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Quartz Crystal: A youtube channel. Says reality is a matrix stimulated by the energy from souls

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posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: SourceTruth

Well as one who is like tottaly enlightned at least to level 90, also proficient in chaos magics, dark magics, light magics, and bananna magics, was also the first guy to almost pass the underworld solo after his party all got wasted by freaking aatxes and mindblade specters because they were a bunch of nubs and could not even keep it together at the gate keepers.

I can say that every time I flush the toilet I exude and excrete more spirituality then I have seen you spout on in this thread.

And I find some legitimacy in spirituality or new age concepts, but mostly I think people can believe whatever they want, as it not only keeps things more interesting, but more hilarious. But yours just sucks. You should seriously look to something else.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: Malisa

Projecting much are we? I think this source cult is not that big, or far from the biggest or wackiest cult out there. Nor is source kun as you call her, that far out in terms of the weirdo department, but defintely should stop taking the happy pills or whatever shes on, as its not working.

Not really, i just have to keep blabbering nonsense so i don't go off-topic on this thread

So ya, or at least for me. If you got bad eye sight, its a totally repairable situation.

Hopefully it will be for me

Masha Alisa is my name, i got the short stick on that one as my little sis is Sayra Alisa, which is very cool : P

You see from where i come Alisas and Marias are a dime a dozen, but Sayras are not

So anyway, Malisa is just a nickname but its kind of my 'name' since i don't know anyone who doesn't call me that, even on my kindergarten paintings i used to put my name there as Malisa LOL. When someone calls me Maria or Alisa i run the other way, i don't know that serial killer person : P

Anyways, i was always told to respect people, even when disrespecting them. So if Barbara san wants to be a 17 year old boy i will respect that while disrespecting her, therefore she shall be named Source kun, or Source chan if she would like that better, or just Barbara san otherwise

edit on 8-10-2019 by Malisa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: Malisa
Oh OK. That makes sense, or more sense. I was hoping you would be having some magical voltron powers, as that would be dope. Ah well.

And, to tell the truth. Not even sure why I am on this thread. The true source gal or guy or whatever she wants to be known as or really is. Does not seem to want to chat with me. But it is kind of fascinating seeing you all trying to get through to somebody that is basically just a brick wall. One that seems to crave attention like a drowning man, craves oxygen.

Tiss a strange thing to do indeed. But on the eyesight thing! Most likely, like everything else. Its just practice with intention and time, but trying to stay away from technology for any period of time, is, well you may have your work cut out for you.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Ruiner1978

What I think about it is this:
Anyone, or anything that is offering you an "ultimate truth" is not to be trusted

When you are able to validate what they say then you can trust them.

When you are able to invalidate what they say then you can't trust them.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: Ruiner1978

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Ruiner1978

What I think about it is this:
Anyone, or anything that is offering you an "ultimate truth" is not to be trusted

When you are able to validate what they say then you can trust them.

When you are able to invalidate what they say then you can't trust them.

In this case then I am able to validate what they say.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Malisa

Not really, i just have to keep blabbering nonsense so i don't go off-topic on this thread

So you admit that you are blabbering nonsense....

Projecting much are we? I think this source cult is not that big, or far from the biggest or wackiest cult out there. Nor is source kun as you call her, that far out in terms of the weirdo department, but defintely should stop taking the happy pills or whatever shes on, as its not working.

He has a point here.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth

originally posted by: Ruiner1978

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Ruiner1978

What I think about it is this:
Anyone, or anything that is offering you an "ultimate truth" is not to be trusted

When you are able to validate what they say then you can trust them.

When you are able to invalidate what they say then you can't trust them.

In this case then I am able to validate what they say.

With the flashing eyes yeah? That's great.

But how do you know it can be trusted?
Remind me again how Judy came across this information.
She raised her frequency to the point of contacting Source, Source gave her this information and she's relaying it to you via YouTube.
This is correct, yes?

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Yes, that is correct. But she also says not to take anyone else's word for anything including herself. She says that we must validate it with our source self connection which we can do with a pendulum.

Someone simply coming across this may not be sure, but the best way to test this would be to try out what she says for themselves.

edit on 8-10-2019 by SourceTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Ruiner1978

With the flashing eyes yeah?


the new star wars movie will prove this

C3PO will have red eyes at some stage, they may or may not flash but it is a clear indication of people whose eyes do flash are soulless.

Its so obvious, I am now kicking myself for not having seen it before and for having doubts about Source truth's sanity

Its confirmed

Let us all thank and praise Source truth for gifting us with such enlightening knowledge and wisdom even though we are all soulless and are just here to feed his creation power's.

She raised her frequency to the point of contacting Source, Source gave her this information and she's relaying it to you via YouTube.


a lot of laxatives were used to raise her frequency

Her local council had to set up a special unit to deal with all the blocked drains but once everything broke through and it was flowing freely it was able to make its way to ... a source.

She made her way to this source and being in its presence was so overwhelming that it made her have visions which she now shares on YouTube as wisdom for all... well not all just the 1 in 5000 with souls Oh and those that will slip her a bit of cash here and there.

I guess you can buy a soul.

I have heard of selling your soul to the devil but never buying one, $25, that's a good deal, I might give a go.

Hopefully I can make killing profit when I try selling to the devil

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Yes, that is correct. But she also says not to take anyone else's word for anything including herself. She says that we must validate it with our source self connection which we can do with a pendulum.

Someone simply coming across this may not be sure, but the best way to test this would be to try out what she says for themselves.

Then why do you disagree that this is channeled material??
That is channeled material by definition.
You really are new to all this aren't you.

Interesting that she says not to take her word for it, validate for yourself. Ra said something similar, "take what resonates with you".

This begs the question, seeing as all this channeled information is basically the same, is Judy in contact with the same entities which are posing as "Source"?
edit on 8 10 1919 by Ruiner1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Yes, that is correct. But she also says not to take anyone else's word for anything including herself. She says that we must validate it with our source self connection which we can do with a pendulum.

I had to pop back in here to ask...does the pendulum move by itself or are you moving it? If you are moving it then how can it validate anything?

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

Haha well im not doing it for Crystal Quartz' suggestions. Just trying to be healthier and less reliant on old habits.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: SourceTruth

Yea that's why I'm not totally against this YouTuber despite some extraordinary claims and red flags.

I tried the pendulum but my hands are not steady. Therefore it seems impossible to discern if something is moving the pendulum, so i gave up on that.

In response to asking what i believe: Well, i have ideas of how this reality may exist, such as the matrix, reincarnation, ect.., but those are just ideas. I mainly believe that there is alot more to us and we are unaware of alot of spiritual things.

While i am open to many ideas including Quartz' , I have to experience something for myself to actually justify believing in something.

I think right now im reading Osho's Tantric Book of Secrets and trying meditation techniques in there.

Do you have clear messages from the pendulum? I got to admit, i didn't spend a lot of time trying.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Yeah, I have gotten clear messages from my pendulum. i have been using it a lot to ask many questions. I am still making progress with my pendulum and asking more questions. Not only have I asked my pendulum, I have also documented the results to the answers that I have gotten. I am documenting the information that I received from asking my pendulum questions.

Yea that's why I'm not totally against this YouTuber despite some extraordinary claims and red flags.

Yeah, this youtuber does make extraordinary claims, but she also does talk about concepts that I have already accepted and was familiar with before I watched her videos. I look at how these claims relate and fit into with the other claims that are made and with other concepts, and how they fit into a larger picture to understand them.

I can see how some of these extraordinary claims make sense when looking at the whole picture, they make more sense when you look at all of them as a whole.

In response to asking what i believe: Well, i have ideas of how this reality may exist, such as the matrix, reincarnation, ect.., but those are just ideas. I mainly believe that there is alot more to us and we are unaware of alot of spiritual things.

I have had a lot of those ideas as well, and I had held many of them before I saw Quartz Crystals videos. She has gone more into depth about these ideas and provided details about them. With the information that she provides about these topics, it provides a more complete picture that makes more sense when you relate them to one another and form a single framework.

While i am open to many ideas including Quartz' , I have to experience something for myself to actually justify believing in something.

If what she says is true, then it should be possible to have experiences which validate what she is saying if you do what she tells you would raise your frequency.

I did have some experiences myself, I posted this earlier in the thread about an experience that I have.

I will share with this thread an experience that leads me to decide that this information must be true. I gave up meat and animal products, and orgasms a year ago. 3-4 months afer doing so I have noticed a strange phenomena. When I looked at the eyes of the "soulless" people, I could see a very strange effect, it resembled flashing in a way. It is a very real experience, amd I still can experience it ever since then. There is no other explanation for this phenomena that I experience other than that what Quartz Crystal stated was true about soulless ones, meat eating, orgasms, and energy. The only explanation for this phenomena is that energy is being used to power the soulless ones, just like Quartz Crystal said.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

Haha well im not doing it for Crystal Quartz' suggestions. Just trying to be healthier and less reliant on old habits.

What she suggests to do is not only beneficial in raising your frequency, it is also beneficial for your well being as a whole. For example, what she says about not eating meat is beneficial for you in general well being.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: Ruiner1978

She does not mention the names of any specific entities or spirits that she would have gotten this information from.

She raised her frequency to the point of contacting Source, Source gave her this information and she's relaying it to you via YouTube.

Actually, it is not that she tried to contact source, but that she reached a point where source revealed this to her.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: midicon

When you ask questions to the pendulum then it is either your subconscious or your source self answering it. When the subconscious is answering the pendulum then it does not give valid answers, but when your source self answers it then it does.

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Malisa

Not really, i just have to keep blabbering nonsense so i don't go off-topic on this thread

So you admit that you are blabbering nonsense....

Projecting much are we? I think this source cult is not that big, or far from the biggest or wackiest cult out there. Nor is source kun as you call her, that far out in terms of the weirdo department, but defintely should stop taking the happy pills or whatever shes on, as its not working.

He has a point here.

He is not even trying to make a point......

How can you be so ignorant as to not realise that i said "blabbering nonsense" as a way to make fun of you?

Did you even finish middle school? How can you not understand a comment by the context in which it was written? Stop embarrassing yourself Source Kun/Chan/San

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 01:33 AM
Oh Source kun.. you are so naive < 3

When i said i wasn't coming back, it was so that you would be free to talk, so you would provide more material for your later suffering : D

You know Source kun/chan/san, you are not very smart so you constantly produce the material for your own demise

Still willing to talk with the mods about the crossposting ?

That's not going to go away Source kun, mistakes from the past tend to hunt you for the rest of your life, just like the threads you created here and across every other spiritual and conspiracy site out there : P

You are a terrible source player Source kun, you keep being played by soulless people and you can't control it at all

Maybe you should use your reality distortion field to force us out of your reality, then you could talk freely about the source, without any soulless interference

Only problem is, your mom is the only other source player you know, so 7+ billion people would disappear from the earth, leaving only other source players which would immediately toss you away since you are incapable of emotions and relating to other people

Maybe that's what the last message from "Judy" is telling you, to figure out how to stop being a bot and learn how to be a human?

You know 'experiences' are what makes people real and really happy, having you face turn into stone all day to avoid breaking the balance only makes you look constipated Source kun

edit on 11-10-2019 by Malisa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: SourceTruth

Yeah, I have gotten clear messages from my pendulum. i have been using it a lot to ask many questions. I am still making progress with my pendulum and asking more questions. Not only have I asked my pendulum, I have also documented the results to the answers that I have gotten. I am documenting the information that I received from asking my pendulum questions.

Stop playing with that pendulum so much Source kun, you need to go out and let someone else play with it for a while

Then your perspective will change

By the way, you said here you never had anything to do with a girl before, but later said in other sites that you had stopped having orgasms for a year and then you could see people twitching their eyes at you

Perhaps you were lying about the girl stuff, or perhaps you were lying about that "one year without orgasms" or you somehow in your eternal incel virginity you assumed things about stuff you know nothing about?

Maybe they were twitching their eyes at you because they saw you coming like a crazy guy on the street looking at them all like you wanted to eat them or something

Was the person that you saw flashing their eyes a girl, or a boy? I guess it depends on your preference but i wonder if that person was on the side of what you find "beautiful"

What do you think about's Judy's last video, are you planning to ignore her advice or what?

Don't get all convoluted Source kun, meditate and learn to not take everything so serious, it will hurt your soul otherwise

edit on 11-10-2019 by Malisa because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2019 by Malisa because: (no reason given)

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