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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -8teen-

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posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

On the surface, I'd totally agree it would appear to be about money. On the surface, there are several things that PDJT says and does that I would condemn. However...if you are viewing from the perspective that there's a plan and that DJT 's actions are intricately tied to said plan then that changes the motive of everything that he does.

If he's corrupt, then he's chasing money and knowingly putting people in harm's way because he doesn't care about people, they're collateral. If he's not corrupt and working to take down the cabal then he is carefully strategizing the effect of every move to guarantee it creates the outcome that he wants. Everything is mapped out and coordinated in advance so that there are no # ups.

So it depends on what you believe ---corrupt or not corrupt

That is the question
edit on 17-7-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: pavil

Watch his Rally tonight if you doubt that

I've watched all his rallies but now that he keeps repeating the same tired talking points at each one they have gotten boring.

But I'm sure I'll watch this one.

Trump is the King of the Ad Lib Stump Speech. They do get repetitive, but there is a reason for that.

Repetition is a key component of Trump's messaging in case you haven't figured it out. He has even got his rivals to try and imitate him. Where's that push up PPV, Sleepy Joe? I hear Kamala is going to be on the WWE soon Wrassling.

You probably think he went after the POOT 4 just by a spur of the moment tweet. I bet all the DNC Presidential Candidates love getting the spotlight off them and onto those lovely ladies of the left.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:07 PM
Their is SA and THEIR IS Qatar which for some reason seems to fly below radar in the media. Many rat lines flow through Qatar and are the motherland of Muslim Brotherhood support including funding terrorist orgs and a whole lotta corruption. They own alot of foreign entities including in US along with alot of influence.
For starters, Qatar Foundation + the founder Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. You could say this character acts like a Pharaoh.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: pavil

You probably think he went after the POOT 4 just by a spur of the moment tweet.

I am not interested in any of that. At all.
Haven't even read what it was that got them so upset.
Haven't watch or read anything about what they are saying ether.

Trump having twitter feuds is childish nonsense. That goes for trump and anyone that engages him in them.

Unfortunately I will hear trump waste time crying about it tonight at his rally.
And i'll hear the dems running for potus cry about it during their debates.

Waste of time.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: pavil

The World has changed vis a vis Saudi Arabia after Las Vegas. The Purge that followed was not coincidental, IMO. Are they perfect allies? Not yet but our interests align and that is what geopolitics is all about. You play with the cards dealt the best you can.

That's a fair point.
But I don't trust them. Those weapons will end up in the hands of people that do us harm. We don't have to sell them weapons to work with them in the middle east. If they are telling us that if we don't sell them weapons they wont help , then that's even more of a reason to not deal with them.

It's my opinion but I don't think this deal had anything to do with diplomacy or aligning interests. It is not in our interests to help arm terrorist.
This was about money.

Personally, I don't trust any other Nation. We all do what we think is in our best interest. Saudi Arabia is no different in that respect than China or the UK or Germany or Iran.

Little late to the game with the "Arming Terrorists" bit. Where were you in Libya and Syria ect? Yes SA hasn't been the greatest, see their support for toppling Assad, Yemen and even ISIS. I'm not under any illusions that SA is doing this because they love The US or Trump. They are doing what they think is in their best Interests, as should everyone.

With US Arms they have to buy US parts and Ammo, that's a control feature. Plus, like Egypt, we have been training their Military Leadership for decades.

The Middle East is a complicated and violent place. You need to take care of your primary allies in the whole geopolitical map. That means Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

Cutting off support for SA with blocking arms sales is folly, IMO. Especially in light of how SA is now acting post Vegas.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:14 PM
NEW: Judge Berman rescheduled tomorrow's Jeffrey Epstein conference from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

(Yes, there are two Berman's)

* Cohen-related campaign finance material unsealed at 11 a.m.

Reporters will be doing some serious multitasking.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: pavil

You probably think he went after the POOT 4 just by a spur of the moment tweet.

I am not interested in any of that. At all.
Haven't even read what it was that got them so upset.
Haven't watch or read anything about what they are saying ether.

Trump having twitter feuds is childish nonsense. That goes for trump and anyone that engages him in them.

Unfortunately I will hear trump waste time crying about it tonight at his rally.
And i'll hear the dems running for potus cry about it during their debates.

Waste of time.

Trump uses Twitter as his bashing stick. It takes both sides to do that dance. He intentionally pricks them and they respond.

It's his sthick. And he will do it till it doesn't work. When people don't play his Twitter Game and let him get inside their heads, it stops.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: crankyoldman

How do you think that will turn out for the US in the region, let alone Saudi/US relations?

The Plan is showing us what has happened, not so much what is in flux. If one uses their past pre-programmed perceptions over it then understandably: "but but but putin KGB..."

But that is just mind lock, either one knows the only constant is creation is change, and applies it to our new emerging reality - with a knowing change can be actually transcendent, or not.

For me. this is epic...

For those with eyes to see the symbols the huge picture is clear, the details are wonky depending on POV.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Yes people forget that Saudi Arabia even acknowledges Qatar is playing a dangerous game.

They froze Qatar out diplomatically and economically.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Trump's lawyers are claiming victory, because apparently the SDNY is closing the case without filing any new charges against anyone.

Michael Avenatti popped up to say Trump should be indicted, which just shows how hilariously inept he is as a lawyer. And in any event, don't you have more pressing issues to deal with, Mike?


Here's a possible "Follow the money" situation:

Biden non-profit suspends operations: ‘Had trouble maintaining momentum’

Former vice president Joe Biden and his wife Jill stepped down from the board of the Biden Cancer Initiative in April to focus on the 2020 presidential campaign.

Three months later, both Biden’s campaign and his namesake nonprofit are sputtering to a stall, with the latter suspending operations indefinitely.

The Biden Cancer Initiative, started just two years ago, promised $400 million to boost cancer treatment, but after Biden and his wife left in April, “the nonprofit had trouble maintaining momentum without their involvement,” KYW-TV reports.

Perhaps this was Biden's wanna-be Clinton Foundation?
edit on 17-7-2019 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Perhaps this was Biden's wanna-be Clinton Foundation?

I don't know.... he promises that he will cure cancer if he is elected.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Nah Biden got his money the old fashioned way......from China and Ukraine deals through his Son.

Why he is running with those Albatrosses around his neck mystifies me. He would get slaughtered with it in an Election.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

He stole that from me!! lol

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:46 PM

No...Squat. Squat Cobblers.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Actually it was 'ketsuko'. But, who cares we all stole it. 😂

One of them may finally get beaten down or at least well distracted...

AOC gets new 2020 challenger: a Republican immigrant from Jamaica

“There is a crisis in Queens, and it’s called AOC,” Murray told Fox News. “And instead of focusing on us, she’s focusing on being famous. Mainly rolling back progress and authoring the job-killing Green New Deal and killing the Amazon New York deal.”

Gonna be a good show! 🍿 😂

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift

and honestly there were so many “fears” that Trump would be that impulsive clown who went rogue and nuked the world, that haven’t come to fruition, I am just of the mindset that perhaps we’ve read the man completely wrong. 

Great overall post, btw.

I think Trump has worked hard to cultivate that impression of himself to use as an advantage.

Yes, he takes things personally to a degree most of us wouldn't. It's part of the package.

But to think he doesn't have an overall plan of where he wants to end up is not understanding the business side of Trump. You always ask for more than you really want, otherwise you have no ammo to negotiate with. His positions he States in public aren't the real goals he is aiming for. He'd be a horrible businessman if he put all his cards on the table like some other recent occupant of the White House.... Cough cough.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: pavil

Yep! Its called the "Madman Doctrine." Made popular by Richard Nixon I believe.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 02:10 PM
update on Puerto Rico's current 'chatgate ' scandal:

Fernando Scherrer appeared in federal court in Puerto Rico on Tuesday to finalize bail procedures as part of a group of six people arrested on July 10 for their roles in a wide-reaching corruption scandal on the island. Mr. Scherrer, who resigned from BDO last Wednesday as president/managing director, faces six criminal charges for electronic fraud, conspiracy to steal, and conspiracy to launder money.

Chatgate is tied to the USVI (surprise):

Meanwhile in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where Mr. Scherrer headed the USVI operations with John Engerman being his immediate subordinate, questions linger about the legality of BDO PR/USVI operations in the U.S. Virgin Islands...

Meanwhile, the scandal has caused Washington to take a closer look at the territory, and has bolstered the Trump administration’s position that Puerto Rico is rife with corruption. “The unfortunate events of the past week in Puerto Rico prove the president’s concerns about mismanagement, politicization and corruption have been valid,” said White House spokesman Judd Deere.

The Department of Justice accused those involved of unlawfully steering about $15.5 million in federal contracts to politically connected consultants. i-operations/

Given the nature of these crimes, the location and the timing, I have to wonder if this ties directly to Epstein.

JE and all his elitist cohorts who own companies (aka money laundering facilitates) located on the islands have total control over the VI. The corrupt politicians & LE are bought and paid for and the impoverished citizens are easy to take advantage of.

Former Sen. Benta claims 'widespread corruption ':

Benta told the publication that Mr. Epstein ran a massive influence operation to get powerful politicians, nonprofit organizations, law enforcement, and government agencies charged with stopping such corruption and criminal activity from focusing on him. “He [Mr. Epstein] has people on his payroll,” Mr. Benta alleged, according to Breitbart. “He has campaign contributions. He has donated to a lot of agencies and nonprofits. Maybe part of the reason why they’re not vocal is a lot of the nonprofit organizations have been recipients of contributions from Jeffrey Epstein and a lot of surrounding programs with children.”

No wonder they chose the VI for their schemes. Exotic setting. Corporate tax haven. Under US jurisdiction (giving them more control), yet, enough distance from the mainland to keep their activities undetected. Many people in this region or tied to this region are going to be implicated
edit on 17-7-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 02:12 PM
I wanted to mention why I personally find the MBS Putin pic so great.

At the Top of Q drop POV is SA is Human Trafficking Central..

The C_NN version of the SA world view is "Assad bad, Putin bad, MBS bad..." So right there we can assume they are good beyond words. But...

There are MANY POV's to all things, not just one C_A Mockingbird version.

At one level Saudi Arabia PRE-MBS had a gas pipeline war that was hidden by Clowns In Media.

From 2012...Crude Oil and the Syrian Conflict

Qatar wanted to build an underground natural gas pipeline from the country's North Field to Turkey, traversing Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria to Mediterranean and then to Europe. Turkey too was in favor of this 'Islamic Pipeline', as it would have made the country a key player in the transit, not to mention profits. However, the Assad regime wasn't interested as the proposed pipeline would have negated Russia off the equation.

Assad is loyal to his deal with Putin and Russia = bad.

What about Saudi Arabia? After all, it too has been a vocal supporter of the rebels ? Hegemony of Saudi Arabia over oil again. Into this scene comes in Russia, alongside. Saudi Arabia has been pressing Russia to discard the Syrian President in favor of a lucrative arms deal worth more than $15 billion and further investments in the country to boot.

At one level ISIS was created to destabilize the area over energy transference.

Per Q, another level is HRC/OBAMA = U1>Oregon>NK>Russia>Iran/C_A>Nukes=WW3.

Add the two levels to The Plan and see how Russia weakened by Gas Sales reduction/proxy war would impact the The Plan - Controllers knew it was coming.

So now, 7 years after this article we see this:

And this...

From the POV of unity, Angela's hand position and MBS's smile are remarkably telling.

Reality is a tapestry of POV's ever changing, C_A media machines are designed to consolidate POV's into one garbage version exclusively based on Divide and Conquer.

posted on Jul, 17 2019 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I think that's Merkel's anti-shake strategy. I'm amazed we still don't know what is wrong with her.

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