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UFO encounter interview clips with Navy Pilots from show " Unidentified" on History channel.

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posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 10:33 AM
Here are a number of shortened interview clips with Navy Pilots, from the History channels really interesting new show, " Unidentified":
Lt. Ryan Graves makes the claim that a number ufo's appeared in the Middle East over the Arabian Gulf while the carrier strike group was
launching air strikes in Syria.

History is gearing up for the premiere of their new UFO reality show Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation. It airs this Friday, May 31 after Ancient Aliens. The show has already generated a ton of press, and the show cast members were key in influencing the Navy to take a closer look at UFO reports, as reported in Politico by Unidentified cast member Bryan Bender. Bender’s article, and a new article in the New York Times that includes witness testimony from Navy pilots, has hit the media by storm. Now, in the middle of the media fervor, History has released these clips of interviews with some of those pilots.


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posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 10:37 AM
note: for some reason my source link will not work. Source is from Open Minds site.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 12:16 PM
Two things.

1 What's with this Millen(?) guy? Why try to expose a cover-up while covering another up at the same time? He knows darn well that, like UFO's, 9/11 is a conspiracy. So why bring it up at all. If thousands know or even think you are lying about something as mundane as 9/11, how are they supposed to believe you when it comes to UFO's?

2 What's with the women trying to hide her identity? Is this just for X Files effect? Not only do you hear her voice, see her hair style and body type, she was on one of 2 aircraft during that flight. So it should not be hard for anyone in the mil gov to find out who she is.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 12:30 PM
is there some reason why site open minds won't work on ATS?? As I recall it used to.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

2 What's with the women trying to hide her identity? Is this just for X Files effect? Not only do you hear her voice, see her hair style and body type, she was on one of 2 aircraft during that flight. So it should not be hard for anyone in the mil gov to find out who she is.

I've only seen five minutes so far, and was immediately chuckling at the 'shadowing' tactics for the female witness. Not only was her hair style, hair colour and body type clearly evident, so were her facial features if you adjust the contrast/brightness accordingly.

Your last point nails the ridiculousness of this laughable X-Files effect.

I'd better watch the rest... very VERY slick, isn't it? It's basically 'UFO Hunters' but without a resident, neutral sceptic on board to calm the loud, riotous Woo-Woo on display.

Zondo should have employed Jim Oberg in that capacity.
He'd make the buggers sweat!

edit on 3-6-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: data5091
note: for some reason my source link will not work. Source is from Open Minds site.

ATS doesn't really allow linking to other paranormal or conspiracy sites, even that one.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: data5091

is there some reason why site open minds won't work on ATS??

Open Minds is blacklisted , has been for a long time.
There are reasons to ours is not to question why.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

Well I agree with the first part of your post and part of the last part.

I think JimbO has proved himself a fraud and a paid disinfo agent and I think it would be GREAT to see him sit at a table with those guys and argue because they would be coming after him.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: data5091

This was a very interesting show. I started searching Netflix for anything similar and ran across another intriguing documentary called "Unacknowledged" from 2017. If you have access to Netflix, check it out if you liked this doc. The more these come out, the more convinced I am that things are about to get real interesting.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

I share your thinking. Things are definitely heating up in ufo land.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: data5091

I liked the show. It was done well. Glad it's a series.


posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: ABNARTY

Second installment is on Friday evening. I think it's called " It's raining ufo's", and also talks about a government cover up....

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: data5091

Definitely gonna record it. Well worth the watch. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 14 2019 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
Two things.

1 What's with this Millen(?) guy? Why try to expose a cover-up while covering another up at the same time? He knows darn well that, like UFO's, 9/11 is a conspiracy. So why bring it up at all. If thousands know or even think you are lying about something as mundane as 9/11, how are they supposed to believe you when it comes to UFO's?

2 What's with the women trying to hide her identity? Is this just for X Files effect? Not only do you hear her voice, see her hair style and body type, she was on one of 2 aircraft during that flight. So it should not be hard for anyone in the mil gov to find out who she is.

The point is, if that particular witness wants to go down that route, then the programme makers have to go with it. I found the beginnings of the documentary to be quite annoying and I still think, having watched the first episode, that the continual repeating of scenes is not necessary but it's what happens these day.

I found the whole Nimitz event[s] to be fascinating and the corroborating testimony, so far, to be quite convincing. There is always a nagging doubt at the back of the mind that the whole thing could be orchestrated but for what reason, I have no idea. I will, however, continue watching.

posted on Jun, 14 2019 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: fromtheskydown
I will, however, continue watching.

Me too. We have another episode on tonight.

S 1 E 3
The Pattern Revealed
"The list of military eyewitnesses describing strange and threatening unidentified craft in U.S airspace is growing. And now, a U.S. Navy radar operator has provided something more: Actual coordinates where UFOS appeared and disappeared. Lue Elizondo and a new partner follow the trail, and find that these unidentified craft are still seen. New eyewitnesses provide chilling details, and a correlation to U.S military sightings. As the reports mount, Lue closes in on a location where visitors are not allowed: Ground zero for the sightings."

Premieres on:Jun 14, 2019


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