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Antifa attacks journalist in Portland

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posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: operation mindcrime

Maybe use that comparison and leave the rape stuff behind, you are creeping me out.

Maybe quit using the exact same argument that was used back when blaming a woman for being raped was a thing?

You're creeping me out by using it.


posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 11:50 AM
Amazing that all those fascist white supremacists have donated almost $150,000 towards Andy's medical bills, you know, being that he's a gay Vietnamese immigrant..........

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: fastzombie
Antifa are a nasty bunch of bearded ladies.

I fixed it for ya

(post by Lysergic removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: operation mindcrime
a reply to: Grambler

I am liken him to the KKK as much as you are liken me to raping women...

Maybe we should analyse term victim here a little more closely...



You don’t think the journalist beat by a mob with a brain bleed is a victim


posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: JohnS23

That's going to have to wait since I don't have my computer to do a thorough search. But to this day I still see people on here, and across the Web, saying that Heather died of a heart attack. Or that she deserved to die because she was "blocking traffic."

A sentiment commonly repeated on this site anytime people on the Left have a protest.

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: JohnS23

That's going to have to wait since I don't have my computer to do a thorough search. But to this day I still see people on here, and across the Web, saying that Heather died of a heart attack. Or that she deserved to die because she was "blocking traffic."

A sentiment commonly repeated on this site anytime people on the Left have a protest.

Yes anonymous people say bad crap

Any evidence of all those blue check mark people saying she deserves it that you mentioned

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Here what I don’t understand about your take

I can go back to the Charlottesville thread and see you acting in the exact opposite way

You weren’t posting videos about how both sides were bad or actors

You weren’t digging in to see if you could find videos of the girl that was killed acting in a bias way

How can you not see the distinction? I've watched hundreds, maybe thousands of videos of altercations between left-wing and right-wing groups over the last few years. Fighting, hitting one another with sticks/batons, pepper spraying, throwing random # at one another — I hate to say it, but it happens all the time — and both sides do it.

In Charlottesville, a guy plowed a car into a group of people, murdering one and maiming several others.

How are these remotely comparable? Do you think if in the middle of that May Day video, some Antifa loser had driven a car over/through the group of Patriot Prayer losers, that I would have even thought to argue that both sides were equally culpable?

No instead you were very concerned about the dangers of one sideway

But strangely every time Antifa beats people, there you are to make excuses for them

"Every time Antifa beats people" this is the problem. Try this. Go to Google and put this in the search box: "Patriot Prayer"

83 results. Look at the posts. Many are out right support of Patriot Prayer, many others are in the vein of "I don't know who Patriot Prayer is."

Try a larger group of violent right-wing hooligans: "Proud Boys"

96 results. Again, mostly people supporting the Proud Boys or treating them like victims. Now let's do Antifa. Antifa

3,840 results.

"Antifa extremist groups are trying to recruit school children"
"Antifa Aims to Create No-Go Zones For Conservatives In Nashville"
"How to Embarrass Antifa"
"Antifa supports pedophiles"

The problem here is that despite there being two sides, 100% of the attention is put on one side for political point scoring. The Right, particularly on ATS, and you included (since we're playing the call out game today), don't bother yourselves with addressing right-wing political violence in general. Oh sure, we can all agree that it's wrong but you're only concerned with calling it out when it's coming from the Left.

On the other hand, while the Right is ignoring right-wing groups that have literally killed people (can you name the group the Charlottesville killer was with? No? "Vanguard America" — 89 results) they're trying to use the boogeyman of Antifa to prove how bad the Left is and what victims those on the Right are.

The people they beat are actors who you don’t feel sympathy for

Like Ngo, or the old man in the videos posted. You don’t even know who the old man is, but you declare you don’t care because he must have been a mutual combatant

Like I said, I don't think Ngo should have gotten punched but no, I'm not shedding a lot of tears for him given his role in all this bull#. As for "the old man" — you mean this guy?

Yeah, that's terrible. Poor guy. Just minding his own business, walking down the street, being a conservative when some violent Antifa thugs pounced on him from nowhere.

It's not like he was armed with a baton and charging people!

Here btw is a video of the guy getting hit (with what appears to be an aluminum cane?)

It's entitled "Antifa Violence" of course, despite the fact that there are two groups engaged in violence. I feel about as bad for that guy as I do the Antifa chick who got knocked out, hit in the back of the head/neck with a baton at Cider Riot (after being hit by a dude), reportedly suffering a fractured vertebrae. Are you going to go author a thread about how terrible it is that a woman had her "neck broken" by a violent right-wing thug and Andy Ngo published her name to promote harassment?

I'm sure if I look later today, "journalist" Andy Ngo will be publishing that old guy's name.
edit on 2019-7-1 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Those baton look so gay.

Nunchucks man, nunchucks.

Or better yet.

.45 ACP

I dont get this gay larping skirmish bull#, seriously who even got time for that # man, we going to get down like that play to win. theres nothing to win so yeah idk go home losers.

gtfo the streets.

real talk

cops should be whooping everyones ass


AY for real tho, he like a senior citizen (like some of our members) lol

wtf going on in your #ty ass old man life that you out here doing this dude?


You should be in Florida with the other dinosaurs.

ps: did the based flag guy from 2016 stop larping?
edit on 1-7-2019 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

For one thing, I heard about Antifa from back when Berkeley was in the news all the time for silencing speakers. Proud Boys? I first heard about them not very long ago. Patriot Prayer? This is the first thread where I have heard of them.

I'll tell you... I am really getting tired of people insinuating I know who these idiots are, and even tireder of hearing how much I support them. Show me one post. I'm supposedly this uber-conservative... I watch Fox... I support Trump... I oppose abortion on demand... so why do I not hear about these guys?

Maybe it has something to do with numbers. I tried to look up how many Antifa and Proud Boys members there are; no one seems to know. But they certainly get an awful lot of press! Proud Boys? Not so much. That tells me that either the numbers for the Proud Boys are much, much lower than for Antifa, or that the proud Boys aren't getting into fights to the degree that Antifa is.

But, hey, if it makes you feel better:


Hope that helps.


posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Like I said, I don't think Ngo should have gotten punched but no, I'm not shedding a lot of tears for him given his role in all this bull#

Ok, so what if we leave out all the political descriptors and just run with the headline "Bunch of masked white guys beat gay vietnamese photographer." Would you have any sympathy for him then?

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

This guy? ("Based Spartan")

Well after doing that article where he denounced the neo-Nazis he's standing in that picture with, he got new nicknames and the cold shoulder. He's still out in them streets though.

(everyone in that picture is a on the same side btw, it's a March anti-Ilhan Omar protest)

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:49 PM
Political violence is wrong.

The fact that there is any in this country should be worrying to everyone.

Clearly the left and right on this site are not benefiting from the violence. Which means the left and the right as far as people are concerned are not benefiting either.

So who is?
edit on 1 7 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

the media.

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian



They could be doing this instead.

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: projectvxn

the media.

True. But I think there's more to it than that. Certainly the media is a good tool for whoever is benefiting from Americans bloodying each other in the streets.

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: revswim

I understand and thank you for mentioning the historic reasons for hiding one's face; those were in the case of the people against great oppression and force. What we have here is group against group. Now, let's break it down, okay?

Prior to the Patriot Prayer folk showing up, there was a group of Antifa people gathered, with most of their faces covered. Why did they do that? They hoped to avoid arrest. Arrest from what? From committing crimes. There was literally nobody else to oppress them for participating in a peaceful assembly.

It shouldn't be legal for a person to cover their face while engaged in a protest. In the historic instance you noted, where the citizens were being oppressed by a government, they had already relinquished their pledge to follow the laws, and events like that are necessary. Here, in modern times, if the government were to move in that direction, I believe the people would be justified in opposing it -- in fact, the Constitution provides for it. However, engaging in a legal assembly, I cannot think of a valid reason for someone to cover their face. I can only assume premeditated violence or criminal activity.

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

I guess if you wanted to dig deeper, look to the group that has a "solution" for all the violence.

Because it probably;

A) Won't stop the violence
B) Will restrict freedoms and liberties of everyone
C) Will financially benefit one or more organizations.

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: argentus

Wouldn't a law restricting covering ones face be a violation of the 1st Amendment (free expression) and the 5th Amendment (Self incrimination)?

posted on Jul, 1 2019 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

First the only difference between this and Charlottesville is that no one Antifa beat died

Had Ngo died, it would be the same

You say two sides are fighting, so Ngo has it coming because he is biased

This is where you are wrong

Heather heyer was also biased and involved in the two groups clashing. Does that mean she had it coming?

Of course not

You show me video of Ngo beating people

If you can’t, then it is disgusting of you to imply he had it coming by merely reporting against Antifa

Also, I love how people are so upset with the bias on ats of how we look at this clash

But you ignore that it is a result of the msm and prominent people defending Antifa or downplaying them

And guess what, these msm people being biased is way more impactful than ats being biased

Again, you personally put videos on ats of kids yelling maga in defense of the msm and others doxxing and attacking kids at Covington

So if you get beat at a maga rally, does that mean you have it coming?

I don’t think so, I would defend you and denounce those that beat you

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