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Is this an Orb, Energy Field or Natural Phenomena?

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posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 05:42 PM
Hello ATS,
Long time lurker here. This is my first post.
I'm just looking for some educated and experienced guidance opinions as to what this event could be.


Wife not able to sleep, dozes on and off, had weird sensation of something going on in backyard. Woke up with a feeling backyard canvas awning was on fire. Looked out window and notices overhead garage door was mysteriously open when it had been closed prior as noted by alarm system. Our garage is detached from house and inside garage, I built an air-conditioned home office taking up about 1/4 of garage. Strange Orb or energy field detected in alarm clips.

I merged 45 downloaded clips from Vivint into one large video file. Some in-between clips were not merged due to no activity and redundance to other clips
Video starts with first clip filmed at 5:29:33 am when rain started
1:46 into video clip, truck alarm goes off for first time (5:33:12 AM)
2:22 in video, truck alarm goes off second time (5:34:19 am)
4:03 in video, fog, mist or orb starts to form behind tall bush branch and hood of car. Notice how tip of bush branch goes in and out of whatever that is. Sometimes part of it clouded and then just showing tip.
You can discard camera lens fog/humidity condensation as evidenced by bush movements as you further watch video
From 5:55 in video, notice how it starts to become smaller and kind of wrapping along tall bush branch, it then moves with branch being pushed by high winds as if it were attached
7:53 in video, it disappears and you can see tall bush more clearly.

I can't tell in videos when garage door opened as I can't see any light reflection on truck coming from inside garage. Maybe it is in one of the clips I did not download and merge into movie clip. Location: South Florida

Legend to help you better understand
BACK DOOR= Rear door from house going into backyard and detached garage which is 20 ft away
GARAGE SIDE DOOR= Side door into garage and my home office inside garage
OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR= 18 ft wide metal garage door. Vivint camera is installed in top center of overhead garage door

1:31:00 AM: I was working in office inside garage until 1:31 am and OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR was closed as I always look behind me from my desk.
1:31:39 AM: Walked out of garage, locked GARAGE SIDE DOOR and entered BACK DOOR into house to go to sleep
5:32:22 AM: The Living Room Motion Detector detected movement. Wife woke-up, went to look from window and noticed OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR fully open. This mysteriously happened on its own.
I always keep a light on inside garage. My home office is enclosed inside garage in a corner with insulation and A/C. It also has a glass window to see into street when overhead garage door is open.
5:33:12 AM Truck alarm goes off due to loud thunder?
5:34:19 AM Truck alarm goes off second time within minutes, my son turns it off with remote FOB from inside house

I uploaded about 15 mins worth of video in YouTube so that you can better appreciate conditions before and after prior to jumping to conclusions.
Because of the smaller format of the video embed here, you may want to watch it in YT to get better resolution and appreciate what I'm referring to. Fast forward to 4:03 in video to see "thing" forming. Notice is behind bush and front of pickup truck hood.

edit on 19-6-2019 by dpegasus because: Point out event in video

edit on 19-6-2019 by dpegasus because: Resolution better in larger screen

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: dpegasus

See all that precipitation? A bit of it (we call them drops of water) ended up on your lens.

How long have you been on Earth? Get used to the weather and its effects or you're going to stand out and your mission will fail.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: dpegasus

Here is orb energy...

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: savvo

If you carefully review the video when the "Orb" or whatever it is starts, you can appreciate how the tall bush branch goes in and out meaning that the it was not fog in lens, otherwise the entire branch would have clouded with fog from camera lens. Additionally, it moves as though it was attached to bush branch being pushed by wind.

I see you jumped to conclusions before looking at video and reading background story.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

Saw vids you referenced. So maybe this was some type of entity, energy field, etc. attaching itself to the bush?

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:30 PM
No idea what it is but it's not a water droplet.
There are clearly raindrops falling in front of it and like OP says the branch appears to move through it.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: BlackIbanez
Thank you. It is definitely behind bush branch and front of pickup hood. It tends to attach itself to bush branch as if it was moving forward like towards the direction camera lens. Sort of like a cloud.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: dpegasus

S and F

I was watching and the rain looked to get wilder but the bush shook less also

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 07:10 PM
First glance has me thinking Natural phenomena- rain on lens.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82
You can clearly see when rain becomes more pronounced, but that is right in front of lens. This "fog, mist, etc.) forms behind bush branch, comes forward and attaches to bush branch, then becomes smaller as it moves with branch being pushed by wind. It starts at 4:03 until about 7:50 in vid.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: dpegasus
a reply to: Macenroe82
You can clearly see when rain becomes more pronounced, but that is right in front of lens. This "fog, mist, etc.) forms behind bush branch, comes forward and attaches to bush branch, then becomes smaller as it moves with branch being pushed by wind. It starts at 4:03 until about 7:50 in vid.

It's not moving with the branch... it's only visible where the branch is because the branch is bright. If there is little or no light to refract the droplet won't be visible. The droplet is probably spreading out, becoming thinner, hence not as blatant on the video.

Strange effect, but there's no real question what it is.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe
Did you watch it on a larger screen in YT?
Do notice that progressively from 4:03 until about 7:50, it seems like a "cloud" hugging the tall branch and moving in perfect sync with the branch, like if it was attached to it.
If it were a droplet, it would be in camera lens in front of branch and would not move with branch even when it is spreading out and becoming thinner.
Thanks for your input though!

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: dpegasus

Looks like at first a smudge on the lens as the branch moves left and right of the it when its real windy, and then some autofocuing issues as everything dies down and there is less movement. Focusing a camera in a windy rainstorm, is not likely to go well. But yes it is strange how that one spot is only effected.

posted on Jun, 19 2019 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird
Thing is that notice how from the beginning at 4:03, the wind moves the tall branch in and out of this "cloud", as the cloud starts becoming smaller, it appears to "attach" itself into the branch and move with it as it becoming smaller.
Something else, when the car alarm went off twice, thunder had not yet started as evidenced by the lightning strikes further on the video. I think when truck alarm went off, overhead garage door had already opened by itself.
Unfortunately, this particular camera does not pickup audio.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: dpegasus

Could be a bit of hail on the car alarm. It does look like it really picked up there then slowed down.

And the way the blur stayed on the branch after things slowed down. It could be that the water and bit of ice got on the camera, then it kind of cleared itself in the wind and as things died down, and then the camera just lost focus on that part. If you notice that branch is not moving much or at all once things die down.

Who knows, its your camera dude not mine. You could try and test out the focus. Just go up to it and hold your finger right next to the lens for a while see if it focuses on it, then after a while just pull it back, and then just check the video see if anything happens.

There was a lot of movement in that little rain storm you guys had, so it could just be a bit of watery ice on the lens and just refocusing issues. But ya, it is kind of weird that is the only part that was effected was the tip of that branch, but it does look like its the closest thing to the camera as well.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird
No hail (South Florida) temp was in the high 80s. It is a Vivint alarm camera with infra-red night vision. Never experienced any focus problem as they are bolted into wall and have never seen any motion movement of a person, car, animal, etc. close or far that is out of focus.
I'm going to see if I can screenshot YT video frames and post pics with indicators.
Thanks for your input!

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 12:27 AM
Looks like a digital artifact produced by the camera not being able to choose what to focus on.

The lights reflecting of the branch create a blur as the camera is trying to focus on rain drops perhaps.

I do believe there are weird orb energy fields, but i don't know if this this is one.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: dpegasus
a reply to: Ksihkehe
If it were a droplet, it would be in camera lens in front of branch and would not move with branch even when it is spreading out and becoming thinner.
Thanks for your input though!

There were a lot of debates about whether or not UFOs were in front of or behind the tether in the famous NASA STS-75 video.

Many of the objects seem to clearly pass behind the tether, to someone who doesn't know optics and applies a naive interpretation, but there is no doubt they are in front of the tether and it's just an optical illusion that they are passing behind the tether. I think you are falling for similar illusions without understanding the nuances of how photography and optics works, especially with out of focus objects which is what we are dealing with in both your video and the tether video.

The first four minutes of this video is crap, so skip it, but the STS-75 tether analysis segment starts at 4 minutes and toward the end in the last 30 seconds, the special effects guy demonstrates how we can see illusions of what is behind what that are not correct, especially with out of focus objects.

Here is a capture from the last 30 seconds or so of the video. Which would you say is closer to the camera, the long white line or the round blue object?

Well it looks like the white line is blocking the blue object so that would make the white line closer right? Wrong! That's the kind of mistake you make in declaring what is in front of what. The white line is not closer, it only looks that way, don't be fooled by these illusions. So we can be fooled, but by educating yourself watching this demonstration to can learn to not trust illusions, and why your statements about what is in front of what do not have a reliable basis because of such illusions.

In other words, your video probably shows a droplet of water despite your misinformed statements about what you think is in front of what. All that means is you don't understand photography, it doesn't mean it's not a water droplet.

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: dpegasus

It is not behind the bush because when the bush moves over it due to wind the bush is obscured. It looks like a digital processing problem likely caused by precipitation.
edit on 20-6-2019 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2019 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: dpegasus

Condensation and/or out of focus water on the glass. Seriously, get some perspective before assuming it's supernatural
edit on 20-6-2019 by ziplock9000 because: (no reason given)

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