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New Tape Shows Trump and Epstein at Mar A Lago 1992

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posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 07:20 PM
And here it is .

We're thinking , possibly , that while it's nbc's old footage that they must have dug up .. that Trump has got Epstein there on camera on purpose , and he's pointing out those girls there , to get him there on camera , looking at women . Trumps look is , I'm getting this guy by the balls to wring em later , and Epstein's look is saying , Oh # I want to look but there's a camera there , why is he telling me it's nbc filming me looking at these women .

And , what's nbc doing there , in 1992 , anyway / ?

We're thinking , Trumpster was even then looking to manipulate , that he knows to exploit other rivals weaknesses .

What we do know , is Trump wants to sympathise with Acosta .

Take a look at the developing wiki page which is 'Jeffrey Epstein' regarding how Acosta let him go :

Non-prosecution agreement (NPA) (2007–08)

The FBI investigation resulted in a 53-page federal grand jury indictment. Alexander Acosta, then the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four named co-conspirators and any unnamed "potential co-conspirators". According to the Miami Herald, the non-prosecution agreement "essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein's sex crimes." At the time, this halted the investigation and sealed the indictment. The Miami Herald states: "Acosta agreed, despite a federal law to the contrary, that the deal would be kept from the victims."
[3] Acosta later said he had been told that Epstein "belonged to intelligence", was "above his pay grade" and to "leave it alone".[44] Epstein agreed to plead guilty to state prostitution charges, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to three dozen victims identified by the FBI.[3] The Guardian, a British newspaper, reported, "Despite this, the US government eventually agreed to allow Epstein to plead guilty to just one count of soliciting prostitution from an underage girl under Florida state law. ... Epstein agreed not to contest civil claims brought by the 40 women identified by the FBI, but escaped a prosecution that could have seen him jailed for the rest of his life."[35] But he was allowed to choose (and agreed to pay) the victims’ lawyers in the civil suits (but not any other lawyers they chose). This arrangement resulted in Epstein being able to pressure the victims using private investigators, and in effect to contest and settle many of the civil suits.

More precisely, for his NPA plea Epstein was allowed to select his victim and plead guilty to procuring for prostitution an older 17-year old minor girl (whose age when molested was not precisely stated), rather than the original 14-year old complainant. Florida age of consent is 18. But it is lower in many states (for example, 17 in N.Y.) thereby reducing the degree of the crime in classification for registration as a sex offender and in the eyes of the public.

The NPA deal was declared illegal in February 2019 due to its victims not being notified.[45]

We want to ask Acosta , who pressured you ?

Judge Kenneth Marra is now in the hot seat , but surely he has already declared in February 2019 , (it's now july) that the law was broken:

On February 21, 2019, Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida Kenneth Marra said federal prosecutors violated the law by failing to notify victims before they allowed him to plead guilty to only the Florida offense. The judge left open what the possible remedy could be.[82] On March 11, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit gave parties one week to provide good cause as to why the summary judgement and case documents should remain under seal, without which they would be unsealed on March 19, 2019.[83][84]

So did they get unsealed ?

Epstein was in the Rockefeller Foundation Trilateral Commisson and Council on Foreign Relations ? Sheesh

In 2019, Trump said he broke up with Epstein about 15 years prior.[116][117] Epstein was allegedly banned[118][119] from Trump's club in 1999, according to court documents filed by attorney Bradley Edwards[120], although Edwards later acknowledged this was a rumor he was unable to confirm.[121][122][123][124] Bill Clinton lauded Epstein as "a committed philanthropist" with "insights and generosity." At the time Epstein was on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a major donor to Harvard University.[125]

Also the Epstein page is missing it's due references to Teneo , CGI and Clinton Foundation which is where his direct links to Clinton Podesta and Blair are found

wiki page (under development)

edit on 17-7-2019 by FieldMarshalMatt because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 07:24 PM
Also tapes out there of him and that woman he beat to become your President

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: FieldMarshalMatt

I am a Trump supporter. With that said, I am sure he was up to all sorts of no good along with the rest of the elite.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: FieldMarshalMatt

Lol this'll be the one that sinks ol' "Trumpster" though.. this time


posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: highvein

So they were partying with 'cheerleaders' and they don't look underaged , it's no problem at all . Trump enjoys a party , so do I . We can't begrudge him a little fun here and there along the way .

We want to know about Acosta : is it perhaps a good or a bad thing for Trump or the investigation that he's expressed sympathy for Acosta . From what Acosta has said out loud , as in he's 'above your paygrade' and ' leave it alone' , this is now something the White House is going to be , has reason to be , primarily interested in and If Acosta is singing to Trump , as he should do ,we are going to expect to see some heads roll . Bring us all their heads on a platter please , Donald

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 08:12 PM
why is any one shocked by this? epsine used to be a member of mara largo and was trumps neighbor in florida of course they were gonna run into each other. billionaires tend to hang out in the same place as other billionaires

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 08:16 PM
Well it looks like I have to vote dEmocrat now.

I hope some random ‘Russian’ posts a meme on facebook to ‘influence’ me back to the republican side.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: hombero

What he does with what Acosta has said about why , when a judge , he let a man like Epstein go free who should have gone to jail for life , that will define Trump and presidency yes .
In a way the answer to what Trump intends to do with this matter in his own capacity as president is in Acosta's statement when he resigned as Trump's labour secretary :

he stated that he was told what to decide and how to proceed in the 2008 case against Epstein .

Therfore if Trump accepts his resignation statement as is , and leaves his involvement at that , then he is incredibly negligent , and leaving Americas
entire justice system and its children to reckless endangerment , he'd be a pedo enabler effectively , sack him straightaway .

But on the other hand , if Trump , having heard such a very gross admission of the existence of perpetrtrators of serious injustices like those who instruct judges , then has cause and goes ahead to put the powers he has over the cia and anyone else useful in america to work on getting this sorted out , he'll be a winner of a president , the man .

It's make or break time for Trump
edit on 17-7-2019 by FieldMarshalMatt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: FieldMarshalMatt

Trump is an inept idiot. The only reason he hasn't screwed up royally are the people he has around him just ignore his more insane requests. There's a reason he has so many empty cabinet positions.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 09:16 PM
The media keeps ignoring Wild Bill Clinton's name, on at least 26 "Lolita Express" flight manifests.

They also ignore Wild Bill ditching his Secret Service detail, before boarding at least four of those flights...

In the end... when this all plays out... I wonder just how many powerful people will toss the Clintons under the bus, to save their own arses. The Clintons are most certainly asking themselves, that very same question.

I wonder if GEICO is selling "Arkancide" insurance yet?

edit on 17-7-2019 by madmac5150 because: So easy, a caveman can do it...

+6 more 
posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: FieldMarshalMatt

Trump is an inept idiot. The only reason he hasn't screwed up royally are the people he has around him just ignore his more insane requests. There's a reason he has so many empty cabinet positions.

And yet, he’s already won the election next year.

Better luck in 2024

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 09:22 PM
Those are well known elements , but None of this is yet appearing in British outlets .

hEre is fox news from May 2016 includes accurate predictions ie this will blow up

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 09:33 PM
Holy Moley!!!

You know what this means? Epstein with Trump?

...Epstein is a racist!!!

Why didn't I see it until now? I must have been blinded by my unwokeness. //sarc off//

Wealthy elites do these s***y things. I don't like it. Don't condone it. If they break the law, lock 'em up. ***sighs*** I can dream anyway.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: FieldMarshalMatt
a reply to: hombero

What he does with what Acosta has said about why , when a judge , he let a man like Epstein go free who should have gone to jail for life , that will define Trump and presidency yes .
In a way the answer to what Trump intends to do with this matter in his own capacity as president is in Acosta's statement when he resigned as Trump's labour secretary :

It's make or break time for Trump

Forgive me for not taking you seriously when you don't even know what position Acosta held.

Maybe read up on the topic before offering your assessment on how this will impact the Trump legacy.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 09:50 PM
I did not know they were THAT close.
To be invited during network TV coverage.
Not good.

He does like cheerleaders, still does.

Good to see consistency in the combover though.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 10:13 PM
I'm not sure what this means. Trump went to a party with adults, and Epstein was there. Does this mean that Trump raped little kids? Please enlighten me as to the significance.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 10:16 PM
Real strong conspiracy with this video 🤦‍♀️

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 01:21 AM
well someones scared..
they think if they leak this it will make Trump think twice about prosecuting him to the fullest extent of the law, because the 'optics' suggest Trump was chummy.

but the truth is far from that and the idiots behind the curtain have not realized Trump OWNS the downside.


posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: mikell

Well the very first response is a deflection. Typical. What ever happened to denying ignorance?

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: mikell

Well the very first response is a deflection. Typical. What ever happened to denying ignorance?

The first response was from someone who didn't read the OP properly or lacks reading comprehension.

I think you may have the same problem.
edit on 1872019 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

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