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posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

I knew it was something like that....... Thinking back im sure this was more to do with the disposal of experimental stealth coatings around the time of the 117s conception. See how i get mixed up 🤔.

Its an amazing looking craft..... Imagine having it fly low n slow overhead....... Air porn!.... If there ever was such a thing 😁

posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Bigburgh

Those look like the f19 stealth fighter from the microprose game way back.
They were guessing because when the f117 came out, they changed it.

posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

There was a standard designation assigned that I have been told by multiple sources, with very slight variation between them.

I know you wont/cant answer directly..... But was the variation because of where they flew from (land or sea) or was it down to the role they had.

Tidbits just give rise to more questions.... Im afraid lol.

posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

The role that they played, according to sources, could fit a couple different designations.

And that's all I'll say.

posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Thanks zaph.

I think its slightly safe to say this thing exists..... Or existed at least. Now...... Was it THE companion?.... or was it just there performing another role.... If it was there at all.

When looking at the f-19 i fail to see how it would loiter so well, its clearly built for speed, so im a bit 'off' it being the companion. From what ive summized from the information given, regarding the companion, it has very good stealth and an uncanny ability to loiter around the target undetected.

I may be throwing myself off the trail but my mind overloads easily.

posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: Zaphod58

Interesting........ I thought i remember a story/stories regarding workers trying to claim damages after developing health problems after burning a load of the stealth coated craft. I may be getting 2 stories mixed up (it happens often). I knew a few had been kept for certain things but assumed the rest were destroyed by fire in a deep pit grave as they were so toxic.

Groom lake is one of the few areas EXEMPT from standard US Environmental laws. There have been some suits

OP/ED by one fo the attorneys who represented the victim

posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 04:20 PM
We see aircraft for 3 reasons:

1) a mistake (usually a crash or accident)
2) They want us too or no longer care
3) For misinformation purposes

The latter 2 are the usual suspects.

For example the triangles seen over Texas were no accident so its possible there are planes we will NEVER see or hear of .

posted on Aug, 14 2019 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: Zaphod58
When looking at the f-19 i fail to see how it would loiter so well, its clearly built for speed, so im a bit 'off' it being the companion.

Keep in mind, according to the rumors the Companion was not build as the Companion. It just evolved into that role.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 06:33 AM
I was reading other forums and other links regarding both the f-19 and the supposed companion craft, to be fair they are usually tied closely together..... its not very often the companion is mentioned without the f-19 comin up shortly after, and vice versa. I assume there are many others speculating like we (or most of us) are. One thing that throws me is a lot of people (apparently) in the know, claim that the f-19 does not exist but the 117s definately had a companion during particular operations. My personal opinion is that the f-19 was real and flew but the companion was a totally different bird. Ive even read one blog /story where the author claims aurora as the sr-72 and further claims one flew in operations with 117s in iraq...... Everyone seems to have a classified story to tell so all we get is just enough to make you think..... whhhoooaaah!.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

The role that they played, according to sources, could fit a couple different designations.

didn't Janes have it listed at the RF-19 back in the 80's?

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: PhantomTwo

RF- 19 was used in one article i read..... But it could have been FR-19 or FA -19??.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
Ive even read one blog /story where the author claims aurora as the sr-72 and further claims one flew in operations with 117s in iraq...... Everyone seems to have a classified story to tell so all we get is just enough to make you think..... whhhoooaaah!.

What article are you talking about? Is it still online?

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: SpeedFanatic

Ive sent you a PM. 👍

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: wirehead

lol. well look at that.

I found the same image the op is talking about years ago.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

In contested environments, you'll usually find various aircraft that compliment one another to maximize survivability/effectiveness and accomplish the mission.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 11:42 PM
Im sure somebody else has pointed this out however I propose the "companion" aircraft is an evolution of the Northrop XST entry that lost out to Lockheed's Have Blue demonstrator....

It checks all the boxes....

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 06:57 AM
Im really unsure what the 'companion' was/is, after reading as much as i have lately, im beginning to think theres a lot of disinformation out there to keep people thinking. I have came to a few different conclusions over the past few month but then ill come across another article/blog/forum that throws my ideas aside.

Its a head scratcher for sure but in all fairness thats probably exactly what its meant to be. No point in having top secret craft if the crumbs lead straight to it.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Drunkenparrot

"It's a completely different aircraft that looks nothing like the F-117."

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

Think of it this way - in conventional strike packages, we see conventional aircraft fulfilling roles such as EA (Growlers), Wild Weasel (Vipers), Bomb Delivery (BUFFs), & Escort Fighters (Vipers/Eagles). Supporting the strike packages, we have Early Warning (AWACS, Hawkeyes) and Recon (Dragon Ladies, UAVs)... then there's the tankers but who really needs those.

Now imagine a near-peer adversary or a country with a formidable IADS. You're going to want aircraft that fulfill those roles but with a higher chance of survivability with equal or better effectiveness. In this realm, you have the Spirits, Night Hawks, XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX, and whatever else may exist out there.

The F-22 & F-35 help bridge that gap going into the future, but if you consider the above, it helps paint a picture of what kind of roles may be fulfilled by more capable aircraft (if they ever were to exist).

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: mightmight
a reply to: Drunkenparrot

"It's a completely different aircraft that looks nothing like the F-117."

I wouldn't be so quick to discount the Northrop XST, neither does the image I posted above.

From most angles the Northrop XST entry looks more like the Revell F 19 model kit of the 1980's kit the F 117, which is supposedly true of the Companion.

The Companion rumors I have read that imply a manufacturer allude to Northrop as the prime contractor.

The companion was supposedly developed alongside the F-117, that would imply a faceted 1st generation stealth planform and preclude the blended body representation given as the F-18.

According to the book Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk, Darpa approached Fairchild, Grumman , Lockheed, Northrop, McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamics to develop a low observable demonstrator. Fairchild and Grumman passed, General Dynamic pursued an active technology which became the EF-111 Sparkvark.

McDonnell Douglas hit a wall and couldn't compete with the RCS offered by the Northrop and Lockheed proposals.

Both Lockheed and Northrop entry went into mockups and we Have Blue was the winner.

It would fit that if the Companion rumor is true it is based on Northrops XST entry.

edit on 16-8-2019 by Drunkenparrot because: (no reason given)

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