s not in small writing or tucked away at the back, there is no compromise or pretending otherwise.
So what does that mean, I know you won’t know
It means
Even you can understand it clearly

Either with Him or against Him.

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: Flavian

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Imagine before those Old Testament laws were applied, it wasn’t pretty
Those laws had a reason, to bring a system of justice to an era no laws or justice existed

Are you genuinely trying to imply that before the Old Testament, there were no laws? That the bible is responsible for introducing a form of justice?

If so you have literally no leg to stand on. Laws / rules predate the bible quite considerably. For instance, Hammurabi's Code......

It’s a Jewish book for Jewish people with Jewish laws, ok?

It’s not written for other people, it doesn’t deal with every society alive back then.
Hammurabi’s code wasn’t written for the Jews, it’s irrelevant in this thread

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Poorly written book then if the intention was to create a character who is supposed to be all loving. Too many discrepancies in the plot. So like everyone except Noah and his family deserved to die because they were all sinners, every person in the world including infant children.
Sorry, the writers were not very good at character creation, take Ezekiel 24:15, his wife did literally nothing wrong, but no, smitten. Then Jeroboam's son in 1 Kings, he did nothing either!
Yep, the authors portrayed a total monster, and as a horror genre the Bible is a fantastic scary read 👍
edit on 11-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Typo

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Study, don’t fall for the lie, he’ll is real, it’s not eternal for humanity, God is not a monster

From my understanding it isn’t God that sends humans to hell and tortures them. Humans choose to separate themselves from God and His love and in doing so caste themselves into a place with demons that also rejected God. Those demons are the source of torture and suffering and it is not the will of God for anyone to be separated from Him.

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Sheye

Any decent writer would have shown much more clarity in the key threats of the God overlord lol, it's a mess, one minute you can stone your wife to death for not being a virgin when you marry her, presumably in order that the husband avoids hell, then in the second series washing the feet of prostitutes and stuff like that is your get out of jail/hell card!

No consistency at all, but as fantasy horror it is a fantastic read 👍
edit on 11-10-2019 by DaisyRainbow because: Spelling autocorrect correction

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: DaisyRainbow

I understand your take on it. But there is also much wisdom in that book ,Daisy. Pity you can’t see that now and only see it as a horror tale.

Have a pleasant day .

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Sheye

Rather like the Old Testament myself. It's the New one that bores the sh!# out of me.....

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: Raggedyman

Study, don’t fall for the lie, he’ll is real, it’s not eternal for humanity, God is not a monster

From my understanding it isn’t God that sends humans to hell and tortures them. Humans choose to separate themselves from God and His love and in doing so caste themselves into a place with demons that also rejected God. Those demons are the source of torture and suffering and it is not the will of God for anyone to be separated from Him.

I am sorry, what you have said is not based on any biblical theology at all
Yes humans choose separation from God, freewill

The demons don’t torture people, that’s on cartoon television shows
Demons are condemned to hell.

Humanity is not eternal, humanity is “ burned away like chaff” gone, not even a memory, eternally
And it is not Gods will anyone be lost, it’s an individuals freewill to not choose God

Everlasting destruction is not everlasting suffering
It’s Catholic and Greek belief, their own theology, it’s not universal Christian

Possibly it may be true but very doubtful.
Their is no evidence humanity is eternal outside a relationship with God

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: DaisyRainbow
a reply to: Sheye

Any decent writer would have shown much more clarity in the key threats of the God overlord lol, it's a mess, one minute you can stone your wife to death for not being a virgin when you marry her, presumably in order that the husband avoids hell, then in the second series washing the feet of prostitutes and stuff like that is your get out of jail/hell card!

No consistency at all, but as fantasy horror it is a fantastic read 👍

Well one thing is clear, you havnt a clue what you are talking about and have never read or understood the book
But then that was obvious from the start

Considering some of the greatest human being alive, smartest people, greatest intellects

Nietzsche, one of the greatest philosophers ever, atheist, spoke so highly of the bible. Jordan Peterson and his recent series and you, not even read the bible, no idea but web sites that coach your opinion

Ridiculous a book report of a book you havnt read and don’t understand

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

I guess there is no way to settle this difference of opinion now and we’ll have to wait to die to see who’s right 😆.

I’m not into arguing with fellow Christians about dogma. Too many varying opinions that won’t be changed and I’d rather spend that time doing something more productive.

Have a pleasant day.

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Gosh no, I was brainwashed into Christianity from when stories which were read to me up until age 14 when I realised there was zero evidence or moral justification for any of the mostly horror stories. Sorry friend, you can obviously continue with your unfriendly style of reply but I continued reading the bible off and on for many years after, just in case I'd missed something which differed with my opinion of if.

My personal book review stands, and it is in the joke forum so deal with it or one would assume my words threaten your weak faith lol.

On a specific issue, how can you morally justify the stoning to death of a new wife on discovering she is not a virgin. Remember, that was authorised by the lead god character, totally at odds with the writer's alleged intentions to portray him as a loving entity lmao 😂😂😂

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: DaisyRainbow
a reply to: Raggedyman

Gosh no, I was brainwashed into Christianity from when stories which were read to me up until age 14 when I realised there was zero evidence or moral justification for any of the mostly horror stories. Sorry friend, you can obviously continue with your unfriendly style of reply but I continued reading the bible off and on for many years after, just in case I'd missed something which differed with my opinion of if.

My personal book review stands, and it is in the joke forum so deal with it or one would assume my words threaten your weak faith lol.

On a specific issue, how can you morally justify the stoning to death of a new wife on discovering she is not a virgin. Remember, that was authorised by the lead god character, totally at odds with the writer's alleged intentions to portray him as a loving entity lmao 😂😂😂

Really, justifying stoning women?
Did Joseph stone his pregnant wife Mary?
Sorry, your logic and attitude is that of a simpleton?

You didn’t read the book or understand the little you read, it’s not a Beeno comic

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