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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -21-

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posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Saw that thanks EMN.

I've just been looking into Ron (@codemonkeyz) recent tweets and there is this picture on a tweet from Oct 16th:

< I give up... spent an hour trying to upload this simple pic of a chopped up snake with the words "JOIN or 404"... just click the tweet button to see it >

Is it saying we will get 404d unless we register for 8kun?

I also noticed an odd picture giving contact details for a UK pet artwork company. The number is for Stowmarket but the company,, is based in London and has a London phone number on its facebook page... I tried a "nearby" search on Stowmarket and Petrocks doesn't appear. Could merely be that he's buying his ma a cute clock for Christmas.

The artwork has both the Pope and the Queen as White Rabbits (or mice/rats... unsure which).
edit on 21-10-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Is it saying we will get 404d unless we register for 8kun?

I wonder if that is intended for the "board owners" (or whatever they're called) who used to be hosted on the old site. Come to the new site or your users will get "404" notices from the web because the old site no workee.


posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 02:03 AM
I'm wondering if the term GIANT for Rep Elijah Cummings is actually feint praise, as in, he's just a "G.I. Ant" = foot soldier.

Also a coupla thoughts on Jim Watkins talking about Cucumbers:

a) A good cucmber sandwich has the slices first soaked in vinegar... i.e. PICKLED,
b) Any linkage between cucumber and Cummings?

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Could be for sure... just gained emphasis because it is 1 of only a handful of pictures that appears on his profile.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'm wondering if the term GIANT for Rep Elijah Cummings

It is an odd form of praise. In fairy tales, giants don't usually come off too well. This notion is also expressed by the adage, "the bigger they are, the harder they fall".

Not sure about the foot soldier analogy -- those guys actually served!


posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Bear in mind the GI Ant analogy would be THERE view... not mine.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Cummings would have had the right credentials for the 1968 crowd; he graduated college in 1973 and so was a contemporary of them. A lot of the true believer Progs today were born between 1945 and 1950; Cummings was born just a year later.


posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Well said.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

And notice his study / lounge is a Q.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 05:03 AM
On the Army and TTSA's planned partnership --

Howe and DeLonge have both claimed that these metal samples show antigravitational behavior when exposed to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation

Interesting, if there is any truth to this claim. Reminds me of the tales of the guy who built the "Coral Castle" in Florida, supposedly by "singing" the large stones into place. Singing, after all, is a human generating a band of frequencies.


posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 05:05 AM
Another thought on the number series from POTUS speech.


This could be dates. ?/4/2019, ?/7/2019, ?/6/2019, ?/8/2019, ?/10/2019, ?/12/2019.

The 7 would rightly be out of sync if it fell in a month previous to the remaining series.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

There is the Hutchison effect. Many YT vids on it. Don't know if I totally accept his claims as can't see it first hand, but vids are very compelling. John Hutchison claimed, and filmed, the ability to levitate and transform metals and other materials using various frequencies. He was studied by many Gov and private agencies. Most of his equipment was confiscated. There were neighbor complaints that things in their apt were being destroyed due to what he was doing.

I remember reading about a guy in the mid west who provided services moving large boulders from properties. He would show up in a truck with equipment covered in the back. Would set up a barrier around the truck and rock so no one could see what he was doing. People who hired him said the boulder would suddenly fall right next to them. Wonder if he figured out the levitation trick?
edit on 21-10-2019 by SilentWindofDoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

Was Hutchinson the guy the Army colonel John Alexander stated he personally observed while paranormal activity was happening? Too often, these claims lead to paths that run in circles. I guess we'll see if TTSA - Army really want to do something with whatever they have, or it will just become another claim that is forgotten after a while.


posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 05:15 AM
With the recent Pope related Q proof in mind this looks interesting:

Vatican cash crisis after sex scandals

The Vatican is losing money rapidly because of bad management, dodgy contracts and dipping donations, and risks defaulting by 2023, a book has claimed.
Drawing on 3,000 confidential documents, Gianluigi Nuzzi writes in Universal Judgment that the Vatican lost nearly €44 million last year as its huge and shadowy property portfolio went into the red for the first time.

Most of the article is behind a paywall and the claims might be exaggerated to sell the book. Still: #GrainOfSalt #SmokeFire #KeepOnRadar

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I don't know. Sounds familiar.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: SilentWindofDoom
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I don't know. Sounds familiar.

Looks like it was, at least a Google hit indicates so.


posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 06:40 AM
Julian Assange is in court today at 10am GMT, for the first court step in his US extradition case:

News Daily: PM's Brexit vote push and Prince Harry interview - "Look ahead" section:

10:00 Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange is due to appear for an extradition case management hearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

So, busy day... Canada elections, Julian Assange, 8kun start?
edit on 21-10-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: liveandlearn

Maybe Pelosi's brother was "taken out" because of her threat to President Trump this week?

It would be interesting if Hillary Clinton's brother died back in early June, after she threatened President Trump.

tried to post earlier but electricity went out.

I would hope that our side doesn't resort to such nefariousness. We would be no better than them.

Not talking about most of us ordinaries. Want our people to keep to the higher ground.

Agreed. I think the fact that the Deep State leaders are mostly elderly geezers is enough of an explanation.

And, as much as part of me hopes that the plane with Pelosi & Schiff gets shot down over Syria or something like that, I also hope our side is above such treachery.

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 07:13 AM
POTUS Tweets for 10/20/219. All EST read bottom to top. 27 Total Tweets separated by Time Stamp.

Oct 20, 2019 11:54:07 PM Q1154 Perfect Example of Why We are Here
Oct 20, 2019 10:57:39 PM Q1057 Ray Chandler = Child Trafficker
Oct 20, 2019 10:57:37 PM Q1056 Eminem Vocal Against POTUS
Oct 20, 2019 10:56:04 PM Q1056 Eminem Vocal Against POTUS
Oct 20, 2019 10:53:32 PM Q1053 Black Farenthold Resigns
Oct 20, 2019 10:07:51 PM Q1007 Bunker Forest Blue
Oct 20, 2019 10:05:14 PM Q1005 US Military Under Attack Video
Oct 20, 2019 09:59:36 PM Q959 Mark Zuckerberg Big Meeting
Oct 20, 2019 09:57:10 PM Q957 Board Security Question
Oct 20, 2019 09:56:05 PM Q956 Panic Mode
Oct 20, 2019 09:55:36 PM Q955 US Marine Corp Activated in 3 US Cities
Oct 20, 2019 09:54:14 PM Q954 Three Booms Next Week
Oct 20, 2019 09:52:11 PM Q952 Snowden "Sub Contractor" Freed & CIA broken into 1000 Pieces
Oct 20, 2019 09:48:35 PM Q948 Extreme Efforts to Stop Q
Oct 20, 2019 06:41:10 PM Q641 Hillary Labeling Blacks Super Predators (Video)
Oct 20, 2019 05:45:17 PM Q545 World Jewish Congress with Pope Francis Photo
Oct 20, 2019 05:45:17 PM Q545 World Jewish Congress with Pope Francis Photo
Oct 20, 2019 05:45:17 PM Q545 World Jewish Congress with Pope Francis Photo
Oct 20, 2019 04:28:28 PM Q428 CIA in High Tech
Oct 20, 2019 12:29:26 PM Q1229 Treasure Trove of Intel Taken in Saudi Arabia
Oct 20, 2019 12:29:14 PM Q1229 Treasure Trove of Intel Taken in Saudi Arabia
Oct 20, 2019 11:03:13 AM Q1103 You are being Tracked (FB Not Needed)
Oct 20, 2019 09:15:35 AM Q915 Snowden Revealed Five Eyes Illegal Activities
Oct 20, 2019 08:44:26 AM Q844 4 Booms
Oct 20, 2019 02:03:14 AM Q203 Bad Bread
Oct 20, 2019 02:01:23 AM Q201 Rizvi Traverse Management
Oct 20, 2019 02:00:26 AM Q200 Rizvi Traverse Management

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 07:14 AM
POTUS Tweets for 10/20/219.
All EST read bottom to top. 27 Total Tweets separated by Time Stamp + 1200.

Oct 20, 2019 11:54:07 PM
Q2354 D's Political Hit Job Failed: Dr. Ford No Longer Pursuing Allegations Against Kavanaugh
Oct 20, 2019 10:57:39 PM Q2257 Did Omarosa Conspire with Rosenstein to Record POTUS?
Oct 20, 2019 10:57:37 PM Q2256 Each POTUS Rally "Threats" Are Called in Regarding Qanon
Oct 20, 2019 10:56:04 PM Q2256 Each POTUS Rally "Threats" Are Called in Regarding Qanon
Oct 20, 2019 10:53:32 PM Q2253 FISA Delcas Will Bring The House Down
Oct 20, 2019 10:07:51 PM Q2207 Eric Holder & Rep Swalwell Panic? Game over.
Oct 20, 2019 10:05:14 PM Q2205 Attorney General Jeff Sessions About to Be Unchained / Unrecused
Oct 20, 2019 09:59:36 PM Q2159 Panic: Bruce Ohr Testifying to Save Wife
Oct 20, 2019 09:57:10 PM Q2157 Panic: James Baker Testifying Against James Comey
Oct 20, 2019 09:56:05 PM Q2156 Panic: Comey and McCabe Working on Story to Tell
Oct 20, 2019 09:55:36 PM Q2155 Panic: Sally Yates Hires Legal Team
Oct 20, 2019 09:54:14 PM Q2154 Panic: POTUS Declines Meeting with Rod Rosenstein
Oct 20, 2019 09:52:11 PM Q2152 Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan
Oct 20, 2019 09:48:35 PM Q2148 Sept 11: We Will Never Forget nor Forgive
Oct 20, 2019 06:41:10 PM
Q1841 Fake News and Social Media are the Propaganda Arm of the Dem Party
Oct 20, 2019 05:45:17 PM
Q1745 FISA Reveal is Just the Start - Preps Public for John Huber Investigation/Findings
Oct 20, 2019 05:45:17 PM
Q1745 FISA Reveal is Just the Start - Preps Public for John Huber Investigation/Findings
Oct 20, 2019 05:45:17 PM
Q1745 FISA Reveal is Just the Start - Preps Public for John Huber Investigation/Findings
Oct 20, 2019 04:28:28 PM Q1628 Julian Assange in News Again

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