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Bigfoot: New HD enhancement of the Patterson-Gimlin footage.

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posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

I can only find a very grainy video of Al Berry doing a recreation for the 70's TV Show "In Search OF" hosted and narrarated by Leonard Nimoy (remember him, he was Mr. Spock on Star Trek)

"In search Of" was an awesome show, I was a young child and it help give me my interest in all things strange which lead me to ATS.
TV shows now tend to be more about the personalities of the presenters than the mystery they are trying to investigate.

The "samurai chatter" is so out there and mind boggling, to me it changes how Bigfoot is perceived.
If Bigfoot exists, it's done it's best to evade being detected or captured, so it must be smarter than known primates, if thats what it is. But if it's smart enough to have a language, it must then have a culture of some sort? Which put's it closer to us, so it's no longer an unknown large "monkey" type ape intellectually and more human like. Which takes it up a notch on the scary thoughts-meter.

edit on 15-7-2019 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: dantanna

This is for others who are saying that either Patterson or Gimlin or someone else was in a suit as "Patty", till it's proven either way it was/wasn't a suit, I shall remain on the fence. Many people will probably come forward.

This is Bob Gimlin himself talking about the sighting.

edit on 15-7-2019 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyAnonymous
I am leaning towards the theory that they (what ever 'they' are) have a very keen sense of mimicry just like the Lyrebird that can 'imitate exactly' what they hear (whether it be construction work or another animal, see/listen to video below as example).

Video of the North Carolina Bigfoot analyzed by MK Davis has Bigfoot chattering and trying to mimic the people who gift it food by leaving it in hanging plastic containers. The funny thing is that because it's North Carolina the mimicking noise Bigfoot makes gives it a southern accent.

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: PAUL35791
A Timber company called for shooters at Bluff Creek. The BFs, which are still there, damaged their equipment and chased the lumberjacks out. Heard they put a JCB on its roof. That's how Patterson went there, but to get footage.
Probably the BF just thought it was horses, or couldn't hear them due to noise from the creek, or was downwind.

She may have also intentionally exposed herself and walked away slowly in order to lure Patterson and Gimlin away from a juvenile hidden in the area. Theoretically that's why more females are seen in the few decent videos that have been taken of them.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
She may have also intentionally exposed herself and walked away slowly in order to lure Patterson and Gimlin away from a juvenile hidden in the area. Theoretically that's why more females are seen in the few decent videos that have been taken of them.

And it's a sound theory too!

I have often marveled at birds and animals as I approach an area where young-ones may be in hiding while the Mother (generally the Mother but not always) makes her presence known and will walk away from the hidden kiddies... "hey look at me... Nothing to see over there... Look at me".

But it's a different thing altogether if they're bottleneck somewhere, then watch out as an upset Mother will die fighting to save the children. That is one scenario I hope no one has to face with these alleged hairy creatures as it wont end well for the human(s).

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

You can't get something from nothing and this applies to upressing.
The new information that is introduced by the algorithm may look nice but is not at all from the missing original data.
You wont get new features appearing that existed in the real world as that information never existed.
Upressing should NEVER be used for diagnostic type situations like this.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: ziplock9000
Upressing should NEVER be used for diagnostic type situations like this.

Correct. It's no enhancement. You can't enhance something that isn't already there to begin with, and to do that you need the best original footage and scans, and you squeeze what you can out of the original stuff. You don't play "CSI Bluff Creek" and blow something up infinitely on a computer to make it clearer. It just don't work that way.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: ziplock9000
a reply to: Kurokage

You can't get something from nothing and this applies to upressing.
The new information that is introduced by the algorithm may look nice but is not at all from the missing original data.
You wont get new features appearing that existed in the real world as that information never existed.
Upressing should NEVER be used for diagnostic type situations like this.

Yes, I know and understand that nothing new has been found "in" the footage. I used the term new in the headline, as in, a new interpretation/version of the footage had been released. I maybe could have used the term "augmented" instead of "enhanced".

edit on 17-7-2019 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: one4all
I have considered cameras in the past even putting them inside tree trunks and other complicated ideas...but logistically its not as easy as it sounds and these are very very smart Creatures.

I think the best chances for photos come from chasing one down or from long distance tripped telephoto lens closeup style pictures....I don't think close range game cams will ever work.....its likely way easier to track them by sound.

I have tried a number of gamecams placed in a variety of places (trunks, under boulders, in brush) and never have captured anything more than an occasional forest animal (birds, squirrels, deer, coyote, raccoons, and even cows). And most of these were very well hidden with surrounding brush and such for camouflage. But no pics/video. The closest I may have had was on an UFO investigation in the Oregon Mountains and I had found some large footprints. I went from UFO to BF Investigator in a split second and setup a very hidden game cam in a tree and left it there for a few days. (Sidenote... that investigation had some creepy sounds that bordered on the paranormal in my opinion and was heard by four people at various times of the evening getting progressively closer and closer to us)

Although i didn't catch anything but some deer on camera, something had moved and slid the camera around by about 90 degrees away from the view of the animal trail I was aimed towards (so now it was facing to the side (more towards the Sun's angle). The Camera was attached with two heavy-duty web-strapps and the moving/sliding had bored-out a small rubbing path of where it once had been. It could not have been a deer or a bear as I had it up high enough to be out of reach of normal animals. So was it moved by an elusive creature? Who knows (not me as I didn't find any other signs).

As I have perused through the BFRO forum posts, I had found several that had had similar experiences with their cams being turned or moved. So apparently it's just not an unusual occurrence. Somewhere on the inte4rnet is a bit of video of supposedly/allegedly a hairy "something or another" grabbing and burying a gamecam under some broken tree-limbs.

I'd love to be able to tag along with (or even just sit and chat), the Sasquatch Genome Project (with Dr Melba Ketchum). They have (what sounds like) some pretty good DNA evidence and footage, but I get the sense that they are withholding much of their findings (for reasons only they know). Here's a bit of ABC News footage on them from 2013, by the way one of the researcher's in the video has passed away now by the name of JC Johnson. I always admired his diligence and perseverance in his research. Many of his reports dealt with the Native American sightings of Sasquatch.


posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
This one walks like a man.

That's not what the experts say.
And also a reason they say it is NOT a man.

posted on Jul, 18 2019 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: face23785

Does anyone believe garbage like this?

Dont believe these "Government moles" who are well planted on many sites when people have discovered or know the truth about Bigfoot/Aliens. They will try to discredit the truth or make believers feel "crazy" or when they know they can't debunk a post they will just call it "garbage".

Hi face23785

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: one4all

Well just saying, sometimes you mess with the bull you get the horns. Who knows what people are all hiked up on, not just talking about red bull or beer, even the hippy types do like there mushrooms and magic herbs. Either case the chances of people running into bigfoot is slim. You seem like some sort of weird and wacky troll to me, but even if your not and even if you do hang around in the woods for fun, your chances are still slim.

So ya, I think there is a good chance that there are still some of them around here and there. But the human animal is not build for survival in the wild at all. Given certain machinations, its like a blind deaf and dump fish out of its element. But anyways, about that whole BF roundup?

Now that is hilarious. What are you all going to do, get lost in the backwoods for a few days and go home once the canned beans and cheetos run out? I do believe you greatly overestimate the human condition, whos going to bring the foodtruck for that few hundread to thousand mile trek. You know in the old day which was just a few hundread years ago, it took whole villages of people to cover and convert just a few miles of wildland, literally generations and generations, and now your all going to just go wondering into the woods outside the deer paths all willy nilly?

Maybe you can bring one of those suviavialist guys like Bear Grylls to up your chances. But you know who I feel sorry for in that situation? You guessed it, that camera guy carrying around a quarter of there body weight in camera equipment.

To this day and after centuries and centuries of human civilization, you can count the great explorers or people who really went out and about into the unknown literally on one hand, well maybe, all the digits, big toe included, so that would make it about 20. I still think there is only still just under a handfull that really even set foot in parts of Antarctica you know outside the towns and local tourist area, much less other areas.

Either way, just saying, dont feed the wild animals, and dont go into the woods into the unkown messing with things. You will mess with the cycle of things goofing around and likley end up who knows what. And people being what they are, all hiked up on red bull, freaking sodium galore from all the # food they eat, beered up and who know what else there on. You know what will happen?

Thats right, they will give poor ol bigfoot the #z for at least a week, and not just talking about regular ol kind, I'm talking about a liquidy river of # shooting out like from a fountain hose. You want to find were all those missing hikers went? Well forget putting your ear to the ground, or looking at the satellite data, that aint worth for squat in thick bush and tree, and stick your nose downwind, and if you follow that stench, you may find them. Though I think its more the skunkapes that can handle digesting all that junk, as there build for it, the more nomadic bigger ones, probably wont touch any longpig with a ten foot monkey pole and stick to the berries fruits.

Which is a tragedy indeed. Diarrhea has killed many a bigfoot I suppose. But as for people, well plenty of those around, I suppose, whats a few missing here and there when there are billions more just hanging around.

Case in point, they are not the only predictable animal species on this planet. And no, your not going to get a few thousand people to go out of there comfort zone, much less out of there element, unless its a anti Donald Trump rally, or a free donut tuesdays at dunking donuts, slim chance on that happening. You all will just have to wait till its on the news or the interwebs. Heck, the average human commute is work, stop by at walmart, and home, and will likley be that for some time to come

Have to be a little realistic now dont we?

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Holy # bigfoot isn't blurry anymore!

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

That is exactly why I ran in the opposite direction of Woodknocks …. I already KNOW they/BF are there...and I did not want to be drawn towards the initial sounds as most might be....I felt like I was being sucked in towards the sounds so on gut instinct I bolted the other direction and almost caught up to and got pictures of a young BF all I ended up with were digital pictures of fresh footprints.Yes they are smart and MommaBF can certainly lure you where they want you to go.

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

I saw the Nimoy video a while back..good stuff...I understand what you outline in terms of what they were trying to accomplish….yes its opposite of what I was doing...I already KNEW and accepted they were there and I wanted to catch a picture or video of one so I was trying to outsmart them...they were there to document BF sounds.

These researchers were dealing with BF in the Wilderness and I am now working with Urban Bigfoot.Their habits and triggers are very different in many ways.

I believe my research is much more dangerous because I believe my BF know the golden equation of SILENCE and not drawing attention to themselves....meaning if they think you will scream they might pull a Lenny on you and accidentally squeeze you quiet.They have fewer places to run to to hide IMHO and are more likely to snuff you to shut you up or not draw attention to themselves.

Just 2 days ago I was Whooping and got woodknock replies and then I gifted Candy and was shortly thereafter given a fresh mouse placed ahead of me on the Trail....but then a Murder of Crows settled in over me on the trail like Vultures as if they were waiting for a Buffet.....freaked me out and I quickly egressed.Got it all on video.Its easy to find their signs and where they live once you tune in...but it beyond scary when you have no partners or Weapons to help watch your back or defend yourself with.....I have never been harmed but it is what it is....yes they can be killed...yes they travel in Clans or groups and if you kill one they are likely to snuff you anyways...but they know what guns are and it is a good detterent to keep them from getting any nefarious thoughts.

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

Someone has been putting up GameCams in the BF areas I am studying right now...but they are gone and only plastic zip ties remain.....but someone has hidden game cams lower down because in a few places where I go I can hear the dam things working as I trigger them but haven't spent a lot of time trying to dig them out.there is evidence in my area of BF lovers helping protect them....they are being photographed and fed and their structures are not being dismantled or destroyed.

I haven't heard actual verbals where I am working now only woodknocks and whoops ,but I have heard them in person making verbals in another area called Chain Lakes ,Alberta,Canada.

I believe they mimic birds and other sounds all the time....I do the same thing....I whistle to birds then intentionally change the tune a bit or tweet sequences to get them to copycat usually takes a few times to get the birds drawn in to your tunes....but in my BF areas I can get immediate copycats of the tweet sequences telling me its not darn birds....there is zero learning curve whatever it is goes directly to an accurate copy of my unique sequence of sounds....what I mean is I DONT SOUND EXACTLY LIKE A BIRD BUT I AM CONSISTANT and something is copycatting my off-tone work exactly....forget the sequencing but they copy my tones that are definitely not bird tones.

However I have recently stopped trying to draw them to me any closer than they get...I have learned that they are NEVER FAR FROM YOU and you really don't want them any closer than they already are.

I have mapped my area and am ready to photograph them from long distance with Infrared cameras....I know their egress routes and I know their speeds and I know how fast they can move....its all about understanding what they can do and then anticipating their movements.They have to come to you.

IMHO its dangerous business and as I type right now I don't know if the dead mouse was a return gift or a warning and the Murder of Crows that was there suddenly harassing me told me that I could have been in terminal danger.....I have been gifted Mushrooms on my path before so it could just be food gifts and not a warning....maybe a juicy mouse is = to a candy bracelet to BF...I don't know...I do know if I offered anyone 50,000 to find me a mouse in the forest in the 10 minutes between my gifting and receiving they would NEVER EVER DO IT in the thick bush...but something did it in short order.

So far I have received quartz rock in clear trade at a major structure site and Mushrooms and mouse as gifts on trails as I track them.

I am going to do what others have done and set traps for them...sound/flashing light traps that force them to react quickly and on their instincts....traps in sequences of at least 3 different forced direction changes...I want to cut off their choices as quickly as I can to make them deduce that there is only one safe egress path...where I will be waiting to photograph them from a distance....they will be coming to me at high speeds...along the most vulnerable path that I can most easily photograph them from.

I know the area intimately now and its perfect for getting photos and videos.

Its my first season of tracking them so I am new and I have already found everything there is to find....I communicated with one and then had it reply to me and I chased its young and almost caught it getting clear photos of fresh tracks just seconds ahead of me....that was on expedition number one...I was hooked....actually freaked out....then I began finding tree signs which then led me to structures and to bedding areas and feeding areas...different stick signs for each dynamic...they clash with me in wild food harvest areas...berries and mushroom and herbs....they actually pissed me off this year decimating the berry and mushroom crops....of course always leaving a little behind as they do...sneaky buggers or actually smart buggers who understand how to work within natures parameters or production envelope...they "seed" things on purpose leaving enough to have things grow back .

I made mistakes in the beginning of my research because I wasnt sure if they existed but I was finding sign I knew was not from normally recognised animals ….so I started urinating in their Dens and Gardens and Observation don't do that anymore...but I wanted to rattle their cages...I even moved their tree leans and other smaller markers around randomly to get under their skins trying to get a I would prefer there be no reaction at all I just want my pictures and videos so I can put the issue to rest personally.

So far in order....reply to whoops..pursuit of SOUNDS of Juvenile ripping through of fresh tracks after it ditched me...identical tree signs at my best Berry patches and Mushroom spots.....identical tree signs at structure building areas...found structures at ALL SIGNED SPOTS …. recieved Quartz chunk gift in return for Candy@ structure site....found more structures following signs and was gifted a freshly picked Mushroom.....followed signs to feeding area and found and photographed scat....stole best Mushrooms from their Garden ...….returned and they had tried to cover up and hide the garden with strips of bark and sticks so I left a Candy treat gift...….before I left the gift I videoed the Garden and discovered a Birch Polypore that they had tried to hide and the had handled it when they picked it up and left fingerprints on the bottom side very clear ones because the Polypore turns a reddish color on contact on its I also have a documented hand print...and it looks pretty small but the fingers are extremely wide and stubby looking.

Once you begin to look you will ALWAYS FIND EVIDENCE OF THEIR HABITUATIONS if you are in the right geographic areas that correlate to their food sources and Ravines and River Systems.

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

There are LOTS OF THEM and they are widely distributed...the HUman being is absolutely designed to survive in the wilderness if it has knowledge in its head....if it doesn't its just a weak vulnerable sack of jelly-water with almost no natural defenses.

It is extremely easy to find Bigfoot is literally everywhere there is a major river valley system with ravines and creeks and streams or in mountainous areas....wherever the food source is adequate and the cover is adequate they will be found....there are many thousands of them living in Clans.
A couple hours with me and Bear would be at the top of his game.

Being realistic is what showed me how easy it is to find them and how wide spread and populous they truly are.

People will in many cases crap their pants when they realise what is living around them... but that's what it takes I guess because BF cannot change their ways so we need to yield all the River Valleys and Ravine Systems to them so they may live peacefully.

The ones I am studying are definitely the 10+ footers because they make Trails fitting that template and they snap trees at that height and strip bark at that heightline and they can pop massive stumps with 3 foot diameters straight up out of the ground like we would pull a carrot from our garden.
edit on 25-8-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: one4all

Yes jello water bag, is you know, not that far off of a description when describing the human body. And yes they would be hard pressed to really survive even one day when it comes down to it. Without all the add ons, a freaking night in the rain will kill most. But all things in context, just what would you be comparing it to?

Like I said, I think the odds of Bigfoots still being somewhere out there, is and despite peoples perceptions of things, pretty good. After all, humans are not known for there awesome observational skills, or perceptiveness. But whatever your game is. Troll or otherwise, you should and be better suited to get on with your life then trying to find bigfoot.

And being the last thread I remember you in, was so off. Going by that, which is as obvious as a knee to the face, that all the bigfoot evidence you seem to think you see. Could just be squirls and rabbits, very big rabbits to be sure, but likely rabbits. You are aware that the moto of this site is? Pictures or it does not exist.

So when you get some of that footage of bigfoot like the patterson-gimlin one or even some photos. Then one day, you to and they to will be arguing for the next 20 years on the quality of the CGi in it.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

There is no try involved....the signs and structures are everywhere and they are not building themselves.

There happen to be videos all over the net exactly like the evidence I have gathered.

It is not coincidence it is by design.

You weren't inside of Mazvidals head we all see what our experience allows us to see so until you put Mazvidal on a lie detector and ask him you/others know no more than I do.The knee is quicker than the eye,you don't know what you saw.@2:20 of this video we hear from another critic who cannot see the forest for the trees least he is honest and states he is giving an opinion not stating a fact.Anyone who has fighting experience can see that Mazvidal came out with a flying knee and also that his targeted area was up high like every other flying knee we see in the vid ...Ben came down to fast into his shoot and it threw Mazvidals timing off and forced him to try to recover … but Mazvidal was only using the flying knee to rush things on purpose and his priority was not ending up underneath I said...Mazvidals timing was forced off and he had to recover a poorly timed flying knee by dragging his right leg through the motion...the linked video shows tons of properly thrown and landed flying knees and this is 100% proof of how aborted Mazvidals actually was. (money says Mazvidal will count himself lucky refuse a rematch and keep flapping his gums)

Big there are a lot of big rabbits out there to but last time I checked they weren't building tree signs and structures all over the place or dropping Mushrooms and mice on the hiking Trails.

There is a tremendous volume of evidence to be found in the public domain already.....that volume is only increasing.People are learning to read the subtle know like the ones you failed to see during the fight.

You need to stop watching MMA re-runs and get on with life...try hopping off of the Sofa and going for a walk out in Nature......take your video camera with you so we can all see how many BF live in your area.....don't worry the big bad Bigfoot wont get your time travelling Monks that wrote the Bible just might get its time to take a break from the conspiracy world Galahad it looks like the tether is getting a little short these days.

P.S..for someone who doesn't partake of this site much you sure seem to show up at all the fun spots.Chop wood and carry water....I wonder how that has been working out lately ?
….. funny how things work because I personally think that Bigfoot builds wooden Tipi structures as a way of doing trade with the Indiginous Peoples... they stack firewood up in structures all around the Peoples Winter Camps and in return the Indiginous Peoples gives food or trinkets in trade. If you are friends with Bigfoot you don't need to chop wood....LMAO....and because they gravitate to freshwater Springs you might not have to carry much water

edit on 26-8-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 06:59 AM
Am I too farfetched in saying I think that the BF is 'spiritually' / 'Cosmically' protected from being Captured or even be Proven to Exist

BF is a Mythic creature only, which does not mean that the BF is not a physical creature, which remains elusive and thus UnProvable…. which opens the doors to other fantastic explanations:
like Beings jumping between other dimensions / Beings from the future/ ETs / Angels sans Wings / or even a creation of our minds like the Monster-from-the-ID in the Sci-Fi classic movie Forbidden Planet

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