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What the Democratic and Republican Party stand for Now, A tale from the dark side

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posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 03:14 AM
No, I'm not talking about skin color or ethnic identity - I'm talking about the reality of today's politics , and the apparently bottomless pit
the two party widening split has become.

These observations and opinions are mine and are based upon simple observations of events, the politicians and what they 'seem to' stand for.

First the Republicans, the party of big money and big business, and of course every unborn baby that the Christian right believes must be
brought into the World whether the mother wants to or not. Pure politics that sometimes wins elections.

And of course the Republicans stand for the Second Amendment and every gun manufacturer in the world.
- Strategically geniuses, the military is also well compensated by today's Republicans.

Now the Democrats, who now call themselves Progressives, who are having a terrible tme deciding whether to progress into Socialism or
go all the way, re-write the Constitution removing the Second Amendment, and turn the United States into a Chinese style
corporate state or Communism - Difficult choices for today's Democrats. Old men like Biden who might represent the original style Liberals, are

Unfortunately for most Americans, these extremist views that the political parties have degenerated into, no longer represent
"We the People' - They are special interest parties representing special interest groups, such as Big Business [especially Big Pharma,
the insurance industry, the so called Christian Right] for Republicans - And wealthy special interest Socialists supporting the Democrats.

I can remember when they used to use labels like NRA or Conservative Democrats and Liberal Republicans - Never hear these terms anymore.

The two political parties are committed to destroying each other, and let 'We the People' be damned
- And of course the'll say its because of the Russians - And given enough time and stupidity I suppose they might end up trying to blame
the Civil War on the Russians -

No friends, the Civil War was caused because people did not wake up quick enough to solve the problems that were dividing the Nation

Wake up people - Realize the extremist views of both parties is insane and will only leed to America's final decline.

edit on 20-8-2019 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Wake up people -

To what? Socialism?

- And of coures the'll say its because of the Russians -

No thanks

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 03:52 AM
Reminds me of the farmer telling the democrat not to go in that field, and the democrat yelling back, 'don't tell me what to do' ..............................and the democrat screaming..

You may of heard a variation of it.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 04:08 AM
Your interpretation of what the Republican and democratic party are, is very skewed. I understand it's your observations, but your observations are extremely biased and ignorant. Democrats are more for big money than republicans.

Best example I can give you, is look what happened to medicine costs under democratic politicians especially the obuma admin. Prescription costs went up 5000% for some critical meds, search it and see. I'm not making this up at all.

In addition to jacking medical costs up, the obuma admin had a hand in taking a publicly funded medicine that was $60 and privatized it causing the fee to jump to $600 once privatized.

Dems under the obuma admin also drove companies into bankruptcy deliberately to lower it's value only to buy the companies up and again raise prices of the products to exhortation rates.

Republican admins kept those costs down. Search it, I insist you prove me wrong. But you can't...

You parroted exactly what the MSM and two party system wanted you to parrot.

Just saying what I see, from my own observation.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 04:16 AM
Basically the republican party has become what the leftist trolls manipulated them into becoming so they could destabilize the party and usurp power. And now the democratic party has become what the foreign trolls manipulated them into becoming so they could destabilize the country and usurp power.

If you think about it, both of the parties' rapid decline spawned from victory. The republican party began to falter after "winning" the cold war. They didn't know what to do with themselves after the fact other than just keep going with what they thought worked. Greed is good. Money, money, money. Never stopping to realize the consequences and the political fallout that would come.

Same thing happened with the democrats after they "won" the culture wars. Now they've decided to just turn everything to 11. Greed is good. Women penises are the same as men's penises and other such nonsense. And like the republicans before them, never stopped to consider that every action has a reaction and they birthed the rise of Donald Trump and other reactionary identitarians.

The older I get the more I realize that we as a civilization never really leave kindergarten.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 04:36 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
Your interpretation of what the Republican and democratic party are, is very skewed. I understand it's your observations, but your observations are extremely biased and ignorant. Democrats are more for big money than republicans.

Best example I can give you, is look what happened to medicine costs under democratic politicians especially the obuma admin. Prescription costs went up 5000% for some critical meds, search it and see. I'm not making this up at all.

In addition to jacking medical costs up, the obuma admin had a hand in taking a publicly funded medicine that was $60 and privatized it causing the fee to jump to $600 once privatized.

Dems under the obuma admin also drove companies into bankruptcy deliberately to lower it's value only to buy the companies up and again raise prices of the products to exhortation rates.

Republican admins kept those costs down. Search it, I insist you prove me wrong. But you can't...

You parroted exactly what the MSM and two party system wanted you to parrot.

Just saying what I see, from my own observation.

What you Americans don't know is that Obama forced PM Abe of Japan to privatize the postal system for that American insurance companies can sell insurance in Japan. Japan Post had it tied up for decades.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: Plotus
Reminds me of the farmer telling the democrat not to go in that field, and the democrat yelling back, 'don't tell me what to do' ..............................and the democrat screaming..

You may of heard a variation of it.

More like the two blondes arguing at the lake. One blonde
finally had enough. She takes off to the other side of the lake.
Little time goes by and the other blonde goes to the edge of
the lake and yells across " I'm sorry we argued. How do I get
to the other side?" The other blonde yells back.

" You are on the other side"

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 06:45 AM
The Dark side in politics has had many well publicized links including:

- Podesta's emails of child trafficking.
- Hillary Aid caught trafficking children out of Haiti disaster.
- Pizzagate, same connections.
- Winer laptop, snuff movie, dead police.

And now we have Epstein. Wake up when ever you want America, the rest of the world is ready.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 07:14 AM
Well, if I had to choose the lesser of two evils of the OP, I would choose the Republicans. I do not like all the turmoil being spread by the Democratic party as of late. I am not sure if MSM is actually controlling the Democrats or if Democrats are controlling the MSM. I think the Media is trying to seize control myself, even Democratic congressmen fear what the media can do to them.

So either way, the big media giants are trying to take control instead of the typical Republican businessman structuring society.
edit on 20-8-2019 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Ats: dems bad, conservatives gods, anyone else??!

You didn't put this in the mud pit to soften the blow 😊
Dare you to criticize Trump on any capacity πŸ˜…

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

You must have missed the uproar over Trump's red flag gun discussion last week? Plenty of Trump criticism on ATS.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: jjkenobi

Everything's worth discussing. The question is whether or not it's possible to create red flags without someone abusing them or how it affects our rights. Trump has since also come out and pushed for bringing back mental health facilities too. I'm sure that there are those that think being sent to such a facility would be against their constitutional rights too regardless of how dangerous they were.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: AlienView

don't say eddie murphy didn't do his part to educate the american public

scary how close he actually was

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 10:02 AM
"Show him your badge" ........

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 10:13 AM
The major difference between the two parties is that they are both the bitches of special interests groups.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 10:23 AM
They both take huge amounts of of money from the same sources, Corporations, Billionaires.
They are beholden to them once in office.
It does not matter what either party promises while campaigning. They only help their wealthy donors. There is a saying They are just two cheeks of the same ass.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 10:36 AM
The Democrat party's entire platform right now is victimhood. Every policy they are putting forth is around claiming some group is a victim...

Illegal immigrants
Women's rights
Minimum wage
Me Too

Better yet, let's sum up what Democrats want....

Reparations for people who weren't slaves paid for by people who didn't own slaves...
Open borders and unfettered immigration of low skilled and uneducated immigrants that depress wages
$20+hr minimum wages for low skilled workers
Higher taxes on those of us that work for a living
Drag queen story time at libraries and elementary schools
Gun Confiscation
Unlimited abortion
Labeling every guy as a rapist
Women's rights except when pandering to Muslims
Green initiatives that will cost jobs, taxes, and comforts.... except for liberal elites
No school choice keeping the poorest and most vulnerable in under performing schools because of teachers unions

While I am not a fan of the Christian right Republicans (they haven't been relevant since the mid 90s), nor do I like the globalist RINO republicans... by in large, as a libertarian independent, there is no way I can vote for Democrats advocating for that looney crap above.

Also as a productive tax payer, I've about had enough of leftist digging in my pockets.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated
The Democrat party's entire platform right now is victimhood. Every policy they are putting forth is around claiming some group is a victim...

Illegal immigrants
Women's rights
Minimum wage
Me Too

Better yet, let's sum up what Democrats want....

Reparations for people who weren't slaves paid for by people who didn't own slaves...
Open borders and unfettered immigration of low skilled and uneducated immigrants that depress wages
$20+hr minimum wages for low skilled workers
Higher taxes on those of us that work for a living
Drag queen story time at libraries and elementary schools
Gun Confiscation
Unlimited abortion
Labeling every guy as a rapist
Women's rights except when pandering to Muslims
Green initiatives that will cost jobs, taxes, and comforts.... except for liberal elites
No school choice keeping the poorest and most vulnerable in under performing schools because of teachers unions

While I am not a fan of the Christian right Republicans (they haven't been relevant since the mid 90s), nor do I like the globalist RINO republicans... by in large, as a libertarian independent, there is no way I can vote for Democrats advocating for that looney crap above.

Also as a productive tax payer, I've about had enough of leftist digging in my pockets.

Almost all of that is Republican propaganda spin on what they suggest Democrat policies will cause.

... and a significant amount of it is actually also proposed by some Republicans.

The propaganda doesn't work if you realize that most of the most contentious policies are entirely grey areas which no large group can actually unilaterally agree on.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 11:43 AM

....I'm talking about the reality of today's politics ,....

The reality of today's politics is it's all BULL SNIP.

It's entire aim is to convince a third party one is better than the other.

IE. The false choice fallacy.

posted on Aug, 20 2019 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: neo96

....I'm talking about the reality of today's politics ,....

The reality of today's politics is it's all BULL SNIP.

It's entire aim is to convince a third party one is better than the other.

IE. The false choice fallacy.

Yep two sides of the same coin so to say. They both want to get there one faster and one slower.

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