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The coming disaster in South Africa - population explosion

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posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 11:20 AM
I've been following what's been going on in South Africa for a few years and the media seems to remain silent on the issues facing the country. In the capital the paramedics and firefighters have become targets of attacks and theft when they respond to calls, stealing ambulances or looting them, attacking responders and even some deaths. The firefighters in the capitol are striking because they need police protection to respond to fires with their 7 of 44 working fire engines in the capitol.

One of the issues facing the country is the population explosion that happened after the end of apartheid in 1994, and it was almost entirely the black and coloured population as there has been "white flight" from the country since then due to racist laws against hiring them and racial attacks/murders and legalized theft of land/property. Well with the population explosion mainly from 1995-2005 we are seeing this age group reaching prime reproduction age and they are the largest demographic in the nation next to those 0-5 yrs old. Also the life expectancy has risen from those years by 10-12 years and there is a relatively small population at the upper end of their life.

What this means is that in a country already facing major financial and infrastructure issues, food scarcity with failure of farms, rolling blackouts (many power stations aren't functioning - aka broken), waste treatment plants are/have failed in many areas, and police and military funds have basically been looted and are already in debt, the population is going to grow very fast because of the large demographic in prime reproduction age, and lack of education in recent years. This doesn't even mention the 19%+ HIV/AIDS prevalence in adult population (15-49).

Here is a link to the current population statistics and you can see the peak levels and see what is coming. I don't know if this has been taken into consideration by those who have stayed in the country but I think it has and that is why there is such panic by a certain population that has been "left behind".

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 11:50 AM
This also has global implications, due to South Africa being a major exporter of very important products for making high quality steel and other metals. Add on top of that the drought in recent years and you have a major issue brewing. it seems very much like the situation that resulted in the Rwanda Genocides in the early 90s.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 12:03 PM
japan, is not making enough people. i mean this 100% objective, but i do not know why the lower income peoples of the world have so many kids.

i made a decision a long time ago NOT to have children. i made this choice in junior high school. but one trick was, if i became a multi-millionaire i would adopt kids, just so they could grow up filthy rich.

i know alcholics with kids who never take care of them.

personally, and personally only, i think you should be financially AND emotionally mature if you want to have kid. if not, skip them spend the money on yourself. thats my theory.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 12:13 PM
Didn't africa do this around 30 years ago or so...?

First, they kill all the white farmers, then they drive the farms into the ground while breeding like rabbits... then they run out of food and have a global "feed the children" crisis for ten or more years while they recover

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Was just reading up on Suidlanders...

There are 3 criteria that lead to a revolution


All three are present and growing according to Gustav Müller, head of the Suidlanders.

Lucy Holborn of the institute for racial relation believes the growing crime numbers do not only affect white Africans but blacks as well. The fear for this growing crime rate is real but it shouldn't cause division.

South Africa has a strong constitution, equal voting rights and a very big social midfield. It is not expected total anarchy is around the corner..

edit on 27-7-2019 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 12:22 PM
The west needs to stay out of Africa.
30+ years ago we had that band aid thing to raise money for the 33 million starving people in Ethiopia, it was so successful that now we have 88 million starving Ethiopians.

The sooner all the bleeding hearts wake up to themselves and stop interfering the quicker equilibrium will be restored and Africans will have a chance to live their lives as they see fit not how some humanities major from Berkeley feels they should be living

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: lordcomac

Oh man...dont want to make light of the situation but Bob is too old to be bustin out another Aid concert. There must be a reason why Africa doesnt have a 1st world country....i just cant put my finger on it.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 12:42 PM
Give it a couple of generations and it'll correct itself. It won't be pretty, but it'll correct itself.

You can't fix stupid, but sometimes stupid has a way of fixing itself.
edit on 2019 7 27 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 01:30 PM
In some ways this is the sad result of cultural mixing due to Colonialism, imposing a European model infrastructure and society on tribal peoples who are unable to sustain that infrastructure themselves. They thought they could push all the Whites out and everything would just get better not realizing they didn't have the education or training to maintain it all. Now it's crumbling around them and Marxist doctrine still finds ways to pin the blame on the Europeans.

This is precisely why open borders and globalism are doomed to failure by imposing systems and conditions on people who are quite literally unable to sustain. We are not all same as humans. Diversity is a strength but only if that diversity is allowed to remain. The entire history of human development is but a tale of those different peoples fighting for their own spot of turf to live on. You cannot just swap people around geographically and expect things to continue to run smoothly. It ends in disaster every time.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
a reply to: lordcomac
There must be a reason why Africa doesnt have a 1st world country....i just cant put my finger on it.

It might have something to do with the European nations stripping Africa of its wealth over the past 135 years, imposing fake borders over tarditional ethno religious regions and post independence using the continent as a football field for proxy wars between east and west. Don't think it's over either as China is getting control over much of Africa today with France re-asserting itself in its former colonies and even Britain with Brexit coming soon getting involved too.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

That was exactly my point. What were YOU thinking?

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

Just helping your finger

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

I have often wondered, if all humans on this planet came from ancestors in Africa, why is it that Africa in general, is so far behind the majority of countries on this planet.

They have had many, many more generations to advance, yet they haven't.

Anyone have any ideas, why?

Before anyone starts spouting " you're a racist " bull crap, I have been one to defend, and stand up for my black friends, and black people in general.

I am a realist, not a racist. What is, is, and sticking our heads in the ground, doesn't make it go away.

Stupidity and hypocrisy, are two things I despise, and unfortunately, very rampant. A problem can't be solved, without first acknowledging the problem, what causes the problem, and coming to a sane, realistic solution.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: dantanna
japan, is not making enough people. i mean this 100% objective, but i do not know why the lower income peoples of the world have so many kids.

i made a decision a long time ago NOT to have children. i made this choice in junior high school. but one trick was, if i became a multi-millionaire i would adopt kids, just so they could grow up filthy rich.

i know alcholics with kids who never take care of them.

personally, and personally only, i think you should be financially AND emotionally mature if you want to have kid. if not, skip them spend the money on yourself. thats my theory.

I find this perplexing as well. You're poor but you have lots of kids - in even poorer countries too. Bizarre.

Someone has once mumbled a reason that a high mortality rate had a direct correlation with high birth rates in very poor nations and demographics. But that's with the world's poorest. Doesn't explain those who are poor, but a little less poor than the aforementioned...

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: dantanna

It's because of the way things are.

In the lower income areas of the world, the countries are not yet at first world status, so you have cultures where a family needs to have larger numbers of children both to have extra hands to work often subsistence level farming/ranching style operations and to simply ensure that a few of them reach adulthood.

Generally at third world or lower status, this is closer to replacement level.

As a county starts to elevate itself technologically with better infrastructure and medical care and diversification so that families may look to live above subsistence, the high number of children is no longer required, but culture lags behind modernization, so you see a population explosion, and you will see massive poverty as many will have families beyond their means to support and older occupations are replaced by newer ones some don't have the skills for.

Look at early Industrial Era nations to see the same phenomena.

Nations like Japan and many on Europe and the US even in certain segments of the population have reached final stage where the population that is used to living at first world status seems to be living/breeding at first world level which is right now below replacement.

Whether or not that will ever correct? Who can say.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: dantanna

It's because of the way things are.

In the lower income areas of the world, the countries are not yet at first world status, so you have cultures where a family needs to have larger numbers of children both to have extra hands to work often subsistence level farming/ranching style operations and to simply ensure that a few of them reach adulthood.

Generally at third world or lower status, this is closer to replacement level.

As a county starts to elevate itself technologically with better infrastructure and medical care and diversification so that families may look to live above subsistence, the high number of children is no longer required, but culture lags behind modernization, so you see a population explosion, and you will see massive poverty as many will have families beyond their means to support and older occupations are replaced by newer ones some don't have the skills for.

Look at early Industrial Era nations to see the same phenomena.

Nations like Japan and many on Europe and the US even in certain segments of the population have reached final stage where the population that is used to living at first world status seems to be living/breeding at first world level which is right now below replacement.

Whether or not that will ever correct? Who can say.

And bizarrely the response of some European nations like Germany is to apparently "flood" their countries with immigrants.


posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter
The Bantu didn't move south in to South Africa until after colonization was well underway. The bush people or coloreds (Khoikhoi) as they are called were the only natives there at the time of European colonization, and at that were sparely populated pasturalists.

The Bantu that are claiming South Africa as historically theirs never lived there until after the Khoikhoi and Trekboer were there.

posted on Jul, 27 2019 @ 11:09 PM
A huge amount of violence in SA is actually organized crime. There are some seriously scary prison gangs, (the numbers gang). The Defense force has recently been deployed to the gang lands in Cape town. In Johannesburg, It's the Nigerians, and also Eastern European syndicates. The biggest organized crime syndicate is in fact the corrupt, retro-revolutionary state, who continuously sow divisions.
I believe the average South African citizen just want to live and let live.
edit on 00000071119711America/Chicago27 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2019 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: dubiousatworst
a reply to: ufoorbhunter
The Bantu didn't move south in to South Africa until after colonization was well underway. The bush people or coloreds (Khoikhoi) as they are called were the only natives there at the time of European colonization, and at that were sparely populated pasturalists.

They are generally coming the other way now mate and streaming up north. When I was a kid you hardly ever saw an Bantu in England, there were plenty of our own West Indian types but they were our colonial legacy and British anyway. The past couple of years loads of blacks Africans are appearing in our cities. Our companies also do need labour as many Brits feel factory work / care work is beneath them so there is a need whatever the long term consequences of this mass migration. Where there is work then these people will move to and I ecpect it's the same down south Africa too

posted on Jul, 28 2019 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: zeta55

My history professor brought up a good point....its their navigable rivers...or lack of. Think of how the river system in Europe and the smericas helped push trade rapidly. Africa doesnt have that.

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