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House Judiciary Committee Hearing - Oversight of Report into Russia Investigation - Live Link

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posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Considering Veselnitskaya was a honeypot from the start.

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: stosh64

Love him Enough to let him Sleep with your Wife ? Hell Yeah ! ..............) MAGA !

To quote Trump....”Dumb statement”
Got anything else?


Post-Mueller Presser - Republican Version

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins, Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes and Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan hold a joint press conference following the testimony of special counsel Robert Mueller.

Credit where due, these guys -together with the entire GOP committee caucus from Judiciary and Intel- were well prepared, on point and sharp today. Great Job.

Post Game Republican Briefing Video at:

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: D3M1G0D

Perhaps the Clinton campaign should have told the FBI about the Russian and English connections via Fusion GPS that created the Dossier that they then used to start this entire fiasco?

Remember, NOBODY is above the law, right?

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: D3M1G0D

Jesus Christ.
Simple question for you “Mueller” you believe the Steele dossier is true?
Answer carefully.

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:19 PM


posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
So I did a 4 and a half live stream responding to the entire first hearing

Here is something fun I did that you can try

Go to every single democrat that said “no one is above the law “ when referencing is obstruction

Then look up every single one of them, and see what they had to say when Hillary’s team clearly obstructed justice by deleting subpoenaed emails

Apparently they mean only their people should be allowed to be above the law

It's the blatant hypocrisy that is so galling. Hillary destroyed evidence -- obstruction of justice doesn't get more obvious than that. And not one of them cared. Trump got mad about being falsely accused of treason, but did not hinder the SC investigation in any way. (Mueller confirmed this today.) And they're all lining up to say that is obstruction.

Do they really think we can't smell the stench they're giving off?

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: D3M1G0D

If Russia is such a threat why did mueller refuse to indict supposed Russian intel asset Joseph Misfud who lied to the fbi?

Why did mueller refuse to look at the Russians who interfered most with our country, those that were the source of Christopher Steele’s lies?

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: D3M1G0D
‘A New Legal Argument for Impeachment’ Were the Mueller hearings a dud, or a quiet blockbuster? Ten legal experts weigh in.

POLITICO Magazine asked some of the most renowned legal experts in the United States what the most important revelations were, legally and practically, and if there’s anything new that the White House or Democrats must now contend with.

Just one of the experts quotes that basically all of them agree to.

there was SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF CRIMES, that the president was NOT EXONERATED, and that Russia WAS AND IS a threat to our elections and democracy were made clear.

Want proof that Russia is a threat and is useful to the Republican party..well here it is
GOP blocks election security bills after Mueller testimony

Democrats tried to get consent to pass two bills that would require campaigns to alert the FBI and Federal Election Commission about foreign offers of assistance, as well as a bill to let the Senate Sergeant at Arms offer voluntary cyber assistance for personal devices and accounts of senators and staff.

But Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) blocked each of the bills.

Repubs still trying to cheat in order to get Trump re-elected. It worked once, why not do it again I right?

Trump better hope and pray he gets re-elected. LOL Might see the orange man in an orange suit if he doesn't.
TDS is real

Trump has 2020 in the bag. Because MOST Americans will vote for him.

I understand you lefties must be absolutely GUTTED after todays major failure, but everybody knew you were going to fail so don’t feel so bad.

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Under this law Hillary Clinton would be guilty because she paid for dirt from Russian and uk officials and lied about it for a year

And we have no evidence had dom jr gotten dirt from Russians he wouldn’t have turned it over to the fbi

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:35 PM


posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: D3M1G0D

If Russia is such a threat why did mueller refuse to indict supposed Russian intel asset Joseph Misfud who lied to the fbi?

Why did mueller refuse to look at the Russians who interfered most with our country, those that were the source of Christopher Steele’s lies?

Joseph Mifsud's lawyer is claiming that Mifsud is a Western (US/UK) intelligence asset. That goes a long way toward explaining Mueller's curious blind spot with him.

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: D3M1G0D

If Russia is such a threat why did mueller refuse to indict supposed Russian intel asset Joseph Misfud who lied to the fbi?

Why did mueller refuse to look at the Russians who interfered most with our country, those that were the source of Christopher Steele’s lies?

Those things were not in the purview of the perpetrated hoax setup 😀

edit on Jul-24-2019 by xuenchen because: 😃

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: D3M1G0D

Why did mueller refuse to look at the Russians who interfered most with our country, those that were the source of Christopher Steele’s lies?

Dodging the Christopher Steele questions sunk their ship in the publics eye I do believe.

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:43 PM
Final thing I will say on this topic.

This hearing was a diarrhea stain on the white pants of the republic.

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: D3M1G0D

If Russia is such a threat why did mueller refuse to indict supposed Russian intel asset Joseph Misfud who lied to the fbi?

Why did mueller refuse to look at the Russians who interfered most with our country, those that were the source of Christopher Steele’s lies?

Joseph Mifsud's lawyer is claiming that Mifsud is a Western (US/UK) intelligence asset. That goes a long way toward explaining Mueller's curious blind spot with him.

Yes that is most likely the case

Here is the bind mueller is in

Mifsud is either

1. A Russian intel asset who was helping papadopolous get dirt in Hillary from Russians.

If this is the case mueller let the original Russian spy who started the whole interference go, even though he knew mifsud lied to the FBI.

This shows mueller is incompetent or corrupt as he let the a Russian spy go unpunished though he had him dead to rights

2, a us intel asset. This explains why mueller didn’t charge him

However, this is even worse for mueller and his buddy comey

This means the entire reason for the start of the trump Russian investigation was a setup

A us intel asset gave a trump official false info, and then used that false info as a reason to launch the investigation and spy on trumps team

And the majority of the media and all of the Dems willfully ignore this

(For the record, I believe we will see it was #2, but either way it’s damning

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 09:47 PM
Anyone who is interested in all the goings on of a political nature in the last few years would be well advised to visit this quiet little thread, "The Curious Case of Felix Sater," and spend some time going through all the work that has been put into this gem by ATS member ucanthandlethetruth.

Read the thread and as many of the associated links (an honest reading of all the material in the thread would take days if not weeks) as one cares to, even just reading the excerpts in the thread will take some time; the thread is currently 11 pages in and extremely dense with information mostly provided by the aforementioned member, though I and a few others have added some small bits to the enormous volume uchtt has amassed.

The topics range from US secret agents whom have been outed, Russian secret agents, Trump working with the FBI decades ago, illicit Nazi (and plenty other) gold movements, money laundering, 9/11, PROMIS software, the Clintons, the Bushes, so called Russian mafia bosses who aren't even Russian, Uranium One, Mueller, Fusion GPS, and many many more all of which are very much relevant to current happenings.

I humbly request that anyone who does visit the thread to please respect the thread's author (they really have put in a lot of work into their thread) and keep any commentary to on topic discussions and additional equally well-sourced, verifiable, and accurate information.

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Grambler

If Russia was such a threat, why didn't Obama take any precautions prior to Trump actually getting voted in? I mean, beyond the spying on his campaign and all that stuff that no one knew about until it came out post election.

(post by D3M1G0D removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 10:08 PM


posted on Jul, 24 2019 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: D3M1G0D

From leftist land where wishing you could do a thing is the same as having done it ...

I wish I could kill XYZ ...


That's what Trump's "crime" amounts to.

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