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The Script: How to Emerge from the Matrix

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posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 11:40 AM
Derived from the latin 'mater' meaning "mother", matrix is defined as "womb / birthing woman". 'mater' is also the likely derivation of the word matter. I cannot suffice to explain the nature of matter any better than Max Planck, Nobel prize winner in the field of quantum physics:

This material matrix we are currently residing in is not some sinister energy harvesting apparatus, but rather a means by which eternal souls go through a temporary phase of learning through a material tangible interface. Plato likens the matrix to a mother giving birth to a child, and he calls it the receptacle purposed for the receiving of souls into the permanent world of archetypes. This is the purpose and meaning of life. All else - a failure to realize this - is to sin. When Nicodemus expressed his ignorance regarding this birthing process, Jesus was like, dude, this is the meaning of life, and you're a teacher of Israel, and you don't know this?!

Take for example the caterpillar. Imagine they had a choice. Their only sin would be to ignore nature's call to transform them into a butterfly. If they were too pre-occupied with their life of a caterpillar to ever hear the summon of transformation, this would be sin. "build a chrysalis and hang from a tree??... absurd".

The matrix has rules. A persistent defiance of these rules blinds you and makes you a slave to the matrix much like the movie. To hold in high regard any object in the matrix will delude you from the purpose. This sort of material hedonism has been historically referred to as "idol worship" - idealizing the works of humans, rather than realizing that the purpose of our humanly interface is transformation. Just like the purpose of a caterpillar is transformation.

Buddhism gets straight to the point and explains that renunciation of matter is the way out of the matrix. This was also Jesus's thesis. When you are ready, if you can accept the call, go. Many are called, but few actually go through with it. This is the transformation from being a sensor to a projector. Sensory consciousness, one and the same as "idol worship", means you are still reliant on matter... this isn't necessarily "bad", but eventually to emerge from the matrix you must realize that you are a part of the root cause, and to depend on matter strips you of that power.

Jesus, etc, demonstrated this by their extensive period of fasting from material "necessities". This was when they were offered to be 2nd ruler of the matrix, because the ruler of matrix wants all to stay. This was alluded to in John's revelation depicting the dragon (Satan/Mara/demiurge) attempting to consume the child that the woman was giving birth to (a clear reference to the matrix/birthing woman). On your way out of the matrix you will likely be tempted with all sorts of things to make you want to stay. This is the irony of the matrix, the more you wish to renounce it, the more it offers you. In the acts of John the apostle, he explains this dilemma:

"But before all things it is needful that the believer should look before at his ending and understand it in what manner it will come upon him, whether it will be vigorous and sober and without any obstacle, or disturbed and clinging to the things that are here, and bound down by desires." (Acts of John v.69)

This is also the nature of Babylon your evil step mother. She is the nasty side of the matrix, that allures you with temporal pleasures to distract you from your truth. This is not her doing, but your choosing, because you do not believe the birthright that is awaiting you, so you seek temporary pleasure to fill the void. For this reason Babylon is drunk AF with the blood of the prophets, because these material distractions are quite literally a cause of death. Sin is the cause of death. Because if you seek truth, you will not die, but emerge from the matrix (seriously, this is no joke).

You see everyone dying because you see everyone that is still in the matrix. Of course you see nothing but death and decay. You are in the temporary realm, where none are meant to stay. You are supposed to emerge from this.

The savior said, "O blessed Thomas, of course this visible light shines on your behalf - not in order that you remain here, but rather that you might come forth - and whenever all the elect abandon bestiality, then this light will withdraw up to its essence, and its essence will welcome it, since it is a good servant." (Book of Thomas the Contender)

You who are chosen are not of this world. Yet this law also is of benefit to those who will not leave the matrix. To renounce the erroneous things in your life will amplify the things that actually have meaning in your life. If you do not want to emerge from the matrix and will wait til death that is ok too. Have a cognition of Jesus, the gatekeeper, and he will transition you. This transition will be easier if you attain to the highest morality and truth. But it is much better to attain to Life while you still live. Whoever leaves this world on their own volition, I do not mean suicide, but rather an ego death, will realize the power within and have much more than if they were to stay. This is what it means to toss aside all the fish in the net to capture the biggest one. The true pearl that you sell all your possessions for.

This is what the Hindus refer to as Moksha, the escape from illusion. I could continue, but how many witnesses do you need? You have seen the futility of this world. Amassing material gain only to forfeit it upon death. It is a silly game to play. Instead work for things that persist, the refining of your soul, a cognizance of God. Your path is defined within you, and will be made clear when you renounce the extraneous distractions in your life. This is no easy process, and requires much perseverance like any birthing process

" will weep and wail while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman has pain in childbirth because her time has come; but when she brings forth her child, she forgets her anguish because of her joy that a child has been born into the world. So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." (summary of the matrix)

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: cooperton

We live in an analog Universe not a digital one. Computer metaphors like the Matrix are simply fantasy. Reality is way far more interesting than a simple mindless Von Neuman architecture. The cool thing about reality is how unpredictable it can be. Where as computer science is a perfect science. Although everyone wants to believe in a clockwork Universe where hard determinism is perfectly predictable, having a belief in a clockwork Universe is pure fantasy.

Reality is always so much stranger than anything we could have ever imagined.

Here's the proof why the Matrix fails and we do not have a clockwork Universe:

edit on 14-3-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: cooperton

I'm not a religious person, but your words spoke to me on a deep level just now. I currently am unable to find my wallet and have been stressing about it. Long story short, I received a $100 bonus a few days ago at work (in my wallet) - I drove my girlfriend to get an MRI done last night and we got stuck in traffic due to a snow storm. A 20-minute drive ended up taking almost 2 hours, and we had detours, had to get out of the car to gauge the road conditions/snow in the tires, etc.

To cut to the chase, over the past 24 hours my mind has been focused on my missing wallet, work, finance, etc.

But in an even bigger sense, I felt like I "lost my faith" over the past several years. I went down a dark path a few years ago and struggled with addiction (recovered now, many years since I have used), and then my older brother tragically passed away 2 years ago.

I am not religious, but I am spiritual, and this thread was a bit of an eye-opener for me. Thank you for putting this together and sharing. It helped someone (me)

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 12:40 PM
The matrix we live in is formed by consensus of the time and controlled by the societies we live in. It can be heaven or hell depending on who or what is controlling the reality. What is bad for one is good for the other most times.

If the stock market collapses then those who have lots often still retain power in wealth just because they have more diversity, the less money they have has more value in the society. It is the ones who have all their eggs in one basket with very little eggs that suffer the most. Of course, those who know how to grow things and hunt can weather the storm as long as they have the means to get the meat they need, without guns it is much harder to survive a collapse.

So what is the matrix, it is often steered by some of the upper people in government, those who will do anything to make sure nobody can challenge their ways. Our economy can be structured to collapse. People being self centered and greedy helps to control the masses. Certain groups want us not to get along, to be divided on multiple fronts. From the OP it is important to note that Jesus became aware of this and was trying to get people to understand that if we help each other we can stop those who want to take over us completely. The government controlled health groups tend to just make people dependent, if everyone is dependent sooner or later we lose all freedom and those who can see the truth become enemies of the state. Think of which party pushes dependency more in politics, look at Europe, science is being used to get control of the masses, twisted by interpretation to make us fear.

I am not afraid of bacteria and fungus's, I am learning how to properly live with them. Is MRSA something we need to worry about? If we keep our immune system working right, not forcing it to focus on things we may not even come in contact with, then it can't protect us from new pathogens, fear is causing people to poison our foods and bodies. The chemistry that they tell us is neeed, so someone who invents it or promotes it can prosper, can negatively effect our immune system and health. Simple sulfur based soaps can kill microbes, so can natural chemistry like bleach and ammonia. But those who want our money make us fear things we need not fear and then we need medical care because we were BSed into believing untrue things.

There are some people who are immune compromised and those people need to watch things, and we must try not to do things that make their life worse. but we can't fear living in this reality we have created, but must have respect for others in this reality so there is not chaos and turmoil.

I cannot lay my hand on a person and heal them, I do not have that kind of power in this reality, I never will. I cannot turn water into wine, why would I want to do that anyway, wine gives me headaches. If someone exists that can do this, I hope they can use their gift to help others without gouging them financially to help them. The only power I have is the ability to reason. I am part of the Matrix but no longer am controlled directly by the matrix. Those in the matrix can make my life hell for exposing the truth though, I am aware not to stir up a hornets nest. I awakened from the trance I was in for many years which lowered my ability to reason properly, I purposely put myself into that trance so I could get along with others in the trance. I just eliminated or moderated the foods and food chemistry that was doing that, a little treat occasionally is fun, as long as you can still see that our reality is far from real. Lots of people are aware of this but do not realize how far reaching it is. People benefit from us being blind, we believe them and they shuffle away money from everyone's pocketbooks. Science is a tool, used by both good and evil, evil is a perception as is good. How science is interpretted is what makes it real, most interpretations of research are flawed. Do not for one instant believe that science is pure, it is misused much more than Fake News is.

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 01:29 PM
Omg, I love Gnostics.
Gosepl of Thomas


(1) His disciples said to him: “When will the of the dead take place, and when will the new world come?”
(2) He said to them: “That (resurrection) which you are awaiting has (already) come, but you do not recognize it.”

56) Jesus says:

“Whoever has come to know the world has found a corpse.
And whoever has found (this) corpse, of him the world is not worthy.”

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: cooperton

According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead there are ways to bring the endless cycle of death and rebirth to an end. If you are unsuccessfully in achieving a higher plane of existence, after spending time suffering with demons of your own creation, your are then born again in some place like New Jersey to begin another cycle of suffering down below.

edit on 14-3-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 01:50 PM
Interesting thread, but I think there are many people who have a strong faith in God and who also have "extraneous distractions" and "material distractions" in their lives. Not many are capable of living like monks inside a temple, nor should we treat life like an "illusion" because it's the physical state that God chose for us.

IMO, we are born onto this physical planet in a "flesh suit" to evolve our consciousness/soul. Why? No mortal knows for sure, but I'm guessing that we're suppose to experience both the good and bad sides of this "silly game" called life. If our physical life is a gift from our Creator, why do you refer to it as "silly?" We're here to learn how to love, how to forgive, to make mistakes and then repent, how to be humble, how to treat all people with respect...just like members of our own family. We are also here to take care of our planet, as well as those in need.

There are people who leave this "temporary realm" who have helped many people with their "material necessities." I've read stories about rich people sharing their wealth to help those in need. They do it because they care about the less fortunate. Isn't this a virtuous act that shows a high morality? Your thread seems to imply that people who possess material things are incapable of "refining" their souls, or having "a cognizance of God." I say BS to that idea.

One thing I'm not happy about myself, is the fact that I tend to judge people without knowing them. This is exactly what you are doing in this thread, by implying that people won't achieve "transformation", because of their "material distractions." Who are you to assume that they won't leave "this world on their own volition?" Some people travel on different paths to reach the truth and still can achieve their "highest morality and truth," on their way back to our spiritual home. It's human to make mistakes and God realizes that. "The purpose and meaning of life," is for us to learn from our experiences, while enjoying our lives.

"Adversity is simply part of earth life. From it we can grow and progress if we choose to. Yes, some trials come because of our own disobedience, but many trials are simply part of life."--John Bytheway

"Tell those who are rich in this present world not to be contemptuous of others, and not to rest the weight of their confidence on the transitory power of wealth but on the living God, who generously gives us everything for our enjoyment. Tell them to do good, to be rich in kindly actions, to be ready to give to others and to sympathize with those in distress. Their security should be invested in the life to come so that they may be sure of holding a share in the life which is permanent."--Timothy 6:18
edit on 3/14/2019 by shawmanfromny because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 03:33 PM
Cool thread, nice thoughts and I tend towards gnostic thought, myself, but the state transcending material matters and petty intrigues I thought I had reached turned out to be a dying thyroid ...

so be careful in this hall of mirrors and uncertainty is the only certainty, I think ... maybe?

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 07:11 PM
Good looks on all the responses, here's some further reading regarding the transition:

Gospel of Thomas
Enlightenment part 0 (great example)
The Prophet (particularly the 1st chapter "the coming of the ship")
Camel through the Needle

originally posted by: Baddogma
Cool thread, nice thoughts and I tend towards gnostic thought, myself, but the state transcending material matters and petty intrigues I thought I had reached turned out to be a dying thyroid ...

so be careful in this hall of mirrors and uncertainty is the only certainty, I think ... maybe?

Yeah even the desire to remove all desires is a desire. The cerebral cortex can be a maze, probably why it's shaped like one.

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
Interesting thread, but I think there are many people who have a strong faith in God and who also have "extraneous distractions" and "material distractions" in their lives. Not many are capable of living like monks inside a temple, nor should we treat life like an "illusion" because it's the physical state that God chose for us.

Definitely. John 11:25-26 elaborates on this distinction. Those who wish to stay will die but still live thereafter, but those who leave while alive will never die. Marriage in the pre-Christ era was and still is a means to unite with God. When the woman at the well asks about the gift of God and how to find eternal life, Jesus says to bring her husband, alluding to the fact that matrimony has in it the power of eternity, and a great gift of God.

If our physical life is a gift from our Creator, why do you refer to it as "silly?"

In context I was referring to primarily seeking material things as the silly game. Truly believing in God you know you will be provided for, so it is silly to primarily put your effort in material gain.

There are people who leave this "temporary realm" who have helped many people with their "material necessities." I've read stories about rich people sharing their wealth to help those in need. They do it because they care about the less fortunate. Isn't this a virtuous act that shows a high morality? Your thread seems to imply that people who possess material things are incapable of "refining" their souls, or having "a cognizance of God." I say BS to that idea.

Never said that, wanted to make this OP concise so I didn't get a chance to get into matrix living. Jesus wasn't born crucified, he lived a life like everyone else... but eventually his time came to pass on to the next stage of life. He was a living example to all others who wish to follow him. Moses was born an Israelite but raised in the material bondage of Egypt, eventually he left for the promised land, despite how reluctant Pharaoh was to let him do so - this battle persists in each and every one of us.

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: cooperton

I am not religious, but I am spiritual, and this thread was a bit of an eye-opener for me. Thank you for putting this together and sharing. It helped someone (me)

Thanks, really appreciated I've been meaning to try to get these thoughts into a coherent article for a while now. I hope your priorities get resolved and wish you the best.

originally posted by: rickymouse
I awakened from the trance I was in for many years which lowered my ability to reason properly, I purposely put myself into that trance so I could get along with others in the trance.

Liked your entire post but this part stuck out. I do this also, go back to my old ways because it is comfortable at times.

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: cooperton

We live in an analog Universe not a digital one. Computer metaphors like the Matrix are simply fantasy. Reality is way far more interesting than a simple mindless Von Neuman architecture. The cool thing about reality is how unpredictable it can be. Where as computer science is a perfect science.

I think Heisenberg's uncertainty principle summarizes the matrix quite well. You can never grab heaven and say "here it is" for that very reason. It disintegrates in your hands when you try to prove it. This is how it remains hidden to those who are not ready for it yet, as Specimen quoted:

originally posted by: Specimen
(1) His disciples said to him: “When will the of the dead take place, and when will the new world come?”
(2) He said to them: “That (resurrection) which you are awaiting has (already) come, but you do not recognize it.”

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Definitely. John 11:25-26 elaborates on this distinction. Those who wish to stay will die but still live thereafter, but those who leave while alive will never die. Marriage in the pre-Christ era was and still is a means to unite with God. When the woman at the well asks about the gift of God and how to find eternal life, Jesus says to bring her husband, alluding to the fact that matrimony has in it the power of eternity, and a great gift of God.

Perhaps eternal life is bringing forth new life along with our DNA - don't genes have memory?

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 08:18 PM
No-one truly knows.
And finding out, is literally the meaning of life.

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

We live in a quantum multiverse.

Agreed, it’s not digital.


posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:34 AM
Didn't you watch all 3 movies? There IS no escape. The first movie was interesting only in that it didn't pull any punches and laid it all bare for the world to see. The fundamental truth of human existence was right there in plain English so even the least educated and thoughtful people could see it and digest it and understand.

However, by the end of the third movie it was pretty clear that the first movie was just bait. The nature of the world we live in is what it is and there's really not that much we can do about it. It is our species that is fatally flawed. The world we have built up around us is just a symptom of that.

In short, the best we can do is rearrange the furniture. We're never going to escape from the prison our very existence condemns us to. It's not possible.

"The Matrix" is a fun metaphor but it's gimmicky in that it's an unworkable puzzle from there.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 09:06 AM
I believe things are meant to be enjoyed on this earth while we can enjoy them. You obviously can't take anything with you but that don't mean you can't enjoy things while you are here and have the health and youth to do so. I'd love a nice big Ranch with some beautiful horses for example. I can't take it with me when I die but I could enjoy it for a season.
I love John Lennon's song - Imagine but I don't agree with the line where he say's "and no possessions too".
That could mean that literally thousands of people could tromp across your lets say dwelling place since you don't own it.

No one really owns anything they only hold it for a short time and pass it on to someone else. Some have much less to hold than others and there's a lot of times a controlled reason for that.

I do not nor will I ever in this life time wish to live like a monk. I want to live life to the fullest and enjoy things and hopefully get off the train before I hit the nursing home. I love the tools we have today over what the ancients had most of all.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 09:08 AM
Emerge from what "matrix"?

The hot-crazy matrix?

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

Perhaps eternal life is bringing forth new life along with our DNA - don't genes have memory?

I think a biological shift would coincide with it for sure. The "springs of liquid emerging within you resulting in eternal life" is likely a reference to biochemical release at endocrine glands that allow us a perception and shift into the finer dimensions.

originally posted by: Trucker1
I believe things are meant to be enjoyed on this earth while we can enjoy them.

Most definitely. But when that gets boring, removing all attachment to matter is the next step of life. This is what the prophets referred to as the day that never sets, mount Zion, eternal life, the 1000 years condensed in a day, escape from cyclical existence, Nirvana, Shambhala/Shangri-La etc, etc.

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

The pixels are not normal digital but quantum physical and include entanglement connections. Bohr have already proven the electrons only exist in specific places and teleport between the places. There is no analog in between.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 06:55 PM
In catholicism the priest during mass says blessed are the fruits of thy womb Jesus, could it be that Jesus created the matrix or the womb for the world to live in illuminated educated consciously high bliss?

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: 316stee420
In catholicism the priest during mass says blessed are the fruits of thy womb Jesus, could it be that Jesus created the matrix or the womb for the world to live in illuminated educated consciously high bliss?

Wow good call never thought of it like that. If not on purpose, then it is definitely a Freudian slip of truth. there's also this from the Nag Hammadi texts:

"For the womb of the body is inside the body like the other internal organs, but the womb of the soul is around the outside like the male genitalia which is external." Exegesis on the soul

and also this in the writings of Moses:

"set apart unto the Lord all that open the matrix" (Exodus 13:12 KJV)

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