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The White People Problem

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posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 11:23 PM
Our world view is often colored by how we live our lives. What influences me to believe the things that I do does not necessarily bear any weight in your life. Nor should it. Generally, however, modern humans tend to agree on certain basic principles of cooperation and organization. Global societies are a variation of the biological mechanism that allows us to experience events in our lives. What I'm saying is, while the script may be different, the underlying program is generally the same.

For the reasons stated above, I believe that most people share a common thread with regard to what is reasonable. This is a good thing because most societies wouldn't function if most of their members did not agree on the overall framework of how their societies function, communicate, protect themselves, and organize in specific and general ways. We call that culture, and therein lies the difference between peoples. Most cultures view certain ideas and actions to be wrong and immoral based on the ill-effects on the public at large. Racism, misogyny, and other forms of collectivist-extremist hatred is not typical to most societies that endeavor to be progressive (to mean progress and not to be confused with Progressives) and generally free. In fact, these societies can be reliably shown to be generally peaceful, culturally tolerant, and generous.

This applies to the United States of America. There is this caricature out there that is painted partly by this nation's history and party by political opportunists of the character of America. One that shows this money-grubbing, ugly, racist creature filled with murderous rage enable by guns, and stupidity, that simply isn't real. It is often used as the avatar of what a typical white American thinks, feels, and believes about the world in which we all find ourselves. Concerns otherwise shown respect by political and social organizations are viewed with contempt when applied to white Americans. This was the case in 2016 as Democrats ignored and even castigated white Americans as the caricatures described above, calling them deplorable and solidifying the feeling that they have an enemy in Congress.

Cue the Media that regularly examines the fact that most white people are experiencing some kind of racial discrimination these days, and then laughing at the notion while then engaging in exactly what these people polled are endeavoring to articulate. It's a disgusting form of revenge politics and it is going to tear this country apart. This phenomenon is NOT isolated to the US.

The answer to racism isn't more of it. I left Costa Rica in 1989 and have been here since. I've been all over this nation and a few places around the world. I've lived in these places that Democrat and Republican campaigns have historically ignored. Taking for granted political allegiances that are not NEARLY as solid as they would like to believe. Dismissing the problems faced by white people as trivialities simply because they are the majority of the nation is akin to playing a dangerous numbers game with apathy toward the suffering of other human beings. It is no less racist than ignoring the very real problems faced by black Americans that were designed into a system meant to corral them like cattle while those left over are aborted away with modern eugenics to great effect or jailed. Our policy indifference to these staggering realities is racist. Castigating white people for having problems that are killing them too is racist. Pretending none of these things are real despite the evidence, is especially racist for its incredible callousness or indifference.

We're turning back the clock on what is supposed to be an inexorable march of progress. We cannot be ANOTHER generation that allows these racial divisions to be dragged forward anymore.
edit on 15 3 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

edit on 15 3 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 11:47 PM
I agree. To ignore someone's problems because you think that, due to them being white, they don't actually have them is the same backwards type of thinking that allows actual racism to flourish. The glorified "problem less white person" stereotype exists alongside the "white trash" stereotype. A poc in the poor neighborhood gets the social praise while the poor white kid gets told that he has to work for a better life. All the while, both get ignored unless they rise above. If they do, the poc gets praise for rising above their situation while the white kid gets told "well you had white privilege".

As long as the stereotypical nature's in people of all color exist, the divide will always exist. We have to rise above that before true progress can be made.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: Lynexon

What is 'poc'?

Re; the OP. Totally agree. Really sad to see how upside down everything has become.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

I do agree with your rant.
I had not seen a racial divide in the US in my lifetime until 2008. Perhaps I was sheltered or was ignorant.
Or perhaps it was decisive people in positions of power.

As per:

We're turning back the clock on what is supposed to be an inexorable march of progress. We cannot be ANOTHER generation that allows these racial divisions to be dragged forward anymore.

I do not think anyone on this site would disagree with your statement.
As I work in higher education, I see people in positions of power pushing these beliefs still.

To me, it is on the leaders of the once oppressed to remind their followers of where they are now. Rather than to dwell in the past.
To continue to dwell in the past, only forgives modern day digressions.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

It isn't about dwelling on the past, but learning from it. We are creating a political Puritanism that favors a view of white Americans that I see as purposefully divisive and extremely dangerous. The dehumanizing of white Trump supporters and the justification of violence and vandalism against them as penance for their wrong-vote is stirring a pot that is going to boil over.

This is racial, but it is also political. It's easy to win your case against your political opponents when you attack the things they can't possibly "answer for"(being white) while laying the sins of generations long dead at their feet, solving nothing.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

It isn't about dwelling on the past, but learning from it. We are creating a political Puritanism that favors a view of white Americans that I see as purposefully divisive and extremely dangerous. The dehumanizing of white Trump supporters and the justification of violence and vandalism against them as penance for their wrong-vote is stirring a pot that is going to boil over.

This is racial, but it is also political. It's easy to win your case against your political opponents when you attack the things they can't possibly "answer for"(being white) while laying the sins of generations long dead at their feet, solving nothing.

Again, I agree with you.
But as certain leaders continue to push the narrative, how do we as general public overrule the narrative?
For me, I continue to be myself, holding the door and being supportive of everyone, et al.
But I do not have the sway of most high profile individuals. Nor do you. ETC.
We can fight the good fight. And we can make a difference for an individual.
But when the narrative is spun, it does not count you and I. It counts 200 years of history.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 01:54 AM
I see threads on this site about the white genocide in South Africa where innocent people are being slaughtered and we have disgusting people openly stating “payback’s a bitch” and pathetic statements like that.
Those same people openly state the same tripe when there’s a muslim attack in Europe that kills innocent children “well maybe you should stop bombing Syria”.

And today, a thread about a man who perpetrated a mass shooting in New Zealand where he openly stated it was for ‘revenge’ and Those very same individuals aren’t screaming “payback’s a bitch”.

It’s more than evident that it’s perfectly acceptable to attack and murder INNOCENT ‘white people’ for the sins of their ancestors.

But if anyone so much as even mentions the sins of the past when the perpetrators are NOT ‘white people’ the endless attacks from the same individuals start pouring in.

White people outlawed slavery. White people champion human rights. White people are most definitely NOT the ‘bad guys’ and it’s disgusting reading the racism from the same people over and over.

‘White’ is not an ideology. It’s a race, we can’t help the race we are born into, we definitely can’t be held responsible for actions committed by those who came before us.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 04:25 AM
Talking about racism Creates racism. Media is very good in creating racism where it isn't...
Why doesn't media adres the fact that all the royals are white. No racism there right ? ... Because it isn't allowed !
So who creates racism... The elite.

The world is divided in poor and rich people , not black and white.

White people / black people all the same , all people.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
For the reasons stated above, I believe that most people share a common thread with regard to what is reasonable. This is a good thing because most societies wouldn't function if most of their members did not agree on the overall framework of how their societies function, communicate, protect themselves, and organize in specific and general ways. We call that culture, and therein lies the difference between peoples. Most cultures view certain ideas and actions to be wrong and immoral based on the ill-effects on the public at large. Racism, misogyny, and other forms of collectivist-extremist hatred is not typical to most societies that endeavor to be progressive (to mean progress and not to be confused with Progressives) and generally free. In fact, these societies can be reliably shown to be generally peaceful, culturally tolerant, and generous.

This applies to the United States of America. There is this caricature out there that is painted partly by this nation's history and party by political opportunists of the character of America. One that shows this money-grubbing, ugly, racist creature filled with murderous rage enable by guns, and stupidity, that simply isn't real. It is often used as the avatar of what a typical white American thinks, feels, and believes about the world in which we all find ourselves. Concerns otherwise shown respect by political and social organizations are viewed with contempt when applied to white Americans. This was the case in 2016 as Democrats ignored and even castigated white Americans as the caricatures described above, calling them deplorable and solidifying the feeling that they have an enemy in Congress.

Cue the Media that regularly examines the fact that most white people are experiencing some kind of racial discrimination these days, and then laughing at the notion while then engaging in exactly what these people polled are endeavoring to articulate. It's a disgusting form of revenge politics and it is going to tear this country apart. This phenomenon is NOT isolated to the US.

The answer to racism isn't more of it. I left Costa Rica in 1989 and have been here since. I've been all over this nation and a few places around the world. I've lived in these places that Democrat and Republican campaigns have historically ignored. Taking for granted political allegiances that are not NEARLY as solid as they would like to believe. Dismissing the problems faced by white people as trivialities simply because they are the majority of the nation is akin to playing a dangerous numbers game with apathy toward the suffering of other human beings. It is no less racist than ignoring the very real problems faced by black Americans that were designed into a system meant to corral them like cattle while those left over are aborted away with modern eugenics to great effect or jailed. Our policy indifference to these staggering realities is racist. Castigating white people for having problems that are killing them too is racist. Pretending none of these things are real despite the evidence, is especially racist for its incredible callousness or indifference.

The enemy of intergration is force. Intergration in the past has been slow and

therefor easily blended in. I liken it to baking ...... adding ingredients gradually

makes a good smooth mixture, however lumping them in does just that .... a

lumpy mixture, which doesnt cook evenly or well, and ends up inedible.

Take a pinch of white man
Wrap him up in black skin
Add a touch of blue blood
And a little bitty bit of red Indian boy
Curly Latin kinkies
Mixed with yellow Chinkees, yeah
You know you lump it all together
And you got a recipe for a get along scene
Oh what a beautiful dream
If it could only come true, you know, you know

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:36 AM
You take it day by day and have to ask yourself if the person in front of you did something or not to you.

It's hard, and sometimes, some amount of pre-judgment is impossible. I'll admit, if I'm in a sketchy section of town and someone who looks sketchy comes up to me, I'll be a bit tense about things until something puts me more at ease with the situation. But sketchy parts of town happen for every group. I have some sketchy relatives.

My son practices with kids of every group and plays with them. It doesn't bother me at all. I'd prefer it. I was a student athlete at a major university. You don't go through that experience and survive if you're a racist. Your teammates come from everywhere -- Europe, South America, Africa, and inner city US. I taught inner city school myself for a handful of years. I genuinely liked almost all my students, even a few that gave me endless problems.

And I got pushback from some colleagues for being a white teacher. White teachers can't educate black children, you know.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

I think the propagandists play the American people like a fiddle:

Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation

The science of propaganda is very well understood for almost a 100 years:

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (Published 1841)

I think black people should be worried based on American history:

History of the 13th Amendment

We also have stuff like this:

Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.

We are not talking 10 or 20 but 600 men were experimented on by the Government. If you do not think black people do not have an extremely different experience living in this country consider this:

Open Carry: Black Man Vs White Man

My father-in-law lives in NC and believe me racism still exists in this country. He does not see black people as equals and often uses the N word in a very derogatory way. He thinks the entire national debt is because of the so called black welfare mothers driving $100,000 cars and get $20,000 per month from the government so they can live a life of luxury my father-in-law will never be able to attain. Of course, he doesn't let owning a $800,000 house on a huge lake and gets a huge pension from the government stop him from ranting!

I live in New Jersey so I have to interact with black people all the time. I swear after Obama was elected black people in New Jersey were much nicer and friendlier to me. I know it's a bit anecdotal and maybe just me but it sure seemed that way. The bottom line is I would not want to be black living in this country. It's hard enough trying to make ends meet just working here!

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

Check out this video. Especially the part at the end showing the number of white people who are experts on race:

Blue lives matter!

"See Kyle in the medical tent. See Kyle! See Kyle!"

edit on 15-3-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

But we are experts on race ... our own, and we get constantly told we know nothing about our own day to day experiences as white folks.

Imagine telling a black person they know nothing about their own reality. That's basically what you're doing. Are you telling me I now nothing about the challenges I face and the rhetoric I perceive and how that makes me feel?

I don't discount that black people feel targeted by police or that they have higher police interaction. I also know that there are reasons why more black people have that higher interaction too. It has to do with problems in the black community. It causes all kinds of problems for everyone including blacks who aren't trying to be looked at askance by cops and it sets cops up to be more wary of blacks than they might be of other groups. It isn't fair, but the problems are far more complex than just "hur, hur black dude get 'im" that the press portrays.
edit on 15-3-2019 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: dfnj2015

But we are experts on race ... our own, and we get constantly told we know nothing about our own day to day experiences as white folks.

Imagine telling a black person they know nothing about their own reality. That's basically what you're doing. Are you telling me I now nothing about the challenges I face and the rhetoric I perceive and how that makes me feel?

I am not saying you know nothing about race. That is not what I am saying at all. All I am saying is I would not want to be black in this country. It's hard enough making ends meet without any additional challenges. Are you saying black people do not face any challenges in this country because they are black?

edit on 15-3-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: projectvxn

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (Published 1841)

We are not talking 10 or 20 but 600 men were experimented on by the Government. If you do not think black people do not have an extremely different experience living in this country consider this:

Open Carry: Black Man Vs White Man

My father-in-law lives in NC and believe me racism still exists in this country. He does not see black people as equals and often uses the N word in a very derogatory way. He thinks the entire national debt is because of the so called black welfare mothers driving $100,000 cars and get $20,000 per month from the government so they can live a life of luxury my father-in-law will never be able to attain. Of course, he doesn't let owning a $800,000 house on a huge lake and gets a huge pension from the government stop him from ranting!

I live in New Jersey so I have to interact with black people all the time. I swear after Obama was elected black people in New Jersey were much nicer and friendlier to me. I know it's a bit anecdotal and maybe just me but it sure seemed that way. The bottom line is I would not want to be black living in this country. It's hard enough trying to make ends meet just working here!

Could it be because 13% of the population commits over 50% of homicides in this country? Could that be the reason cops are so skittish in dealing with the black community as a whole? Oh no! That just makes to much sense it must be because all these cops the black ones included are RACIST!!!

believe me racism still exists in this country.

Yes. And? There are black racist in this country, there are murderers in this country, there are bank robbers in this country, there are pedophiles in this country as well. They are a small small small majority of the 330 million population and they arent behind every tree the way SJW try to make it seem like white supremacists are..

Give a list of country's in which blacks have it better than here in America? I live in Durham NC and interact with plenty of blacks and know plenty of successful ones...

MLK judged people by the content of their character unlike far leftist do. You judge people collectively by the color of their skin, their sex, sexual orientation and so forth. The person is placed into a category of oppressor or oppressed according to these attributes. Straight white man is automatically the oppressor under any circumstance. This isn't the 1950s buddy everyone in America is privileged compared to a good chunk of the worlds population. Bottom line is blacks are NOT oppressed in the USA.

May I suggest a good read for you:

Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed

edit on 15-3-2019 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: ker2010
Could it be because 13% of the population commits over 50% of homicides in this country? Could that be the reason cops are so skittish in dealing with the black community as a whole? Oh no! That just makes to much sense it must be because all these cops the black ones included are RACIST!!!

Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed

I would argue poverty not race is the primary cause. But if you think black people are guilty until proven innocent based on history then that is your prerogative.

In terms of "liberals" making it harder for blacks to succeed, I think Republicans are doing a far better job of it:

Purchasing Power of the Consumer Dollar

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

You think devaluing dollars is a Republican thing? Let me guess, the white Republican is responsible for inflation that only the black man has to deal with? What is it you're trying to say here?

edit on 15 3 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

I know many do not like the BBC but having read this thread i had to share this here - i was only reading it this morning/

The white Southerners who fought segregation

Obviously, these days everything is generalised narratives which is why i think the above may be of some interest to people.
edit on 15-3-2019 by Flavian because: V Poor Grammar

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: ker2010

Could it be because 13% of the population commits over 50% of homicides in this country?

Oh dear... here we go again...

So you really believe that 13% of the population commits over 50% of homicides in this country. Hmmm... and of course that "13%" would be the Black population, right?

So are you telling me that every single solitary Black person has killed someone? The old lady in a wheelchair sitting in her porch? Is she blasting her shotgun at every car that drives by? Every other car? And how about those oh-so-scary babies in their strollers? Do they have a glock they pull out for such occasions?

Oh wait... that can't be, because there are literally more Black people than there are murders every year.... so even if every single solitary murder was committed by a Black person, it would still mean that not every single Black person committed murder... but we also know that other people commit murder too, so that means even fewer Black people actually committed murder. Oh my golly gee! That must mean that White people commit murder too!!! And other races and colors!!!

And ya know what else we know? The overwhelmingly vast majority of ALL murders are committed by men. Yup. Men. Not women, but men. So it is just as true to say that 96% of murders are committed by that 50% of the population. Should I take your lead and condemn ALL men because of the depraved acts of the few? Or should I assume that every other man is an aspiring murderer just waiting for his time to kill?

Or should I be thoughtful and reasonable and understand that people are individuals, that there are good and bad in every bunch, and that it is absolutely impossible to judge the many according to the few? And that this kind of crap is grossly unfair and hateful and hurtful, and only leads to fearmongering and more hate, and actually plays into the divide-and-conquer campaign being waged against us by the PTB?

I don't want to be a foot soldier for them. Do you?

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: dfnj2015

But we are experts on race ... our own, and we get constantly told we know nothing about our own day to day experiences as white folks.

Imagine telling a black person they know nothing about their own reality. That's basically what you're doing. Are you telling me I now nothing about the challenges I face and the rhetoric I perceive and how that makes me feel?

I am not saying you know nothing about race. That is not what I am saying at all. All I am saying is I would not want to be black in this country. It's hard enough making ends meet without any additional challenges. Are you saying black people do not face any challenges in this country because they are black?

Many black people do not know anything about their reality in that they don't recognize or accept they are responsible for how they live their lives whether bad or good. They are so blinded by victimization and the racist boogeyman that in some ways we are like a dog trained with an invisible fence. After a while, you don't even need to actually turn the fence on as the dog is trained to not leave the yard.

As a conservative, I am telling them to leave the yard. The electricity is off but they don't want to believe it...

I am black. Grew up in the south in 70s/80s. I can assure you that racism is pretty low down on the list of things that affect my life. Yes, I have experienced it, but racism today is nothing like it used to be. To even cry racism today compared to what my parents and my grandparents went through is disrespectful imho.

To be frank, the civil rights movement was too successful. It was so successful, that many black folks don't even realize that white folks are not out to get us. The change happened so fast that we the victims have not realized we are no longer victims.

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