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Hidden statistics of child abuse (physical & sexual) in the LGBT community

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+21 more 
posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 08:33 PM
I recently came across some research when the child abuse scandal in various churches was in the news months ago and did some reading and found some very important questions mysteriously missing from the studies and that is how prevalent is the continued abuse by both people of the LGBT community as well as heterosexual individuals who suffered the same abuse. The analysis of these abuses is very deep and comprehensive and a VERY obvious question to ask and answer is how much higher of a chance is there for a person of the LGBT community to abuse or "re-victimize" (commit same abuse which was done to them). By looking at the numbers it is clear that there is a much higher rate of homosexuals abusing or re-victimizing children than their heterosexual counterparts. These numbers could easily be calculated from just about every study that is done, as the numbers are already in the study but they have not been properly extracted to correlate this exact data set - which can only be done on purpose or design- because they analyze ever other aspect of the children or adults but this statistic is mysteriously not calculated (or purposefully omitted) from the study.

Since the data is already in the study, any statistician would include these results in such a study. I find it interesting that this question of "are homosexuals/bisexuals more likely to abuse or molest children" is rarely ever asked and when it is the same answer is almost always given except in some non-mainstream, and brave, articles or reports. For as complex as these studies are it is impossible to not think that that these correlations and relationship would not be made other than then the researchers were told to exclude this type of information from the study. By excluding this information it is then possible to say that there is no data on this topic or that there has been no association or correlation made between these two "conditions" or factors.

From the studies it shows that the re-victimization rate is a fair bit higher percentage wise, meaning they are more likely statistically to molest or abuse children. This is one study that was extremely difficult to find, especially on Google, and the only way this information is found is from reading the studies and analyzing the statistics.

47% gay men report childhood molestation as opposed 7% straight men
22% gay/lesbian women report childhood molestation while only 1% of straight women report this.

30% lesbian & 24% bisexual women report childhood or adolescence molestation while only 19% straight women report the same victimization.
19%lesbian and 20% bisexual women were likely to report the molestation while only 9% of straight women were likely to report this.

Lesbian & bisexual women are found to have a higher BMI (more are over-weight), greater alcohol use, more smokers & more depressive symptoms. The abuse in childhood often lead to much higher rates of obesity, eating disorders,substance abuse, mental health problems and psychopathology. They are also more likely to report sexual & physical abuse than their heterosexual counterparts.

In a survey of 63,000 women, aged 36 - 56, 98.9% were heterosexual, 0.4% lesbian and 0.8% bisexual. 93.3% were white.
Childhood (11yrs old & younger)
Any sexual abuse - heterosexual - 21%, bisexual - 35%, lesbian - 35%
Forced sexual activity - heterosexual - 6%, bisexual - 16%, lesbian - 15%

Childhood (12yrs to 17yrs old)
Any sexual abuse - heterosexual - 21%, bisexual - 36%, lesbian - 36%
Forced sexual activity - heterosexual - 8%, bisexual - 19%, lesbian - 15%

Sexual abuse
occurred inc childhood only - heterosexual - 12%, bisexual - 15%, lesbian - 15%
Occurred in adolescence only - heterosexual - 13%, bisexual - 16%, lesbian - 14%
Occurred in both childhood & adolescence - heterosexual - 9%, bisexual - 20%, lesbian - 19%

Re-victimization - committing the same abuse on to a younger generation (so a person who was abused that later abuses a child over which they have "power")
Physical abuse - heterosexual - 49%, bisexual - 57%, lesbian - 64%
sexual abuse- heterosexual - 42%, bisexual - 56%, lesbian - 55%

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 08:36 PM
Here is an interesting study I'll post some quotes and statistics from it

25% of 1,925 lesbians surveyed had been sexually abused or raped as children. They said that 31% of the perpetrators were male relatives, 45% other known men, 45% male strangers, and 1% women (it is not known why this totaled 122%).
In interviewing with 35 lesbian women in alcoholic recovery, 16 (46%) revealed sexual abuse, even though they were not asked about sexual abuse (Hall,1996). The onset of the molestation ranged from 4 years to 12 years, with 10 of the women being younger than 7 years at the time of molestation. Fourteen of the 16 women were molested only by men. One was molested by multiple intrafamilial males and one extrafamilial female. Another was molested by her father and by one extrafamilial female.

A 1982 analysis of incestuous experiences in 54 gay men and 29 gay women - Twenty-five (46%) of the gay men reported experiencing incest, all of the homosexual sort, between 9 and 16 years of age with a mean age of 13 years. Twenty-four (96%) of the 25 men who experienced incest viewed themselves as homosexual before the incest. Eleven (38%) of the 29 gay women reported experiencing incest, heterosexual in seven (64%) of the cases,with two (29%) of these women regarding themselves as homosexual before the incest. Four (36%) of the 11 women experienced homosexual incest, with 3 (25%)of them regarding themselves as homosexual before the incest.

A 1992 study of 1,001 homosexual and bisexual men in sexually transmitted disease clinics were interviewed. Thirty-seven percent of these men reported having been forced or encouraged to have sex by an older and more powerful person, before the age of 19. The median age of these events was 10 years. The median age difference between the younger and older participants in the sex acts was 11 years. In 94% of the cases, the older person was male, in 5% female, and 1% involved both male and female perpetrators.

In 1995 a survey of 5,182 adults found a history of incest in 22.3% of homosexual men, 1.2% of heterosexual men, 3.4% of homo-sexual women, and 0.3% of heterosexual women. No information was reported about age of incidence. It was pointed out that their findings are consistent with previous findings which reported a history of sibling incest in 15.6% of homosexual men, 9.0% of heterosexual men,10.4% of homosexual women, and 5.6% of homosexual women. There is no identification of the gender of the other partner in the incestuous acts.

A 1977 survey of 225 lesbian and 233 heterosexual women, found that 30% of the heterosexual women and 21% of the lesbians had been raped. Of the 30 women who had been raped before the age of 14, 26 had an adult homosexual orientation while 9 had an adult heterosexual orientation. On the basis of the previous literature, it would appear that gay men and lesbian women have a greater history of molestation than do heterosexual persons.


edit on 4 16 2019 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason given)

edit on 4 16 2019 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Oh no you di uhnt.

+5 more 
posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

What usually happens is that when people start really digging into the numbers they discover something that someone doesn't want to know.

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 09:02 PM
I've heard the question asked over and over, sometimes in TV shows (drama's, movies, etc - not NEWS etc), but I don't think I've ever seen a study done on it so that question was always in my mind. When I was reading the reports of the church child abuse scandal, I realized that all the data was there to calculate the elevated "risk" level between the two groups, but it was never highlighted in it's own table - which when you have a pre-calculated data set that can accurately calculate a relevant statistic, it is important to include this number into the report.

This would be like calculating something like air bag failures and noticing that manufacturer's with assembly plants in one country had a significantly higher failure rate than all other locations - but that number was excluded from the report. People would ask why and people would be rightly concerned if their air bag was from that location/plant (unless it was a very insignificant %) - which isn't what I'm speaking about.

This issue was raised but always silenced when the question of letting LGBTx adopt or raise children as well as marriage. They did everything they could to silence the opposition by labeling them homophobic etc to EVEN ASK the question - even though the studies & numbers have been in reports going back to the 60's - WHICH IS WHY PEOPLE WERE CONCERNED! IDK if the older reports actually listed this statistic - those reports were very difficult to find other than short summaries - I have a feeling those reports might reveal more than the more recent ones, which is why they have become scarce.

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 09:29 PM
All I can say is prepare for the attacks coming your way. Gay people will NEVER be able to do bad things that other people do, especially in higher numbers! All this proves is that the stats were taken by a straight white male homophobe who is obviously secretly gay!

Or something....

Star and flag.

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

I feel sorry about two friends I had back when I was 11-14yrs old and played pencil & paper rpgs an addition to tabletop miniature games at a local gaming/comic/card store. The owner was homosexual and in his 20s or early 30s, there were a lot of younger adults, it was a hangout spot.

Anyways, these two guys who were brothers had a lesbian mom with a girlfriend. She'd let them stay the night with the gay owner and his boyfriend at their house for several nights in a row which was like a gamers paradise of course, boxes and books of everything everywhere. He was a friend of the family, a godfather of sorts.

They'd always have entire sets of the latest D&D books, no real friends besides me, and were a little too sexually open in talk for their age. I can only wonder you know.

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 09:41 PM
There's a video online about whether homosexual men are born that way.

A guy interviews homo's in a gay bar.
Most had been molested as children and most admitted molesting under aged victims, some children.

In Australian statistics, the domestic violence rapes in same sex relationships is far higher than in hetro ones.

The rates of rape, suicide, mental illness and murderers also much higher.

Australian politicians pretend that this is because they couldn't marry.

Trannys of course have the highest rates of all.

There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

True story. A young girl was repeated raped by a regular delivery man. She, in turn, acted out and assaulted and raped her younger sister, repeatedly.

Was the little sister subject to lesbian rape? Was it worse for one than the other? How would your non-clinical study rank that case?

Also, do you think all potential adoptive parents should be questions as to whether they were sexually assaulted as children, or just the gay ones?

+8 more 
posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Just the gay ones.

They are, scientifically, a much higher risk.

Funny how you folks are all about science until it f# with your identity politics and social engineering.

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 11:04 PM
It is pretty hard to evaluate evidence like that, which came first the chicken or the egg. You have to look at the evidence multiple ways to try to figure out what is going on in research like this. There is probably a relationship somehow, but often this kind of information is not interpretted correctly, it is correlation research..

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: r0xor
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

I feel sorry about two friends I had back when I was 11-14yrs old and played pencil & paper rpgs an addition to tabletop miniature games at a local gaming/comic/card store. The owner was homosexual and in his 20s or early 30s, there were a lot of younger adults, it was a hangout spot.

Anyways, these two guys who were brothers had a lesbian mom with a girlfriend. She'd let them stay the night with the gay owner and his boyfriend at their house for several nights in a row which was like a gamers paradise of course, boxes and books of everything everywhere. He was a friend of the family, a godfather of sorts.

They'd always have entire sets of the latest D&D books, no real friends besides me, and were a little too sexually open in talk for their age. I can only wonder you know.

I've been in somewhat similar situations with a person I and my friends had suspicions was homosexual and he was always talking inappropriately (sexually) the few times when we were around kids and we would have to snap at him to watch what he was saying and he would act like it was either normal, natural or the kids wouldn't understand or pick up on it. It made us very uncomfortable. We always thought he was gay because of his behavior more or less (stereotype checklist basically) and I found out a number of years after college that he came out. Having that background with him a number of us were worried about his profession which is a grade school teacher (1-6th grade last I knew, but I think now it's middle school or high school, IDK). There were other family issues with him that also worried us (he didn't have kids - his parents/brother(s)) and we never knew if he was joking (which is what he always claimed) but he seemed like he was hiding his truth in jokes - not to mention hiding being gay. The whole relationship was a total lie and was full of red flags b/c we didn't know how to take his actions/comments. Being secretive and shady like that when you live with people can't be healthy and I suspect it leads to a lot of unhealthy actions.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

True story. A young girl was repeated raped by a regular delivery man. She, in turn, acted out and assaulted and raped her younger sister, repeatedly.

Was the little sister subject to lesbian rape? Was it worse for one than the other? How would your non-clinical study rank that case?

Also, do you think all potential adoptive parents should be questions as to whether they were sexually assaulted as children, or just the gay ones?

If you decide that you want something like "special wheels" on your car but the way they attach to the axle has a 90% failure rate over a year, would you check the connection more often like every month or 2 to ensure the connection is good (which would GREATLY reduce the 90% failure rate over a year to something under 1%). Would that be unreasonable to do? I know it's not the best analogy but I don't have time to come up with the best one ATM.

So when something has a much higher chance of happening, do you protect against it if it is bad, or try to encourage it if it is good? There is no difference in the correlation and it really doesn't matter if it is a chicken or egg situation, it IS a situation that has a higher statistical probability and thus, you take the appropriate measures.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

study has fatal flaw in sample size // demographic

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: TheLorax
There's a video online about whether homosexual men are born that way.

A guy interviews homo's in a gay bar.
Most had been molested as children and most admitted molesting under aged victims, some children.

In Australian statistics, the domestic violence rapes in same sex relationships is far higher than in hetro ones.

The rates of rape, suicide, mental illness and murderers also much higher.

Australian politicians pretend that this is because they couldn't marry.

Trannys of course have the highest rates of all.

There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

What a complete load of rubbish! I know many gay people (including my brother and sister) both have normal good lives and have been with their partners for over ten years. Seriously! People should concentrate on the real issues on this planet, and not just attacking people because of their sexuality! You can do, or be whatever you want, as long as you are not hurting anyone!

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

No reason to go off the deep end. By the stats provided it's still a lot less than half.

But it does warrant further research at the least.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your personal links to homosexuality have made you become defensive and take this personally.

Agreed, your anecdotal evidence and the majority of our experiences show homosexuals are 'normal' 'good' people as you say. But that is not what the studies are about.

This isn't an attack. It's an opportunity to learn.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your personal links to homosexuality have made you become defensive and take this personally.

Agreed, your anecdotal evidence and the majority of our experiences show homosexuals are 'normal' 'good' people as you say. But that is not what the studies are about.

This isn't an attack. It's an opportunity to learn.

I am sorry but the poster I was replying too said , and I quote "There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

Which is rubbish because he is putting all gay people in the same basket.

As for your reply, I am not being defensive! I am not saying there are no gay child abusers, because if course there is! What annoys me, are the idiots who somehow believe thst means all gay people are abusers, or have a terrible lifestyle, which is completely wrong!

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: Fools
All I can say is prepare for the attacks coming your way. Gay people will NEVER be able to do bad things that other people do, especially in higher numbers! All this proves is that the stats were taken by a straight white male homophobe who is obviously secretly gay!

Or something....

Star and flag.

Fear not the attacks.There are 10000x as many defenders of children and procreation.

I do believe that the worm has turned.

The homosexual and lesbian and other freaky deaky monikers people chose to wear on their heads to build secret dirty little clubs mean nothing to other people.

No more secret dirty little more gay specialisation in Education and Civil Politics and Runaway kids homes which is where many many many gay and weird people who choose to not be mainstream had firmly established themselves in my community......I think trying to force parents to accept strange clubs in schools wherein the Teachers COULD NOT LEGALLY tell the Parents their kids were in a gay club or a freak club is what forced changes.

One day soon the word gay will be properly parsed....there is no such thing as gay or homo or lesbo or anything else these weirdos want to be called......there is male and female ….and a lot of things in between that do not get to be given their own identities.

I love saying more secret dirty little rotten buggers have infiltrated most of societies critical have built a fortress behind DIRTY LITTLE SECRET CLUBS......these clubs will be found to be connected to the baby killing human eating freaks that have used these groups as protection and as minions.

The gig is up.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Fools
All I can say is prepare for the attacks coming your way. Gay people will NEVER be able to do bad things that other people do, especially in higher numbers! All this proves is that the stats were taken by a straight white male homophobe who is obviously secretly gay!

Or something....

Star and flag.

Fear not the attacks.There are 10000x as many defenders of children and procreation.

I do believe that the worm has turned.

The homosexual and lesbian and other freaky deaky monikers people chose to wear on their heads to build secret dirty little clubs mean nothing to other people.

No more secret dirty little more gay specialisation in Education and Civil Politics and Runaway kids homes which is where many many many gay and weird people who choose to not be mainstream had firmly established themselves in my community......I think trying to force parents to accept strange clubs in schools wherein the Teachers COULD NOT LEGALLY tell the Parents their kids were in a gay club or a freak club is what forced changes.

One day soon the word gay will be properly parsed....there is no such thing as gay or homo or lesbo or anything else these weirdos want to be called......there is male and female ….and a lot of things in between that do not get to be given their own identities.

I love saying more secret dirty little rotten buggers have infiltrated most of societies critical have built a fortress behind DIRTY LITTLE SECRET CLUBS......these clubs will be found to be connected to the baby killing human eating freaks that have used these groups as protection and as minions.

The gig is up.

Seriously! lolololololololololololololol

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