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BREAKING: Chaos Breaks Out On House Floor, Pelosi Shut Down for the Day

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posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: gallop

Albinos really have it rough ....

Carry On

edit on 7172019 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: gallop
11 pages in.

What have we learnt?


Well, for updates. . . .

My sources at

State. . .

In another unprecedented House event, Speaker Nancy Pelosi once again took to the floor the gather a vote as to whether or not President Trump is a "doody-head".

A similar motion was cancelled after a fight broke out among House democrats over the term, "kaka-butt" and "doofy-face".

In a related story, a recent poll at shows that democrats are still less popular than bloody diarrhea.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 02:32 PM
The Dems are in their last days ! They are desperate and the ignorant behavior is all low jabs to save face . Celebrate Omar and the entitled women’s brigade of “ Make America a Muslim Venezuela “ , because they are riding the last wave of Identity politics . Extreme liberals get superficial agreement from non confrontational conservative and head nods . The truth is 75% of America is to the right ! The coasts account for 25-35 % of the population . The rest of America is Middle to right .

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 02:32 PM
The Dems are in their last days ! They are desperate and the ignorant behavior is all low jabs to save face . Celebrate Omar and the entitled women’s brigade of “ Make America a Muslim Venezuela “ , because they are riding the last wave of Identity politics . Extreme liberals get superficial agreement from non confrontational conservative and head nods . The truth is 75% of America is to the right ! The coasts account for 25-35 % of the population . The rest of America is Middle to right .

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
This goes into the history books.

Yes, it does, to the shame of the dems...

The president is a racist. Officially now. Its part of the public record.

Lots of things have been made part of the public record - doesn't make them true.

Reality proves you - and this resolution - wrong.

You think a decade from now anyone is going to care that he tweeted that there isnt a racist bone in his body.
The point is not the bones in his body but the thoughts in his head and the words that come out of his mouth.

None of which show any racist tendencies at all, unless of course you are a TDS sufferer.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
When someone argued with a person of color very often the words go back where you came from are echoed.

And as I just learned, that is not what he said...

Please.... no one is buying that crap he is spouting we all know exactly what the phrase means.

Maybe, but he did not say it.

And those who pretend they dont are phonies.

And those who pretend he said something he didn't are ... what? Liars?

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 03:30 PM
Boy did they really show Trump. I'm sure he'll never recover from this one.

Why don't these losers do something useful for our country?

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: visitedbythem
That had Steve McQueen in it. I met him at a lodge in the mountains early one morning. It was just me and him,

Neat story, but...

I was only 6 or 7,

I have to ask... how did you, a 6 or 7 yr old kid, end up in a room at a lodge in the mountains alone with Steve McQueen?

I'm not saying you're lying, but sounds ... odd...

and" stuck him up" by the fire. He threw up his arms, and begged me not to shoot him, then spun, and dropped to his knees, where we had a chat, face to face. What a good hearted genuine person he was. That really impacted me. I regret not asking him to go fishing with me and my dad for trout that morning. Im sure he would have.

But like I said... neat story...

My sister and I went with my parents back to their honeymoon cottage, in the mountains It was on a lake. I cant remember the name. It may have been Twin lakes. Early in the morning, I went to the lodge to get hot chocolate with my mom (she was there too). It was just us, and a guy standing by the fire across the room. My mom said "That's Steve McQueen, go stick him up", and I did. That's how. He loved fishing. He had a special old truck set up with a boat that he always took places like that, to get away from it all. That's how. I think it was 1964.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 07:39 PM
Serious question. Since the Speaker of the House caused such a disruptive uproar ignoring the rules of decorum that even the chair revoked their own seat presiding over the mess, is it enough to call for a vote of no confidence and install a new Speaker of the House?

If so, would House Republicans cause discord with the full floor voting to delay the ascension of the new Speaker?

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: burntheships

What Trump said was not racist IN THE LEAST. He told them:

...“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”


Aren't democrat cities/states broken and need a lot of fixing? Yes they are, From Seattle to Calihellfornia and New York they all have broken down systems, and they are in fact avoiding to follow the law. Not to mention that there are more poor people in those cities/states, yet these aholes in the House and the Senate (democrats mostly) want to transform every other city and state into the broken and lawless systems they support where they are "representatives"?

edit on 17-7-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Yes, because every damn idea they have is spending more money on crap that mostly helps nobody except losers that want to take advantage of the system and collect free paychecks. They don't give a damn about how much they spend because they don't pay for it. I watch in my state as all our tax money is fed to people in larger cities for food stamps and welfare for people that shouldn't get it. Yet in the smaller counties and cities my paralized mother gets a damn fraction of that. It's absolutely bs.

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 02:33 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: visitedbythem
That had Steve McQueen in it. I met him at a lodge in the mountains early one morning. It was just me and him,

Neat story, but...

I was only 6 or 7,

I have to ask... how did you, a 6 or 7 yr old kid, end up in a room at a lodge in the mountains alone with Steve McQueen?

I'm not saying you're lying, but sounds ... odd...

and" stuck him up" by the fire. He threw up his arms, and begged me not to shoot him, then spun, and dropped to his knees, where we had a chat, face to face. What a good hearted genuine person he was. That really impacted me. I regret not asking him to go fishing with me and my dad for trout that morning. Im sure he would have.

But like I said... neat story...

My sister and I went with my parents back to their honeymoon cottage, in the mountains It was on a lake. I cant remember the name. It may have been Twin lakes. Early in the morning, I went to the lodge to get hot chocolate with my mom (she was there too). It was just us, and a guy standing by the fire across the room. My mom said "That's Steve McQueen, go stick him up", and I did. That's how. He loved fishing. He had a special old truck set up with a boat that he always took places like that, to get away from it all. That's how. I think it was 1964.

Now that's a cool story. Always loved Steve McQueen. Mr America himself.

Kind regards,


posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
My sister and I went with my parents back to their honeymoon cottage, in the mountains It was on a lake. I cant remember the name. It may have been Twin lakes. Early in the morning, I went to the lodge to get hot chocolate with my mom (she was there too). It was just us, and a guy standing by the fire across the room. My mom said "That's Steve McQueen, go stick him up", and I did. That's how. He loved fishing. He had a special old truck set up with a boat that he always took places like that, to get away from it all. That's how. I think it was 1964.

Ok, that makes total sense now...

Very very cool memory to have, I'm envious. Steve was one of the greats.

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

You have the neatest stories!
How are ya hun?

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 08:47 AM
This is all so freakin' stupid I can't stand it.

Trump said they should go back where they came from. So what? He was referring to their nationality. That is where you come from. Not specifically their place of birth, but their heritage. I am Italian, but I have never been there. Is that so hard to understand? I would think democrats who spend their entire day whining about white heritage, black heritage, latino heritage, muslim heritage, and so on would be able to grasp that concept particularly well. I guess its only obvious and easy to grasp when it fits their agenda.

Or, at the very least, if they are going to make such a deal about being recognised as Americans, they should drop all the "I stand for latinos", "I stand for african Americans", "I stand for muslims" crap and just stand for Americans, not illegal aliens.

These idiots need to find something better to argue about. Its like they are trying to lose 2020 so they can spend another four years having temper tantrums and doing nothing for hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars a year.

I think I may be on to something here....

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: Martin75

Working hard. Its hot here in Cali

Good to see yuh!
edit on 18-7-2019 by visitedbythem because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Chaos broke out on the floor of Congress today during a session
in which the Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi was rebuked

You do know that although some Republicans wanted her rebuked the chair said no, right? Given your first sentence is a lie, is there a reason any of the rest of it carries any semblance of reality?

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 12:58 PM
can someone explainall the "white fright" in America today??

why is the left scared of whites? it was the Democrats that were the KKK and Jim Crow laws

why does the left have white fright?

are they jealous or just feeling guilty?

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

Aren't democrat cities/states broken and need a lot of fixing? Yes they are, From Seattle to Calihellfornia and New York they all have broken down systems, and they are in fact avoiding to follow the law. Not to mention that there are more poor people in those cities/states...

Yep, exactly what the problem is, along with the many "sanctuary" cities.

But instead of helping their constituents, they are spending
money, time and resources bashing the U.S., pointless protests,
and useless "resolutions" to name a few.

I read that Omar has just introduced a boycott against Israel,
as if her past racist actions and comments aren't enough.

Shaking my head. Hopefully she will get voted out in 2020.

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: thedigirati
can someone explainall the "white fright" in America today??

why is the left scared of whites? it was the Democrats that were the KKK and Jim Crow laws

why does the left have white fright?

are they jealous or just feeling guilty?

The left isn't afraid of whites, they are afraid of white votes. They have to bang the racism drum every chance they get to stir up votes from the people they claim to be working for. The truth is, minorities have never had it better in this country than they do right now under the Trump administration. Its certainly better than it was under obama or clinton. The left will keep making fools of themselves and sooner or later the minorities will catch on. It amazes me how many still haven't figured it out yet though. But you cant say that because that's racist.

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