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White House attorneys directed sealing of phone transcript

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posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:34 PM

The White House on Friday confirmed a key detail in the intelligence whistleblower’s complaint alleging that President Donald Trump abused the power of his office.

A senior administration official acknowledged that the rough transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was moved to a highly classified system maintained by the National Security Council at the direction of attorneys. The motivation and timing of the move remained unclear.

Associated Press

Two things to take out of this:

1.) We can put the speculation behind us. The White House did order the transcript be hidden, disregarding the protocol for such transcripts. This now opens the doors for further investigation and finding out who specifically ordered the White House staff to do that.

2.) It was the rough transcript that was sealed away, probably the one we already saw. Still uncertain on this whether other, more detailed transcripts are available, but the summary was also locked up.

Confirmation of the detail came as Trump stepped up his campaign against the anonymous whistleblower and the unnamed “White House officials” cited in the complaint, drawing a warning from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi against retaliation.

Fresh questions were raised late Thursday about how the White House and the Justice Department handled the whistleblower complaint. The administration initially blocked Congress from viewing it, and only released a redacted version to lawmakers this week after the impeachment inquiry had begun.

The unnamed White House official mentioned was given anonymity to speak this morning.

The guy just can't catch a break. Even Melania is on his ass.

edit on 27-9-2019 by Oraculi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:38 PM


posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:40 PM
Abuse of power never leads to enlightenment.

a reply to: Oraculi

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Oraculi

Question.. and I feel its on topic.. what would everyone say or do if POTUS just fired everyone.. around him that was near the meeting and things like that and only hired individuals he knows he could trust.. individuals he knows would not talk.. that is were this is all heading and again its not just him it will be every POTUS after him also.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Stealu1two
a reply to: Oraculi

Question.. and I feel its on topic.. what would everyone say or do if POTUS just fired everyone.. around him that was near the meeting and things like that and only hired individuals he knows he could trust.. individuals he knows would not talk.. that is were this is all heading and again its not just him it will be every POTUS after him also.

You're assuming that the president did NOT issue these orders. If it is found that he did issue the orders then what do you fire the people for, they're good employees and doing as told.

Replace them with people that will NOT do as told? That's mutiny.

Whoever made this order, it was followed to a T.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Oraculi

Just so I'm clear. This is evidence he was trying to hide something? He was trying so hard to hide it that he got permission from Zelensky to release it and did. We read it.

Story is dead in the water. Everyone knows it.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:53 PM
Not hidden, just secured because other records have been leaking for 2 and a half years.

It's all legal and thank God somebody is finally securing classified material on a secure system 😎

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:53 PM
Do you even understand the concept of National Security?

ALL phone conversations the President conducts are
carefully secured, there is nothing new or unusual about this.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

See, you have someone to defend in this matter. I have no dog in this fight, I'm rooting for justice, wherever it leads.

I can see this whole thing going two ways:

1.) Things are as alleged and an investigation follows through to justice.

2.) This whole play is a poisoned pawn to lock in the Democrats in an impeachment inquiry that will go nowhere before the 2020 election.

I am no prophet and I have no clue which way this will go, but we're being dishonest with ourselves if we don't open our eyes and discuss this for what it is. Wherever it leads. Legally.

edit on 27-9-2019 by Oraculi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
Do you even understand the concept of National Security?

ALL phone conversations the President conducts are
carefully secured, there is nothing new or unusual about this.

Shhhhh….you might ruin the Leftist/MSM narrative. They've worked so hard on it.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:06 PM
If he was still refusing to release the transcript of the call, I might see where this OP might have some kind of point.

But he did release it.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:06 PM
I love all these new political experts that seem to have just gotten their degrees on November 8, 2016!

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Oraculi

You have so many dogs in this fight that you signed up just as this story exploded in the press in order to repeatedly tell every one what to think about it.

You've started 5 threads on Trump-Ukraine in three days!


Meanwhile, I've posted multiple times that I think the President is a thin-skinned narcissist douche.

But I also know a guy getting railroaded when I see it.

You also addressed nothing of substance in your post. All you said was I'm a partisan hack while you are the soul of centrism. Very 3nl1ght3n3d of you...

How about you actually address the fact Zelensky says he didn't feel pressured? That this whole cockamamie story is based on nothing but rumour and innuendo which everyone involved says didn't happen?

edit on 27-9-2019 by RadioRobert because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Not hidden, just secured because other records have been leaking for 2 and a half years.

It's all legal and thank God somebody is finally securing classified material on a secure system 😎

You too.
This fallacy is super important to the MSM's button it.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: burntheships

I have a question for you Burn.

If we have discerned the nature of Trump's enemy, and have as well, specifically singled out the ring leaders of this cabal of unAmerican traitors and turn coats,,,,,,,where are the indictments, where are the trials, where are the jailings and prison sentences.

Why, almost a year later has he not brought these evil doers to justice???

Have any of those enemies of the US been brought to justice? All those well known faces, have any of them faced his promised prosecution? Nope NOT ONE.

Why does he allow these people to roam freely? In a war, which is what he says we are no engaged in, why do you let the generals freedom and not just take them out like the head of medusa..

The answer is simple. He is a liar. He promised to ''lock her up''. While that sounds real good on the campaign trail with all the fans chanting it over and over, rally to rally city to city, where are any of those people even indicted.....

Why does he allow these treasonous enemies of the US to go unpunished.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:22 PM
can you please Define sealing?

what does that mean? how is that pertinent?

why is that pertinent?

why does everyone hate security?

can you explain why they should keep this on a server that has been comprimised?

to whom do you want information like this leaked too? Why are you in favor of putting the security of the USA at risk?

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:26 PM
Please explain how you know the exact White House policy for handling of all transcripts of phone calls.

Armchair legal experts are everywhere.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Time will tell, but that is pretty much for
another thread, threads as you linked.

Happy to discuss it there, thanks.

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: thedigirati

The proof of a cover up is that it was sealed before he released it to everyone when the story broke!

posted on Sep, 27 2019 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Good point Burn. Don't want to drift. Thanks.

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